Not tryna get political here, but Kurt Eichenwald seems to think the government has some sort of justifiable reason to take a look at Richard Spencer's computer I'm just wondering if anyone else here heard or read something about this, cause I can't find anything through all the other articles you'd expect when you google Richard Spencer
Well I get that, but this would be kinda interesting if there's something to it I'm just not sure if Eichenwald is just throwing shit around or if there's something that happened or a development in that seizure thing that involves Spencer
>>129330 I don't know... Spaces are my problem because swype And disappearing single letters But at least corrections work at all here. I don't think they show up for us
>>129403 Definitely. My body likes the sleep schedule much more, since somehow it just naturally falls a few hours off, as opposed to first shift where I feel dead all day. There's less people at work, so there's less interaction, which is super awkward for me. Less people like working it, so I got a job at all. My boss is super lax. It's cooler outside. Things like that.
>>129408 new job? >>129409 oh yeah? why the hell are you drinking straight after work are you some sort of dysfunctional member of society get civilized a bit will ya
>>129410 My educated ass isn't going to work a job that can be occupied by anyone. Literally anyone. They actually used to employ a ton of illegals. And most of the day shift doesn't speak a lot of English. And there's like, four white people total in the wax room. Two during the day, both female. Two during the night, both male.
I picked up Osu! as something to do while I've got a little bit of time - rather, to use when I'm waiting on someone for something. I did not realize it would cause hand pains. Oops.
>friends get two extra tickets to concert >can't find anyone else to go with them >ask me to go >concert is on a Sunday >in Columbus, Ohio >they also want me to stay in a room with them for the weekend And of course they still have an extra ticket. I wish they made better decisions.
>>129559 They're good people, but I just went on a trip, but they also need asses in seats that they already paid for. And it's a free concert.
>>129561 I'll have work on Monday, meaning I'd have to drive back after the concert and hopefully get some good sleep. Plus, it's another large city... and I already know I don't like them.
Something about my kitchen smells of... I don't really know but the best I can put to it is that it smells of hotel room. Which is a smell I kind of got pretty familiar with but I don't really know where it comes form. From even.
Pink Autism
>>129653 A light scent of many people, cleaning supplies, and warm/humid air?
>>129676 The most of was pretty much the other ones. Warm, humid air is pretty much the only remotely possible common theme. And even then I think it's tenuous.
>>129723 You're working hard, so good work! Good things come to people who work hard.
Pink Autism
>>129725 I guess that's at least better than five minutes feeling like an hour.
very comfy bang
i know exactly 4 families that have managed to change income class and they all moved downward
very comfy bang
my sister got offered some corporate job with her company after managing and catering for them for a while the chances that will happen for me are astronomically smaller because her company is much much smaller but i thought it was pretty cool it feels good knowing that i have smart family
Pink Autism
>>129730 I look at the company I work for, and I see my step mother, who started at 18, as supervisor and then keep looking up the chain to see people who have basically been there forever. My co-worker was told someone has to die more or less for him to move up. And I'm behind him in line.
very comfy bang
>>129732 that sounds like a family-owned business or a very stable kind of business food service is volatile
Pink Autism
>>129734 It is family owned. Sort of. I'm still lost on how we're the eastern portion, and there's a foundry in Mexico, and it originated on the west coast. Though I think we were bought out by them...
very comfy bang
>>129726 I appreciate the appreciation I hope those good things actually come I feel like most of them I've had to take for myself
>>129749 i still don't have an answer to the question "why is it 2013" i don't know that time is relevant to sewing eggs onto shirts except maybe that sewing machines have only been around for a couple centuries at most
>>129751 if it were recent it could have been a reference to >>129755 !
very comfy bang
>>129755 i think that picture is just coincidence someone could have been sewing a hotdog to a shirt just the same
Pink Autism
>>129754 >>129756 Wow, you don't know who I even am. That's not so unbelievable.
very comfy bang
yeah i thought you were just a cool new poster your name is Pink Autism dude
Pink Autism
>>129763 Yeah, I think sugoi called me that once? And I got mad, and then I remembered the rules of trolling, so I took it up. It's the same on tano, which I also started in 2013, because I needed to be contained.
not for me >>129767 i just thought it was funny that i didn't realize it but that's a very bang thing to do which makes it funnier so i loled
Pink Autism
>>129768 Well, it can't be helped, you're a very bang person. Also, if it is a problem, I'll leave again. No sense stirring the pot when it don't need to be.
>>129821 Life is too hard Might as well just drop out now and sleep FOREVER
very comfy bang
>>129823 i'm sure amazon has a job here you could transfer to not just austin but anywhere live the life you always wanted unless you don't want it i guess
the part of that I don't want is staying with amazon hopefully it's not in the picture for too much longer, three years feels like too much time in that place already I need to start putting some things into action
very comfy bang
oh i didn't expect that i figured amazon would be a great place to be
it's not bad, I could climb up decently far if I started working at it now, but I just don't want that to be the rest of my life
A YouTuber called the "feminist skeptic" was arrested for murdering a woman
>>129842 wow who taught you to dance so well >>129844 goodnight bang
sounds like he got too skeptical
>>129844 adios bye bye also I'm going too gotta finish personer
apparently he was such a hardcore feminist that he had to kill her
he beat the internalized misogyny out of her
>He is reportedly also the president of Western Colorado Atheists and Freethinkers, a group which made local news last year when they posted "atheist and satanic brochures" at Delta Middle School and Delta High School. Kolpakov appeared in several TV interviews at the time.
what if you have DID and you set up spy cameras to watch yourself when you're not you and then get off on watching someone else in your body take a shower??? is it illegal
what if he recognized his sister's nudes but just didn't say anything
>visit sister >use her computer >see that she has all the nude images that you received from your online girlfriend WOW that slut was cheating on me with my sister wtf
>>129934 if I had unlimited weed I could feasibly make a shitload of money for my crew and then buy as many dumb sluts as I want clearly there's only one right answer
>>129951 could also go to jail instead of having money without risk
>>129953 because a risk that isn't exciting isn't worth taking
>>129954 I'm sure smuggling large enough amounts of drugs to make shitloads of money is very exciting
月 wow people get uppity on yahoo answers what do people even use this site for? i mean the people answering do they have a cred system like reddit or something
>>129955 It's not very exciting if you're not risking your life.
>>129956 You can get a "top contributor" icon if you get enough likes.
>>129958 I'm confused as to how it's not risking your life
>Smarten up. Stop making a fool of yourself by posting this kind of trash. Stop trolling. It’s not attractive. Start acting more mature. y-yeah it's to be attractive that's why i do it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I don't know what to say to my gf after i ran out of things to say? can someone help me and tell me what do they talk about with their girlfriends ? like in the morning how do you start the chat ? other than "hey whats up"
>>129959 because you won't die or go to jail forever for it
>>129961 hey what's up is a pretty good conversation starter
"I wanna break up" always gets the conversation flowing.
>>129961 i usually would start off the day with pretty big ambition like "Hey it's a beautiful day we should drive out to elk park and pack a picnic lunch" worst case scenario they think it's a good idea and you go do it best case scenario that sounds like a lot of work and they'll not want to do it and you don't have to look like a lazy bum for just wanting to lounge around all day
Girl cried when she rejected me, need advice please check..? please need advice? i like 1 girl for 3-4 month and i told her yesterday about it, she surprised and told me she wanted to be my friend she was emotional and started crying and shuddering, then we talked, i hugged kissed etc.. i told her that i couldnt be her friend and wanted only to be his boyfriend, she told me that she didnt want to end relationship, i still have some hopes, whats ur advice what to do? why she cried? and what about trying to get her like me, i asked if she want relationship after this and told me she isnt doing things like ignoring guys who like her or hating them, and i asked if she will feel for me as i feel for her, she said she doesnt know anything what will happen in future, but about moving on, this time i want to make her like me bcs she is not ignoring me, i want to try, is that stupid idea? i have big hopes for her...
Six Flags Saint Louis is really nice and has a really nice water park too kind of an added bonus that it's a traditional theme park as well with some pretty nice coasters and such man i haven't been to places like that since i was a kid
i wonder if it's still fun as an adult like i really want to go but then i feel like i'll feel stupid for being there as an adult when all the other adults there are just taking their kids there i need a bunch of stupid adult friends to go with
What do girls think when they see guys staring at their legs? Girls at my school wear short skirts all of the time. Whenever I see a girl with nice thick thighs, I stare at them. I know girls notice because some look my way and see me staring. They dont usually say anything though. What do they usually think?
i haven't looked at yahoo answers in a long ass time they're so ridiculous
Best Answer: Well first of all, it's kind of controversial if a girl gets disgusted, because she chose to wear what she's wearing. If I wear something like a skirt or a short dress, I'm expecting to get a few glances because I know my body, and I wouldn't show off my legs if I wasn't confident about them. If I catch a guy looking at my legs, I don't think anything of it really. It's fine with me unless he's being borderline weird, like licking his lips and that weird stuff. As long as you don't be disrespectful about it, it's not bad. Just don't wink at her, don't lick your lips, just look, and keep it in your head. If you do that, you should be fine (:
Another black guy question. Black guys are so obvious about staring at woman... its borderline disrespectful. I see it all the time. Its like an animal stalking its prey.
>tfw eyes get drawn to a big bouncing ass and then I get shit about it It's only for like a few seconds I'm not even an ass man, movement just draws my eye.
>>129994 would you rather go to a pure waterpark or an amusement park slash waterpark where you could also go ride roller coasters and stuff maybe it's more expensive iunno
maybe a group of us could go sometime that would make me really happy i remember telling my ex, back in 2007 when we got together, that i really wanted to go together and we never did that was literally a decade ago and that was a point where i thought "man i haven't been to one in forever"
>>129995 sounds fun to me it's probably not that expensive if we time it right
i'm not too big on roller coasters but i'd go if others wanted to
>>129997 did this motherfucker seriously just hyphenate to split a word across word-wrap on digital text entry like he had to do that manually what the FUCK you can't even aaaaah
>>129998 well i know six flags has a lot of other things besides just roller coasters i think it's warner brothers? basically warner brothers land instead of disney land so you've got the looney toons mascots and lots of batman themed rides lots of rides that aren't roller coasters also lots of exhibits and shows i think too? it's near-ish to meramac caverns which is a place i think you would like
but ive literally never been anywhere else so it might be lame and it's only cool to me maybe the one in colorado is awesome or the one down in texas
>>129999 maybe we should do some research to find good ones
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>130004 water caused the trunks to cling to my clothes and it led to like some horrible chafing or something. I don't really remember it was a long time ago
Mint is what the game was made around, sorta, and also the most fun to play, but once you get a certain power up it gets pretty easy And Rue doesn't get as easy, but I think it's less fun to watch, and play for that matter
>>130043 there's this image that keeps popping up every once in a while on facebook that's just a picture of five one dollar bills laying on a table at a restaurant and the guy's like "#1 TRICK TO GETTING GREAT SERVICE. ME AND MY WIFE GO OUT TO EAT, I SET FIVE DOLLARS ON THE TABLE IN PLAIN SIGHT AND IF THEY DO ANYTHING OFF I REMOVE A DOLLAR. BEST SERVICE I EVER HAD" emoji face at the end and each time it gets like 600,000 comments from people in the food service industry i love it
they're always like "yo if someone did that to me at my table i'd laugh at them and tell my manager i ain't servin them" it's so demeaning haha
oh yeah, or that one chick who was a waitress and posted a picture of the merchant receipt that said "IM NOT PAYING YOU A TIP YOU DYKE" or something like that, really mean written on it and she got facebook famous for it and then the family is like "yo we have the guest copy of that receipt and here's our credit card statement showing the tip we paid, she wrote that on there after we left" and she confessed that she actually did write it after they left just for the attention man people are so fuckin crazy
i mean we're all pretty crazy but some people are just fuckin crazy
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i bet a lot of people read that and they're like, this is a great idea
>>130057 You haven't seen those? They look like money on one side, but the other side just tells you something like nothing is more valuable than your soul
I saw a ton of them when I actually paid attention t- >>130059 It's NOT MONEY It LOOKS like money on one side, the one facing up so they can leave without getting dirty looks And the other side just has Jesus stuff on it
>>130058 people write on money all the time i don't see what it has to do with tipping
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU probably this
>>130058 yeah i've never seen that happen i wouldn't call that american tipping culture that's just some looney fuck being some looney fuck
>>130068 Neighbor, does your heart ache with life's struggles? Do you feel unloved and alone in the world? There's something more valuable than money, and someone who loves you is willing to teach you all about it in this wonderful book. *html link to a doujin with a 2d waifu*
i mean >>130071 i mean if ya'll wanna help me with midnight frost it's been in the works for like six years now i haven't made progress since 2014 i think a lot of /moe/ has surpassed my drawing ability now too could be fun
>>130071 Does everybody contribute a chapter, or does one person do it with story ideas from the others
>>130073 it's supposed to be a VN but all it really is is a disorganized heap of rubbish >>130074 i think it could work out if we had clear division of labor and didn't have to all congregate to figure out small shit i've gotten used to the quarterly scheduling of the business world and am used to three month projections and that time scale >>130076 it's not that bad. it actually works out well because there's about four types of writing that go on in the process of making content like this, and it's notoriously difficult for one person to phase in and out of the different writing modes there were a couple small /a/ projects like this back in the day and i was solicited for help. i told them i wouldn't be part of the creative process, but i could review it and help them organize their workflow it was a lot of fun actually
>>130074 Group writing is haaaard Maybe we could do a series of vignettes set in the same world
i would probably do that too if a 22 year old was taking my 15 year old daughter out but i'd probably use something caustic instead of gasoline and fire
>>130092 Maybe "like fish" is their "like chicken?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
idk, he was born there but he's been in the US for like 10 years or something, he's super westernized i'm sure he'd say like chicken if he was doing that
>>130095 Also what even is "like fish" aside the few real bland tasting white meat fishes most fishes have their unique flavour the texture is somewhat similiar in some sea critters, though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>130097 that's a good question americanized i guess?
Well it originally was used when people living in colonies started to mimic the locals but it is sometimes used when you start to act like the locals in any particular country
he's a pretty cool dude he's like a mentor to me in some ways
his dad was friends with hugo chavez and runs an export business now but exporting is code for drug smuggling in a lot of circles so the first time we all went to an FBI office, our FBI guy said they needed to interview him so he and a secretary (pretending to be an agent) went and put him in the interrogation room while the rest of us watched on a CC tv it was hilarious seeing how nervous he got and then the secretary and our FBI guy went in and started asking questions about his dad and looking really mean about it to mess with him man, that was a good time
I mean, you can technically even go native in your own country when you move from one area to another, if the local cultures are different enough
I had an interesting choice today >crawl in a shrubbery collecting dead leaves and shit with occasional thorn bush hidden amongst them >do it with jacket and risk it tearing >do it without, but risk yourself tearing
I went with nocoat eventually didn't even get scraped though one thorn pierced my neck skin real weirdly, it didn't somehow draw blood was rather uncomfortable getting up from there with a thick branch and one of its thorns stuck on my neck
>>130107 i smell a kickstarter >using embryonic stem cells, we plan to design a jacket that heals itself! >it also bleeds and respirates on its own but this is common and not to be concerned with
I was old enough to be able to remember it. I didn't really understand it until later, but I remember it being talked about and lots of outcry over it.
So >>130134 >>130135 so how does it work? Ithink here you are first placed to a relative who is willing/doesn't refuse to take care of you I think legally godparents come first, after that siblings of the parents and so on. and after that you get children's homes and from there a foster family (maybe)
A lot of people don't have families to go to. Sometimes they get put into a foster family and then end up going into orphanages after it doesn't work out because the kid has problems. Then they spend until age 18 living in an orphanage where they're neglected, poor, and abused by other children until they're 18, at which point they have to leave.
>>130140 Yeah the "stuck in oprhanage" part I believe is universal in all countries and always results in potentional problem people.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>130142 Yeah, that too. A lot of kids end up just being shuffled around between families forever too.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's like pets, how sometimes a dog gets put up for adoption, brought back, put up for adoption again, etc it can be really bad
And orphanages are all really poor and underfunded Often owned by people that don't care about the kids or can't afford to take care of the kids in the home
>>130148 but I doubt they can switch them around that many times before someone asks "wait isn't this your fifth kid already, maybe you aren't suitable to be foster parents"
>>130147 It's an okay instrument for screening but it shouldn't be used for evaluation It's really easy to manipulate And it doesn't really touch on anything more than superficial aspects of family violence
I think it just means "it is a common thing and practically worthless" like dime in a dozen
but its origins could be in something you got a dozen of for dime
>>130153 the idea is that it's so commonplace and accessible that you can get a dozen for a dime this is a very old saying where a dime would have been a decent amount of money -- though not a ton by any means but you wouldn't want to waste a dime in those times if you didn't have to and anything you'd buy by the dozen -- eggs, nails, bolts, screws, logs whatever else people had in the old days were all probably handmade and stuff so it's just generic, nothin special in a context where there's potential to be something special i guess
like if you're a carpenter you dont want some shitty nails because then you'll be making shitty woodwork and your work will be a diamond dozen too
Yeah, I figured it was something like that I just wasn't entirely sure, because I think dime CAN be used extremely archaically to mean just "ten" We're talking so archaic they hadn't written in sodomy laws yet, I think
>>130157 yeah in this case it's definitely referring to the currency we have baker's dozen which is 13 and then i think there's another one which is 11 but i forget and i might be confabulating
I don't even remember where I got "New age, weeaboo illuminati" from I think Northernlion said it during an Isaac daily or something >>130170 Regular tweets only really have the purpose of getting retweeted or talking to your already existing followers To get more followers you gotta reply to stuff so people see it cause they follow the other guy who's more popular
Basically leech off of other people's fame until you overthrow them
The most valuable people to reply to are those with lots of followers, but who themselves don't follow a lot of people Because if by some strike of luck they start following you, you're in a small list of people whose tweets are seen and maybe retweeted by a popular person
>>130171 Set up a search thing for a few somewhat obscure but not very obscure psychology things or treatments, and when people talk about it there, check out their followers and who they're following That's how I found gay commie anime twitter
what if sonic forces has coop and we can play together as our OCs
online would be the best
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
if sega wants to make some money they should make a chao garden mobile game that lets you customize the garden, play minigames, and see your friends garden+chaos
Like, right now, I just want to sit back and shit on everybody playing. Tharja is trash Robin is trash history repeats Justice4Julia No ethical consumption in point gaining.
>Call my car insurance company to provide a statement >It's around lunchtime >No wait on the line >Someone immediately answered and was very quick This timeline is so weird.
Maybe it can be self-referential To burg something is to do that something merely for the sake of a joke, despite the something being WAY more effort than the joke deserves
This is one of my favorite tweets I've made It says it's got 5 likes, though that's not in the screenshot, but I could swear I've seen WAY more than 5 like notifications for it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
biz stone said he's returning to twitter after he said that twitter stocks jumped 2%
And even though I was able to use it there, there's a few things that detract from it For one, Mensch should be on a different "side" than Eichenwald for it to work super well It would also help if someone involved in the reference, a third party, preferably male, has kissed Mensch AND met Eichenwald But then we're getting real fucking specific
>>>/watch?v=o0fhmDjzLiw Also I'm listening to this right now But listen to 1:53 onwards and see if you can see why it's bothering me It's the SAME SOUND TWITTER USES FOR NOTIFICATION SOUNDS
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I don't think I've ever heard the notification sound on Twitter. I've always had it turned off.
I would have played Rue if I was just streaming for moe But Mint gameplay is without question the best for someone just popping in to see what's happening, even if Rue's powers are the most unique thing about the game >>130260 I linked it on my twitter I have 150+ followers, dude
>>130268 I think most of my followers are Europeans, actually
>>130269 well they're probably watching association football
That, or I just haven't really gotten the gamer crowd I'm more in the anime political sphere, which probably overlaps a fair bit, but not completely with gamers
It isn't prolly going to rain here for weeks which is shit, since we are finally getting the "post winter dust" and soon pollen season begins too pollen+dust in the air just fucking give me more shit to inhale
i've always liked the idea of going into hardware but i've done very little further than uploading some C to an arduino
I sit in a Discord with a few guys that do a lot of crazy stuff with hardware. Some times they'll start talking about some of the elements they talk about go completely over my head.
dunno really where it came from but about mid 00s everybig european car producer started doing models with these weird outward extension on the side and some american companies, ford for example, had had them on the market previously only. and those have stuck around for a long while Dunno why, fucking ugly
The weird wider extension thingies on side made the car look bigger and everyone always went "stupid board members think us europeans want big cars like americans" don't even know is it something unique to our market region and does it even emulate some design from west of the puddle but that is what we call them