Horton and her boyfriend tied the knot soon after the move. Horton's mother gave the couple a condo that she had purchased at an auction for $13,000 as a wedding gift.
sasuga rin this isn't even the same article but it's even more in depth
>Americans pay $220,000 for university L O L O L Home of the jew land of the debt slave
living with debt is the american way of life it's what you have to do to be great if you're held back by the fear of debt you'll never have a huge impact in fact, a lot of people are born into debt, live in debt, and die in debt but still make a huge impact in STEM fields or things
>Between her undergraduate years and going back to school for her MBA, Horton had racked up $132,000 in loans, which ballooned to more than $220,000 with interest.
this person had so much debt because she did not take her loan like an intelligent person either that, or she didn't pay it for like 20+ years
>Horton and her husband lived in the condo for three months, but then they decided to move in with her grandparents down the street and started renting out the condo to bring in extra income. Read more at https://www.businessinsider.com/how-ebony-horton-paid-off-220000-worth-of-student-loans-in-3-years-2017-3#JbSIf1OGGSyzXGjf.99 Fuck, didn't mean to paste that last bit Yeah it's easy to pay off your loans when your parents straight up give you property
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
out of school, i'm going to be like $140k in debt but by living like a normal person, and being paid like 20k lower than the median salary for my profession, i'll be able to pay off my loans in like 5 years unless something crazy happens
i'm three years out and i haven't made a first payment yet i'm not going to until i know i can commit i definitely cannot start making payments and then stop >>129139 yeah my dad had student loans too from chiropractic college that he was just about to graduate do you know if you're staying in flow rida after you graduate
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
saku was like $100k in debt when he died he once took out a SHIT TON of loans from banks and just fucking blew all the money
>If I can do it, anybody can. Wow
I'm lucky I live with my parents because it means I can start paying off little chunks by working part time during the summer.
i have to leave this lease soon i know i can't now, but i'm seriously thinking about switching from a home office to an office home
just establishing myself as an actual business and not a contractor, then getting some office space and just showering at the gym at least i'd have an actual professional office from which i could conduct a consulting agency from i don't know if i have a need for a psychologist as a consulting firm though except for myself maybe that works doesn't it company psychologist yeah that should fly let's do it
>>129143 what would we sell let's make a visual novel
>>129148 just kind of keeping my eye open for opportunities at the moment i can go to an extended stay place for a month while i figure things out or get things situated if needed since it's kind of hard to just move right into a new city on one exact day without continuity problems
so probably find a new roommate, hang tight for a few weeks after my lease ends and stay at a place until we figure the details out
they're still holding them. The problem is that we have none. As evident by that last 3x. The worst 3x performance yet we didn't even clear 1 billion points. we managed that even at 3 in the morning.
Now we're at a point where Tharja has to not only outperform their average rate But Julia has to do nothing for three straight hours
>>129158 >>129155 i know it won't have made a big difference, but i'm gonna let you in on a secret i did i joined the tharja team as a supporter and then unequipped all of my heroes so that they had no weapons
>>129164 I don't care either way. The only characters I cared about in this match was Sanaki and Julia but they had to fight each other in the beginning. Robin winning would not heal my heart. Julia couldn't win the primary,
All the people who are in the top 10% of my tier and moved up to Tier 17 had Ike or some other 5* from PoR. While I like the spread for Tier climbing, the bonus hero thing is really fucked. Rising in tiers is literally a luck game now. I mean, I guess it ALWAYS was. But ugh. I never have anyone that they require as a 5* and that brings my overall total down
i got my 40 5* zaph but i dunno what to put on him really things got REALLY hard REALLY fast as i hit this rank wall that i'm at
i guess i'll wait two months to get enough feathers to upgrade just one of the several i want to 5* by which time like 20 new better heroes will be out aaaah
>>129208 Blue dragons are usually good. Throw the Triangle A skill on them.
if you need triangle adept to hold your own then i feel like you're a little weak some heroes can just outperform and still keep that slot free that's an important slot
For a Blue character, Triangle Adept is super useful. Greens are under utilized except for Hectors now. Swords and Red Mages are plentiful. That's why Azura is so good. On top of being a dancer, she murders Red things with Sapph Lance. Nowi with Swordbreaker/Triangle Adept keeps her pretty strong against lots, and survives Falchions.
My Marth has OHKOd nowis before Feels like most people don't even try to make her able to survive