OK so I swapped one of my ice bombs, which may have been a poor choice, but it caused some bleeding damage and I dunno why, so I ditched it for a magnet
>>131586 it reminds me of when my racetam stack hits and i get this temporal effect where, say, walking from the patio to the kitchen all feels like one sloshed-together motion really fast
>>131594 Yeah, but I still judge it on the standards I have grown up with never seen cop actually pull the baton on someone here
if you can stop a guy from getting his face kicked in by hitting someone over the shoulder with a baton i'd hardly call that violent that's stopping violence
not that it doesn't but never seen it
>>131596 well we've never had something like that happen or atleast in a long while
the guy just turns around and looks at the cop too it's not like he was crippled by it
>>131605 that video is a video of turkish president erdogan's bodyguards ruthlessly attacking american citizens on american soil because they were carrying kurdish flags outside of the turkish embassy in washington
the fuck
i bet they weren't even 13 debates
world is nuts
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's been like 18 hours since that happened and president hasn't said anything about it
this should be an international incident
>>131611 no one in the west opposes king roach, cause then king roach might join russia
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
apparently nine people were seriously injured and two of them had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance
>>131619 if i were told they had diplomatic immunity, i would tell them that i don't give a fuck because i'm going to protect my citizens
>>131621 Yeah but that would be the PR statement to media
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'd probably lose my job but fuck that what kind of police chief allows people that were trying to kill the people he's sworn to protect just walk away
Worse than russians they just DUI and then fortify in their cars untill someone sober comes to drive them home.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
police chief if Peter Newsham is*
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
not even gonna make the joke with his name because it's too easy
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>In a statement, Bowser said that “Peter understands the value of working with the community, he is constantly looking for new ways to increase accountability, and his empathy for those affected by crime drives a sense of urgency around making MPD work better for residents in every ward.” DC's mayor said this about him
>>131656 you're aware i've been unmedicated for my ADD for like four months now i thought there might be something there, and it's something a lot of people are dealing with i've had to, in the last months, find new and different ways of adapting to things and it's given me some insight into a lot of things i think there's a lot that would be meaningful if i could figure out how to say it and it'd also kind of be its own test too, since making a quality video takes a lot of time and effort and work so it'd probably be kind of a meta video of itself too
i think the point is really to make something relatable, not revolutionary just capture the feeling, express it well walk it through i wouldn't want to be too grandiose it's just a video, and a first serious video at that i've only made useless things on youtube before hm
I don't really have ideas for material right now but it sounds like it'd be a meaningful and fun thing to work on So I'd like to do it
i dont know how big of a factor your add plays in your life i imagine pretty large also i thought there'd be good overlap
jan and other friends around here too so yeah i think i would really like to do that i think it'd be good for me too, and i don't want to just scoff off this one like i do everything else i start
It definitely plays a large role in my life
So let's do it
Chelsea Manning has been released from military prison.
what if amazon hires people to pilot the drones and presents it to them as a game where they have to avoid being shot down and then a neural network learns from their evasion
that but with >game is actually people controlling combat drones while thinkuing they play fps next gen game would bea good black mirror or such episode
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
and then later that neural network takes over and it becomes a new AU terminator
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
termninators are all now women and called amazons
The road to success is not paved with 11 movie days
>>131693 it's really mean you know, cats really put a lot of trust in you to be able to turn their backs to you to eat food, that's not natural at all for them they would much rather have their back to the wall and eat away from it sorry i just feel really bad for the cats who get scared like that it's really scary for them
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
woah hold on cowboy
>>131694 This is similar to the reason I have a fair bit of resentment for my family taking in my sister's dog. My cat is a little skittish, but she's comfortable around us eating food. But now it's a struggle some times to get her to come in and eat, and when she does she's constantly on edge.
that fuckin dog i keep hearing about it
>>131697 yeah my cat basically lives under my bed and only comes out to eat she's so scared of dogs even though there's no dogs here now it took like six months here before i even heard her meow for the first time in her life she's 16 years old never meowed at me til recently because she didn't want to make a squeak and constantly terrified poor thing
Yeah I have 2 level 1 assault shields 29 damage each charge, and if you don't miss, the cooldown is reduced so you can chain into the other shield and stunlock everything
that seems to be a common theme since freeze bombs worked like that as well or is there mana or something to drain
No mana But it's a super cheesy and bad strat because it only works on one enemy at a time
The freeze bomb stuff was legit though
so yeah I now have a pet elder god who eats people if I don't play with him on my phone
welp ded
As expected of the meme run
The only actually good weapons I've found are the electric whips and the daggers Everything else is kinda trash And subweapons\skills, ice bombs and magnet bombs are king, followed by turrets Every run I do well, I have a magnet bomb, pretty much
okay wat to name my pet cthulhu...
I named it turisas already now to rename the cultists he eats to moos and see who gets eaten first
he is so adorable too bad you can't pet him just hit him
It's a pretty hard game I've been able to beat the first real boss creature through massive luck and cheese But I then died the next level cause I used all my potions
16 and 17 year olds can marry only with parental approval. And a judge has to give the okay for 15 and younger. I don't really see the problem with what they have now.
the problem is some people like to ban things outright.
>>131737 I don't dig IPAs that much, but my brother really likes them.
IPAs are alright Not my favorite, but they're okay
Something I wrote is apparently being spread "virally" on Facebook today >>131747 Yeah, whenever there's news that I think is important, but isn't being covered, I try to make sure more people hear about it, so I make a post about it there. I made a post about Erdogan's bodyguards and now people are just straight-up plagiarizing it, like, copying it and pasting it as their status. I don't know a lot about Facebook culture, so maybe that's normal?
>>131748 Yeah, not shares. Just copying it and pasting it as their own status.
What you could do is make a facebook page for that purpose explicitly, that people can follow and get every message that way, like following a twitter account People end up sharing those I imagine, since that will point their friends at a page they too can follow for more information
That's probably true, but it's something I do really sporadically I might feel obligated to find stuff to post if I did that and I don't like Facebook as a platform
I just know that I have some people I knew in high school and my current cohort. And family.
My experience with facebook is literally just trolling muslims several years back and using the chat function now, by the way so I dunno
Considered using your twitter for this? That's a good platform for this as long as your writeup isn't too long
If you can sneak in a mention of someone who's already popular and a bit self absorbed, you might be able to get a retweet from them, too Which would spread your message further
The entire administration is like "What, trump is doing x? he can't do that, that's illegal", and that's a state they've been stuck in since the inauguration
>>131763 If you think about it, facebook dates way back into that early Internet time when easy referenced sharing wasn't commonly provided. The time where, sharing stuff meant copying something, word for word, into your facebook status or forum signature, or whatever. Maybe that culture has just endured on facebook despite other applications introducing sharing that actually references the original provider.
>>131744 they're alright this one is actually surprisingly good, though. it's bitter, but not extremely so. there's a bit of a fruity note to it, so the bittersweet flavor of the hops makes it end up tasting like grapefruit. and I fucking LOVE grapefruit. it would be really easy to get drunk off this if it wasn't $12.99 for a 6-pack.
But I guess tumblr and such are the worst offenders
Tumblr is really just a worse twitter
A lot of social media is only as bad as you want it to be. If you really care, you can pretty much use Twitter. Tumblr, Instagram, etc., strictly as content amalgamators and nothing else.
4chan hasn't been good at that since the internet became a popular thing. It was good at keeping people out by being awful but once being awful became the thing to do, well... Culture feeds itself.
Not to mention that remaining anonymous in no way reduces narcissistic tendencies, even going as far as to allow people to do whatever they want without much consequence All 4chan did was breed a different brand and method of it.
I have only fought about three times in this bracket. >Julia, Gunter, Xander v >Merric, Fae, Tharja
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i got stuck with a weaponless teammate that was green and kagerou against reinhardt, tharja, and m robin earlier during the 3x and i got fucking destroyed
That's good to hear. I wasn't particularly productive today but I've been in a pretty chill mood.
i had to deal with stupid corporate 7-eleven goons today fucking cucks loudly complaining about shit telling me to put dates on the chocolate cakes that sell out within a day i told them they're not even going to last a week and they were like 'well you still gotta date them for two weeks' fucking losers
they also ordered a whole bunch of new wine including those little 4-pack wine singles i told them that people are just going to fucking steal them where they put the wine and they were like "well we don't merchandise for theft" i said i would literally just move them to somewhere i can see when they leave and they said i can't do that i said WATCH ME
i have to take a city-to-city bus tomorrow i'm scared
i scheduled a lyft i'm scared i dont want to do this
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it'll be okay, i've only ever had good experiences with them they usually don't talk to you like at all all the drivers i've had with lyft or uber got mad that i tried to talk to them except for one that wanted to tell me and my friend about how his sister fucked a dog or something
yeah i dont want to talk to anybody do i have to like have the app up for when the ride ends or some shit to confirm anything because i don't have data on my phone
We usually finish around 10. I'm just sitting here listening to a bunch of losers talk about Dragon Ball while I level up my character. I'll probably cut out and go to bed in a minute or two.
>>131905 they basically did part of this session two weeks ago
It's one of the worst written shows I can think of, but everyone who likes it is completely obsessed over it and is able to talk at length about it for hours and hours on end. It's really annoying. As soon as a conversation becomes about Dragon Ball, the conversation might as well be over because it's been completely ruined and won't recover. I really can't stand it!
>>131914 I already said why I don't like it. They're welcome to genuinely enjoy it, but I really dislike it, so I'm not interested in hearing about it.
>>131915 I've never heard people talk about the soundtrack that much. It's always autism about the show and theorycrafting and shit even though the entire story is made up as it goes and there's almost no continuity.
Asked for an appointment I'll do my best to tell my doc how my life is
You could say time was on my mind
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>131969 ganbatte worst case if for some reason you couldn't ah nevermind you got it
Another Anonymous
>>131969 I believe in you. Now I've got to do the same.
I'll probably panic again I'm nervous I don't wanna need help I don't wanna ask for help
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
we all need someone to lean on
Blow a kiss Fire a gun
I feel actually sick now I might throw up
I can't handle this life
I know how that goes. Sheer anxiety that throws your stomach into doughnuts.
I'm actually gonna tilt aren't I Can't fucking think straight
>>131976 i was feeling like this all day until i took my anxiety meds just about an hour ago just crying and worrying uncontrollably, couldn't think straight
I don't know how to deal with this This is a bad idea He'll tell me I'm lying
Everything is too much I want things to slow down
please ask about anxiety meds i can't tell you how often i have the racing thoughts and loss of feeling of control it really would help you a lot i can tell
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i used to be super anxious back in 2015-2016 i didn't know how to cope and didn't even understand what was happening to me until i saw a therapist quite a few times and eventually he said the right things that helpedm e make sense of what was wrong
I used to get really bad paranoia. Stuff like how everyone I hung out with were in on a big joke and were only pretending to get along with me, stuff like that which builds on a small irrational thoughts and snowballs hard from that. I never went to therapist regarding it, or really strove to intentionally remedy it. Don't really know when or how it went away, but some times I worry about if there's any subconscious roots remaining from it. The paranoia pops up in very minor installments every now and then but it's definitely manageable and doesn't impact my socializing at all. But I still worry that it might start snowballing again and that's definitely scary for me.
i was so anxious and nervous that i developed a habit of lying in order to escape situations causing me distress
I always lie Practically
I'm rarely ever fully honest with anyone
I can't tell my dad I'm having problems he's better thinking I'm just being a lazy piece of shit
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>131983 i used to get super paranoid when i smoked weed back in SF well if i get too high it all comes rushing back last time i blazed i did too much and then had an intense rumination session then i said out loud "fuck this shit i'm throwing this out fuck this" and i really did throw it out
Another Anonymous
>>131983 You just described the way I used to feel. And still do...
>>131986 The last time I got high started off bad, but with distraction I calmed way down, slept really well, and felt great for about a week. Strange things...
>>131983 what happened is probably that you established a routine of control within that world of paranoia so you probably don't feel the discomfort of that paranoia because you're controlling that flow
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>131985 i've always been secretive my whole life i still keep secrets from my parents, i think everyone does it's easier this way
it's hard to be vulnerable my take is that it's the ego that needs to protect itself these days i am at war with my ego that fucker is a POS
>>131988 Yeah, that sounds like it could make sense of the situation. Still, living with the concern that it might come back isn't nice.
>>131985 I'm a little jaded at bringing up stuff like that with others. Maybe I'm just really bad at expressing my concerns, but it feels like I've brought up my mental worries with my parents, a general practitioner, and some others, and I feel like they didn't really understand the concerns I was trying to voice. So now I don't really feel driven to try and bring up issues with others.
>>131986 sometimes i smoke just for that intense moment where i want to cry and then i can cry, a lot and that helps with things i have a hard time crying without some sort of substance, and i think that crying is something we have to do regularly to clear stuff out and it produces very anxiolytic effects as well, that post-cry feeling it's like a sulky warmth
I'm not protecting myself I'm protecting my dad from me
A therapist won't ruin your life . Killing 4 ppl ruins your life LUL
>>131999 Today was weird, I can only describe it as feeling flighty. Just feeling like I needed to run from something.
>>131998 please don't cancel, and please ask about anxiety meds i really, really can't say how much i think they can help you and they've given me control over my life that i've never had before everything i tried to do, anxiety would come in and cockblock me from everything it's doing that to you too right now and wanting you to not let change happen when it's such a good change
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>131998 if you can, try doing a meditative exercise just observe these thoughts like "this is a bad idea" being generated in your mind watch as they come and go
Another Anonymous
>>131997 >one-hitter Makes me think of my mother and all those fun times.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>131997 like two hits, if i haven't done any in a while enough to feel good
there's basically nothing that can happen to you with a doctor any objections are bits of your brain trying to fight change i know i have plenty of issues with my brain coming up with excuses why i shouldn't do things i gotta do
>>132004 even jan couldn't keep up he lurched all over the floor and doc just sat there smoking and laughing at him
>this nigga's never smoked weed with his mom yo son get good
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i fucking wish man that'd solve a lot of problems probably pretty quick
that's probably the only reason i've b // been able to make amends with my mom in the last few years i had a lot of angst from childhood i was able to let go of there was a lot of collateral damage
Still no answer to my appointment thing I need an anser
Pink Autism
>>132015 Me and my mother used to get stoned, and play video games. We also watched the Bill Nye/Ken Ham debate stoned. That was worth it.
Was that the Creationalism or whatnot versus conventional scientific theories one?
i like to watch cspan or court hearings while i'm high
He'll just think I'm stupid I It's not normal to think like this
Pink Autism
>>132018 That's actually why I ended up high with my mother. She came home drunk one night, and tried to have a serious discussion about our relationship, and so I would forget, said "here's the bong" I called her out on that one.
>>132023 no it's not normal to think like this it's anxiety-induced thought disorder and it plagues all of us that's what doctors are for it's what they deal with
>>132027 The only thing you're lying about is lying. If you describe things even half as articulately as you have here, they'll know you're telling the truth.
>>132017 let's hang out and split a bottle of japanese whisky sometime
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>132029 yeah man i'd like that and i love me some whisky
He'll just tell me to keep taking vitamins
This is pointless I don't wanna
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>132031 if for some reason he turns out to be a shitty doctor who doesn't get it then you'll just find another doctor and another until you find one who works for you
Pink Autism
>>132031 You need to be clear about what's going on. I've had psychs tell me I needed to sleep at regular hours and that would fix everything. THEN I lied until he shut up.
It's too warm
>>132031 "i'm having some bad anxiety problems that are keeping me from being able to function" or just "i'm having some bad anxiety problems"
i think any doctor knows what that means, you dont have to give every detail to explain just let it be what it is and let him do his job to help with that
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
you're not in st louis anymore are ya
i'm going there this weekend i might be moving back there after my lease ends in june but i don't know what i'm doing yet i need to find a roommate or something and secure a new contract because i think my old contract's about to expire so that's less cashflow im in training for a new contract but it's not secure yet
Other people handle this better than me This is all probably normal and I'm making a mountain out of nothing My body is too warm I cam feel the temperature swinging wildly
This can't b worth it I'm doing something wrong
Some might but not all of them.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
comparing yourself to others is a classic ego thing it doesn't matter what other people are doing you gotta do what's right for you
It's also generally a fucking massive waste of time because there are seven billion people on the fucking planet. Are you really going to put yourself up against all of them, comparatively?
>>132038 man a lot of us don't you weren't here before i started being medicated i had problems bad enough that sammy had to intervene several times and still does once in a while just constant problems for everybody because i couldnt handle my anxiety
Hell, there was a time last December that I effectively failed a class because I skipped out on three weeks or something of classes. All because I couldn't get the culminating essay for the class finished in time and I was too terrified to go in and explain myself. Even on the last week where I was supposed to be writing an exam, I was just hiding out in a coffee shop. I think the people who actually handle anxiety and fear well are extremely few and far between.
Pink Autism
I flip the fuck out on people on occasion. You're no worse than most people. Though that's not what I mean to say.
I mean, you're not just handling it worse. You're experiencing worse. Sometimes I'll ask people about smaller things, and they act like that's never crossed their mind and why would it?
Dry Need water can't leave bed
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>132043 i've spent a lot of my life running from things i can't handle shit sucks man fight or flight
Pink Autism
>>132046 Have you ever put something off so long that you had to push through or else?
>>132046 I'll choose flight like 100% of the time unless my back's up against the wall.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>132047 yeah man that's how shit gets done >>132048 yeah. i learned to be passive at a young age didn't help that i was pretty good at elementary studies so i whizzed through that stuff then when actually hard shit came in college i just avoided it
>>132049 i got the term procrastination leverage off of you that's been a key aspect of anything i can call success i have to overbook myself just so i can get enough done and still be procrastinating if i don't have that deadline anxiety i wouldn't be doing anything
I'm not sure if I should take this as a sign to get help or a sign that I'm just not good at it.
>>132049 But how the hell do people do shit early? They don't make sense
>>132049 Yeah that's pretty much the life I've lived. Anything I could get my head around, I picked up in a flash. But then when stuff actually got challenging I just got really good at weaseling my way out of as much as possible. Worked fine in high school but then post-secondary hit and those tricks don't really work anymore.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>132051 those jerks have built good habits or whatever
>>132054 I call bullshit there are absolutely things such as good habits i know many people with them
>>132054 There are such things. If you fall into a good routine you have a good habit. Repeat the same action enough and you do it unconsciously
>>132051 for them it's a distraction they don't like the silence, so they toil whenever possible it's something they have that they can do and they look forward to having something to do
i think it might be the partial val158met polymorphism thing the val/met variation as opposed to val/val or met/met
it's very good for tasking and routine-building, having the traditional concept of functionality
By now I'm even kind of terrified of doing anything academic. Because I know I've got a ridiculously low reliability of completing stuff, even in fields that are supposed to be my autism-powered strengths. But if I don't finish something academic then my odds of getting a job I could find satisfaction in is pretty much nill. And that sort of thing keeps me up at night.
does anyone else get addicted to the thrill of deadlines and barely passing?
Pink Autism
>>132061 Good luck, though if that were true I'd be more like my father.
>>132061 2011 when we were tomato tasking in mumuplayer
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
wow 2011 was a long time ago i was a very different person
Pink Autism
>>132063 I feel like I could go back for graduate studies if I didn't feel like I was going to implode. And until I do, I am more or less useless for anything I did study.
>>132064 i did until i ran out of my ADD meds now i just slough my way through it all >>132067 we should all play the ship sometime /moe/ needs some action
>>132074 THAT'S THE THRILL Just barely handing it in on time, writing a whole essay the night before it's due, it's exhilarating for every wrong reason
>>132070 60 hours a week baby when you divide my salary by 120 hours a paycheck, you get something close to 11.50 an hour less than i was making before the promotion!!!!
>>132075 i did always want to have a thrilling game of the ship
fucking frustrated bang
>>132079 well my health insurance is only 80 bucks a month but i haven't really used any of it yet i should, i need to see a dentist and get new contacts uhhhh i get two weeks paid vacation per year that sounds like a big benefit but it's really not i mean it's good in a comparison sense but i'd take 4 weeks unpaid off time over 2 weeks vacation
>youtube binged for like 1 hour damnit. >>132084 Hello, it's pretty cold and raining.
Pink Autism
>>132080 >tfw you bought The Ship to play with /moe/ and it never happened We should try Who Dun It, too.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
it's been like a week or so and i'm still getting the visual hallucinations of off-side posts on /moe/ i wonder if it's early onset schizophrenia or something or i guess this is normal age onset
fucking frustrated bang
>>132085 might be like when you have astigmatism and see the posts double. but it's actually only 1.
>>132092 i know what you mean for me, my gauge is that if i'm not noticing anything, then it's probably a huge improvement if it actually wasn't helping, i'd notice very distinctly and definitely that it's not if that makes any sense
>>132103 yeah i knew a few people but like, they're in my network kind of thing not know them like i'd say i know you guys
fucking frustrated bang
bitch you don't know me you wanna front bitch i'm ready
we're interacting there are a lot of people in my networks with whom it's just passing information around and we encounter each other but there's no kind of engagement or interaction
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
this is warning from a friend the government is trying to control our minds with moonbeams
>>132130 any tummy problems? i've been having a really hard time eating anything lately besides like a salad everything else just makes my gut feel so heavy and cramping if it's good i might try it out
>>132145 yeah, most of the text was off-screen to the left like what sammy's doing right now but in the other direction but when you hit done it collapses into its proper shape
the passion of the bang
but it's on the other side which is super fucked because with sammy's i can scroll right to read it with yours there's just no way to access that range so where the fuck is it haha
>be stuck in traffic >chatting with boss, be partially on zebra crossing >random passerby knocks on window "you heard of traffic lights >boss: nah never >"theee's a school over there, childrencross here >boss: i don't see any except one >green light and we drive away
>>132152 so yeah back to the question how was soylent gastronomically was it light and easy and not crampy on the gut
Pink Autism
>>132157 If I had a dollar for every stupid fuck who pulled into the crosswalk instead of stopping at the line I'd be rich enough for say fuck on television.
the passion of the bang
>>132159 uhhhh well it gave me heartburn the first few times but now it's fine i ate some greek yogurt as suggested to help my gut out and the heartburn has reduced significantly i definitely don't feel bloated, and the feeling of fullness lasts about as long as it should, whereas hunger doesn't set in until maybe 3-4 hours after it's a little weird going out but from what i've read, it takes a couple weeks for your body to get used to drinking most of your calories rather than eating them
>>132160 well how do you not pull at crossing if ypu are blockes both front and back?
Pink Autism
>>132162 Your English is usually so much better than this, I can't understand you.
>>132163 if blockd front and back by cars, how do you avoid being stuxk on crossing?
>>132161 i'm pretty sure all the whiskey and beer has trained my body specifically for that task
Pink Autism
>>132165 You're not supposed to block the intersection. And since peds have right of way, nor are you supposed to block crossings. But peds can just walk the fuck around so dude was still being a dick.
the passion of the bang
I think the most important pitfall to avoid is the idea that it is inexpensive It is much cheaper than eating out, which is what I was previously doing for most of my meals. It is not, however, cheaper than cooking at home on a budget
>>132167 aaabd how do you do that im a traffic jam that wpunds up getting you stuck there?
Pink Autism
>>132169 You don't pull into it until you know you have space.
>>132168 i'm kind of in between like i'll go buy a ton of eggs and just veggies and cheese to put on the eggs frozen veggies, you know, they'll last forever and like two bucks a bag and it's nice to have an okay meal for the entire week for like $10 of groceries but fuck i get sick of eggs quick, as much as i love them
well thatdoesn't matter i bit regret not seeing that whiner's face post-burn
>>132169 the line gets stuck. it's kind of a weird thing. >>132175 i've seen cars block anything, i wouldn't be surprised if they fuck up a simple crosswalk.
Pink Autism
>>132171 You still don't block intersections, nor crosswalks. It's not fucking hard, and if the fuck behind you wants to cry about it, give them the finger.
>>132175 betwewn blocking an intersextion and having back half of your car on crpssing which you do?
you dont haev that problem if you keep a reasonable distance.
Pink Autism
>>132176 Neither. Are your roads that poorly laid out?
There's little less comforting than walking around barefoot, and seeing something small and many-legged skittering away--from a spot not far from where your barefoot once was.
Pink Autism
>>132182 It also turns the nicest people into assholes. Except I'm not the nicest, and you can ask Blue.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i'm proud to say i squish spiders with my bare hands now
>>132185 I'm content to say I will avoid squashing any bug with my bare hands if I can. And that I will avoid dealing with spiders or centipedes entirely.
c'mon you've seen those macro shots of exotic baby spiders
Pink Autism
>>132198 I think we had this really nice looking moth just die on our door. But trust me, those baby house centipedes... I stopped killing them after I saw one. I couldn't help but just go "aww"
>>132207 that bug is fucked up and that movie was fucked up
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
if i touch it will i die
if I remember right that larvae is pretty toxic it might be enough to kill a human
>>132206 yes i had collected them from the environment and made a safe space for them that they stayed in a little terrarium and they'd hang out in it most of the time i lost them for a while because they found somewhere better to hang out and i found them hiding in a brickpile after it had rained or maybe it was under a large potted plant i dont remember but i was moving by that time so they're free range now >>132223 no pretend you were you for a moment what would you say about this if you were you because i think bang would get pissed off at other people for wasting money on a 32 dollar shirt
now wait just a second you can get high off a jacket?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>132240 gotta be careful with those african frog polygon jackets
the passion of the bangSearch [iqdb](475 KB, 452x601, jacket.PNG)月
>>132243 fuck deep dream would make some sick jackets does deep dream's dream images fall under intellectual property i wonder what's stopping someone from just making those into fabric patterns
>>132247 i would have to have the t-shirt in my hands to know if it was overpriced getting t-shirts or other clothes with designs like these is kind of a niche market i don't think it's the kind of clothing purchase you make to wear them often but i would never argue that 30 bucks is not really expensvie just that i understand why it costs what it costs
the passion of the bangSearch [iqdb](25 KB, 370x119, richard.PNG)Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>132261 When it's cold I don't really sleep that well. Or more precisely I need to warm up when it's cold before I can fall asleep. I also lose a lot of body heat out my legs when I fall asleep, unless I'm well-insulated or the temperature is warm. If I get too cold from that, it also really ruins my sleep.
the passion of the bang
>have to create a new password >now i have to go and change 20 passwords
>>132270 I'm sure we'd be snarky right to your face, given the chance.
>>132270 If it makes you feel better it's just consistency. I put snark into any time I'm talking unless I should probably be being serious. And even then it's hard to put it aside.
I had a dream that one of my professors was trying to take over the world and she kept quizzing me on what her evil plan was And also she had a bunch of razors in her arms for some reason
I think it will be around for awhile yet though. Although the game itself needs a bit of an improvement or an overhaul or something. The health of the franchise isn't all that closely related to the quality of the game though.
They aren't so concerned with the game because they have a different game that is making them money at a much higher rate now
Yeah, the arcade game is killing it right now. Which is fine by me. I just want the franchise to stay alive so we can get as much content out of it as possible.
>>132483 It was just a waste of time! A big waste of time that just keeps wasting more time! That little bit of hope that I allotted to that was wasted!
>>132486 You gotta go all in when investing your hope
Good thing I woke up Doc appointment in a bit over an hour I'm amazed I can get an appointment on the day I ask for one, but every time I go to his office and the waiting room is full of people
My boss sent a message and tried to call me for that matter Not dealing with it