in general i guess i get a feeling that people like to look for foreshadowing and pointing it out but i don't really get the appeal of it i guess if it's in a manga series you could treat it as a sign that the author thought ahead a bit but still on it's own i'm not really sure if anything makes it good maybe there's an enjoyment angle to it since it's nice to predict things, and foreshadowing kinda allows for it?
It lets the audience be more involved And it can be used to build tension and give meaning to everything that happens between the foreshadowing and the foreshadowed event
it can be a spoiler that you're not sure about the details for Like in Berserk you get fed the information that Guts truly HATES Griffith, but when the manga starts Golden Arc, they become really good friends, and you can't see what could make him hate Griffith so fucking much Or what happened
i guess so it's probably hard to pull off as well if it's too subtle people might ignore it if it's too obvious it's kinda tasteless
It's generally best to be too subtle rather than too obvious, but it's a difficult tool to use
I love how in this stream they always just have to let NPCs go for crimes cause you can't stop an NPC So an NPC rams a cop at 90mph, and they just go "whoa, ok", then run over to bust a guy who threw some paper on the ground and littered
Driving normally was weirdly satisfying when I was a kid playing gta I don't know how it would play out doing everything else according to laws in GTA though
I almost want to try this RP thing out But it'd have to be in a controlled server to be fun, and whitelist means, you know Hard to get in on it
I think foreshadowing really makes a show more enjoyable on its rewatch, because you can see how details you otherwise missed call forwards to future events.
>>127116 foreshadowing also makes plot twists not feel like asspulls.
>>127164 shows are usually kinda more thought through so maybe they did actually do an asspull and then put in the foreshadowing after that to make it seem less so!
the real question is did aizen come in and kill all the writers and convinced everyone else they are alive like he sis with central 46
also what is this space SCP?
Ask Totalbiscuit what genre a game is, and he will go on a 30 minute monologue
Also I've actually seen this, but not very often, people arguing "soulslike" shouldn't become the term used, because it focuses it around a single game and constricts the genre But I mean Roguelike
Also i you have an extremely dangerous space criminal regenerating monster that is about impossible to kill except with that one weapon why did you bother trying to contain ti and not just kill it?
i think you can explain part of it with youtube just being a large community
Eh I think it's strange anyway
People have gotta start realizing they can just not watch people they don't like's videos If the bear man is being a cunt in his videos, just don't watch them, talk shit about them, whatever
>>127228 what are they doing instead of not watching?
Well in this case doxxing, creating a social media account using said dox to make it seem as though the person was a stalker, a rapist, and a rapist-in-wait for his ex girlfriend to be alone somewhere
Hmm Well i found the bottle neck in my industry I don't or the world doesn't produce enough copper for me to produce enough electric gears and jigs that I need to keep my tanks in action last big war kinda halted after the first few weeks My glorious russki panzerwagen rolled over the german lines and then they shouted "hey we need spare parts" and my supply people answered "the world doesn't produce enough of them"
wow I have a province of 32k people and 14k of them are in the army... well 32k working people
hmm a copper province badly utilized in china with a 2 million population I think I know what needs to be done
Another 500k rebels killed and not even my citizens Is too bad you can't prompt rebellions in satellite countries it is an easy way to keep them in line and from growing too powerful a good 10% to 20% population purge every few decades
Paul Joseph Watson has spent the last few days on twitter thinking an image of him smoking is triggering the SO CALLED TOLERANT LEFT But people are actually just mocking him for thinking an image of him smoking with a sepia filter is cool
So logically as the nation of India formed it got then occupied by Indian nationalists for a decade which then splintered the nation losing it about 40% of its size to former indian substates and now it is besieged by commies and fascists andw hatnot radicalists The game turns sometimes weird
>>127333 they've been cycling generic rotating promotions lately so mostly not there's still some every once in a while but it's a little more well-paced now
>>127347 That reminds me, how do you feel about starting the game wait starting the anime right after the game ends, which is an hour earlier than usual?
Right after would be two hours earlier than usual, but I'm good either way. We normally run the game from 22:00-01:00 but I figure Tony and Kirara want to get to bed earlier since it's the start of a week tomorrow. If you want to start anime at 01:00 EST that's good too.
>>127363 Because they saw how much money all the remakes of 80s movies have sooo far made Are they even making money did the arnold mars movie remake make money?
2049 ya'll get hype because apparently, the cyberpocalypse is only like two or three decades away
>>127393 is that enough to complain about his banner
Ike is the main character of the GameCube game. Path of Radiance was really big and a lot of people liked it. And it's one of the few FE games with a straight on sequel. Ike himself is pretty OP.
>>127393 Yeah, the gacha is really cruel. Not getting 5*s increases your rate, but it doesn't generalize to other banners, so it's like, hey! buy orbs or you'll run out of time and miss out on your placebo bonus!
>>127400 Because they drained everyone's orbs with he OP character banner and then ran a banner with a character that is a must have for a lot of people. Both moves were very transparent money grabs.
>>127399 I think there is too much filler too. I have only been playing Granblue for a little while, and I already have some top tier characters. I have like one in FEH and I played for awhile. To make the FEH system even more cruel, heroes have random IVs and sometimes that great character you get is actually bad because something is wrong with a key stat.
Even if you don't like Ike, he's one of the most popular characters in the game. It was obviously a strategic move to get people to use their orbs so that they would buy orbs in order to get Ike.
>>127407 That's super true. The random IVs are probably the cruelest part.
>>127405 Then you will never understand the feelings people have for Ike. You probably didn't understand me when I complained about this before but one of my BIGGEST ANNOYANCES with this game in the beginning was that they had ZERO (0) Path of Radiance characters available. Despite PoR being one of (if not the) most popular FE game ever.
>>127405 To me, the OP character banner was a clear message that Nintendo realizes that they have a handful of characters in their game that absolutely blow away everyone else. And instead of doing something about it, they tried to sell them to you.
Ike is a must have for a lot of people because he is popular. Even if you don't understand his appeal, surely you can understand the feeling of wanting a character you really like!
>>127408 Yeah, the random IVs suck. I think the feather system is cruel too. If you get a character you like and it is only 3/4 stars it will be a long time before it is actually decent. There is not a lot of mobility when it comes to improving your characters.
>>127412 Surely you're just pretending to not understand, right?
>>127410 I wish that everything was available as 3-4 star and that they were cheaper in terms of feathers. I like being able to bring a 3* to a 5* because it gives me a ton of SP to work with.
>>127412 I think it would be understood if it were a normal character's banner after the OP banner. Ika er
Ike is special. Ike is one of the most popular Fire Emblem characters. It was clear to everyone that this was a money grab!
>game has people roll to get good characters because they're more likely to get them so they spend all their rolls >i mediatrly follow with introducing characters lots of people want after they spend their rolls so they have to buy more rolls
>>127415 >one of THE THE MOST I'm pretty sure it ranked #1 in the pop chart. Then again, I think it was separated by gender. So it was without waifu bias. They finally released a few characters from the most popular game and then decided to run that next to the most popular characters by usefulness in game.
>>127417 It was separated by gender. I think Lucia er Lucina is popular enough at least to cast doubt on the proposition that Ike is the most popular character.
Lucina is popular as a waifu, not a character. But that's a completely DIFFERENT conversation that would definitely have no bearing on the outcome of such a fight.
>>127420 Yes, that fact isn't necessarily a good thing for Ike. It is probably a good thing for Lucina in such a contest! Don't underestimate waifufags.
Lucina lost to Lyn in the latest popularity poll. Lyn received almost 50k votes and Lucina received 42k.
It's a shame that you guys say that Lyn is bad because I played that game a bit and she was a rad gal
I guess even the people that jumped on the Fire Emblem bandwagon with Awakening can't beat out the long-term fans that have been playing since long before.
>>127422 Part of that is because Lucina is as unpopular as she is popular. But it's totally true that butt bothered nostalgiafags would vote for Ike since he is considered nostalgia even though he's also relatively new.
>>127423 Lyn is great in FE7. In FEH, she doesn't compete against a lot of other Sword characters. Ones like Lucina. >>127425 I'd vote for Lyndis and Ike over Lucina as well. It's just... eh She's okay.
>>127432 Yeah, that's true. I guess Ike is really the most recent lord with any amount of popularity at all, if you don't count Corrin due to his/her status as a customizable character.
Male and female Robin both ranked in their respective polls, but only female Corrin ranked, too. That's really funny.
But seriously, why didn't they add normal FE characters in there at 3*/4*? All we got was the PoR roll and Sanaki. So many classic characters that I would actually remember and care about. Fuck Sacred Stones.
>>127437 My understanding is that female Corrin is canon in conquest and male is in Hosbido, I can't remember the name for the Hoshido campaign.
I don't know who is canon in Revelation, that seems like the most important one too. I think with both the protagonists, the female versions are more popular than the guys.
>>127438 It would really be nice if they added the new characters in as 3/4 star characters in the gachas. That would fix a lot of my complaints with the gacha. So many nice characters are basically characters you'll never get unless you whale hard because they are 5 star only.
>>127445 It's because the way they designed Corrin, the character looks kinda girly in terms of build and clothes in both incarnations. Robin kinda has a more male leaning with the clothes, although it's still a girl sized person in the clothes in both versions. I think that f-Robin looks cute in her big robe though.
>>127447 One of the biggest things for me was that male Robin had some attractive faces and hairstyles that suited those faces well. Male Corrin's face and hair selection looks so weird, and his art makes him look so flat and dull no matter the hair and face.
>>127449 That's one of the issues that canon male Robin has too, there are some options in the game that actually make him look like a male character, but the canon appearance they picked for him is small and girly.
Female Robin works better for the story anyway. If you play female Robin and marry Chrom, she actually has a place in the story that makes sense. Male Robin is just some guy that Chrom finds in a field that bones his daughter from the future.
>>127452 I think Robin was fairly well done. Corrin was a bit too naive and generic and nice, but I suppose there are some non-customizable lords that are like that too.
I don't want dialog options unless nintendo gets some better localization subcontractors. Combine the current localization team with dialog options and you'll have a complete disaster.
>>127458 I think Nintendo makes poor decisions when it comes to translations. I think translation as a whole is in a much better place than translation for Nintendo games is.
I guess that's true. Nintendo fails pretty hard across the board when it comes to stuff outside of the US these days. Not fail in a business sense (clarifying for those nitpickers here) though.
Part of the problem is that Nintendo Japan is a bit more mature than NoA. NoA seems to be trying to cling on to the idea that they are a family-friendly company for kids. Their audience grew up though. Kids these days just play retarded apps on their smartphones.
Nintendo's in-house localization team is garbage. At least for North America. It doesn't matter much for kiddy stuff like Pokemon or games like Mario which don't really have a lot of localization work to go for them anyway. But stuff like Fire Emblem loses hard when you try -when they use their in house localizing.
The localized text in Breath of the Wild feels kind of clunky at times too. I've talked about how the English voice lines are kind of bad, but all the text is kind of clunky. They also take heavy liberties with some of the translations. Some of them work really well, like how the other species have certain phrases that derive from their cultures, but others just feel like they're over-simplifying the text.
>>127464 Even if they were aiming for the demographic they used to and not the people that grew up, trying to be family friendly is pretty ridiculous. Kids these days all play gorey murder games and see gorey murder on TV every day.
You can say that about most things though. They're trying to appeal to the parents of said kids but most parents just buy the kid whatever they want
>>127460 of the original game right? still farther than I thought
I don't think the characters look CGI at all. The artstyle has a particular simplicity to the characters though. The backgrounds are probably the same blend of CGI and real art that most series use nowadays.
>The Democratic Republic of Congo is extremely rich in natural resources, but is politically unstable, has a lack of infrastructure, deep rooted corruption, and centuries of both commercial and colonial extraction and exploitation with little holistic development curious line from wiki
Ebola may just be something that happens form time to time. I think it is a bit too lethal to be able to spread extensively. Although the possibility that survivors may carry it for a long time is a bit worrisome.
I read somewhere that survivors don't carry it in their blood or anything. Back when the epidemic was going down, a lot of articles said it stays in semen and newly produced semen as well as in the liquids in your eyes. And I think saliva.
Saliva is bad too, but diseases that can be transmitted through saliva are still fairly rarely transmitted through it. Saliva is not a very good medium through which for disease to be transmitted. Semen is, though.
umm wut?
one cough and you spread a good amount of space around you with your saliva drops
What he's talking about is airborne transmission, anyway. That's different than transmission through saliva. Ebola isn't something that is capable of airborne translation with someone.
Saliva transmission in the sense that ebola is translated means in the context of swapping saliva through stuff like kissing.
>>127526 ebola doesn't really survive long outside of a host, which is why it doesn't survive in saliva droplets like that I mean airborne is just the virus being able to survive good amount of time outside of a host
hmm 5 hours of usb tether with no disconnections FUCK YOU LG seriously never get an LG phone
it had around 2000 players the months before being shutdown
>>127539 and it was just about to be launched fully like you pour all the ingredients on a cake decorate it and place the candles on it but then when you are just about to lit the candles and summon the birthday boy you toss it out of a window
But the point is the Evovle team atleast kept with it they kept thinking how to make it profitable Square went "Okay, this would be complete product ready to launch and make some money aside from fee to pay economy... Time to kill it"
Also, Squeenix refunded a lot of stuff to people who spent money in Nosgoth. I think they handled it very professionally.
>>127559 It was definitely free. You could get it for free and then they had these access chests that you could buy that gave you bonuses and stuff, but you could play without buying them.
They didn't even have good economy yet built there just unlockable moves and characters and skins, but of just basically "look how good i have gotten" they hadn't yet implemented "hat economy" >>127563 Maybe or maybe it would've kicked off into moderate success and got them back to black
>>127564 And maybe the sky would have fallen! Clearly they didn't think that was a likely possibility, and judging by the bad reviews the game got, >>127565 is also important to think about. By fully releasing it, you have to stand behind it for a while. You can kill it easily without consequence during EA.
it doesn't show up on steam so i can't see how much hours i was in
but it had like 5 classes per team? and you only had 2 unlocked from the start and unlocking the rest was a massive pain after that you have to unlock the skills you want as well and then you have a gatcha for skills that have random modifiers as well
Looking at the reviews on the first page of google, they all generally say it's an okay distraction, but say it has terrible problems with balance, repetitiveness, matchmaking difficulty, technical issues including CtDs Also there are a lot of complaints that the lore is wrong
>>127577 If you have ten repetitive games, but one is doing better than the others, there's probably a reason for that, right? Other multiplayer games were considered to be better by the reviewers, apparently
Well it is the first multiplayer game I got into since CS 1.6 >>127579 I never said it was successful I simply said it was a fucking dumb move in my opinion to kill it just when i was actually ready see the cake comparison
>>127583 Do you have some numbers to back that up?
>>127585 yeah and nosgoth is one of the non successful ones
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
if >>127584 is true, then it being EA shouldn't have affected nosgoth's ability to be successful
>>127587 yes but the thing why people avoided EA was because they had seen its failures seen how companies ask for money for titles that never get out of EA if you actually then got out of EA congrats now maybe you can brag about it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it feels like you just really like nosgoth and aren't willing to accept that other people didn't
Your opinion is they cut off their losses and avoided launching and that most likely was the executive decision in the board meeting about the title but my opinion, is that they were cowards and didn't actually take a risk
>>127596 Good that you embrace the true wisdom spread the word TN for King of the World >>127595 Maybe But neither of us actually have the numbers for how much money nosgoth cost or how much revenue it provided But anyhow, can you say that launching a title out of beta, never increases its popularity?
I don't have the numbers, but I can say without a doubt that Squeenix cut it because they did not foresee it being successful after they considered the potential costs and profits of it. >>127600 What's your point? The fact that I almost flipped a car by taking a turn too quickly like an idiot and the fact that I'm a published academic author aren't related.
Seriously had they killed it a month after launch I would just lament that it had no fans but that they killed it before launch just makes me think of them as cowards
Well final words, nosgoth was a decent game with good potentional, that fell pray to the trend of big companies trying to dig nto the gold vein that was Free/Free to Play
>>127627 was it actually 20? didn't it come as part of the orange box pack
>>127627 Runescape wasn't really FtP, it was either restricted free mode or more content membermode
I actually wonder how many "Nosgoths" there are out there titles with somewhat big publishing company behind them, that just never made it out because the business model didn't work out as they hoped.
>>127637 Definitely wrong. >>127636 When I say lead, I mean the ones that were the first really big players using that model. Games like EverQuest, for example.
yeah true mobile is the high profile but they didn't start it they profited it from most
I do wonder would've nosgoth fared better if it was its standalone game with its own lore and not loosely based on LoK? But then again, without the "hey lok game" it prolly never would've been noticed at all
A good kind of F2P is where you can technically unlock everything by just effort and skill and where you can shortcut that by using money, however the unlockables shouldn't be game breaking or giving you way too many advantages. And also, when you use money you should always know what you get. The worst kind is "unlock by buying currency that you can use to roll the dice to MAYBE get what you want"
Apparently there was an emergency at the Hanford Nuclear Waste Site in Washington state last week when a 586sq // a tunnel at the 586sq mile site collapsed and allowed airborne waste to escape. But nobody really reported on it.
Welp time to see if I can do anything fun with my new phone >>127671 oh yeah prolly forgot to mention about the boat thing, came to ind since I got a free passed down phone recently, that I don't actually own the boat.
>>127719 Yeah. At fits first she wanted to go the Appalachians and I was like yeah that is pretty reasonable but then all the sudden she upgraded it to a trip to hawaii.
>>127725 She told me she mentioned it to you! When I was talking to her about it and she brought up I was like wow, that's expensive! He probably can't pay for that. Then she told me she'd pay for it. So I was like wow, he'd probably feel bad about you spending your money like that! So she said she'd have her dad pay for it.
It was a really terrifying ojou moment. I think she has me way outclassed in terms of ojou power. I tried to explain the value of money to normal people to her but I don't think she really took much away from the conversation.
It's certainly an interesting offer! I would definitely feel bad about someone paying for me to go on vacation like that. I would probably feel indebted.
>>127739 Yeah, so I dunno. It seems like a situation which will be a battle, so I'm putting it off. And I really don't know if I'm free during that time she wants to go to Hawaii anyway.
>>127742 If I tell her no seriously, I think she'll listen, but she'll still be upset about it. It's a battle because I have to find a way to make sure that nobody is super unhappy. If I just outright say no, I'll feel bad because my decision made her sad.
>>127745 I'm not trying to weasel out of it necessarily. I just want to find a solution that will make sure none of us have to suffer. But doing that right now is kind of a pain, so I'm putting it off until I can approach it with the seriousness that I think it needs to be approached with since it seems important to her.
I'm not big on fish tanks. I really don't want one.
My mom has saltwater fish tanks and I have occasionally been called on to help with them. The water is smelly, everything you have to lift is heavy, and water gets everywhere and you get wet. Dealing with them offends my delicate sensibilities in so many ways.
The TV series hasn't been as well recieved as the OVAs were but I think it's just as good.
I feel some stuff gets a little old, like Akko's perpetual inability to ride a broom. But they recovered well by making her get really good at [Redacted]. I like the overarching plot they've got going on though.
>>128063 ToN! you always post questionable things. >>128064 My school only had like 10 computers for the whole student body, from kindergarten to HS. obviously only the older people used them but still.
Also, when I studied in a cram school for my college application test, the place had a projector in every classroom and i think someone stole one. they were really shitty kids.
>>128089 We have to handwrite exams, but never assignments We always get calculators though.
>>128097 they're pretty useless. but we still used them in every other law class. especially with younger professors. i imagine they're even more useful in STEM classes.
Please show your work, so explain why you choose what you choose!
>>128141 From a utillitarian stand point, I fail to understand how stealing Hitlers wallet will help anyone. Maybe you could say that it's about justice and punishing the guilty, but in the long run I don't think that really does anything productive. Actually since this is 1933, Hitler hasn't done anything wrong yet. So really you're stealing from an innocent man. And stealing is wrong.
So no, you are ethically obligated to not steal his wallet.
>>128149 >hitler was really really poor I fucking bet that this is a closed time loop story and stealing the wallet pisses off Hitler so much that it leads him to go on his holocaust later on
Pink Autism
>>128141 You aren't ethically obligated to do anything, really. I mean, it's not gonna affect anything, you just get money out of it. So really it's a question of "do you want to take this low risk?" and "are you a thief?" To which, I would say, fuck yeah. Then I can say I stole his wallet before he was a big bad monster.
you know how bad the inflation in germany was on 1933? hitler was really really poor, probably. or had really little change.
>>128143 no the premise is that your act doesn't affect anything. it just makes him mad. i'd avoid if only because i am not a thief.
the worst thing is, you're not actually judging him, you are just stealing from a guy who might be a dick.
Pink Autism
>>128143 >Fucking Jews, stealing an honest man's wallet. Guess I gotta kill 'em all now... It says it doesn't affect it anyway.
>>128141 I agree with Notso, you're not ethically obligated to do anything here. On top of that, you can not judge someone for crimes they have not committed, even if in your timeline said person has committed those crimes. Hitler is not the big villain of WWII our history has made him out to be at this point in his timeline. So there is no ethical tie-in from "our" Hitler with this one.
I WOULD steal his wallet because it's expressed to be a perfect crime and Hitler was already kind of being an asshole by this time so I'd feel good anyway. But that's a different question.
>>128154 >this theft will not effect It's a trick question you see. It says "effect" not anything about affecting his rise to power. So for all we know, yes it could cause him to go full Hitler.
>>128162 Actually let's not open this can of worms
>>128162 It was and Hitler was terrible for facilitating it but Germany's position in WWII is far more complex and multi-faceted than just being some big evil for the good and noble Allied forces to kick the ass of.
Pink Autism
Effect as a verb: cause (something) to happen; bring about. "nature always effected a cure"
So ha, stealing it won't affect anything!
>>128170 Wait what in the fuck? I thought that an effect was just a noun This is fucking bullshit I hate the english language fuck this gay shit I'm gonna shitpost with the nips instead.
>>128169 Being a shithole doesn't excuse pulling a holocaust though
Hitler is most likely chancellor at this point, I don't have any obligation but I'm gonna o it anyway.
Pink Autism
>>128169 I like when people argue that Hitler totally didn't know about it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>128143 >Actually since this is 1933, Hitler hasn't done anything wrong yet. ????????????????????
>>128174 There are two possibilities Kirara One is that I'm a retard who forgot when Hitler got any power The other is that Hitler truly did nuffin wrong other than lose the war
>>128180 I don't think they thought it was against the world at the time At the start the average citizen probably thought they were just gonna invade poland and then a few years in they realised they were in over their heads Or the smart ones who didn't swallow the propaganda pill did at elast
I just can't sympathize with the germans from that time period. they choose war against the world. chose*
>>128177 I think they wanted to get revenge in the allies from the beginning, but that might have been just a sentiment and not a real intention of jingoism.
Pink Autism
>>128174 That was the year Hitler boycotted Jewish business, so he was probably spreading his hatred, so yeah, he'd done SOMETHING.
>>128173 He absolutely did, and the fact that he spearheaded a campaign involving it is morally reprehensible By any rational narrative in our current history he is far from a good person. But that is a different frame of reference from the time period of 1933.
Pink Autism
>>128182 That's why I love when they try to argue it.
>>128193 It's interesting to see how people process this question ethically.
Pink Autism
>>128197 It would be more interesting if you didn't know the odds until you made a decision, then knew the odds and got to refine your decision. Because there isn't really a question of ethical obligation, to me.
>>128195 I'm not as up on my Hitler history as I was a couple years ago.
But he had killed lots of people and already was known as a fascist by then. in 1936 he was already in power.
Alright /moe/ did Chairman Mao do anything wrong? Was he malicious or just a negligent retard?
Real talk, Squealer did nothing wrong. If the humans weren't wiped out, the queerats would never have true freedom and had no chance of negotiating on equal terms.