Power bar upgrade! Now instead of having to juggle six outlets (often with power jacks that would block one of the outlets it wasn't even plugged into) I now have eleven that aren't at much risk of being blocked.
You can always tell the keyboard of someone who plays a lot of games from the keyboard of someone who doesn't, cause the WASD keys are completely faded in the former case
A good keyboard can prevent that from happening. Not that it's really a reason to go for one keyboard or another solely by itself, but often more quality keyboards do the etching instead of the painting.
My keyboard's good, the letters just aren't etched into the keys, they're painted on
It's not like I ever actually need the letters though, I touch type 100% of the time
I don't really need all the keys. I never learned to touch-type but by now the QWERTY keyboard layout is so intuitive to me I can type fine without really paying attention to the letter indicators.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>Special Thanks to Iwata in the Kirby Robobot credits ow my heart
I would figure anything by HAL would remember Iwata very fondly.
It's always odd to me when someone doesn't touch type It doesn't take long to get used to, and you end up typing so much faster
Well I don't really -need- to type much faster; I think I can produce fast enough typing when I need to. When I say I don't touch-type I really just don't do the thing where I allocate specific regions of the keyboard to a finger, or return to a neutral position. I just type with whatever way I feel flows best.
It's like the only way you can play games AND talk shit to the other players
>>130353 Oh that shit I don't do that either, that just happens naturally That's not a conscious thing at all, you just end up resting your fingers where they're most comfortable being between words
It's nice to hear the examples in the 33 strategies of war, cause it's interesting military history and every now and then, something I know about is mentioned Rommel kicking up dust to make his army both harder to see and appear much larger, for example
But sometimes the examples are hard to follow because of the foreign names It's hard to really catch what's happening in the arab examples cause the names are harder to process
>Ah, that was a nice lunch. Let's see what's happened ><<<POLITICS>>> Let's not stare into this abyss tonight. ><<<MAN DISCOVERS THE ART OF MAKING A SANDWICH BY HIMSELF>>> This is the good shit.
The registry is a government registry, but the article doesn't say what it's used for within the government Seems odd to keep a list of people without using it for something
>>130384 Oh, I'm okay. I went to a sandwich place near work for a sandwich but they took forever so they gave me a free piece of cake. The upside was that I got a free piece of cake and the downside was that I ate the free piece of cake.
I'm deciding what to do. I don't want it to be perceived as a political thing. So I'm trying to dust off and boot up my memory banks to remember if other people have posted lewd things lately.
>>130411 Do you just have oddly topical images laying around like that?
>>130410 It is a political thing whether you want it to be or not. I posted it on tano earlier and when asked why I didn't post the rest of the comic, I said I felt it was too lewd to post on /moe/, so I didn't save it. It's pretty obvious what's going on here, it was posted for political reasons.
I guess I'm going to spoil it and issue a very general not-aimed-at-anyone statement that Rika-sama does not want to be involved in politics and spoiler wars. If spoiling lewd becomes a political thing I'm going to have to crack down on everyone and that means more work for me and I don't like that.
Hey you know what it sure has been a long day i know i've had a long day i bet you guys have had a long day too i'm glad i have some place like /moe/ to come and have fun at after a long day
>>130425 I think that's reasonable. I also don't think that those things should be brought here.
>>130426 As someone who is regularly the victim of attempting it, dry humour doesn't really go well over text communication with some people. It's a miserable truth but a truth nonetheless.
>>130430 I'd like to stress again that I am not being political. If people start requesting more moderation I will crack down on all lewd images and hold people to my standard for lewd. The standard I keep for other people, not the one I keep for myself.
>>130433 Can I skip exams by sleeping through them?
>>130434 i feel like the request for moderation was political itself
>>130436 Yes, and that is why I am issuing these carefully worded statements about how I don't want people trying to make moderation a political issue and how I am going to go full no-fun-allowed with lewd moderation if I'm forced to. Let's all get along while we're on moe.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Aw man anon got caught Lemme get my brass knuckles
i'm going to change my ringtone to a 30 second clip of trey gowdy just yelling at people
Also I need to actually clear more things off the backlog like Fire Emblem Also I need to grab animes since I wont' have internet when I'm at home in august.
>>130446 Mine is always on vibrate but I can hear it. It woke me up 4 times in 3 hours last night because it's convinced that it can't sign into gmail even though it's signed into gmail. I don't know what it's problem is.
>>130449 I can hear mine if it's anywhere but on my pillow, pretty much. So I leave it on // next to my pillow at night and it doesn't wake me when it vibrates and stuff.
>>130449 set it to a deep bass so that you can feel it rumble without it being on vibrate or be audible
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Are subwoofer attachements for phones a thing? kickstarter time
I felt pretty well rested today despite being woken up a few times. I also felt pretty normal. My head felt really weird yesterday so I'm glad it's back to normal.
i've been sleeping in the bathtub because the AC is broke and my room is freaking hot the bathtub is nice and cool and pretty cozy if you don't take up much space
I think I was having weird sinus stuff yesterday. I felt something really weird in the back of my head like something breaking loose or something. So it was probably sinuses and not an aneurysm because I didn't die.
back of the head like where i get crumbly/drainy feelings all the time like at the base of my skull it's just my cerebrospinal fluid leaking out though and not really a big deal
i dont know whether it's a consideration for you at all but i am in the looks for a new roommate it sounds like what you're looking at might be even cheaper than that option though
>>130487 Just common sense an intuition. Anything that asks you to kill natives in a native americanboo's game is probably evil. Different kind of natives but I think the rule still applies. There's also that you won't allow me to use assess honesty on it, you wouldn't have barred me from it unless there was something there to hide.
>>130488 You can't assess honesty on it because it's not a human, so you can't read its body language, and you don't speak its language, so you don't know what it's saying. Anything you could assess would have to come through the interpreter (ton) so you'd be using assess honesty on him, not on the creature. I thought it'd be bad if I let you waste your assess honesty points on that!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
And it's not like Thomas lying is the problem since he has no reason to.
have you ever been so thirsty i'm just drinking water until my stomach hurts but it's not enough
I guess I never said that really, I only said ToN got Zoog Language
it's funny that him suddenly being able to communicate with it wasn't a super big deal but i guess he's been talking to fishsquirrels and sand so the team is used to it i guess
i think that a lot of unexpected things will be happening to you all from now on maybe you'll all find something a little eldritch in you in one way or another ufufu
It'll be fine. They'll never see it comiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin.
>>130505 Never! Unless you do something really crazy that I won't give any hints for. Also someone else would have to do something that I super want them to do.
I'm going to be subtly manipulating you guys into traps from now on! Be careful!
It sure is a good thing I have never put anything fetish-like into my game.
>his game doesn't have cute socks
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>130534 no you don't understand I'm leaving myself open for attack from Kirara
>>130531 are the arapaho still around? or is it all bred into mixture i had a friend back in my TBG days that said he was arapaho but i didn't know if he was like full arapaho on a reservation or just part by blood he seemed like he could have been in a reservation though
>>130535 I actually can't think of anything right now.
>>130536 The Arapaho are definitely still around. I've done work with them personally. There are only like 5000 Arapahoe and they try not to breed with non-Arapahoe. They don't like people to go off the Res for anything.
If you want the least offensive example, there's the fact that I shoved a bunch of red-headed animes into the campaign after some point.
But you should probably remember the most notable and blatant thing.
>>130538 this guy said he was arapaho and he used the handle slapaho tribe on text-based games he married a white girl i knew from the same game and they had a child together iunno
>>130541 Arapaho is divided into the Northern tribe in Wyoming and the Southern tribe in Oklahoma. The Southern ones are pretty small in number and they live with the Southern Cheyenne tribe there.
they were either wyoming or south dakota becaus // because i remember them having elk and moose meat
>>130549 haha maybe if you can find him i'll take everyone on a road trip to the reservation and we can hit him up and laugh at him because the arapaho are bad at things
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Yeah that guy
>>130552 he might be like 1/8th or 1/16th or something and not live anywhere near the reservation but i think they do because i remember his girl telling me how they can go down to the reservation to get smokes for like a dollar fifty a pack
last i heard from her she said she was getting her midcalf boots, leggings, and blue shawl ready to go to the dyke bar and pick up a smoking hot latina chick i figure they're still at it to this day
oh wait no i do have an email from a little bit later on, now that i checked the latina girl is a personal trainer at a gym it seems like she and lemon moved in together and have several adopted children now
oh sorry, that was you with the latina girl wasn't it shoot who am i remembering then OH lemon was the cosmetologist wasn't she that explains it haha i always got you two confused
>>130619 I don't really go for positive or negative well I guess I'm kind of skewed towards positive, but I think I just enjoy watching the ripples I make in the world as well as the reverse
eh he'd have to rewrite 100% of it and even then i don't think it wouldn't be entirely separate basically start from scratch and implement it his own way
Pink Autism
>>130652 It's like non-clean RE or IP theft. More than anything. But good luck getting through to him.
>>130653 funny, there's so much new code in there it's hard to recognize but yep at its core there's the old doushio stuff
Pink Autism
>>130655 I mean, it's already there, so why not re-purpose it? You did the hard part. I keep forgetting you don't have a spoiler shortcut for text. If I ever re-write a liveboard, I'm going to end up modeling it off of Doushio. Though the one thing I want could probably just be hacked on.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
uh oh not sure if i should ask dun dun dunnn
Pink Autism
>>130657 Just a proper administration area. Maybe an internal report system, some way of keeping messages among all admins instead of through email since some people are reluctant about it. I've had ideas, just not the drive to learn what I need to learn to implement them. And I don't really feel like learning and using Javascript to do it.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>130658 hmm it'd be cool if reports showed up as posts on the staff board...
Pink Autism
>>130659 We use Pushbullet. I do not recommend this. You will get spammed. By idiots.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i love idiot spam
Pink Autism
You might not get nearly as much. Let me see...
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
looks like pushbullet lets you get even MORE notifications wow just what i need
Pink Autism
Yeah, and you can get them on your desktop! Which is nice because I used to miss texts and calls all the time, but getting five reports in a row that all say "faggot", "rude", "being a bitch", and the like... Not fun.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
hah. you added a comment field. now why would one do that
Pink Autism
>>130665 To sort out the bullshit reports, which is just a form of trolling, from legitimate ones. So if I'm at work, I know when I ACTUALLY need to step in.
report player for [ ] cheating [ ] spam/harrassment [ ] throwing game
Pink Autism
>>130669 It'll be like Facebook's report system. >hey this post is illegal >oh, I can't tell them that this post is literally illegal >oh, I can only tell them I "don't like it" It's impressive.
Also, I always wanted to add per-thread radio banners, but again, learning is hard.
>>130669 Please no I don't want to have to report all of Bang's posts for throwing games.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>130671 lol rip >>130670 so many goddamn funnels in the book face
maybe if rika wakes the fuck up and i probably shouldn't ruin my anime viewing experience by watching when i feel the most like i want to fuck somebody up that i've felt in forever i always channel my negative energy into being fucking sad but right now i literally want to burn something down
Sam did put in an autocorrect feature recently. Check the top right hand menu.
I feel guilty for staying home Uuuuu
Couldn't tell you exactly what it does though.
Yet another way to harvest our metadata and sell it to faceless corporations
Honestly it'd be spooky if corporations had faces
I'll tell you guys something pretty 'Stralyian The two biggest cases that set landmark decisions in interstate free trade were about horse racing and beer bottles
Australia is about as big as the US. A lot of it is relatively uninhabited wasteland though.
>>130749 Delegating parts of a country into states or provinces is just as much about making the bureaucratic process manageable and actually capable of functioning as it is a collection of unique entities under one banner. I think the States really, are the only country that has such diverse cultures and established identities amongst its components.
We have six states but only three of them matter
>>130756 Kind of the same here really. Only provinces most anyone gives a shit about are Ontario, BC, and Alberta.
I'm pretty sure Kirara mentioned holding Jan at gunpoint to do the Macarena for another hint so we could actually finish it.
>>130812 It's definitely a fun experience. You probably want to tackle it with a group though; there's a lot of content that can get pretty puzzling. Might end up a bit much for one person.
>>130820 You're tasked with escaping a locked room, solving an assortment of puzzles that involve codes, basic cryptic puzzles, or using your mind creatively, to find the ultimate way of getting out of the room.
>>130829 The five of us made one mostly coherent person.
We also had a benevolent game master that gave us one more hint than we were technically permitted.
Pink Autism
>>130834 Because Jan was held at gunpoint by Kirara and did the Macarena. And Kirara has such a great deadpan delivery of everything.
>>130829 I think even not being particularly capable, it's still possible to have a lot of fun with the game. The puzzles are very hands on and have you moving about and opening stuff, unlocking locked compartments, etc. As long as you bring along a couple capable people you can probably enjoy yourself.
>>130749 Australia is quite unified. The difference in state law and federal law is much less pronounced than it is in America. Fun fact: the constitution of Australia has provisions for accepting New Zealand as a state, but they never got around to it.
>>130915 Wanna see Indi punch some Nazis? Literal Nazis.
i'm awake i missed all the fun huh
Pink Autism
With Kirara around, it's always fun!
that fuckin piece of shit don't you dare mention that name around me again you motherfucker what the hell is wrong with you i don't need this kind of harassment first thing in the morning i feel like i'm going to puke thanks a lot what did i do to deserve this you know there are hungry people starving in africa and people in china who are chinese dont you have better things to do with your life than ruin other people's lives
>headline of major newspaper "TRUMP LITERALLY KILLED FIFTEEN PEOPLE" >small text at the end of the 20 page article says "oh this is a jok btw" Sure, yeah, that's not clearly defamatory
also if there's anything that's clearly satirical and not believable in the slightest it falls under parody public figures with established credibility are open to parody
>>130927 I think the front page should count on its own Because literally the only way to know it's not true is to read ALL of it, and the headline is intentional misinformation with the purpose of defamation
>>130929 People shouldnt just be reading the headline - and did not only read the headline when these laws were created
People shouldn't just believe anything the media ever says, but that's not the point If CNN opens with "Trump has killed the entire white house staff, the government is on red alert, more after the ads", and then go to ads, people are gonna leave inbetween, many will miss the "Oh actually we just said that for laffos"
You can't expect a law to have predicted 100 years into the future
I also think laws should not be engaged to direct people down a singularly specific course of action. Unless there is absolutely only a binary choice between "definitely illegal" and "legal". Which this is not by any condition you can probably come up with.
>>130947 I'm gonna use this image even if I can't come up with a good joke. But fuck those trees, man.
>>130949 Grape flavoring in Japan is just different to what we have here in the States. I don't know if it is the same anywhere else... It's less overly sweet and more grape.
Yeah, there always are My dad and his gf took off to go to Eidsvoll and stuff, but I stayed home Mostly because I was dead tired cause I can't fucking SLEEP lately, but also partially because I just don't like being around her
>>130950 thai grape flavor is very similar i know what you're talking about i really like thai and japanese sweets for the fact that they aren't so goddamn sweet i can't stand all the sweet shit we have
like the milk chocolate bars we have here? christ who can even eat those? i can't
i'll go to the store and buy like crystallized ginger covered in dark chocolate or the spicy amazon chocolate with chili powder in it those are really good
but i can't do like a fuckin snickers bar or butterfingers or any of that crap i literally can't my mouth gets this numb feeling from all the sugar and my esophagus feels like it's going to swell shut like it's so fucking sweet
All the sweets from bakeries are raping my wallet because I am bad at resisting temptation
Pink Autism
>>130957 Temptation is a terrible thing. I can't stop eating terrible food that destroys my stomach.
>>130956 That chocolate with chili powder was surprisingly good when I had it. Same with the orange kind. Things you don't expect to go together. There was something else I thought of that just bewildered me but I can't remember what it was.
>>130958 I wish I had the willpower to avoid this creamy goodness
My ability to remember the most inane of things as well as my tendency to jump to conclusions (that are somehow still right, on later inspection) are going to get me in trouble some day. Some day soon...
>>130981 Huh, really? Aunt really just makes me think of a woman about the age of the parents Like within 9 years or so
Pink Autism
>>130981 >but typically the image that the word aunt conjurs to mind is an adult single female who never quite got things right Were you pulling a Floop on me?
>>130989 m, it's a little more common around here because a lot of // some people have a kid very early on in life, like say around 20 and then they establish financial stability in their 30s and then, the woman who's now in financial stability, has a solid marriage down without trouble, and already raised one or more children wants to have another one before menopause so maybe in her early 40s
Adopted siblings of your parents are basically as much an uncle or an aunt as the husband or wife of an actual aunt or uncle
>>131002 ok my scenario is that a cute girl has stolen my seed in the night she turns out to be a succubus I tell her to keep it but I ain't touchin that fuckin demon baby
>>131008 It's totally our fault so it's not like we can complain about it
>>131007 demons and science don't mix I played doom so I know >>131010 no way, that sounds like way more work than even a normal human child and one of those is already too much work for me
If I had a boy I'd name it Daniel tbh Second boy would be Theodore
That is Alexander\Alexandra
if I had a boy I'd probably name him after my dad which I guess is also naming him after me, but that isn't the way I'd think of it I'd name a daughter Maria I think
>>131041 So you can go "DAMN DANIEL" when he acts up?
There's a generation being raised right now A generation which will be able to vote for whoever succeeds trump if somehow he makes it through 2 terms A generation raised by memers
>talking about hypothetical child names >parents "jokingly" nag you about having kids >close to being a shut-in
>>131046 there's a generation right now whose only world experience was with obama as president their whole normality of what a president should do is based entirely off of obama
>>131047 That's what you get for being an only child. >>1310501 Oops. >>131050 Good question. I feel like I can't answer because my sense of normal is totally warped!
>>131043 I'm honoured you'd name your own flesh after me
It's alright for us, we at least EXPERIENCED Bush so we had some lower expectations
Imagine being like "OK the default president is Obama", and then BOOM, out of fucking nowhere, Donald "sharing classified information with a hostile world power" Trump
>>131051 I'm gonna be the last in my generation to have a child at this rate. In my age group, I am already the last. There's a whole 'nother round gearing up. It's a conflicting feeling.
>>131093 i mean it doesn't actually have to be expensive you can ball on a budget i like burt's bees stuff though personally it's really great i just assume any cosmetic product to be about the cost of a small lunch at a cafe or something
if i can get by without a lunch then i'll buy some face cream or bath soaks or exfoliating cream or stuff
>>131147 shit me neither but at least it's more consistent than gold experience
pretty much everything is it's a shame gold experience changed so much too, it's original power was really interesting a stand that creates invincible life out of inanimate objects could do all kinds of crazy shit
>>131151 the best way I can explain soft & wet is that it can either "move" or "steal" things like if something is warm, it can steal the warmth from that object in an early chapter is stole someone's eyesight for a while >>131157 AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Pink Autism
>>131152 Will consider if the dullness never comes.
>>131155 oh no you're using the quotes are you a vampire
>>131159 yeah but it's super vague and some of the way's gappy uses it don't make sense with that explanation in a recent chapter he exploded a water bottle into a sphere of water around him instantaneously normally the stuff he moves/steals have to travel slowly on these bubbles he makes there were some other parts I couldn't really figure out but I can't recall them right now
Oh did you hear about Google winning a suit by some guy trying to make google a common term and revoke its trademark status? P good
>can somebody adobe Photoshop me into this picture
i thought google was already a common term when used as a verb i know that grammatical standards say don't capitalize it when used as a verb >>131189 i know some things like aspirin, zeppelin, uh... some other things were brand names that became generics >>131192 that's definitely still a brand name
It's still got trademark It's used by people "generically", but when you tell someone to google something, while that means searching the web, it means searching the web (presumably with google)
>>131188 yeah but it is I think most used as a verb "hoover the house"
>>131188 Yeah, it does happen, but it happens only when a few conditions are met It has to, first of all, make competition much more difficult due to needing the term for the general public to understand what the product or service is, and this has to be because the trademark has become an exclusive term for the thing The general public still understands terms such as "search engine", so google isn't an exclusionary term as of right now
Kleenex is one of those things that almost is Possibly already is
freewaycola that is crap, but it is like 1,10€ per litre + bottle refund *2 litres
>>131227 it's alright most major brands taste ok to me, I never got why people are so picky about them opinions I guess
>>131237 Yeah actually I lied, it's pretty drinkable Don't ever try the variations though Vanilla coke is good Vanilla Pepsi is poison >>>/watch?v=ck-hb-gj5jE
7up or ginger ale ginger ale is just fucking expensive.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh rook did jan tell you about the new nioh dlc it sounds NUTS
>double coke how does that work?
>>131266 aw shit now that I beat P5 I can actually go back to nioh I only ever got just past umi bozu
>The rights to the brand are held by Dr Pepper Snapple Group in the United States, and PepsiCo in the rest of the world how exactly did it wound up inthis kind of situation? 7up that is
>>131271 >new weapon type, two spirit buddies shit I guess I'm buying that >>131274 it's kind of weird that nioh didn't have any pvp to begin with all the more enjoyable fights I've had in it involve npc's with movesets similar to the player
>>131276 Maybe they didn't have the server capacity?
possibly it should be really fun, I can't wait to meme on people with the kusarigama
Better postpone than be Ubisoft
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>131276 >all the more enjoyable fights I've had in it involve npc's with movesets similar to the player you haven't seen anything yet if you're only just around umi bozu
I wonder does pepper american 7up and international pepsi 7up taste different?
>>131288 I dunno I imagine soda tastes different based on where it's manufactured and what market they're targeting
>>131287 jan told me about nobunaga I bet that'll be good
>>131290 not really they have strict quality requirements for the local distributor But I have noticed that soda does have some varieties to its taste Interesting thing i once did when younger was comparing BicMacs of various european countries
>>131315 I guess their servers for dead or alive weren't up to thet ask then.
The Surge came out recently too it's pretty cool so far but the combat is somewhat simple the concept of weakening enemy armor and cutting it off as the only method of gaining new gear is interesting >>131325 it does feel kind of clunky but I'm playing a heavy armor fatfuck build
I'm skeptical because lords of the fallen was boring and clunky as fuck but I'll keep my eye on it
the atmosphere and graphic design is probably the best part going from a literal cripple and turning into GUNDAM
it looks like picking the fast nothing personnel build is pretty fluid fug I might buy this but later when I have nothing else to play or I might get prey even though it's bethesda it looks like deus ex + system shock
>>131478 I usually got // go to bed in about an hour or two depending on what I'm doing or how hard I had to work typical workday I got to sleep around 8:30-9:30 EST on weekends I pretty much just stay up until I feel like sleeping, unless I have plans in the afternoon I don't usually stick around /moe/ that much around this time though since I'm focused on other stuff nothing important just games or anime or reading
well observe it if it seems like trouble cal the dentist
Yeah I guess I'll just keep an eye on it Pulling on it now and then should help it snap faster
i'm gonna bump this thread up since i think we're done with the other one
>pot-8-os that's brilliant
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
> According to one, Abingdon intended to call the young colt "Potato" and instructed the stable boy to write the name on a feed bin. The stable boy facetiously spelled the name as "Potoooooooo" (Pot followed by 8 "o"s), which so amused Abingdon that he adopted the spelling. Ohoho! I do say young man, that is most amusing!
This node is like a little pet you can move around it's sorta creepy
>>131543 one of the arguments i used to make on /sci/ is that, since there's geodesic curvature in the spacetime surrounding earth, the earth, which is actually flat, appears to be round because space is geodesically curved into a sphere
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i bet flat earth twitter would love that
i'll see if i can find one of my old posts for you
>>131541 no G to d? no that can't be I can't live anymore BRING ME MY KAYAK
Oh shit I have discovered the ultimate cheese strat I have two frost bombs They both freeze for half of their cooldown They affect what is the closest thing I've found to a boss enemy
>>131563 i think there's a better blend of badness and elegance but i'm having trouble finding it that should be good enough
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
what if i capitalize the word round at the end
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
maybe the first round, lowercase that, and capitalize the word looks before it
can you make it an inquisitive instead of a statement like if flat earth lays in curved spacetime does flat earth look curved??
fuckin four hour comey judiciary committee hearing i know what i'm doing with my morning