I think I've found a new hobby, these school district hearing are just too damn fun to watch hearings* what is it about the nature of outrage that captivates us so much I wonder
>>>/watch?v=3MqeeDtzW5Q holy shit, this might well be the best touhou trance track I have ever heard, it's so serene especially during the latter half if someone has more track recommendations like this I would love for you to shoot them my way
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
It really tilts me that this video about broken English, is itself, posted with a title that has broken English >>>/watch?v=zMN0WStn7A0 and . it doesn't appear to be on purpose.
I thought about writing something to that effect in the comments
But really who would care
>>989965 I can't imagine that it's not at least in part on purpose, because that is some crazy broken English t hey are speaking and yeah, I wasn't even a trance guy but consider me converted
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder if i should study a particular chess opening or system hi yuyuko
>>990001 thanks ToN, I couldn't have done it without you!
s c
reeeeei you never posted BETA plushie
>>990003 i've been busy for the past hour and a half i've been under the impression that I was going to be going somewhere at anytime with no notice
s c
sounds stressful
oh fuck I just remembered its got a few boxes on it ugh >>990005 yeah although one of things was canceled because the dmv doesn't have any appointments left today
s c
I'd always assumed the DMV didn't operate with appointments, hence the very common complaint about lines and waiting time at the DMV
I'm honestly not sure how you sat through all of Extra but dropped Ultimate before finishing it This is just way more engaging, though admittedly it does lack the eurobeat bgm
>>990010 I didn't finish everyone's routes in extra. And I only played ultimate for like ten minutes and went back to Extra because Unlimited takes place after Extra so I wanted to clear every route first
s c
huh That soon
I just figured I might go back to extra if I feel like it after Ultimate, personally
>>990012 I only wanted to check it out a little bit. you mean unlimited no ultimate *not
s c
no, I wrote that properly I might go back and finish extra once I've finished ultimate, if I feel like it but probably not
huh i think I have everything in this bundle https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/11706/MuvLuv_MEGAVERSE/ also muv luv was on sale for pretty cheap this week you should've bought it instead of pirating it >>990016 yee
s c
probably related to the anime release
I don't really have the money to go spending it on video games much I'm alright enough, but if I spend money on video games I'll have to sacrifice something else that month, probably snacks or something, but I'd much rather just pirate in that case Not a lot of surplus each month
>>990016 i'm assuming sacrificing alcohol isnt an option
s c
I don't drink that much, I just drink a lot when I do
s c
which is to say, sacrificing alcohol is just sacrificing the snack budget It's not like I'm wholly opposed, but I mean, at least the stuff I can pirate, I just pirate Once I play through Alternative, if I still want more, I might just bite the bullet and buy the other ones
s c
hah, the "more like this" section on that bundle starts with DOOM Eternal
I just took a closer look at that book and the cover art has horrible jpeg artifacting all over.
s c
I thought it was just your camera
>>990050 nope notice how sharp the text is its in focus
s c
But wait, if there's merch of Sumika in a plugsuit... Is Alternative another AU of the same story? Cause she's not in Unlimited
>>990052 no, Alternative is the sequel to unlimited I didn't know she wasn't in Unlimited though
s c
I mean it's possible she shows up last minute, but It's not really a spoiler, since it becomes apparent fairly quickly anyway
>>990054 I think I know the reason why, but its a spoiler although if you ever went into a muv luv thread on /a/ you have probably seen some CGs of ut *of it
s c
Well, I'll likely end up playing through most of these so I'll figure it out I've seen the ahoge sticking up from the windowsill, at least
>>990058 that's not what I'm talking about I won't allude to it anymore unless you want hints
s c
naw, I'll figure it out since I'll probably end up playing most of them at this point
I wonder where all my muv luv memes are. probably on my backup drive and dead shitposting device i mean dead smartphone i've been meaning to fix it so I can get all the data off of it but I never got around to it.
>>990084 The one I already had downloaded didn't work, so instead of trying to download another and having that not work as well, I just bought it instead >>990087 I mean I can give it a go at least, but that's never been an issue before
>>990086 did you force recheck the files in your torrent client? I mean iylts good to buy things I guess
wonder what's happening in the brain that taking a shower entices some sort of thought pattern
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think the whole shower thoughts thing is just like it's the one time people aren't filling their brain with stimulation like books or tv or internet for an extended period of time so you have more spontaneous thoughts
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or why shower make brain go brrr
ask yourself this
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
good morning mister kun
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh wait where are you I have no idea what time it is
It's still pretty funny to see Tama being like, a real-ass soldier, considering her character in Extra It's very surreal, even after finishing Unlimited
when I read the list I was surprised it was all stuff I'd scene I'd definitely seen all of those by the time I was 14 or 15.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I normally don't like beards but I actually let mine grow out a bit and shaped it and now I don't mind it >>990180 I haven't seen Blade Runner I also haven't looked at the list
>>990179 which of those have you seen? i'm assuming Matrix, Star Wars and Blade Runner.
>>990179 Metropolis, Seventh Seal, Blade Runner, Star Wars IV and The Matrix if you watch blade runner watch the final cut
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>990182 y ah haven't seen the first two seventh seal is that a tarkosky film
They're doing the Monopoly ad thing at Maccas again and I drove past one of the signs It had the monopoly guy pointing at you and then a big caption that said "Get Ready to Pee"
and then I did a double-take and looked again and it actually said "Get Ready to Peel", in reference I guess, to those little scratchy card things. but for a minute there I was thinking that was a pretty wild ad campaign
>>990222 yeah never realised it was a bacon tribute have you seen this >>990216
>think of a youtube channel i hadn't seen in a long time >wonder if they have any new videos >all their uploads except one are 5+ years ago >one upload less than a day ago fucking eerie
>>990224 I haven't seen that video but I know about it.
I mean I know about fast inverse square root. Its considered to be dark magic or black magic under some old programming definitions.
>>990224 I own an Akutagawa (or whatever its called) prize winning novel with a Francis Bacon painting as the cover. its called "Night of Germanium" my japanese comprehension was much better when I got jt so I was able to understand some of it. I read the first few pages and the main character was masturbating in an abadoned building while listening to his crystal radio or something and I thought it was weird so I stopped reading it. I bought it for the cover anyways. maybe if I ever improve my japanese I'll go try reading it again.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>990229 oh that painting is three studies at the base of crucifixion *Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion mb
Huh, so I guess that's what the 'colors' in Total Eclipse were about I mean I pretty much figured that's what was going on, but I didn't realize it was like an established part of the MuvLuv lore, I thought it was a case of SOVIET SCIENCE
hello frens
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
'tis a nice saturday to be intoxicated, how is everyone of you doing?
s c
Did the author forget about Ultimate? This already happened.
s c
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i am sober as always
>>990244 psychologists live a disciplined life huh
>>990245 i'm just a recovering drug addict lots of psychs drink and stuff probably most of them but i'm an alcoholic so i'm sober
>>990247 oh, I see, I wasn't trying to breach an uncomfortable subject like taht was uh, if you don't mind me asking, was it just habitual or an actual addiction?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>990248 Iiyo it's not uncomfortable for me. I was drinking 2-3 bottles of liquor every day including at work and school and also abused percs and lean
damn, that is pretty tough hope you are doing better man, sounds like you do (?) I've tried codeine once and I can imagine having a codeine habit, but it's not really easy or worthwhile over here, which is probably a good thing I hear codeine is legal over the counter in switzerland or england
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>990250 Daijobu, I've been sober 4 years 10 months. Codeine isn't that great imo but promethazine with codeine is so good If I weren't in recovery, I'd drink it every day
very good to hear I don't really have anything to compare that experience against, I can't even imagine that combo I think I'll stick to psychs though
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm just watching kamen rider black
I do occasionally abuse kratom however, if that is any similar to lean (?) >>990253 tell us about it =o
s c
you can abuse kratom? I didn't realize it had any recreational value, I thought it was just like, tea sorta
>>990255 yeah sure you can abuse it, although I didn't actually mean it in that sense >>990257 there are also things like being disciplined and not drinking when taking kratom, because that can be potentially lethal >>990258 it's clearly a sedative but motivating feeling, reminiscent of actual opiods but much lighter than actual opiods I think mytraginine (the active component) binds to the actual opiod receptors we humans for some reasons have but only in a reduced sense I hope I'm not talking gibberish though because I'm kinda intoxicated right now >>990259 it's legal in many places, like it is here for example >>990257 wow, I guess that's one more to put on my plan to watch, thank you for telling :o
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I overdosed on kratom once. Abusing it is really just using at times when you probably shouldn't, though.
>>990254 kamen rider black is super cool he was turned into a cyborg against his will by the evil gorugom along with his twin brother but he escaped and fights the monsters created by gorugom and protects everyone's smiles while he searches for his brother
s c
yeah but what does it even do? I honestly just thought it was a bit like caffeine but left you with a bit more of a clear head during it
Kratom isn't really "fun" imo It's more medicinal But it's also highly addictive and has bad interactions with alcohol
s c
Well, I already have a strange sense of fun, though Like when I passed out while drinking after taking way too much ritalin, that was fun until I like, collapsed, though I think most people would have not found it much fun at all
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
kratom will also make you constipated easily and can cause a lot of GI problems it's also the most disgusting thing i've ever put in my mouth in my entire life and i've had some nasty stuff in there you have to take sofuckingmuch kratom to get anything out of it and it tastes so nasty
>>990260 I would say kratom for one is already a healthier habit than alcohol it is unclear what it really does to the liver is one thing I worry about but some people have done blood tests after using it for like 10 years and it turned out fine >>990264 >>990265 it really is that bad if you can get used to the taste, you kind of know you are addicted althought putting it in tea or coffee makes it palatable I find
s c
>>990262 You can mix it in with something like tea though, can't ya? >>990265 That bad, huh?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that literally does not help the taste is miserably overpowering chocolate milk is a frequent mix for it but kratom is not soluble so it just gets stuck in your mouth and throat and doesn't mix into anything well people do kratom shots with orange juice and honey in them which basically is so quick that you don't taste it too much but it's so nasty still i have a capsule machine that i used to make kratom capsules with so i could withstand the taste
s c
Seems you need a receipt for it here, anyway Prescription, rather our word is "resept" so I often get those mixed up when reading in something in Norwegian and then go over to English
>>990266 lol rip, really I often read kratom has been a godsent for people who were actually addicted to opiates so it's kinda a shame >>990268 really? I haven't had much trouble, but then again I never really bumped the dose beyond something like 4g a day I would say quitting caffeine is harder =w=
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>990263 kratom physical dependency is pretty bad it takes longer to go through withdrawal than alcohol and is more likely to result in people moving on to actual opioids a lot of kratom users shift to heroin eventually
s c
Well I'm not actually like, addicted to anything Though I definitely have a problem with substance abuse, probably
I don't even really remember why I picked up smoking anymore, now that I think of it I just sorta did one day, and never stopped I was like, 23?
>>990269 it's probably smarter not even to begin for me kratom really helps with motivation, it's done wonders for me you should definitely consider switching from cigarettes to something like nicotine pouches (if your country has them) >>990271 I've actually never vomitted from kratom, but I hear about it all the time, from people who've supposedly taken doses as benign as 3g, it's really a mystery to me
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
kratom has a really boring overdose too you just have to lie still for like 8 hours until it wears off or you'll vomit a lot but your brain is too stimulated to sleep it off pretty bad at least you dont die
s c
Might as well just do nutmeg I guess, then that sounds hella more fun, anyway, even though it's less a drug and more of a poison
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>990270 i took like 15g when i OD'd i didnt throw up other than that although kratom always sat bad in my stomach
s c
>>990270 I've gradually ended up using snus instead of cigarettes, for the most part Though I still smoke cigs, too
>>990272 nutmeg is actually dangerous is you do to much, afaik >>990273 that sounds hella tough a friend of mine said his nausea from OD'ing lasted 2 days >>990274 the tabacco free ones? or the swedish classic (tm) >>990276 yeah but tabacco isn't nicotine over here we have pouches that use nicotine salts, they have no tobacco at all I mean, nicotine is probably extracted from tobacco, even in "tobacco free" nicotine products, but you catch my drift
s c
No, they still have nicotine The one I use is British, it turns out
I think it's made from tobacco, but I dunno, they're pouches at least
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>990275 mine didnt last that long because i have really good liver functioning and metabolism for foreign substances but i've heard it lasting a while like that
>>990277 that's nice I guess, at least you didn't have to stick around in a miserable state like that try not to OD in the future though friend
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I don't do drugs anymore so I don't have to worry about that.
>>990279 I hope it's not an odd question to shoot your ways, but how old are you? you have the air of a person who's graduated from playthings like drugs uhm, you don't have to answer if it is too personal
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I'm 28
oh I see, well, I'll compare myself to your standards when I'm 28 good to hear however that you've stopped and it's working for you :)
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I have the heart of a 17yo schoolgirl, though~ kyun ♥
>>990283 but don't 17yo schoolgirls do drugs all the time?
im my experience yes
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
That's because their minds are clouded over! But my heart is free! I won't be defeated! I'm the epitome of purity!
wow, poetic saved yourself outta that one
robots don't have hearts
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
robotojanai mou
yuyukoKirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\AnnoAnnoAnno
do you guys eat canned foods very often?
i eat canned beans and canned coconut milk regularly canned peas sometimes but that's it really
there's so manny canned foods at the grocery store do a lot of people eat a large amount of canned food?
>>990296 not even as an ingredient in something else? i don't make curry without coconut milk and the non-canned coconut milk is usually not the product i want, and when it is it's so expensive!
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i havent eaten anything out of a can in like 10 years
>>990295 I do sometimes, but not really all that often although I love basically anything that can be put on bread, and it turns out a lot of things can be put on bread
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>990295 Nah, I just buy whatever I want fresh. I don't like canned stuff. Coconut milk in a can might be okay since it's a liquid, but I don't like canned solid foods. I do have some canned soup around for emergencies, but I've never needed them.
ahh, canned soup i had to throw away some canned soup recently because it expired canned food expiring is always funny to me i don't think i bought it though, i think my mom sent it home with me she has this habit of not letting me leave her house until she's given me literally anything in her kitchen she's willing to part with is that just a mother thing? or is my mom a weirdo
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
My mom tries to give me stuff too.
>>990297 what's your favorite kind of jelly/jam/fruit preserve/past
>>990301 actually, I don't eat jelly, it's too sweet hummus for example I only discovered recently and I could honestly live off of this stuff I also like liptauer, which is a cheese kind of thing to put on bread I'm honestly not sure how I'm supposed to translate our word for it, but we call everything an "aufstrich" >>990305 wow you got me it's rich in carbohydrates I think but it's definitely not sweet
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>990302 10/10 first episode absolutely amazing i can't wait for episode 2
>>990303 hummus made from chickpeas is technically a fruit paste because chickpeas are the fruit of the chickpea plant get WRECKED
yeah it's not really i'm just being dumb
i do love hummus though, it's one of the items i always have on hand i like making sandwiches with hummus, feta cheese, cucumber and then something spicy, like hot sauce or jalapeno peppers and i usually eat it with chips so i have something crunchy too
>>990305 yeah, I do too now, but there are certainly enough other great things to put on bread like you say
i think i had liptauer at this eastern european type pub place once but it was made with goat cheese and while i do like goat cheese sometimes, it doesn't always hit right
they also had schnitzel and boy do i love schnitzel
>>990307 yeah, it's very much eastern european cuisine and in part also over here towards germany and austria schnitzel is great, I agree!
i have an electric kettle and a french press in my room now so just like today i can wake up and have delicious coffee ready without having to leave my room
>>990309 I honestly wouldn't be able to control my caffeine intake like that, but it does sound really comfy comfy is important after all
yesterday, we were tinting the house of a couple wealthy professionals and they had a 3500 dollar espresso machine in their kitchen the homeowner offered us coffee and made me an americano it was frustrating that it was so good but this cup of coffee i'm having now is also good so that frustration is washing away
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ameri KHAAAANo
>>990319oh oh those are nifty very similar to what i have, just slightly different hot water on demand is important
some people have nearly boiling water on tap what luxury it must cost a bit to heat water like that
i spent a lot of time this week in the homes of the very very wealthy because of work it's had me pondering the value of wealth a lot i just can't justify owning so much up to a certain point, i understand it, even wish for it but after a certain point it's just absurd i'm tempted to say inhuman, but i fear it's all too human 50,000 USD on bathroom wallpaper? you could have done something with that
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I end up with a lot of wealthy clients and the insanity of their spending bothers me so much. Children who won't be able to drive for like 5 more years being given $50k cars, people with olympic sized pools they don't even use, beach houses they spend two days a year in.
A client went to a rehab recently that cost $80k per month. They were there for 4 months.
there's whole neighborhoods where each household pays more for landscaping than the average american makes in a year!
80k per month..... jesus fuck
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and they didnt even treat the client there at all the client just hung out for four months without their phone and stuff and occasionally saw a therapist people love this stuff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
4 month phoneless detox nice damn rich people gettin adult babysitting and all
feelin kinda radicalized
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>990328 this was actually a 15yo who was there against their will after their parents sent them there following a suicide attempt after the 80k per month thing that facility recommended a 40k per month wilderness therapy where all they did was hike up and down a mountain for three months (still no phone)
AnnoSamu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>990330 the margins on these forma of therapy sound pretty thicc
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you still have to pay staff to supervise out of control humna si guess so that can't be so inexpensive
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It is. They only have to hire one therapist for every 30 or so clients. So a lot of them get away with one actual therapist and then it's staffed by technicians who are going to make $15/hr (if they're experienced). The therapist probably makes 50k a year, although they're only going to be working maybe 8 months a year so it's not a half bad gig for them.
But these places are going to have 20-30 clients in treatment every month, so they're making massive amounts of money to provide virtually no help to the clients. They do need to have a medical director, who probably makes $120-140k per year, and a clinical director who will make $100-120k. But these places operate like 8 months a year with 20-30 clients each paying $40k a month so those costs are really miniscule. They likely have one nurse practitioner too, who is making maybe 90-100k? But they do all of the actual medical treatment and evaluations while the medical director and clinical director are essentially only there to sign paperwork and do virtually nothing.
These places are the reason people can afford to spend $50k on bathroom wallpaper. It's scams all the way down. And poor people go into debt over this stuff.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
riggity riggity rigged lets start a rehab facility
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Deshou? Startup on one of these is like a million dollars but they'll bring in 2-5 mil first year even after payroll/ Rehabs are one of the few businesses that can expect to make a profit year one if they start with someone who has a network.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's insane, how do they charge so much... insurance pays?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It used to. Insurance used to pay thousands per day per person about 10 years ago and it led to a big influx of scams. But then because laws were enacted to stop some of those scams, insurance had to lower their payouts. These days, insurance doesn't pay very well for rehab, so mostly you want to be out of network with insurance. But what the end result of it all was, that people used to charge out the ass because insurance would handle it, and now that insurance won't, they just avoid taking most insurances and kept the price the same because that was industry standard pricing. After that, these wealthier places just rose their prices. Because people don't know what they're doing when it comes to finding help, the rehabs that get the most business are the ones with the greatest marketing budget, which, not so coincidentally, tend to be the ones charging the most money.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
prices are sticky that's // sounds par for the course for american exploitation
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder what the situation is like up north we treat indigenous people like shit up here im sure we have some busted regulations of a comparable sort too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's basically impossible to get mental health help here in BC because of some weird perversion of the laws idk exactly should look into that
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>990339 psychology in america is mostly based in misrepresenting itself the entire american psychological association is constantly claiming that there is such a thing as "evidence based practice" but the academic realm of psychology is wholly unreliable. there's a big crisis in psychology in that most of the biggest and most known studies cannot be successfully replicated, and the same is true of most studies. there's a very low rate of successful replication which calls all of our "evidence based practice" into question. psychologists use p hacking to find anything significant in their research and then publish that, so we actually have no way of knowing what's truly effective and what isn't. but the APA refuses to take it seriously and just goes deeper and deeper into the lie of evidence based practice
it's super american scams on scams on scams scams all the way down
for the places that do take insurance, insurance will only pay if they use "evidence based practice "
lots of stuff in psychology is effective and we do help people considerably but the "industry" is just based on lies
p hacking yea it's unfortunate but gotta publish gotta get that degree gotta prestige!!
s c
I don't even know what p hacking is
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my dissertation has all these "revolutionary conclusions" that are basically all made up my chair just found stuff that was significant and then made me come up with reasons to explain the relationships between basically bullshit variables
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>990347 it's like reverse engineering a good result from a big swath of data normally you would be like "hmm i wonder if vaccines cause autism" and then get a bunch of random test subjects and check how many have autism p hacking is like... "well hmm what if i take this data set and THIS data set and put them together and look for any kind of interesting result... no? okay lets try the next data set... oh shit i found a correlation... publish! vaccines cause autism!"
what the fuck I am tripping balls and this very moment our chancellor has resigned over corruption allegations I honestly couldn't be more glad
s c
>>990349 so what, it's basically just taking data from unrelated stuff and crawling them for what you want to prove until you find enough to back it up? calling that "p hacking" makes it sound like a legitimate part of science, rather than like, bunk
like idk im not great at stats but usually you're looking for correlations between variables but in this case the "hacking" is that you're instead grinding your way thru different data sets, looking for the sorts of correlations that will naturally occur by chance when given enough random data, and cherry-picking just that particular situation to prove an interesting, publishable result
p hacking is like a pejorative phrase usually you'd call it significance chasing
Sam is pretty much right.
I have a big dataset and I basically go through it running statistical analyses on every combo of variables I can until I find a significant result. Then I come up with something to explain those results.
It's standard in psychology but it completely ignores how science is supposed to be done and results in unreliable findings.
>>990354 are you talking politics? oh, no, I'm austrian, if you wanna watch the clownery live you just have to look up "sebastian kurz"
s c
I thought it was like, a method of finding True Things that aren't immediately apparent by like, running a bunch of numbers or something, I didn't think it was the scientific equivalent of ignoring 1000 studies because you found 2 that say what you want
>>990359 yeah dude, 2c-b can be harder than expected nothing better than reporting on doushio however
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh man i still gotta try that get me some research chems
i actually picked up an eighth of shrooms yesterday i was walkin thru the square at city center and there was a dude set up there selling weed and shrooms openly he was wearing a bright blue track suit and had at least 6 tears tattooed under his eye funny guy
s c
>>990355 Yeah I feel like any other discipline would laugh at you for even considering that stuff like, legit to any extent
>>990361 I insufflated it this time, jsut for the sake of experiment, it does a whole lot more let me tell you less nausea but it BURNS like a bitch for 5 minutes very fun however, it's a bit like a friendly acid trip, couldn't have bought myself a more quality time although I don't want to endorse anything >>990368 p-hacking?
>>990362 It's not "legit" technically. Everyone knows you're not supposed to do it but they still do it. But it's also a secret, nobody is supposed to know that this is how we do things.
s c
but it's still what the discipline is based on, I thought you said
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>990362 every discipline does it tho i mean people who want to get published do it
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, if you want tenure, you have to do it.
s c
I mean I guess, but the way you make it sound it's like if the real underpinnings we have for like, physics were actually not even like, studied properly, but we still make airplanes and stuff out of it and hope we don't all die
Whatever it takes to get published. Which usually means p-hacking.
>>990370 ah, indeed, it's gotten pretty perverse I sometimes wonder what is going to become of the publishing business, because the way we are doing it now is a bit odd and maybe even unsustainable open science will hopefully break through although one could argue it did already
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>990369 there's real science out there, it's much less frequent to stumble upon something new and interesting though and there are lots of people who are convinced they gotta have a thesis at all costs so you get the current situation idk peer review is a pretty broken mechanic
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I have some criminological publications and presentations and when I did that research, I thought it was totally legit. But when I got older, I realized how bad all that research was. But it still got published.
I also have a publication on some disaster behavior research regarding hurricane evacuation behavior, and I did that as second author with the only researcher I trust who didn't do p hacking and actually did good research.
But I was part of five or six psych studies that have been published and all of them are all embarrassing to have my name on. Not publishing my dissertation actually was something I'm proud of www
>>990355 >It's standard in psychology but it completely ignores how science is supposed to be done and results in unreliable findings. that's happening in fucking every field it's nauseating
>>990373 embarrassing in what way? in terms of quality of the studies?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It's humiliating to know that my name is attached to such bad research. I'm not first author or anything on them but it's just nasty. I'd rather have naked photos of myself online than those studies.
>>990376 I see, oh well you can't improve until you see the problem I guess you can try to do better in the future and live with it if it's that bad can you not retract them or something?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I could never retract a study, most people can't. It would cause massive damage to everyone else involved with it. Retracting a study is a death sentence, you just have to pretend everything is fine.
But I refuse to be involved with research anymore so it's not really my problem.
>>990378 that kind of sounds like a broken system I see, that may be for the better
modern academia is a broken system it's a cancer that must be cleansed
the amount of bad data i see in the blood journal is insane and a lot of doctors don't think to question it since it's in there
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it's like "this is a reputable journal so all i need to do is read the abstract and conclusions"
>>990381 supposedly the bigshot journals are going to offer reviews for money at the very least that's the take on https://medium.com/the-spike/2020-a-moderately-bemused-review-of-the-year-in-neuroscience-99ca8744d03c?source=collection_home---4------4----------------------- someone who probably knows better than me when it comes to modern academia
>>990382 I wonder why medium.com sucks so much honestly
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, journals talk about solutions but they never enact them. Journals are a business, after all. They need to publish lots of studies so they don't want to slow down on it which means they'd only suffer if they enacted more stringent guidelines. They've been talking about this stuff for a decade.
yeah true it is kind of depressing how much sense your take makes I suppose they would be the first to see problems like these, even though they lack the incentives to do anything about it kind of like the record companies when they found out that torrents don't really reduce sales by even close to as much as they had assumed but then they just decided not to publish it
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, it's scams all the way down. All that matters is money.
s c
money was a mistake
and most of the journals have been infested by politics too they will or won't publish stuff about certain things, and people won't jeopardize their careers by writing it, and moreover for a lot of the fields the funding source is political in nature too, like environmental sciences there's almost no incentive to do replication studies in those since it's supporting something politically motivated
it's all cancer
>>990387 even if you removed money, we would just invent it again l0l
s c
It definitely sounds really bad, but does it actually affect much, anyway? Like is there some easy example of this problem wiggling its way out of academia and into the real world?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you go to a therapist and they give you a worksheet because a study said worksheets help people a doctor might say "oh there are studies that say trans people have brain anatomy that is identical to the gender they identify with that means you are girlbrained" it leads to a lot of problematic stuff i can only give examples in psych mostly
s c
I actually thought that latter one was down to a wholly different category of problem within science Like I figured most of the issue in that was down to like, only those already categorized as trans by the system were considered trans by this, so it was kind of an issue in that area, rather than like, something else A different kind of bunk, basically
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well those studies are usually done with like, a sample size of 10 people. they aren't valid. but they get published and influence the practice
s c
I guess that's why my appointment that time was so hung up on my sexual preferences too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
good thing about like particle physics is they require like some insane p value p=0.0000001 or something 5 sigma
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah that shit's good
but psychology is totally based around trying to measure things that are by definition impossible to measure so the only way to find significance is to make it easy to find significance unfortunately
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
time for the last episode of kamen rider black
good luck have dun
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i hope kamen rider black defeats his brainwashed brother, shadow moon, and saves the world from the creation king and his mutants
s c
I guess I had this naive idea that overall, psychology was like, primarily based on rigorous studies and stuff, and there were just some bad outliers Well, all of science really
>>990402 > I guess I had this naive idea that overall, psychology was like, primarily based on rigorous studies and stuff wow fuck i was literally about to say hahaha before i got SCREWED OVER by a hidden carriage return
i also thought psychology was actually scientific when i first started my bachelors program and stuff but i learned how wrong i was
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no kamen rider black's sentient motorcycle, battle hopper, got hurt ):
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
(he exploded)
is he ok
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
does he look ok?!
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
shikari shirou
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
narrator-san please lmao
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
kamen rider black got the satan saber and he struck shadow moon's king stone with it!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bike releases its petro carbons back to the earth nature is healing
>>990397 that's actually probably what I'm going into assuming I don't do quantitative finance
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the fuck kamen rider black failed to save his brother from the brainwashing and his brother died and was like "lol you're going to live your life in regret for my death BITCH"
although his sister is just in san fransisco so???
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
kamen rider black was the most successful kamen rider series of the showa era and it was really well known to the point that it got a direct sequel that stars the same kamen rider but it was about kamen rider black getting thrown into space or something and was the last kamen rider series from 1989 until 2000 and nobody talks about it i think its the only kamen rider with a direct sequel it must have been really bad im not gonna watch that one haha
>>990429 Oh, nice. 400-600 pieces, pretty cool. And 180mm tall when completed. I don't know anything about Muv-Luv but that looks like a good kit. No paint or cement needed so it's a nice, easy build.
s c
huh, you haven't read muv luv? I honestly kinda expected you to have
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
My impression of Muv-Luv has always been that it seems to take itself a little too serious for my tastes.
s c
I dunno if I agree with that The subject matter is obviously a bit more serious than a lot of other stuff, though, I guess?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I also really don't like grimdark stuff. Grimdark stuff is like, as boring and uninspired as it gets imo.
But these are just my impressions of it.
s c
I think I'm like halfway through Alternative and I've yet to see gore or aliens
well in any case I just kinda assumed you'd have read it, is all So it's a bit surprising you haven't
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Just one of those things I never really got into. I'm not too big on the mecha designs and I actually never really liked eroge much.
s c
Well, that lines up with why I avoided the whole franchise, so I can't blame you there
s c
you didn't know muvluv is an eroge series?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cue ton excitedly downloading
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
captain redirect all energy to the torrent client
s c
Like really, man, the piloting suits all being the Test Plugsuits from eva should have tipped you off
Eva isn't an eroge though
s c
No but if it was a VN and the promo art was just the \\ Asuka and Rei in the test plugsuit, you'd be very justified in assuming it contained porn Cause it's VERY Horny
I didnt really know what muvluv was either, let alone that it was eroge
s c
I mean in fairness, there's not a lot of porn in there Personally I'd prefer it wasn't there at all, but you play the VN you're given
if a vn with sex scenes isn't an eroge then what the actual fuck even is
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\Anno
wow you brought me a miku with burger thanks
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\s c
>>990464 generally speaking they are, I just think there's a gray zone where there's simply too little lewd to really call it an eroge rather than, well, a VN that also has lewd
s c
Like even if it's technically true, it seems strange to call Saya an eroge, you know? It's not wrong, but it definitely doesn't feel like it's entirely accurate, either
But man, Alternative sure is a hell of a lot longer than Unlimited, huh? Or at least it feels like it Maybe I've just been reading them back to back so they blend together a little though
i left right after i drank my coffee and just now realized the coffee mug was still on my desk and it hadn't been rinsed out after only a single day, the bottom of the mug is stained :( this is what i get for buying a cheap mug maybe it will scrub out
baking soda time it's not so much the bottom that annoys me i mean the bottom of the mug does annoy me but it's the thin film of residue that was along the sides of the mug that have stained it brown i guess the mug was so cheap maybe i just get a better mug
is my life so easy that i complain about a stained mug am i so boring i have nothing better to post about
i dont think that's how that works awareness and appreciation of the little comforts don't come from things being easy i guess it could seems like the kind of thing forged from hardships though
that is to say, you seem to have developed an earnestness that you didn't used to have not that that's strange moving out of young adulthood into old adulthood
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
mate i want to hear more about this mug
>>990539 the baking soda is working! i'm gonna let it soak for another hour or so and then it should be fine the irony is that the mug is supposed to look kinda rustic anyways so caring about getting rid of the coffee stains is probably kind of a weirdo move
The BETA being theorized to be a hivemind where the like, individual aliens are really more like appendages than anything else reminds me of Ender's Game, where the entire conflict was the result of what can only be described as a culture crash Because the alien "invaders" are a hivemind, it saw the initial action it took as no more than a greeting, just a sort of super-organism handshake, while to us it was like, hundreds of people being fucking slaughtered
It'd be like if we shook hands with an alien, but that alien was actually a gazillion actual individuals, and by shaking "it's" hand we killed off a fuckton of what we'd consider cells, but they consider, well, individuals
Of course, the BETA don't seem to be doing an extended greeting or anything But it reminded me of that
AnnoMahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Top keq
here's the picture of the supposed leak that possibily indicates a neq keqing skin in 2.4
if it's real and mihoyo official, it's also much much newer than the other image i posted
which i've had on my hard drive for a while now specifically since march not long after it was posted for the first time to the pixiv page of 辰暮sora
so either they work for MHY now or they got ripped off
i don't fully understand the people complaining about her power level or rather if i do understand it, they're whack for the hate
no one else just one-shots domains for me like she does
but i guess i also lack hu tao, ganyu, or xiao and i think they fucked up with those characters and don't want the power level to be that high so now they're trying not to release characters that strong or something like that because i think the playerbase expects every character to be a ganyu
>>990561 people are playing hisui point because it's supposedly better or they were, before the kohaku-point unblockable was discovered
but i'll play kohaku point no matter what because she's the cuter maid
Things freeze and they don't unfreeze. and I have freeze crit bonus trinkets on too.
oh i never thought about her in a freeze comp yeah her skill is probably nuts for that i'd probably use the sacrificial book too
i could pull for her right now if i wanted i'd be like 14 away from pity so i'd probablyish maybe get her, i have guaranteed event next but i heard they might do a hu tao rerun and i'm conflicted :(
>>990571 they have to put neco arc in as dlc there's no way they don't
i also heard ayaka's older brother will be water element when they get around to releasing him
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I'm just waiting for the Ganyu runback. I'm spending ALL. my gems.
night /moe/
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
good knight.
s c
aw man it got early again it's fucking 9am, I've just been reading and reading going "one more hour" for the last like, 6 or 7 hours
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
may as well just stay up all day now.
AnnoS C
>>990578 Naw I gotta get some sleep each day My days of pulling 2 days in a row comfortably are basically over
Sometimes I still can but it requires careful preparation and planning I need constant access to easy, actually good food, non caffeinated drinks, and like 3 or 4 levels of stimulation prepared, so if I get bored of shat I'm doing, I can play a game, or watch a movie, or some anime, without just sorta zoning out and becoming aware of how tired I am That and I have to know I want to be up for the whole next day, too, and that's rarely the case anymore since most of what I occupy my time with isn't adrenaline fueled anymore
Besides, I'd be staying up to read, and I already feel my eyes starting to strain a bit Before I got my glasses, I'd have a massive headache just pushing it this far
https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/articles/inside-the-johns-hopkins-psilocybin-playlist the hopkins university has it's own psilocybin playlist also, hello there frens
>>990582 infected mushroom is great, although I like their unorthodox style used in vicious deliecious or legend in the black shawarma more than some of the most recent or oldest tracks the most serene however have to be converting vegetarians, with tracks like >>>/watch?v=gL6zMr35Bzs >>>/watch?v=4_MisbWUUrg although 'tis just preference
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i want to inject psilocybin into blood and grow mushrooms inside me like that one guy
he dead though rest in mushroom land fellow psychonaut
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he survived! barely
oh wow, you are right very good to hear! having mushrooms grow in your blood must really be something else... link for properity: https://www.insider.com/man-injected-with-mushrooms-grew-in-blood-caused-organ-failure-2021-1 *prosperity
for some reason I only remembered the organ failure and I was somewhat convinced organ failure means death, but I suppose that is not the case
I kind of stopped watching it in the middle, need to pick it up again heartwarming but there is so little actual things going on are so few* I really can't into engrish
it is great as a show though
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
where in the middle season three?
>>990597 the middle of season three yeah I wasn't even trying to drop it, it kinda just happened
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I have not got that far yeah I can understand I've enjoyed what I've seen though
>>990599 oh I watched the other two seasons a long time ago, back when watching anime in high volumes was somehow easier maybe you should give season three a shot, not like any of them are connected anyways
>>990611 new mobs, huh? are there any details about them at all yet? like are they hostile, neutral, friendly?
nah the video is is about how they'll release videos over the week about them and then there will be a community vote next weekend
s c
well yeah, I just figured maybe they also had released something or other about the candidates it's a little bit interesting that there's still actual stuff happening with minecraft, it feels kinda surreal how far it's gotten since I bought it
Annos c
it's also honestly a little bit incredible to me how long I've owned minecraft, but I've actually never stepped foot in the End Not once
s c
One thing that still isn't wholly clear to me about MuvLuv is why there even are like, tanks and infantry on the front lines, at all When the BETA attack, they always have the destroyers leading the pack, right, and even if they didn't there's like, thousands upon thousands of them rushing at a time Even if every shell from a tank could kill 3 BETA, and they never missed, each tank would at best amount to like what, maybe 60 kills before it necessarily has to retreat, which it probably won't be able to because these fuckers can go at like 80km/h themselves
It just seems like a wholly meaningless exercise to even produce tanks anymore when the battlefield has changed so drastically Tanks don't have the ammo capacity to be useful unless you dump like, many, many, many hundreds of them on the field at once, and even then you're all but guaranteed to lose all of them either way Even in the absolute best case scenario, they're wholly worthless against the BETA, and you'd be better served breaking them down for parts and making landmines instead
s c
Ok so it's closer to 120, actually, at least for the M1 Abrams, apparently But that's still absolutely nothing when there's absolutely no way they're going to actually land every shot in such a stressful situation, and you'd need divine protection just to have time to fire all the shells anyway
Bombardments from artillery I absolutely get, because with those all you're ever really putting at risk is the ammo itself, and that's kinda what it's there for You couldn't fight a war if you considered the ammunition hitting the enemy to count as a loss But when your ranks are spread so thin you're actually just about like, out of men, literally most of the military forces are women because you ran out of men, you can't afford to throw lives into ineffectual machinery that won't even slow the BETA down more than a second or two each, at best
And again, that's only even assuming there aren't destroyers, which there just about always are
s c
Cause like Isumi, when catching Takeru up on the corriculum related to the BETA, outright says "your 120mm won't even put a dent in them" Sure, of course war tech has likely accelerated at a higher pace in the muv luv world just due to their situation being one where they can't afford to put money anywhere else unless entirely necessary, but the TSF use 120mm, and so does the M1 Abrams the IRL US military uses today So it's a fair bet their tanks use that too, otherwise they'd probably outfit the TSF with whatever better stuff they're putting on the tanks
They really ought to consider those orbital dropped tungsten rod satellites we've been thinking about here. For those things, it doesn't matter too much if the laser classes can get a bead on it, which itself is incredible if they do, because it's still gonna impact and do a fuckton of kinetic damage, even if scattered and rendered somewhat less effective by the lasers Could coat those things in that same armored package they use for the orbital-drop TSF onto hives, and legit just slam the rod straight into the hive, they're like a fucking nuke when they impact in terms of energy released, after all.
any rabi ribi players?
s c
>>990620 Haven't even heard of it before, but it does look kinda fun Like some sorta more horny combination of megaman and 2hu?
Maybe I'll try it Is it like, a linear story that you play and then you're done, or more like a roguelite or something?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I played it for like 10 minutes but I think bang liked it
bang dess i played it for about 9 hours, 5 years ago i'm surprised you remembered ton
i was asking because i'm about to dive back into it from the beginning not sure if maybe someone's played it in that time
>>990621 it's like a megaman, 2hu, and a metroidvania there is a story mode for the initial playthrough and then a speedrun and a boss rush mode as well as some mods for more content or other modes
s c
hmmm, might be fun as something to play through It's been a while since I had something linear and action-filled to just play through like that
I should finish CrossFade some day, too, I really liked that game, I even bought it after pirating it, before even finishing it, but then I never finished it cause I think I got stuck somewhere
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm really good at small insignificant details that show up eventually
maybe this week is the week that i'll watch elaina >>990624 it's also pretty cheap and full of cute anime girls
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
A good idea! Amnesia and Avelia won't get to do anything in it though.
is there enough content for more seasons? has anything been announced since the first one?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
No announcements but the final episode has a teaser for Amnesia's story So they leave themselves open to it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
In order to do all of Amnesia's story they have to introduce Hoki which they haven't already though. So they've really got themselves set up for a full season of more content. As someone who likes Amnesia a lot, I'd like to see that.
yknow i been to vienna less than 24h spent there but i was there briefly didnt even get to have a beer
austria, belgium, finland, germany, the netherlands these are the places i want to visit the most aside from japan
>>990639 great great it's t-4 hours of bed time and I'm leaving to visit a friend real quick >>990640 you could tell me when you visit, would love to have a drink with you (of any sort) I take the city for granted but people tell me it's quite beautiful, there are indeed some lovely places to visit so how is uhm, canada (?) I wish my memory wasn't so atrocious >>990641 japan, dayo ne...
finland would be quite out of the way but it interests me a lot
AnnoSamu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>990642 oh nice have fun! maybe one day when things open up ill do my long awaited revisit to europe
>>990645 maybe i'll have money saved by then and i'll stalk you across europe it'll be great inspiration for a thriller
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe we'll have a party van
huh, finland won 3rd time in a row world champ of cheerleading i am surprised that even has wc's
hey TN are you the rowdy type when drunk i'm now imagining a scenario where you, samurai, and i are travelling across europe and getting into hijinks and shenanigans and in this imaginary premise you are starting bar fights
I would be surprised if PK's the kind to start fights when drunk Join them, maybe
maybe i'll have to start htem
s c
Yeah I think he's more likely to join one than start one tbh
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he's the type to annoy people into starting a fight when drunk 100%
How can all of us be wrong Do you just avoid fights all-together?
yeah as unbeliavable as it is, i am more of the defuser type
I wouldnt be surorised if he was more of a sappy drunk
s c
>>990657 hmmm I wouldn't have expected that >>990658 He'd be sappy all the time here, then
there is a large difference in kalsarikänni and going out for drinks or being in company etc
s c
I do not know what that means, but I'm pretty sure we were all talking about like, going out to drink with your close friends, not with like, coworkers or something like that yknow, people who wouldn't like, mess up your life or something as a result
yea and i do very different stuff depending on company as do almost everyone
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
usually here you just start spamming legacy of kain lore
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i love how my brain drunk and about to fall asleep can consistently do two things 1) get me home 2) shitpost about lok
>>990680 my bro been hypin the game up ill probably have to buy it and play w him
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im real bad or at least inexperienced at L4D tho
>>990671 wait I mightve read some of the screenplay for this a while back it err if I didnt it was some other wonka origin screenplay but it was on The Black List a few years ago
>>990686 yeah i looked it up its not using the screenplay I was thinking if *of apparently that got picked up at some point but was shelved by the studio ;_; I was really hoping that would get made
it was dark and gritty which was what I really liked about it
>>990676 what are some normal things you can say to your friends cat?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sorry i wasn't posting that as an indictment it was like "haha guy is so clueless" also the "men" part was a correction for the prev post
>>990691 I did not know this was possible on currently released consumer hardware.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
makes sense
I found a funny youkai. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunekosuri