Isekai Shokudou *Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! *Kaizoku Oujo *Kyoukai Senki *Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu Love Live! Superstar!! Muteking the Dancing Hero Selection Project *Shinka no Mi - Shiranai Uchi ni Kachigumi Jinsei *Takt Op. Destiny *Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Dai Mankai no Shou
-- New Shows Blue Period (Netflix) Episode 1-2 Build Divide - Code Black Deep Insanity - The Lost Child Gyakuten Sekai no Denchi Shoujo Kimetsu no Yaiba - Mugen Ressha-hen Shikizakura Taishou Otome Otogibanashi Visual Prison World Trigger
hmm, what should we watch tonight and do we have bang?
We have a currently orange Bang up above
>>991286 If you want to see if Blue Period is on your trackers, I'm pretty interested in watching it When I saw it was going to be a Netflix show I was worried it would be impossible to get, but there's some ripping group called NetflixSucks who've put it up on Nyaa But I don't know if it's on your XDCC trackers
One of the weirder things for me is hearing a new OP from Ali Project I kinda just assumed they'd gone into quiet retirement or something
Hah hah hah' I guess even as a cute girl the human instinctual terror of being chased by a predator kicks in
I kinda had a feeling she wouldn't be able to taste Blood is probably the only thing that has flavour
90C isn't that pretty hot
like 180 degrees ish?
It's 90% of the way to boiling, so yeah 45c is probably the limit of most people being able to survive in hot temperatures for a long period of time, assuming proper hydration and it not being overwhelmingly humid At 50c you need to take serious measures even in dry climates to not literally collapse from the heat 90c would probably be unsustainable for more than a couple minutes
well 90% from 32 to 212 which is weirder math requires more than a single thing to think about
I dunno about the sauna, but the spinny device is accurate to cosmonaut training Although I imagine the staff in most real life situations aren't trying to abuse the trainees
It's wild to think humans went to the Moon at a time when the best bet for a surface landing was an ejected seat on a parachute followed by a personal parachute
She's pretty cute Despite trying to act tough her snarky, bristly side and gap moe is cute
oh no
This guy has a good method for handling tsundere
so far, for a show about which the premise is vampires and the cold war space race, within the terrifying, cold, and brutal communist military research community this is pretty comfy and chill
This show was getting a little bit of buzz in other circles im in
Creatively it's kind of easy to hype up The animation is a collab between both MAPPA and Madhouse, with character designs by LAM The music is being directed by ryo of supercell fame
Plus that first episode was real cool and had a fun vibe of hunting monsters in a cross-continental American roadtrip It's just a bunch of fun things thrown together, with some big names attached to it That kind of thing tends to generate some hype
as someone who specifically really really loves piano music, this episode has been a treat so far
Wow they stole his piano That's pretty mean
Well this is absolutely adorable
His smile and optimism: Restored
i had a feeling something was going to happen thigns were too good...
Yeah I was hoping I could get that previous post in before the shoe dropped Because it was gonna
jahy would be nice i am very tired lots of work recently and i'm lifting again
Works for me There's a few things Rika and I can do for a fifth And I'm not terribly excited about Shinka no Mi anyway
I feel like Momo in Machikado Mazoku did something similar She and this mahou shoujo have a somewhat close character overlap
Actually this mahou shoujo is kind of like a mash-up of the two mahou shoujo from that series She's got Momo's physical toughness and kind of social awkwardness, as well as Mikan's cursed misfortune
she's kind of just a regular girl she probably needs more gems before she gets her powers back
From what we saw of her time in the Dark Realm she seemed to have some of the strength to walk the walk she talks But yeah, I imagine since her power derives from the mana stone she's still kind of weak
wow she impressed a grade schooler and now she might not have enough power to get through her shift
Well she seems to be a degree stronger than she ought to be with that wirey body
This guy reminds me of a somewhat infamous cosplayer that showed up pretty regularly to an anime con here a while back That guy would show up in a full skirt and sailor top Sailor Moon outfit Only he was THICK and pretty hairy, and sported a full on outdoorsman beard
If everyone in the Dark Realm feared and obeyed her, why was she only ever the second-in-command? Who even was the first?
Being Jahy-sama is suffering I can kind of understand her though
That's right Jahy-sama Don't fall for her sweet words Work sucks!
She's such a dork
I don't entirely understand why she just lets it all hit her Maybe she thinks if she doesn't accept it, it'll hit a more mundane person?
Oh she's also a real masochist though
she's not just a masochist, she's also really self-righteous
It's like that bit about D&D Totally healthy people with no mental issues don't just suddenly run off to a hard life of adventure to fight life-threatening battles against dragons and other monsters Likewise, you gotta be a bit crazy to take on the mantle of being a mahou shoujo Unless you get tricked into it
I wonder if they're going to rotate out the OP/ED for the second half of the show I'll miss the Hololive girls in the ED if they do
If shards of the magic crystal are so easy to pick up that even a toddler can do it What does that say about Jahy-sama
>>991416 Sounds good Hopefully we don't dive right into the ZETSUBOU deep end hah hah
These spacesuits are kinda funny looking
I wonder how many new characters they'll be introducing for this It kinda feels like the build up is a big all-out war So all the Hero Club needs forces to fight under them
Oh it's also a bit of Karin backstory too
This girl is piiiissssed I think her ego is probably one of the reasons Karin was picked over her Composure is important when you're going into a life and death battle
The way these things look kinda reminds me of Muv-Luv's BETA No eyes all teeth
>>991427 It kinda reminds me of the development from the early seasons of Nanoha to the later ones As the world developed from just being mahou shoujo to a kind of magical sci-fi
Man and these are the mooks they trust the failed hero candidates with These girls are lucky the Vertex are (presumably) wiped out
The gist I get are these girls are massively weaker than the main hero cast Partially because they're failed candidates, but also because they don't have the hero armaments If the Hero Club wasn't off camping or playing airsoft, they could sweep these mooks
But I guess the Hero Club has earned a reprieve, even if it means a bunch of other people get to suffer for it, hah hah