*86 - Eighty Six Isekai Shokudou *Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! *Kaizoku Oujo *Kyoukai Senki *Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu *Mieruko-chan *Mushoku Tensei Muteking the Dancing Hero Selection Project *Shinka no Mi - Shiranai Uchi ni Kachigumi Jinsei *Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Dai Mankai no Shou
-- New Shows Build Divide - Code Black Gyakuten Sekai no Denchi Shoujo Kimetsu no Yaiba - Mugen Ressha-hen Saihate no Paladin Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi Shikizakura Taishou Otome Otogibanashi Visual Prison World Trigger
I've sorted the stuff, since we're 100% in the new season now, into shows we've already watched this season and totally new stuff Bang's stuff is asterisked as usual
I know we'll have plenty to watch with Bang today but I'd also strongly, strong, strongly recommend making time for Senpai ga Uzai. It's really cute and sweet and will have good comfy vibes
what should be put in slots 3-4 trying to remember what the really interesting things were last week
Oh that's what I meant Put it on to watch tonight with him I'll go give him a shout
Kyoukai Senki was the show about the occupied Japan and the boy that found an AI to build and help run his homemade robot Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu was the damedame vampire who died to everything Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu was the show about Russia trying to put a vampire into space I think out of what we currently have there, those are what were most memorable of the things we watched with Bang
Is there anything new that looks super interesting?
Hm, Gyakuten has a kinda fun silly premise, about an alt-history Japan which never gave up its imperial militarism and invades "our" Japan through a dimensional rift in 2019, taking over it and outlawing all anime, manga, and idol culture I assume the show follows those who fight back against this culture oppression Saihate no Paladin is an LN adaptation about a boy raised by three undead who raise him kindly, until the day he embarks on a quest to become a paladin. It seems like a 100% fantasy story
There's also the Kimetsu anime that's starting up The first half or so of it will be a "director's cut" of Mugen Train, with new scenes and content added in from the movie showing I kept it in because I'm a bit interested in the new stuff, but it will be predominantly just the movie re-aired
herllo yes my alarm has gone off andi have nsooezed ijt noce giventh me a mnue
Oh yeah, they're lucky to even be getting sixty of my dollars. Not buying the 99 dollar edition.
I wish it was only sixty of my dollars, hah hah Currency conversion is rough
I'll probably get it once the game actually releases so I can never have time to play with Kirara, Ton, Pan, Jan, et al ;_;
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'/m playin with pan, jan, and wulf rn it's like l4d but new
alright sorry about that waking up is typically a very harrowing affair for me and even worse when i hit the snooze button i'm alive and mentally capable now
>>990818 Maybe! Right now most of my time is taken up by ffxiv because I'm an idiot and signed up for a bunch of raid groups
I am 100% here for Lena going off the deep end and abusing the military to bring justice to the Eighty-Sixes
>>990820 Ouch Between having a real job and a job that pays you how do you find time to do anything
they're living actual lives!
Shin breaking hearts as usual Only this time it's emotionally, not physically
this guy is an alba question mark?
Probably There were Alba in the Eighty Sixes so it's not like the all get a free pass to the White City And as an ethnic group it makes sense some would live outside the nation
This society doesn't seem to be experiencing that much pressure from the rampaging genocide bots
Yeah, which is a bit strange, considering they made them Even if they've disowned the robots at this point, you'd imagine the robots would have a heart close to them or something
a conscript hearing about someone joining a volunteer military would have such a difficult time in this conversation
This new Federation is also still definitely really sketchy though I don't trust them just because they're deposed their monarchy (kinda) and went democratic
no matter how you look at it though they're way better than the republic
I'll agree not instituting a racial subjugation policy of conscription and slavery is an improvement over the Republic But that doesn't make them good people
Though he's probably right Their comrades probably would want them to live on and live comfy lives
All of the Spearhead Squadron knew what sort of fate would befall them The fact that these five survived is nothing short of miraculous I think the rest would have wanted them to be free of the fighting too
a conflux of emotions what is this feeling i need to see more
I wonder if Shin and Lena will end up opposed at this rate Technically the Republic and the Federation ought to be united in goal, taking down the Legion But as it stands the Republic is still probably at war with "Giad" and knowing their pigheaded nature, they'll keep going after Giad even if the empire has become a federation
shin isn't wearing his scarf
surely the republic uppers know that giad still stands, and against the legion when lena finds out....
Maybe, but do they care A war's as good as any excuse for territorial expansion
>>990862 yes, but they tell their people (quite vehemently) that giad is no more so for someone like lena, who already hates the republic's washing of history and the present when she finds out that everything she knows about giad is a lie
>>990863 I think Lena's deep enough in the cynical deep end, at least concerning the Republic's brass, that she wouldn't blink at it >>990866 To me she's kind of already defected in all but physical location anyway She's not fighting for the glory of the Republic, she's fighting to keep Eighty-Six alive and protect the few friends she does have in the city alive Her intentions already barely coallign with the Republic where they don't outright contradict their total inconsideration of
Geez man I'm just making conversation if you don't want people to talk to you then I won't
>>990865 well to me it seems like a good reason for her to defect or something i could see her somehow ending up in a position fighting alongside shintachi this way but also maybe they end up fighting eachother before that >>990865 how the hell does anything you say contradict anything i say enough for you to use argumentative phrasing you're doing that bullshit condescending motherfuckery again we're literally agreeing and you structure your sentences like you're arguing with me
It might be neat to see what she's been getting up to since landing on this continent Plus it seems like it might be close to home for her
>Paul >Being scum Sounds accurate
what the hell
I mean I guess that's one way to gather information
For how smart Roxy is, she sure isn't chasing down these leads of tiny mages But I guess she also hasn't actually seen Rudy in years, and he's a bit older
considering what she knows of demons and all that she probably has an extremely powerful reason to believe that literally anyone but Dead End could have something to do with rudy which obviously isn't helping her here
Oh we're back-tracking a bit this episode This is when she was peeking in on them
Being raised on this continent too, she's probably got a whole bunch of kids' stories about the Superd too
wait WAIT did the god intentionally make her miss rudy?
Yeah Although it was kind of a two-for-one deal He got Rudy the cool eye and kept them from meeting
three for one! he also met the sketchy guy han solo
Yeah it's goofy and fun And hearing her cry out about not wanting to see the spirits is cute
I haven't really done anything proper horror in a long time Aside from maybe a few games which are a bit spooky When I was young I was really bad with horror movies and just never went back to them I wonder if I'd still have a hard time with it now
Her facial reactions to the spooks are always good
how did she get her phone up there in the first place
Yeah this has been fun I saw some chatter too that as the manga settled into proper serialization they stopped doing nearly as much fanservice Although who knows if the anime studio will tag alone Fanservice does sell
Oh it's a reincarnation isekai The synopsis didn't get into that
He's growing up into quite a fine shounen
this guy talks alot about muscles for being a skeleton
Hm, not sure I'd agree with such an essentialist view of things After all, a chair can be something with less or more than four legs It works for magic but not really for anything else in the world
I would be surprised if a Japanese office like this let her get away with even bringing in a water-filled vodka bottle Not to mention without testing it, you wouldn't be able to tell anyway
i don't like walking fast i tend to stroll
She's going to worn out chasing after him Should have just let him walk at his leisurely pace
>>991013 At this point it's almost certainly exaggerated for comedic purpose, but there are "fully-grown" adults in Japan who are ridiculously small Like in a different part of the world they'd be classified with dwarfism
Some people just don't have any luck with height genes!
Hah hah hah Yeah The way she phrased that was very particular
lol grandpa
making mistakes at work is definitely one of my least favorite feelings the downside of taking pride in one's work is the despair of failing to live up to that pride
i like when hayami saori has roles more like this one i don't like when she does her more characteristic super soft-spoken voice well it's not that i don't like it just not as much
I think this is a series which has real strong B-side pairings too Whole chapters dedicated to the character pairings which aren't the main two
Cute cat doode
Doodle even
The one problem with these peppy and cheerful SoL shows about office work is it almost always inevitably sidesteps the soul-crushing and brutal hours of working in a Japanese office It's an idyllic depiction which barely, if ever actually, exists in real Japan But I guess thats why we turn to fiction hah *ha*h h*a*h
Oh that didn't work like I hoped it would Samu you failed me
Thanks for enduring a night without me! I'll be here all week
Thanks for anime, and good luck with the rest of the work week
should we potentially consider trying to start early to watch 6 shows if the list piles up too big until we start dropping some, we have a lot of shows still coming, don't we but that's a question for another time
I can keep the list organized, if we don't get around to watching shows, we don't In busier seasons it's been pretty normal that we just don't start stuff for innocuous reasons like that
well i can't really get behind on certain important shows because i'll end up being spoiled pretty fast so i guess i don't really care as long as certain shows get watched on time
If there's important stuff to watch we can definitely highlight them I mean your stuff gets priority anyway since you're not always a guaranteed full show The easiest way to get something you want to watch watched is let us know you're watching it
We can talk about schedule revisions tomorrow if you want my brain isn't working right now it's bed time
Yeah go to sleep Rika why are you still here
okeydokey one of the reasons i bring it up is because we're going to potentially hit 25 shows this season 25 being the number of shows physically possible at 5 per night
Trust me, I spend a lot of time behind the scenes thinking about the logistics of anime I'm well aware of the time limitations, hah hah