i got invited to a birthday party and i seriously, seriously don't want to go but i also think me not going would be the final nail in the coffin for my friendship with this person.
i already declined her invite last year
>>993770 dude you shoupd go *should Well I mean if you want to why dont you want to go? actually lets put this cinversatiob on pause for like 30 mnnutes im in desoerate need of a nap
>>993776 Well if you want to keep being friends with them, you've got to put in your side of the friendship effort too And showing up for a few hours you don't particularly enjoy to show you respect a party they're throwing is good friendship effort
Of course I'm not going to tell you who you should be friends with And judging from your response you wouldn't be terribly torn over this friendship withering out
>>993787 But for real i've had enough shit jobs over the years where you gotta get up ungodly early. so i feel you.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>doesn't have to get up early >still does anyway the absolute madman >>993793 ye and the work still sucks even if I think I'm pretty competent it's drains me to turn up ah well if I didn't like it I suppose I would've hit the road
>>993796 a lot of video creators have it as a sponsor
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I think there's an add-on for that never tried it I have one or two channels that are sponsored that I watch nothing from Manscape although probably more sponsering really did become the go-to for youtubers huh
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>993798 The "Lawnmower 4.0" has an add-on so you can shine a torch on your arsehole
>>993798 sponsorblock it's great, autoskips the ads and shows little blocks on the video's timeline for where they are you can modify it to only skip certain types of ads too, if you want to leave in self-promotion type stuff while still skipping sponsors doesn't always work on new videos though
>>993779 It actually is harder to do what I'm currently doing on the mobile client.
Since I'm going for the Clue Hound pet, which is a 1/1000 chance every time you open a master casket and the best way to stack up master caskets is to open medium caskets, which each have a 1/30 chance to drop a master clue. and med clues are really easy and quick to get since you can just buy eclectic imps from the GE and open a whole inventory of them until you get a clue.
And spamming out med clues is a lot easier to do on desktop, mostly because thee desktop client has a plug-in which does work solving the clues for you. Not to mention it's just easier to quickly navigate interfaces and menus if you need to constantly travel around the map.
so yes. Playing on mobile for an evening would actually have an impact on my gains.
>>993800 I somehow don't mind the placements as much as regular ads - which I can't stand. ever. the creators sometimes make placements engaging to listen to.
>>993801 I didn't mind them at first but there are only so many times I can listen to someone talk about expressVPN or honey or ball shaving before I get tired of it, even if they try to spice it up I'd rather just get on with the video
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i don't care about sponsorships even erik's elaborate skits i skip over idc no matter how many commenters are like "this is your best skit ever!" it's still shouting an ad at me for 60 sec
>>993803 >>993804 I'll skip over the ones that are just obviously a deadpan read "Hey have you heard about Audible, it's the #1 source for downloading audiobooks, podcasts, wellness and mindfulness instructions and more". But if they try to put a bit of personality into it i'm a bit more forgiving.
But I can't overstate strongly enough how much I hate the embedded yt ads that show if you don't have a blocker on.
I just also think Manscapped's whole existence as a product service is weird.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sou ka i have no more patience for ad hucksters
>>>/@sama/1451203161029427208 they're gonna give everyone on earth some crypto, and they way they're checking that you didnt already get your share is by scanning your retinas with the Orb
oh fuck me of course I get thw long driveway with the untrimmed trees people really love have untrimmed tree branches and telling you >nah brah just drive on through it's alright
>>993839 Because it's cash in hand, duh you're not gonna declare that to the ATO.
She earns 25k a year but has a nice house on the beach.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds sus i was reading the blog of a former prostitute yesterday they said they filed for the full amount (but under like hospitality or design or something) cuz they didnt want to have to hide their lifestyle
And here I was hoping to discuss the anime with the one other person I know who's at all interested in muv luv
>>993858 sorry i'm autistic and am very particular about how I do things same reason I still haven't watched the heavens feel movies or started hollow ataraxia
Fair enough I guess Be prepared for some really fucked up shit in Alternative when you get to it tho
>>993860 im sure ive seen screenshots of it like a decade ago I know that sensei gets her head bit off and that dumb childhood friend gets fate worse than deathed, sumika
It came as a bit of a shock to me, at least I just wasn't expecting the series to go there I expected a lot of things, but that one was surprising to say the least
oh also somewhere I have a picture of that other character biting off a beta's head.
another thing that will slow me down is that i fell behind on a lot of manga
Generally if I fall behind on manga I just basically drop it honestly Cause it very quickly reaches the "but I don't wanna read that much right now" threshhold, and getting back from that takes a lot
>>993868 god forbid if I fall too far behind I restart the whole thing and then I fell super far behind on a ton of stuff when mangadex went down and now I have hundreds of tabs of manga open althiugh these past four days ive been closing more tabs than ive opened so im catching uo *up
my biggest problems are getting distracted and deciding what to read next
I can sit down and read 50+ chapters easily of one series I mean byt *but it could take me like twenty minutes to decide what to read next
unless I have plans or get really depressed I usually read hundreds of pages of manga every day
im actually about to get in the bath with my phone and read for a few hours.
>>993977 I actually just heard about that. Its really tragic, just like Brandon Lee. Its really surprising that it happened too, that incident is covered in pretty much all prop gun safety courses. Err, firearm safety courses for people who manage props. I have a friend who works in television and he mentioned that it was always covered.
Oh they relaunched publishing operations in 2016 Although they don't seem to have a whole lot of titles After their original publishing operations ceased all the licenses reverted back to their original owners
>>994041 >>994042 I heard about that last year. I can still hardly believe it.
>>994038 that whole tweet is like a fever dream >we're teaming up with crackerbarrel In itself, hilarious >Disney's The Nightmare Before Christmas manga Do... do you mean "comic" or did they actually commission a Japanese artist for this? And why?
wow amelia and elira both have outer wilds streams going on it looks like
Amelia's stream is only online in name only She quit the stream because she was getting frustrated and her chat was starting to backseat hard It's good to see Elira is still going strong after how poorly she handled Giant's Deep in the first stream hah hah
;_; Sana's still grieving the loss of her dog and is on a pretty long hiatus She says she'll be around for HoloEN's Among Us collab but won't stream for it
What a shame. It's a nice that everyone can take the time off they need though
It's been a rough month for pets One of Noel's hamsters, Shion's cat, Sana's dog And one of
Rushia's cats got diagnosed with a heart condition which is basically terminal and fatal There's nothing to do but basically make the cat's life as comfortable as possible in its final days
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Something with the sliding door to my balcony doesn't seem to seal properly and so when it's pretty windy outside there's a howling whistle that comes through it into my unit I'm not sure where the hole is
dune was good very ponderous and dark and beige i wish it were the full book tho
I dunno, I don't think it's the kind of book you can condense into two-hour run time Even three hours, which is probably the longest you could sanely get a theatre audience into a room for I'm looking forward to seeing the movie though Gonna see if there's any IMAX theatres open here who would be running it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
imax was nice lots of bass lots of vibrations
Looks like I could Would have to go to the other side of the city for the only available IMAX though Also I think I'd need to get my vaccine passport arranged
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive been waving my QR code around for weeks now future gets me into the exclusive clurbs of non crazy people
Provincial passport has been a slow rollout here because, well, you know, we're run by a bunch of idiots At this point I might as well just get the federal-level one since that one would also help with international travel
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
understandable yea i would like to maybe travel next month i gotta get that too
oh fuck that's right, how the FUCK DO I MARK THIS UP TAXWISE Actually it doesn't truly matter, because I don't have enough income, even with the crypto stuff, to have taxable income, but still
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea idk there are resources online but its not exactly well defined
and then there's this person who decided to completely miss out on staking for TEN YEARS https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/qbitmx/anyone_locking_eth_for_10_years/
taxwise, crypto just counts like any stonks, here, but the issue is the staking which kinda has you just... effectively generate stonks out of thin air? like is that income or value appreciation?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its like being paid interest or dividends
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
could also be like income yea. it depends on the jurisdiction
why in god's name would you lock yourself out of accessing your assets lmao just have some self control and don't sell them randombly, don't throw the key away what if you need the money, man
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
some people dont have self control they blow their paycheck the second they get it
that's almost more reason not to do this though, cause that sorta spending behavior means you're probably gonna find yourself in a situation where you really, really need that fucking money to pay something important, like rent, or insurance, or whatever
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sure well then they go down to their friendly payday loan provider
I have graciously been blessed by the powers that be with at least one parent of fairly decent means who can bail me out pretty much any time if I royally fuck up, but I don't like abusing that, either
So I try not to spend more than I can Which was difficult for the past year, because "more than I can" was, you know, any non-zero value
So as a result, I ended up just saying "fuck it" I was not in a good place for most of this past year, honestly
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
most of us havent been in a great place this year so you're not really fallin behind or anything still rough tho hard to get motivated to get going again
I mean really, the whole covid thing was kinda helpful in just keeping me from completely breaking apart If nothing else, it provided an excuse for remaining unemployed
I don't have any fucking money, but at least I'm marginally less stressed out all the time Actually my finances are "OK" now after I moved I don't have a lot more money to throw around, but my deposit provided a bit of a coushion That'll run out eventually, but my rent's slightly lower and I've got some money in reserve, so it's relatively stable
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats good to hear we should throw the moe coin on an exchange see if it gets bought up you still have your keys right?
well first i would have to make some cool app that makes use of it
s c
Yeah I'm still using that same wallet The ETH you sent into it is $82 now
Well my SOL is like, nearly $1300 so That's all I've got though, except like $17 in shibecoin on binance but that's just sitting there in case that shit goes somewhere I put $10 or something into it cause I had that much left and figured worst case I lose $10
Yeah Apparently the shibe devs are actually like, doing stuff with it too, so it might go up a bit more It's never gonna go really big cause there's just too much of it, but any gains is gains
One of the guys at my workplace has been experimenting with baking recently and this week he made some ginger cookies and man Man I love me aa good ginger cookies I've already warned him I will eat an irresponsible amount of these if given the opportunity to
>>994250 just going around to see whars new they have something called pocket fighter which features street fighter and dark stalkers characters its a simplified fighting game with three buttons instead of the standard (capcom) six buttons and then you collect jewels that come in three colors and i think increase the power of the attack from the button with the same color its in japanese and I can oy read a little bit so im not sure what the plot is *only read
heres the game list im not sure if all of these work though https://www.gallopingghostarcade.com/games-list/ and some might be in storage but they have hundreds of games out that are working
I'm still curious to how he's going to feature in the Obi-Wan series
But it's also nice that he's still so down to be Anakin With how much of a mess the prequel trilogy was it would be totally understandable if he was done with it all
hamsters are fucking vicious , christ they hate each other so much they try to chew through their enclosure to sneak into the other one's bin and kill it they don't mind me at all but they fucking hate other hamsters
tadaimback was surprised at how many people at the arcade werent wearing masks even some of the employees werent wearing them or were wearing them improperly i'm pretty sure the mask ordinance is still in effect
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
woof thats sketchy
>>994270 it was not like this at all the two or three other times I've been since they reopened.
mask mandate is still in effect Im not gonna snitch on them but I might email the owner by not snitch I mean not report it to the police but it made me a little uncomfortable, and I definitely have friends who would refuse to go if they heard about this
>>>/watch?v=w_9jTgEC86M Kuroneko Lounge makes the best touhou house sets although he probably makes the only touhou house sets anyone have similar music?
>>994296 very good spinach mushroom and garlic omelette with cheddar jack inside, and pecorino romano on top and a serrano on the side
and the creamer in my coffee is sugarlands banana sippin cream 40 proof the coffee is the least arousing aspect of this breakfast, just starbucks blonde roast coarse grind b/c prench press
>>994298 you doing anything for dia de los muertos?
>>994299 considering it but there might be some shows i want to go to but also it's a work night so yeah idk
>>994300 I'm looking forward to getting some of those cookies. >>994302 cause I knew you were half mexican
now my question is why you were asking is it because you already knew i was half mexican or because there was a serrano on my plate
oh ok yeah i don't really embrace that side of my heritage except when it comes to cooking, for the most part
>>994298 damn, I wish I was as expert as you at enjoying life looking very nice
>>994303 its really big up here, I was in a part of town with a large mexican population on thursday and they had banners everywhere with the skulls on them I find it to be an interesting holiday
>>994304 you can do it you're posting 2hus so you're already most of the way there
>>994305 ah yeah it's really big here, being in a border state with a pretty sizeable mexican population texas in general is usually pretty excited to incorporate cultural festivals and appreciate stuff like that due to a lot of german heritage, stuff like oktoberfest is huge here there's a lot of dia de los muertos stuff going on, i might pick something downtown and see what's up
the kanji for harmony is composed of the kanjis for people and rice fields, because harmony is when everyone has enough to eat maybe it should consist of the kanjis for imagebaord poster and 2hu images >>994314 okay sorry teacher =w= I sincerely didn't know
>>994313 >kanjis the plural form of kanji is kanji
>>994313 The kanji for meat is one and a half people in a box with no lid
very few feelings in the world quite like sipping on delicious coffee in the hours after waking up especially on days without work or appointments looming i'm feeling good
>>994315 lmao that's hilarious >>994321 very nice enjoying a comfy saturday evening and procrastinating on assignments because they are hard although life is currently going better so it's nice
>>994321 i want to like this show so much but the chibi-esque designs of the robots makes it hard for me
>>994320 the kanji for rape/adultery/some other nasty stuff is one fat woman kanji over two skinny woman kanji which gives good insight to how japan thinks of women
>>994323 that's a stereotype if I've ever seen one kanji are such mysterious constructs I wonder how much their culture is defined by things like that incorporated into the language
>>994326 have to do a matlab/simulink thing for a more math heavy course distributed systems assignment with basic socket programming those are most prominent right now >>994330 lmao it's a bit horrible, we have to do multithreaded programming in java getting a good design in java is borderline impossible or maybe I'm just bad >>994327 that's very curious :o
>>994333 but you know, I've already had my fun today, you could say I delegated the task to this comfy evening >>994334 it has some very interesting aspects and you can solve real problems with it, but I can't shake the feeling that java was just an industry mistake
>>994340 but you know, the matlab thing is really tame and I'm enjoying the touhou house sets on the side, so you could say I'm cheating the system by having fun while working >>994341 if you find it post it pretty please I like collecting 2hu images
i didnt expect this mate no idea why i even brough the knight all the way to the rim i guess i wanted that g2 pawn >>994382 i didnt do the funny french move :(( i did offer it to one opponent but they declined
>>994381 guess so but was more thinking of having a good luck as average player and getting a decently high rank due to just good luck on match ups so far but that would also require other lucky individuals meeting consistently after a few matches, so yeah
at what point you'd get a share of the prize pool?
>>994383 damn lost to someone with zero vowels in their name
nonstop games so is it like "play as much as you can within 24 hours" get points for winning etc
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea pretty much you dont lose points for losing so its really about playing as many as possible you get more points for winning streaks and also for berserking
I have had the worst knot in my shoulder all week At the least I hope it's a knot because otherwise I guess I'm doomed to a life of not having more than a +/-75 degree turn capacity for my head
squat day is okay with me deadlift day is my favorite day but i never feel like i'm benching properly and i hate it and i don't get the same rush of endorphins that deadlift gives me
>>994439 is that show actually good should i watch it
I have to write a literature survey to this topic I've chosen too now, I wonder if any of you guys here are fervent followers of scientific papers in the space of FPGAs and distributed computing my precise topic is >Accelerator Achitectures based on highly parallel FPGAs if anyone is a sucker for this topic here is pretty interesting one to give you a taste >https://arxiv.org/pdf/2005.04536.pdf it's really curious what can be done by using more than 1 piece of hardware or computer
ohayou! >>994484 im a bit interested in them you ce or cs?
>>994488 piss the muscles away me and my alcoholism we've been doing better
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>994484 very cool! i have been talking about getting into ML for ever
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Scientists have developed a process that allows them to manipulate wood to make it denser and harder than the natural product. They used the resulting material to make items like wooden knives and nails that rival traditional steel.
move over glass knives we're gonna have level 5 enchanted wooden kryses
>>994503 time travel horror movie about a wannabe fashion designer who travels back to the 60's in her dreams its called Last Night in Soho by the director of Shaun of the Dead.
>>994503 >>>/watch?v=tB9WUIv9KH8 I'm generally not into horror but I like the director. also one of my best friends (whom ive only known for a couple of years) is really into horror and hanging out with her is slowly turning me into a horror fan.
Dune was good It's a shame that so much of the first half of the book is set up for the second half I feel it's the kind of movie that fans of the book will really enjoy and fans of sci-fi will be down for part two But the charm is probably lost on people who fall outside those categories
I think they did av fantastic job with the environment choice and architectural/ship/fashion design Arrakis feels alien and strange, and all the little details that make up the pastiche of a culture, cultures really, which are foreign yet familiar to us work really well The soundscape was another highlight to me, they used sound and music cues in ways that set up certain scenes excellently There's a bit to critique in how they leaned a bit into the habit of most modern cinema of making everyone talk like they're mumbling amongst eachother except for when they're literally shouting, but as far as I can tell that's just a universal thing that's here to stay
>>994513 yea i liked the big sets kinda cool i like the fremen style of just lyin around and lookin stealthy
I felt a lot of the fighting looked a bit clunky, like, it looked like staged hits and stabs rather than actual violence, but that aside, I adored the way the Fremen fought It was quick and agile and very much the kind of combat you'd expect from a culture of people who will eventually go on to wage a jihad against the entire galaxy Hiding in the sand as cover and moving around and above their opponents is extremely cool
guten morgen fellow doushioers >>994485 ohayou! sorry, I kinda had the idea to shoot my question out yesterday but I visited a friend soon after and didn't have the opportunity to elaborate I'm ce >>994494 ML is not really my space but I have a data science master student as a friend and it's curious to talk about the problems in this field my topic is actually not strictly restricted to FPGAs, but there are so many interesting architectures, I wonder if I'm going to have to narrow the search
When I got in this Uber it was predicting me a 9:04 arrival time It's now saying 9:14 I'll grant some of that might be emergent traffic but I'm pretty sure most of it is my driver ignoring the actual route set out for them and going on some dumbass route set up by the third-party map app I'm so tired of being late due to this shit
>>994757 sup I actually found a really good paper a while ago about an fpga like device programmed by genetic algorithms i cant look for it right now but ill look later it was an analog fpga equivalent
in case youre looking for it its from the 90's
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>994773 i'm exercising my free will in a safe and unthreatening environment im chooooosing
Is it really a will which is free?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
here's as close as i get to free will once in a while im like oh god what if im being puppeted by the illuminati i write out a bunch of different things i could do that day, and use a random number generator to pick one i think choosing to use a source of entropy is sort of like channeling freedom of choice in a way
>>994782 I dunno, I think that could also be interpreted as surrendering your free will up to arbitrary chance
blast those vascules >>994788 why has he become a robot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow AllBirds filing for IPO wtf market top? i know that shoes are expensive and profitable but man
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>994790 an ice >>994791 the john cena mandarin arc is an interesting
I think my choice of eating pretty much nothing but junk yesterday is really coming back to bite Got some pretty bad gut pains which are only really made tolerable by pressing it up against a metal rod
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or is it Cantonese
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
def mandarin >>994795 oh jeez the consequences will nevar be the same
Honestly it feels pretty nice when I do it Maybe my intestine just needed some unknotting
oh is that what you mean the ear piercings don't bother me but if those are mouth piercings then ew
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can only assume they're piercing such an odd choice maybe she's got one piercing and she's also eating a paperclip?
Consume metal
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh they are piercings I zoomed and enhanced
I missed the timeframe to get out to the coffee place I like before they close for the day Which kinda sucks because the noise pollution is starting to get pretty bad in this basement again I could have used an excuse to not be here for half an hour But it's also raining and cold outside so just hanging around outdoors doesn't really sound enticing either
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
entice THIS *grabs third mug of joe*
Honestly considering the pain my gut is in, coffee probably isn't a good choice today
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my gut was in a lot of pain yesterday i had drank four beers and a bunch of whisky the night before and it the hangover was awful i ended up desTROYING some coffee shop washrooms
wow i got gifted a sub just for dropping by a smol channel now i feel obligated to stick around so i can watch this bro... eat some gruel out of a tupperware with Tidus in the background
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
now he's eating white toast with jam on it >man.. guys i love jam. what's your guys opinion on jam? now THIS is content
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>994841 getting in on the ground floor before the channel explodes
>>994846 I guess I'll check it out for the fox girl or whatever animal that is
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dune doesn't come out till dec 2 here what the fuuuu
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow big time lag guess those imax reels are all piled up in the suez canal
There's some weird scheduling stuff with Dune A bunch of European countries had it in theatres like two or three weeks before it released in North America because of some condition for any movie being shown at the film festival it was presented at
I didn't realize until now, but apparently Dune is already available for piracy, so I'm gonna be watching it later I don't have any sort of investment in Dune from before though, so I dunno if I'll like it
It had a near-simultaneous release on streaming alongside the official release date of last Friday
But, I also have other stuff that like, NEEDS to be done Today
I gotta clean this living room a bit, go recycle my boatload of bottles, and do a little vacuuming It shouldn't take long, but getting started is the main issue
It's always late at night where I get the urge to create But this vague and undirectable feeling is both useless and poorly timed If only I didn't have to work