have you seen the video / audio clip about the ship that got lost at sea and the last audible noise from the deck was one of the crew going "RUH ROH SHRAGGY" in a scooby doo voice it was either the carribbean or the indian ocean maybe i can find it
a complicated (and honestly, rather lacking) simulation
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you ever listen to the recorded last moments on airplanes out of morbid fascination
tob e honest stuff like that makes me pretty uncomfortable and the only reason i can stomach remembering the one i just posted is because haha funny scooby doo meme
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah that's the kind of stuff i seek out when im in a dark and super-procrastinatey place a long time ago
when i'm in a dark place, i usually just try to sleep it away and if i want to fall asleep on demand, the best way to do that is a hardcore hentai binge and then riding the afterglow to dreamland so in other words when i'm sad i look at porn
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jesus christ how horrifying
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i anxiously await the day when we can use our neural implants to shut off brain until then i guess we brain blast with hormones and tea and binaural beats and other Stuff
and if i might further digress that means that when i'm hornyposting that there's a higher-than-average chance that i'm depressed
unless i'm just doing it for the hell of it or if rene is here
>>990760 wwwwwwwwwwww you think they're gonna let us turn it off the corporate overlords who control our literal nueral network are not going to let us shut off my guy we'll probably have to pay for sleep in the sense that they'll want us to be constantly contributing to the worldwidewolfram alpha and we won't be compensated for the moments our thinkers ain't doing the big groupthink that has become the Human Consciences
how would any but the top1% be able to afford to LINK IN this tech isn't going to be cheap amigo but it's going to be profitable very profitable and make gains that no currency can measure combined thought imagine what it will take for us to achieve a worthwhile connection between silicone and the silly putty in our skulls once we have that unlocked we're talking the world's biggest computer in human history - humanity BRAIN VOLTRON and getting chips into motherfucking skulls is going to be something the chippers want so badly that they'll spend whatever it takes to get them into every head they can there's no question about whether or not it's worth to distribute 2 million dollar neuralinks for free if it means the brain power of every single one that you can afford
sorry when i think about science (fiction i hope) stuff like this it sends me in a weird way i hope to god we never achieve the artificial intelligence and neural implants that we think we hope we can
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if theres anything that needs to be open source its neural implants who in their right mind would install something proprietary into their heads
quadrapeligics probably
who in their right mind would buy an iphone over the competition?
the number of people who might argue with that are the proof that there's factors aside from objective vacuum value to making (otherwise?) suboptimal decisions products of our environments we are, and the flow do we with go
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bruh fuck the memes iphones are better that androids when it comes to privacy no cap
i probably believe that but it probably doesn't matter for most but that's exactly the point i'm making here for someone out there proprietary brain chip downsides are going to look like the pros list on a samsung galaxy (lmao) and for every someone there's another and then suddenly everyone belongs to huawei
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
buying a phone is slightly more smooth and less invasive than having brain surgery i want to believe that people would treat implants with some kind of caution who knows tho i can't speak for the mass
kind of but think about how badly apple wants their iphones in your hands and how badly google wants you using gmail and even worse, how badly china wants you to register your SSN when you play a got danged videogame and these factors will be mega magnified by a magnum magnitude when it comes to mind machines
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what im saying is like a phone can easily be gifted to you or you can go and buy one on a whim nit so easy yet with a brain implant phones take your life over softly, subtly
maybe we'll have the cyberpunk implant free for all black market one day who knows i know i wouldnt fall for it i hope that most people would be same
imagine a crazy timeline where Tesla announces tomorrow that next Saturday they'll be accepting the first 20,000 people who show up to the Texas Gigafactory to get a neuralink prototype THAT DAY and tell me we wouldn't have an international fucking crisis on our hands with every jetson and jones from around the worlds trying to get here
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you might be right wouldnt be me
there's way too many stupid people in the world, man it don't like it be like it is but it does
>>990772 yeah same but i also held off on buying crypto for almost entirely the same fundamental instincts in one timeline i'm a crypto king, in another i'm a glorified gambler in this one i'm just neither
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
even if you had bought bitcoins five years ago wluld you still have them today? seems unlikely
five years ago? hmm, no i probably would've sold in oh wait 2017 was five years ago yeah i mean if i sold them in late 2020 i wouldn't but i'd probably be decently off for it >>990777 funny story about 20-odd buttcoins on a nokia somewhere..
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or lost the keys on an old PC
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hahah yup you and so many people me too probably i dont even remember
but that's what i'm saying though maybe those 20,000 people who line up end up being the 20,000 who rule the world but probably actually brainworms
my fear of the latter leads to my solid position in between early adopter and early majority
>>990964 Yeah I woke up like 3 hours ago I didn't sleep at all between sunday and monday, but I still couldn't get much sleep I was passing out in my chair before I went to bed, but even then I only ended up with 4 and a half hours Went out like a light, though, at least, so I'm confident I got that much
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh my gosh it's pasta
It would be a bit cool here if my damn apartment had cooling Instead it's a toasty 26c in here
>>990965 God I wish that was me I had to turn on the heater here just to make it livable
Well, mostly because I'm just reading a VN right now, otherwise it'd be fine cause I'd just play a video game until the computer heated stuff up decently
MuvLuv Alternative is real long, I've clocked like 35 hours in it according to steam, and most of those have been nonstop reading Maybe a few hours of idling in the background, but still
s c
And based on the achievements, I think I'm only halfway in
I think that's a cruel way to put it They have large-scale dairy production and provide a lot of dairy products not just for their country, but also North America widely Not everywhere needs to have a reason to go there to be known for something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
careful an anno is gonna come out of nowhere and do a racism
>>990979 dairy and Dungeons and Dragons and uhhhh red letter media I guess
can it even be considered a flyover state if it's so out of the way that planes don't even have to fly over it
a lot of re-rollers picked aether because apparently AR 20 speedruns were slightly faster because reasons i didn't re-roll because it seemed kinda dumb to me imo still does
>>991062 okeydokey it's bedtime for me right now (like right now right now and i'm just being dumb) but tomorrow or the next day i need to log in and burn condensed and stuff and maybe fix my own teapot i crammed it full of stuff to hit 20k adeptal and haven't cleaned it up since then
>>991063 yeah i only got mine to like 50 i used traveler alot until i got venti way back at the first banner but venti is just so insane and you don't usually need two anemo and then if i wanted a second anemo now i'd level sucrose and geo traveler is okay but not particularly fun imo
i know nothing about electro traveler but next year is supposedly the dendro nation and maybe new dendro mechanics question mark?
This'll be fun though The last time Hololive was doing paid lives I was living somewhere with absolute garbage Internet that could barely even handle Nico Nico's bare minimum for actually making out details bandwidth option My Internet now is actually pretty fast I bet I could make it go full steam Although this is my first time using SPWN so I dunno how easy they make it
Yeah everyone just has to go completely ape shit with their lights in silence its the only way
Man Watame can really hold a note with heart] It's not just about range it's also about passion
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
sasuga super idol
Yours is the drill (horn) that will pierce the heavens!
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
She's good at dancing too You notice it most in songs like this with a lot of big movements
>Sankyuu Calliope
>>991102 I think her strength is vocals and posing, but she's been working real hard at dance choreography and it shows
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>991103 I was trying to work out of Cali was actually there or if it was just the track
I'd bet on the track She's got a collab stream with Rushia and Ollie in three hours and I'd be surprised if she'd have something like that planned off of a trip to Zepp
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
True. Id seems like something she'd want to attend though
Aaaaaaaahhhh Kita koreeee
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
She looks good in black
Punk sheep
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>991109 Watame never has, never will, and never can do anything wrong
That was a strong new song Sasuga sheep
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Even without voice the encore can be demanded!
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
cool sheep
That's a funky update to Watame no Rappu
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Ess Ess Ess
It wouldn't be a Hololive live without SSS!
Kiara stop thirsting after the girls in the audience
This danged sheep just won't quit I was hoping I could lay down for like an hour before work after the live but I'll get maybe half that hah hah
wait so are you going off to a full day of work after pulling an all-nighter?
I got maybe two hours of sleep earlier in the evening And I'll get my half hour now With an afternoon coffee I'll probably survive the day through This isn't the first time I've done this hah hah
The real test to my ability to not die from no sleep was the 2nd Fes back in December Where it was two nights back-to-back This and Bloom comparatively aren't so bad!
Whenever 3rd Fes gets announced for, if you're still good for money and interest, I'll probably be good for that And I think this time I'll probably take some days off rather than endure, if I'm still working at least Plus there'll probably be some other people who can be bullied into tuning in
Also there's the Suisei concert ... neeeext month?
>A brewery stored its beer in a cellar some distance from the bottling plant. The cellar was cooled by pipes that circulated a saline solution from a central cooling unit. The main pipe that connected this cooling unit and the cellar happened to pass near the cellar of a retailer.
>The brewery’s owner eventually discovered that the retailer was using the saline solution to cool his own cellar. He sued the retailer for theft, but the judge ruled, “In accordance with Article 242 of the Criminal Code, theft is the unlawful appropriation of commodities belonging to another party. In the present case no theft has been committed, since the saline solution was not misappropriated; rather, it was returned in its entirety to the brewery’s main pipe.”
>The brewery owner appealed the case, arguing, “The issue is not the theft of saline solution but the theft of energy. If the saline solution is used to cool the defendant’s cellar in addition to my own, I have to pay more for electricity to operate the central cooling unit.”
>The court of appeals ruled: “The saline solution acquires heat from the retailer’s cellar; therefore, energy belonging to the brewery is not being stolen. On the contrary, the brewery is receiving gratuitous energy from the retailer.”
>>991162 hmm few different kinds of pasta, most commonly just ground beef+brown sauce with spaghetti lotsa casseroles, most famously "jansonin kiusaus" or "X kiusaus" lots of saithe so much saithe
various soups, of which most common being fish (saithe) soup, some meat soups and usually on every thursday, peasoup
lotsa stuff with mashed potatoes like sausage or wieners or meatballs
and ofc with every meal there is several options of salad, being atleast cucumber and tomato slices with lettuce and bread tho most commonly it was just crispbread
I managed to start my school so that I lived during the last years when each school or a small group of schools had their own kitchen essentially but it wasn't long until it moved into the "mass kitchen/catering" system they now have where giga kitchens produce fuckton of food, which is then transported to schools for the final touches, bei t just defrosting or final oven baking mass catering saves a lot of money, but quality is what it is
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Rye bread and vodka
>>991164 i was curious because i read something about finland being the first country to offer free meals at all of its schools and i also heard that finland has good school lunches the school lunches varied quite heavily from the different schools i went to growing up (in the US) but the most consistent thing was pizza every school i went to had the option of a slice of pizza for lunch and it was always ok
yeah basic school, basically elementary to middle (now also high school/or equilevant) offer free meals to all of their students and have been for ages high schools and equilevant also offered free meals, but they weren't part of compulsory education (ends at 15/16 yo, or rather when you finish middle school)
school lunch isn't free in the US but it can be reduced to like 40 cents a meal or even free if your family is at certain income levels in most places at least
>>991168 2,70€ at my current place they are still cheap
especially considering you get to actually eat healthy, meaning all of that food circle shit pyramid we
meals at universities in the US are usually about the same as going elsewhere to eat like ~7-12 dollars depending on what you get most large universities have food courts that resemble mall food courts and lots of eateries nearby they usually offer meal plans where you can pay a pretty large amount of money to have your meals covered at a lot of nearby locations for the duration of the semester cheaper in the long run if you only eat at those locations but still kind of a racket
but college students are usually living on student loans and have to just accept the cost of food or cook it themselves it's honestly a pretty shitty situation but not shitty enough for anything to happen about it
>>991174 It was only "lunch " in Rova too but they start serving at like 11:30 and stay open until 5 that's enough time to eat twice
schools in the US often serve breakfast at the cafeteria usually very very simple things like a carton of cereal with mlik and a banana or a biscuit with jam and a banana
>>991175 bit too close inbetween two meals for my liking
otaniemi is prolly the best onei n terms of eating there are several cheap restaurants, outside of the school affiliated there are several restaurants couple bars, a brewery with its bar "bars" if you know where to look and nowadays a decent sized mall attached to the metrostation
some did, but I think it was basically "pay a fee and then your kid gets to eat" so it wasn't part of the mass meals
in middle school they opened a dirt cheap afternoon "snack" cantina, where you could buy various things at 14 or something if you had up to 16 lessons or shit I don't recall exactly
it was opened after both students and ofc parents complained about kids being just blasted out of their mind with nothing to snack on except vending machine candy (which eventually got removed, a shame, I knew how to extract free candy bars from it) and it technically being against school rules to leave the area to go buy some snacks
the breakfasts were always really cheap and really small stuff that didn't really need much in the way of preparation and there weren't a lot of kids that would get them
breakfast was just a little bit of cereal and sometimes they'd let you put chocolate milk in them if you were lucky enough to get some my middle and high schools didnt have lunch or breakfast but my elementary school did
one of the high schools i went to, now that i recall, actually did have biscuits and gravy or a pancake as options both with an apple that was the same high school that had a chik-fil-a line where you could get waffle fries or the regular chicken sandwich with just the pickle slices oh and there was an ice cream cooler where you could buy blue bell ice cream treats like those prepackaged waffle cones or ice cream sandwiches that school was kind of in a bougie area none of the other schools i went to were like that
If I had to describe the school and also army food I think best description would be either "it isn't good, but it isn't bad neither" or "if you were described a food, but never had tasted it and then had to replicate it, the end result would taste like this" >>991188 janssonin - janson, genetive form janson's kiusaus - temptation (but also bullying) so it is called the temptation of janson, or say ham temptation and so on depending on ingredients but more oft people treated it as "bullying" towards the eater, because frankly it doesn't taste that good to a kid's food palette and mass made casseroles are quite low in flavours anyhow
i found a recipe and it sounds kinda good https://food52.com/recipes/25500-janssonin-kiusaus-four-ingredient-finnish-potato-bake
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can bake a potato but you cant bake your friends
in general, baking people is not advised
getting baked together, on the other hand
>>991189 ah i see i imagine it's quite easy to make a very large potato casserole without adding much flavor for very cheap
they also used to serve spinach soup and this horrible "summer soup" too, but they luckily stopped that I think some places still serve them, but usually only for older eaters, and not elementary or kindergarden kids >>991196 it is essentially soup with a bit of meat and many summer crops it isn't bad, but the taste once again isn't something a kids palette will prefer and mass produced, it is usually quite damn bland anyhow
"summer soup" sounds like a weird thing
i guess i just don't really eat soup in the summer soup is a very winter thing for me so the idea of a soup for the summer strikes me as odd but it's much colder in finland, so i suppose it's more normal
Recently lasagna (i buy a box witht he plates and a mixture and then spice it up additionally) smashed veggie soup random slow cooked stuff in the oven pot, made out of whatever I had on me "add water and boil 10-20 minutes" pastas just insta ramen at times when i don't feel like cooking at all bread random fried on pan, whatever I had on me
that pretty much summarizes my diet when I don't spend much effort on cooking
canned fish, mainly tuna isn't even that cheap like you get 200g or maybe 150g of fish for what about 2€ when i could get 400g of meat for 3€
oh and one more item of absolute lazy cooking well two frozen pizza and nuggets
industrialism and refrigeration have brought frozen pizza and nuggets first to american suburban kitchens, and then to the entire world
s c
Canned tuna isn't the cheapest in nutrition, but you can put it on bread, so I still stock some all the time It's just a very easy and tasty thing to have on bread
One of my course mates had her hand, tho mainly two fingers wrapped in heavy bandages asked her or overheard, don't remember "wat happen" and turns out she like a real brainiac managed to lean on a hot stove top and then went to a doctor to get it checked, caus I mean 2nd and 3rd degree burns, so you should
but my reaction ofc was "wait you went to a doctor for that?" baffled remembering when I did the same with my entire hand and just dipped it in cold water bucket for the rest of the day and then the next went on a trip to estonia >men
I always get the type that's in oil, yeah Well, the exception being when I had a cat and bought it to feed her some as a treat Just got it in water back then
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why are prerolls so much more effective than my one hitter
Also fun fact about fish here in the baltics and partially in the norwegian fjord farms too there are safety limits that you shouldn't go over in terms of quantity consudmed cause after that you will start to gather too much pollution, mainly heavy metals, in your body and well that will of course lead to many health issues down the line
"eat fish, stay healthy"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>991222 yea probably cuz its finely ground and packed well unlike my hand crumble silicone pipe full of residue
probably density then oh and if it's finer grinding then that might make for denser smoke too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i should probably learn how to roll properly
when i rolled spliffs i'd always barely feel it i wasn't too great at rolling
stuff like this is what i get if i get canned fish that isn't tuna and i just eat it on crackers usually with hot sauce and beer
>>991223 yeah it's that way with tuna here mercury is the main reason it depends on the kind of tuna and stuff too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i used to have sardines in mustard as a kid or in oil i guess i get nostalgic for it once in a blue moon and then i get the tin and open it and im like 'oh god what a mess'
the best use i've had for sardines and/or anchovies recently is to blend them for use as a flavoring additive in sauces or soups
a few grams of anchovy paste can turn an otherwise average tomato sauce int o an absolute banger
>>991232 kinda fun going all "let's save our tiny baltic sea" and then everyonei nt he room goes YEAH, LEt*S DO THIS BY OUR POWERS COMBINED and then everyone ntoices that russia isn't in the room, look outside from a window and notice her dumping toxic waste directly into the sea
it's little bit of a hyperbole, but basically they didn't sign any environmental deals until the end of the cold war and even after that barely actually obey them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>991234 sounds legit fish sauce makes lots of stuff tasty
for brunch I just ate plain pasta with ketchup and then forgot to go to a store to stock up and ordered a burger
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i had a roast beef/swiss/lettuce sandwich for lunch/dinner
i had sandwiches for like two weeks straight so i started making tupperwares with chicken and hummus and greek yogurt and cucumbers but i do love me a good roast beef sandiwcha
I'm gonna actually make real dinner for like, the second or third time since I moved out tomorrow Like, not just microwave or frozen stuff I really should start taking better care of that kinda stuff
I've recently been slacking off using "busy" as an excuse, when I don't even do anything that I couldn't do say watch or listen to a video/podcast while cooking
prepping meals should become part of your daily schedule, since not only does it guarantee better meals, but also is rewarding in itself
well is not like you havet o jump from no cooking to cook each day no mountain is climbed on a single step just make a mental note of say "cook on saturdays" etc and then just expand from that until you notice you are cooking about daily
For a medical web course site operated by Duodecim a finnish medical organisation thati s over 140 years old you'd think they'd have grammatically correct text, but nope
and what bothers me most, is that every single other point in this slide uses the correct sentence structure in terms of conjugation and then there just is one that exploded into nonsense
Hmm I should actually refresh my finnish grammar while I do know it at about 9/10 accuracy, if I had to explain why something is how it is or what word form is called and so on i'd have no idea what to say
afterall, you don't really need to remember the grammar, just know it instinctually.
fucking shitty steam client this happened because I updated it
well it still hs the bug that if you start it in offline mode and then try to reconnect, it most likely will eternally be stuck on forming a connection
so yeah, steam client isn't exactly fully functional
I blame javascript
i think the main issue is just the amount of bloat script that has gathered over the years I bet that it still runs part of the original shit from like 90s
I finally tracked down the credentials to my family's Netflix account thanks to my imouto, only to discover all the profile slots (apparently it caps at five) are taken up Maybe I should just get my own account
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow im sure at least one person hasnt used it in forever
that reminds me i need to get access to my parents' netflix account I wonder which of my sister's friends we'll kick off
probably her ex
speaking of her ex I wonder if she went to his place to get my gamecube back. If she doesn't I will.
It's astonishing how long it was between the last choice you make in Alternative, and the ending I think that was like, over a full day's reading time ago?
>>991298 are you gonna go back and do every route in Extra now?
I have absolutely no fucking idea how they're gonna cram all of this into 24 episodes of anime And they're gonna need to cut... a fair amount anyway, of course, but even then it's gonna be hard to avoid cutting out important parts of the whole thing And they already blew one whole episode on something other than the VN's story
>>991304 i have no idea i thought alternative already got an anime? hasnt there been like 3 or 4 muv luv anime already?
I think there's only one muv luv anime, and that's Alternative - Total Eclipse Which is not Alternative Total Eclipse is unrelated to the mainline series, beyond taking place in the BETA timeline None of the main cast are present It also takes place, mostly, before Alternative IIRC
s c
Or at least, the anime does Presumably, that goes for the VN by the same name, as well
>>991233 the mustard ones and the olive oil ones are both fucking good sardines are one of those things very brand-dependent though where the extra couple bucks spent is well worth it over getting the dollar can with the crunchy bones
>>991317 okay well theres definitely been like a dozen manga
can't believe they're going to turn william shatner into a space popsicle
>>991439 kek >>991440 it reminds me of that episode of futurama where he chose not to go to space.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> The entire mission from launch to landing will last about 10 or 11 minutes. The crew will be in what Blue Origin defines as space—at an altitude above the Kármán line, or about 100 kilometers above Earth—for about a minute or so.
i boldly choose to spend 70 seconds in almost-space VERY expensive
>>991442 I think he'll be the oldest person to have been in space.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk if being above the karman line really counts it's a semantic quibbl
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the giant space penis reached apogee lets see if it sticks the landing
>>991456 row, watch anime, play games whatever I want to i make $3000 a month working 15 hours a week lol so i can just do whatever i want
So earlier I was talking with my gm and told him I had a good stand idea for my character and he went on a long rant about why he wouldn't be doing stands again for a while and then when I told him the stand idea he said it was really good and that he would seriously consider allowing it soon because it fit thematically.
The stand is Kitty by The Presidents of the United States of America It attacks what people use tto move, legs, wheels on a carriage, horses legs, ship sails, rowboat oars etcetera
my idea is that she would use it to prevent prey from escaping and because it fits thematically (the character is just blood thirsty predator Serval) he said he'd probably let me do it I came up with the idea from the line in the song where the cat scratches the protagonist's legs.
I do wonder what they're gonna be doing in the places where the player makes a choice in the VN though The first one is already out of the way, and the anime went with the same one I did
yeah its his birthday tomorrow we're having his birthday dinner tonight though
>>991474 my birthday dinner is next monday although I'm sort lf doing three more *sort of two of them will be steak dinners, the other will be at a diner
I have produced an actual meal A new era has begun
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>991485 it's unimaginably nice my life is a thousand times better than when i worked 40 hours a week i have so much time to do things that make me happy and leave me feeling fulfilled
>>991747 I dunno, I'm not saying most of these are bad -- I'd even say all save Death Note are at least very good if not excellent BUT they are extremely basic choices They show no real indication of hishis actual taste to me, nothing that says anything more than "I watched what was popular when I was younger and liked it" Which again, is fine But it's not really taste
Hey uh, is Rei around? Pan messaged me saying that he heard there was a major plane crash in Florida and he was on the plane. I checked CNN and couldn't find anything, I'm sure it's a hoax though. Anyway, PAN wanted to know, so let him know what's up.
The main character is really strong when he's serious or in a pinch but most of the time he's a bit of a goof He also draws a lot of strength from the bonds of Friendship
I haven't slept in 32 fucking hours and I haven't been tired for a minute so far I feel like I can go for another full day, no fatigue whatsoever, my eyes aren't even heavy What the fuck man
whaddaya mean? is this like a symptom of something?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
usually if someone is awake for more than 24 hours and does not feel tired or any desire to sleep whatsoever it's related to mania or drug use unless you're like, 14
I'm no longer 14 unfortunately And it's not \\ well I mean I don't know, I took my pills yesterday, but not like, late, it shouldn't have made me be alert now anyhow it's 8am, it's been like, shit knows how long 20 hours since I took the last one?
Can't sleep now, I'll have failed at fixing my sleep schedule It's better to just tough it out for another 12 hours and then I'll be good again The whole reason I was up 24 hours yesterday in the first place was to fix that, but I wasn't able to sleep But there's no way I go 48 and my brain's still like "no, no sleep yet."
Yeah it's incredible And they basically took the Happy Home Whatever Wii U or 3DS spin-off game and made it DLC for New Horizons hah hah I'm looking forward to it!
>>992169 >mt st. helens explodes in 60 years >we've been sinking nuclear waste into the magma pipeline that feeds it >mt st. helens eruption is literally nuclear >earth dies
>>992169 if the waste is still that hot it can still be used to generate electricity
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>992173 yea you can tap into it like geothermal even as it sinks i think if you can deal with all the radiation
Yesterday at work, this senior-ish guy emailed me with a report thing he was looking for me to help compile 4pm on a Friday, and he asked for it by the end of the week.
So then I'm like.. 'im happy to do it but i don't think that's a realistic timeframe'
I am wondering if it's not a coincidence that not long after I hit an owl head on l, the ac unit stopped working in that truck ah well I guess we'll never know
what like sleep in there at night and head outside at sunrise to graze mental
Ah I slept way too long in the way that ends up making my neck really sore
>>992267 Cows are pretty smart They probably got in by curiousity and then realized it was undisturbed shelter and a safe place to hide for the night Or even chill there during the day and only really go and eat when they want food, depends on how far off the house is from where they were grazing, I'd figure
>>992290 definitely done it a lot more than 3 times
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>992294 it's been good I think saw my folks for the first time in a long time and had lunch
I was told that breakfast with my relatives is going to start at 7 or 8 ;_; too damn early i bet its because some of them are going to go to church afterwards
its not like god will strike them down if they miss church in order to have breakfast with their relatives at a reasonable hour
>>992311 looks like it would be hard to get this stuff looking at the wikipedia page is not making it look particularly attractive though >During marketing of other SSRIs and SNRIs, there have been spontaneous reports of adverse events occurring upon discontinuation of these drugs, particularly when abrupt, including the following: dysphoric mood, irritability, agitation, dizziness, sensory disturbances (e.g., paresthesias such as brain zap electric shock sensations), anxiety, confusion, headache, lethargy, emotional lability, insomnia, hypomania, tinnitus, and seizures. The withdrawal syndrome from duloxetine resembles the SSRI discontinuation syndrome.
>>992314 that's why you instead go to austria and let the elitists do their thing >>992315 yeah makes sense >>992317 I was gonna say, usually it's the french who are known for this
Although this behaviour I've generally heard more from Parisians than French people in general Not to say it applies to French people in general, as much as anything can be applied in general to people, but it's always stories from people who visited Paris rather than people who were in France
Plus any good Quebecois who doesn't want to deal with your English shit will definitely pretend they don't understand English