Back Arrow Bishounen Tanteidan Boku no Hero Academia Dragon, Ie wo Kau. Full Dive Fruits Basket Hige wo Soru, Soushita Joshikousei wo Hirou Joran The Princess of Snow and Blood Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui Osananajimi ga Zettai ni Makenai Love Comedy Sayonara Watashi no Cramer Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou Desu Super Cub
i see what you mean by tearing up that's how it is...
I'd read a bit of the manga when it was first starting to come out years back Honestly I was surprised they got to that point in the first episode When I read the manga I had the impression that arc was a bit longer
so much work in my future bang is to become busy
One of the few nice things about my job is it's consistent They basically just need me in there normal operating hours Mon-Fri My brother works a different part of the warehouse and they often need to have him in occasionally on Saturdays He gets to take a day off in the week to make up for it but there's not consistency to it.
We've got Bang so Bang shows are a good choice Full Dive, Hige wo Soru, Joran, Koi to Yobu, Seijo no Maryoku
There is also a new show today, Osananajimi ga Zettai, etc. From what I can tell it's a pretty garden fare LN love comedy adaptation, but the character designs are by Shigure Ui Who you might know as the character designer for Hololive's Oozora Subaru and other Vtubers, as well as getting up to Vtuber activities herself.
oh no shit wow i'm 300% down for that shigure ui is my idol
Shigure Ui also did the character designs for the recent season of Wixoss that aired last season She got the animation studio to sneak a bunch of Vtubers, including herself, into the background characters of it
i guess she's a big deal huh
She's reasonably successful I'd put her at about the same level as Pochi-Maru-sensei
I wonder what death is like in this game If the full dive of the VR replicates in your brain the full intensity of pain
Honestly from a realistic consideration that would probably actually be a health concern from people suffering from the stress of experiencing fatal pain like that.
He killed his best friend to see what it would be like And then strangled the girl! How's that easygoing?
what the hell is this show
although it fits this show perfectly so i don't have a problem with it here i generally do dislike the "mean imouto" type character maybe because the idea of mean imoutos makes me unhappy if my imoutos were mean i'd be sad
>>937600 One of my younger sisters was a real difficult person to be around in her teenage years These days she's much better, aside from when she's stressed out, but I also don't really have to interact with her much The way she acted in those teen years kinda made me not want to be around her a lot, but now she lives like four hours away, so I don't see her So I dunno, seeing how these imoutos treat their deadbeat older brothers kinda makes sense to me.
>>937602 i guess the way me and my siblings look at life from a perspective relative to eachother has an undertone of "us against the world" if only because it really was just us against the world for a few years, due to my parents' falling out even when we disagree, we've never been mean since we were children maybe rude, but not mean hard to explain
this show gives me big comfy vibes and sei is a fun character
There's been a rise of female MC isekai series lately Like in this way too, a show that's clearly targeted a bit more towards a female audience than the usual male bias We haven't gotten many of them in anime form yet But from peeking in on isekai chatter I know there's a lot of them in written/manga format
Wow Total ikemen
Oh wait yeah He's the one she saved
when there's nothing around it gives me "there's something big scaring them off" vibes
Maybe she's something big scaring them off with her INTENSE MAGICAL AURA
lots of isekai still happening I think we have a lot this season
isekai are the new high school anime
i said that jokingly but...
Well series fads are definitely a thing In the mid-late 00s high school drama/comedy/club antics series were definitely the fad Then they moved into a "trapped in a game" fad, or maybe it was teenage battle harems first Those two fads happened in the early to mid 10s And then isekai has definitely been the biggest fad since like the late 10s
wow she cooks so well it's causing trouble
wow is he really going to princess carry her on a horse
He is definitely princess carrying her on a horse What a lucky gal What a lucky dude
oh no she's gonna make super-makup makeup and then it's gonna make her 50% more pretty or omsething
That would be kind of funny if she can even enchant make-up supplies by infusing it with mana
Well if it's a skin condition then maybe normal skincare pharmaceuticals can help But if those are a medicine
Yeah even make-up that helps her hide her eyebags buff her eyesight So yeah cosmetics and pharmaceuticals also get powered up by her magic
but if she';s going to start wearing makeup, foundation covers up freckles too
This ojou is a good female friend for the MC She's good-natured and kind of mischvious
Ice Knight
seijo is great a show that's hard to recommend easily, because most people aren't into this kind of show most the people i know at least but this is exactly my kind of jam
i was already going to watch this when i saw it has "Love Comedy" in the name knowing Ui-mama did the character designs and art for the manga is just icing on the cake
The premise kinda reminds me of that other love comedy featuring a girl the MC is crushing on and his childhood friend who's crushing on him I've totally forgotten the name of it, but it had a silver-haired girl in it and there's a picture I think Rika likes posting occasionally of her holding a banana like a telephone
confession festival lol it's not even an unbelievable idea in Abe's japan
oh wait he's wearing a yellow tie but the other guy isn't is this school less strict about that kind of things
These days a lot of Japanese high schools are more lenient about stuff like that Unless it's like a private high school or somewhere with prestige As long as you're wearing the appropriate top/bottom combo for the school, and your additional articles of clothing don't offend the school's sensibilities, you're pretty free to wear a variety of things
also I don't know if this is an adaptation or what it may just be that she was given these characters, alraedy created by the author, to work with if that's the case she's stuck with the plain details
I said it was an adaptation when I introduced it! It's a LN series originally
they're hers she did the art for the manga, and an author did the writing
Oh is it a manga I assumed it was an LN because there's a lot of colour illustrations for it
i do like clover-chan here
I think the Oh this is the wrong fileformat thanks Twitter One moment
I think the original illustrations showcase Ui's capacity much better than this anime does
Which is weird because this is Doga Kobo doing the anime, and they can usually make a much better use of cute character designs than this I guess this is their B-team working on this anime But they're not doing anything else this season?
Like I get anime usually requires some tweaking of designs to fit the work But Doga Kobo are normally fully capable of animating designs like this I dunno why the anime's designs are dulled so much compared to these
damn this guy is an idiot best girl is clearly right there and likes him
Childhood friends are always best girl and always lose That's the absolute rule of manga, LNs, and anime
but I hope she does it cause it's interesting oh he stopped her
More like big YES
What a dweeb Absolute loser
i would've applied for marraige papers that same afternoon or maybe evening or maybe the next morning it can be hard to prioritize in the moment >>937701 waking up in that same classroom the next morning is more likely
Why not on the way home from school right away?
i do have to respect his willpower though he really really wants hime-cut
I didn't expect to encounter such a 10/10 girl in a show like this She's amazing
it's not even like hime-cut isn't a top-tier waifu from ep1 either but clover is too powerful
>>937708 yeah i'm definitely gonna need to take screenshots there's like 5 shows this season that are screenshot worthy
I'm gonna sell it to Kirara so he watches it as soon as possible Not that I really need to sell it to him All he probably needs to hear is it's Shigure Ui's new show and he'll be down But a bit of extra motivation is always good
lol rio
He took a ball to the head and now he's smitten with her
Honestly he's not a bad catch himself. And it would probably be better for her to date someone more her age than the guy here
oh i see
I bet he wants to walk her home gently
uh oh picking a fight with a high schooler
this guy really has no chill, huh
You've got to stalk out your territory ahead of time Gotta nip things in the bud Before they grow out of control!
The imouto's just happy to be along watching them be difficult with each other
Poor guy I mean he should probably reconsider pursuing a high school girl But he's obviously pure about his feelings for her The fact that they're kind of concerning is a different matter than that.
i mean yeah, i dunno
yeah i dunno
Hah hah She's got the wrong Amakusa
What kind of parents name their children Ryo and Rio That's just being mean
he brought an entire pharmacy
Why is this guy working an office job when he can clearly put together excellent study guides Should just get into the technical writing business
But maybe that's what his office job is
everything was okay until he touched her face i didn't like that
Touching the face is whatever Cupping his hand behind her ear is a bit excessive if you're not actually dating
Fumetsu shows that author wasn't a one-hit wonder with A Silent Voice They really know how to level direct hits at heart strings I can respect a quality writer like that
okay since we're losing bang let's do fruits okay lets start
Yeah I figured it would be that or Super Cub Fruits is good
>>937737 I certainly wasn't expecting to get as absolutely side-winded by Osananajimi as I did Thought we'd get some standard cute love comedy antics but instead, well
Shigure's a really good nuanced character He's always more perceptive than he lets on And despite being kind of selfish and cynical, he still looks out for the people he's in charge of.
It's neat coming back to this series now that I'm older and more perceptive of things I pick up on subtleties I totally overlooked as a teenager
>>937751 His name always strikes me as odd because I'm used to kancolle shigure.
>>937753 It's not a particularly common name, so it usually only shows up when there's a reason for the character to be named after it Kancolle's Shigure is obvious, of course, but this Shigure is named after an old calendar month, back when the calendar derived its names from the Chinese Zodiac All the Souma who are cursed by the Zodiac derive their names from that calendar Except Kyo of course, since the Cat's not actually a part of the Zodiac
In fact I think Kancolle's Shigure and this Shigure have different Kanji spellings for their names I think Kancolle's Shigure, and the boat, has something to do with rain?
Poor Kyo He had a good moment with Tohru there but then everyone showed up
>Are you saying people over twenty aren't young anymore? ;_;
Maybe if I keep repeating that to myself I'll eventually believe it's true
Oh yeah Shigure slept with Akito's mother Considering the relationship between mother and daughter that's probably a good way to make her haaaate his guts
>I only slept with her because you slept with Kureno The whole Souma family is like one big soap opera
Yeah, this show is very like a soap opera. Always such high drama and here's a soap opera development right here
You gotta wonder if Shigure's attraction to Akito is entirely the Zodiac curse Or if he likes her independent of that But either way when you've got the psychic compulsion to love someone for like twenty years straight Can you really love someone completely separate of that?
I'm pretty sure these ED illustrations are by the original mangaka Ever since the original manga serialization she's really improved her artstyle It's a big improvement from this.