If you remember that isekai about a catgirl and an elf that summon a Maou who ends up being a dork that has to pretend to be super evil, the first of the new shows is the second season for that Zombieland Saga should need no introduction
Are you on episode ten? It's pretty much entirely adventurers right now
I feel like if the level cap is around 90 and they're all 35 There isn't much they can do in a max level raid Especially if creatures have natural regeneration, I wouldn't be surprised if they can't even out-DPS the regen
i remember really being into this last time we watched it okay let's start!
It could get pretty lewd at times, and judging from what I saw in chatter about the series, that's only gonna build But the style was really nice and the animation was weirdly high-quality for a series of its caliber
I'm guessing this vicious guy is an agent of the church or something.
There was a faction of the church that wanted to summon the actual Maou for some reason I can't remember That red-haired knight lady from the first season was a part of their faction I bet this guy is associated with that faction
I think they handled the cathartic sorrow of her passing on pretty well It wasn't overplayed but it was still there She was only ever on borrowed time anyway
Honey, I Shrunk The Angel
If it's only the queen that can have children then it's definitely some kind of bug species Yeah probably ants, if they're burrowing through the ground
Realistically, while there are some species of ants where the queen does move around a bit, it's definitely still extremely limited unless the queen needs to be moved for survival reasons
I wonder if loyalty is based on something like pheromone release for ants I always just assumed they literally didn't have the brains to resist their place in the colony.
Oh hah hah It wasn't even ants in the first place It was naked mole rats The scope of their nests felt too small to be mole rats
They identify each other based on like chemicals they only start to hate each other once they've like evolved a way apart there are some places where the ants are all friends because they're not indigenuous
>>935418 i guess that makes sense since they're pink
Yeah those chemicals are what I meat by pheromones
It definitely makes sense in retrospect There were a few things that didn't line up with what I know about ants
I thought it was weird because ants need oxygen I googled it and naked mole rats actually can survive without oxygen
Yeah, I'd read up on that in the past They have some insane survival capabilities I'd just forgotten about it until it was revealed they were the mole rats
Just that big demon looming over the dinner table They're sure not worried about it
This is some fairly interesting demonstration of evolution in work
I was about to wonder if this was a flashback But she looks deathly pale there So it's probably present time and she's a zombie
I wonder if company anthems are still a common thing in Japan They did used to be used all the time, especially in shiftwork like what they're doing here But that feels like the kind of thing that might've faded in time as they realize how absolutely absurd it is to sing your allegiance to a company
Here's best girl Nothing's better than the Necroducer
Mamoru Miyano's at his best when he gets to play ludicrous roles like this He obviously has so much fun with the voice work
I wonder if whatever he did to revive all the girls is on a time limit That might explain why he was in a rush and the setback is a big concern to him
I'd forgotten about this policeguy until now He really has had a rough time at the hands of the girls
Must hurt to hear that from Sakura She's the one he's done all this for after all
They're back at the metal club they first performed at That's a nice callback
If this barmaster isn't responsible for helping him learn how to raise the dead I'll be a little disappointed He totally has the looks of a classic necromancer