I told some shows to download, I'll be back in 10 min gotta get up a sec
86 - Eighty-Six Back Arrow Bishounen Tanteidan Blue Reflection Ray Boku no Hero Academia Dragon, Ie wo Kau. Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Kumo desu ga, Nani ka Nomad - Megalo Box Sayonara Watashi no Cramer Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! Shadows House Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita SSSS.Dynazenon Subarashiki Kono Sekai The Animation Tokyo Revengers Vivy - Fluorite Eye's Song
We should have Bang tonight but aside from a few things I think he's down to watch pretty much anything So if there's a specific show you're curious about, let me know I don't really want to do a full synopsis for every new thing
But you'd probably enjoy Slime Taoshite, it's probably a comfy isekai And Bishounen Tanteidan is written by nisioisin and animated by SHAFT, so I'm hoping it'll be fun.
it's faster for me to list the ones i'm not watching i'm not watching: megalo box hero academia back arrow cramer
anything else is fine if we watch dragon, i'll need to watch ep 1 first the rest i have ready
Rodger dodger We didn't get an episode of this last week Or maybe we did and the week hiatus was the week before?
I think my memory's starting to slide around a bit Probably not getting enough sleep Oh wait the file data has that information for me Yeah we didn't get an episode of this last week
Oh that didn't go too smoothly Whole lot of humans though
the disconnect between what she's thinking and what they see are pretty funny
Maybe she actually is pretty strong then If she can level an entire stronghold with barely any effort
i liked the other OP better if this was a batch i would make a second copy of the first OP and name it after the second so it would always refer to that one
If trying to disguise herself enough to pass as humanoid so she can get sweets is the motivation to get a human form Oh well it's not quite, but kind of.
Also looks like it's not quite a human But an Arachne
Wow they're so big compared to her. and yeah expecting spiders to fall for a spider web trick well nevermind they did fall for a spider web trick
They still have the intellect of basic monsters We've kinda seen that complex thought is a bit beyond the simpler ones The big guns are still fine despite it though
I guess since she's got healing magic now, it's not a big deal But it's still pretty metal that she just lops of her limbs to escape as easily as she does
I'm guessing she will have to take on her mother at some point yeah. I'm guessing her mother will be the big boss of the dungeon rather than the spider.
I dunno if sending her extra minds there is a good idea
Three minds is better than one dumb spidermom mind!
Well the minds were important from a narrative point of view when she was in the dungeon but now that she's outside and presumably will come into contact with other characters they can all die without the story losing anything
oh nice i love this kind of music it reminds me of fighting game music
>>936089 It's pretty cold-blooded of her though! Also it's pretty useful to have multi-threading consciousnesses
dang poor subtitlers they didn't get the ED subtitled until near the end of the first cour now they have to do this one
wiat is that yuki aoi doing the screams hold up
Probably yeah She's got an incredible vocal range
Oh it's one of Schlain's older brothers that's spearheading this plot I guess he's salty that Schlain got to be the Yuusha and not him
gimme a quick second to take my contacts out you can stay orange it'll just be one minute
Let's tap out Blue Reflection and do Slime Taoshite last Slime'll probably be comfy Keep Shadows House in there though I think it'll be fun
To be frank there's like thirty shows that seem interesting this season which we DON'T have all the time for And Blue Reflection is kind of one of the weaker things on pure synopsis/premise Not to say we ditch it entirely but we're either gonna have to make decisions or have a loooot of stuff on the plate
i'm nominating Vivy for the "Most Likely To Make Bang Cry" category
I'm excited to see where it goes To cover a full hundred years of history correction in a single season is pretty intense
the premise is a pretty complex one too it'll be tought to determine if she's fighting for or against robots or humanity throughout, i imagine but the only true mission is to prevent the AI apocalypse
Something about the instrumental for this OP is kind of nostalgic But I can't quite pin the origin
To be precise, when talking about "kokoro", it literally is entirely metaphor and abstraction Kokoro often gets translated as heart, but it's more akin to soul and the metaphysical heart, and doesn't actually mean the physical, blood-pumping heart
oh no they implied robutt now i'm gonna have to be careful on /a/
Fifteen years sure has gone by in the blink of an eye
Wow a big timeskip I guess she changed history a little bit but not enough.
normally what they've already done would have a huge butterfly effect so i get the idea that this is the kind of future that is elastic and keeps tending towards an overall trajectory
Fun fact: This narrator is the same seiyuu as the bear
Man I want to go to a Uchuu Hotel
oh huh
Planetfall-ing a whole space station into Earth would be disastrous, yeah
Oh it landed in the ocnea Ocean, even. I guess that's to be expected, statistically
He has to fucking with her a bit though Telling her that the AI responsible for crashing the station into the planet is her imouto And then shortly afterwards telling her they need to destroy her
do you guys ever eat those little babel cheese wheels
also do either of you actually use the blue moe background it's too bright for me i use ashita
>>936148 to me these are the cheaper ones if i got nicer cheese that tasted at least as good, it'd probably be like $10/lb
I've snacked on them in the past, but I probably won't be having more any time soon If I want to snack on cheese I'd much rather just get a block of cheese and some crackers More cost-effective and I like the flavour of those varieties better.
>>936160 They were a part of daily life in Gridman as well. I guess there was a good reason for that in Gridman though, I wonder if that will be the case here.
This one piqued my interest when I was looking at stuff pre-season The mangaka team that are doing it wrote a series I checked in on every now and then years back called Kuro, about a girl living alone in a big mansion, and a black "cat" that had taken up the role of her pet As far as aesthetic goes, Shadows House definitely seems to be in the same kind softly uneasy feel.
sorry i had to pee
That's more a coffin than a bed
Oh the shadowpeople can talk I kinda expected them to be silent
what a strange setting
Certainly the weirdest selfcest scenario I've ever seen
i feel like there's way too much to take in for some reason
Stuck the landing
Hah hah hah Telling kids to look at people's eyebrows or the forehead is a common bit of advice to give to kids with autism Since they usually don't like looking at people's eyes, or don't register that it's a normal thing to do in social situations.
she was awall full of text and she can't read rip
She's really making a big mess Wow It keeps happening But it seems like her body isn't cooperating properly
wow she's even worse than useless
This is a very low-hanging but pretty clever bit of writing The Shadows need normal humanoid people to shadow them
Oh she's just been forgetting to feed herself What an absolute baka
oh no she's rolling you shouldn't roll while eating
She sure perked up after getting some food to eat
whoa a peck
Do you want to build a sootman
You'd think if you were going to make a homunculi maidservant for someone, you'd make them able to read.
Wow the soot really comes in hard when she's peeved
being late is a bad
I feel like this whole series originates out of those old-timey all-black profile pictures and the mangaka looking at them and going "Yeah we can make a story ouf -out of this"
And now she really is a perfect double for her ojou-sama
Sounds more like an Italian guy's name
Oh that one doesn't look like she's as happy as the MC
she looked pretty awful
Oh no ReoNa I think they have a similar sound to their voices
unfortunately my cut might end up being smaller than either of yours there's a lot of good shows this season i'll watch some more and this one will likely make it but i'm gonna have to make some harder decisions than i'd like
Maybe there'll be some things you can take note of and marathon the season some time later down the line
there might be a lot of things i gotta watch on my own or marathon yeah i can't really stay up this late very often anymore i can do the last one for tonight tho
Well hopefully Rika wakes back up so we can get to it
i'm not against ending here though i'll give it a few minutes