some things can never be spoken some things can not be pronounced that word doesn't exist in any language it will never be uttered by a human mouth
You know the kinda lousy battery on the Switch does make for a good reminder to set down the console every now and then At least when playing handheld hah hah
Maybe I should see if there's some nice reuseable chopsticks I can get online or something I can't think of anywhere her I could get some in person And I should probably refrain from in-person shopping when possible There's just some thing that are better eaten with chopsticks than a fork
My hair's starting to get pretty long again Enough that I need to scoop it out from behind me if I'm laying down or against something Otherwise it's way too prone to tangling or getting pressed weird Too bad I probably don't have a chance at a haircut in the foreseeable future
>>935773 Is this a newly discovered body, or is there a justification for it not being the 3rd thing we learn about our solar system in school?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dumbasses doin anti mask protests every week in downtown
>>935776 No clue, but I assume it's not There's a lot of whacky things out there in space, and this isn't really an actual satellite of Earth It's just a small enough body that happens to move in just the right orbit around the Sun that it comes under the pull of Earth for a part of that orbit. It sounds cool, and it is pretty neat, but things like this happen all the time out there in space
I means sure but its orbit is also bean shaped
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rules of the pretty boy detective club 1. be pretty 2. be a boy 3. be a detective >>935806 Did you ever play baseball in school? I'm talking to another Canadian and he says he never played it in school.
>>935807 not much in PE baseball's not very accessible my dad got me to play it for a while but i hated it we were more likely to play kickball there are quite a few baseball diamonds around tho
>>935817 >baseball's not very accessible What does that even mean? Well, you've played it more than he is.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like it's fuckin hard to hit a baseball unless you play all the time
>>935819 In gym we almost always did soft ball. Also Git Gud
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and hard to pitch too dodgeball is easy by comparison we also did a lot of basketball but i hated that too volleyball was alright
really as a kid i played ice hockey and then eventually quit cuz i didn't like it then i did swimming i also broke my leg skiing when i was like 10
never tried it fishing seems like not my kind of activity lots of waiting around and doing nothin
>>935824 It's really juat for sitting around and drinking beer.
I liked fishing when I was younger but I'm not a drinker at all so it'd be a pain to find someone to go fishing with. Also my mom got rid of my fishing poles when we moved.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'd rather swim to a little island and eat shrooms or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my parents also tried to get me into golf and registered me for the country club but i basically never went unless my buddy dragged me there fuck that stupid bougie sport
i got good at table tennis while workin at startups in the US at least >>935826 well i'd drink and fuck around without tryin to force anyone else to >>935829 that's too bad
Also I don't eat fish.
I wish I knew people around here who hunt but I got ghosted by my only friend who hunted a few years ago. ;_; She was cute too.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow was she neurotypical?
>>935831 She wasn't autistic Not sure if you count as neurotypical if you have depression and an anxiety disorder.
I've only ever known like three autistic girls in my life.
Also I'm not interested in dating girls with autism.
>>935834 i didn't think you were tryna date her you said she was a friend did you ask her out
>>935836 NNah I was thinking about it at some point but she disappeared.
Although it would've been weird cause she was sort of religious. I don't think I'd be able to date an observant Christian girl.
I mean I know you don't choose who you fall in love with, but it would feel really weird to me dating someone who wasn't an athiest or Jewish.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why rule it out maybe she'd be chill about it
>>935840 Because if we hit off I wouldn't be able to marry her if she were an observant Christian.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jeez cross that bridge when you get to it
Oh I mean I'd totally have dated her if I had the chance. But like I can't not raise my kids Jewish
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea so you tell her that up front and see what she thinks
Well all of this is hypothetical because I'm not dating anyone. But I have all these anxieties Like I think I need to get married and have kuds soon *kids Because if I wait too long not only will I be an old dad It's greatly increases the chances that any children I have will have autism because there's an increased risk in autism in children born to older fathers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bein anxious about it is self defeating tho but not an easy thing to quell
This isn't why I'm not dating though, I'm nt dating because I'm overweight, broke and a NEET. Mainly the weight and neethood though. I need to go back to college but its hard to get the money for it. I have bad self esteem because I'm 27 (almost 28) and I have no degree and I've never had a job. And because of stuff related to the government benefits I can't get a job without losing those (sort of, its really complicated).
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that sounds difficult
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow, never had a job? you been livin the good life
I don't really feel like getting into the details of this right now, but there's also the issue of demonstrating to my parents (and myself) that I'm capable of returning to college and successfully completing my degree.
If I didn't have autism or if I didn't have depression I think I would've finished my degree in four years. And it eats me up inside.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeowch that sounds hard to think about but it's a counterfactual
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do you have a lot of negative self talk
>>935857 Sometimes Like I understand on some level that I am intellectually capable of many things and can potentially achieve success but I have so little real success (post childhood) that causes me too self doubt.
>>935882 >Andy Partridge from XTC designed army figures and a boardgame. >Beyond music, Partridge is an avid collector, sculptor, and painter of toy soldiers, an "obsession" he credits to his mother throwing away his toys as a child.[37] In a 1990 interview, he estimated owning thousands of figures since he started collecting them in 1979, and he reported having recently contributed World War I-era designs to an unspecified "firm that makes these war game figures in North England".[5] He has also designed board games, such as one called "Damn and Blast"
I can't find any fucking information about this boardgame and I read the whole interview and found out some more info about the "firm", including a single product line but its name is close to a common typo so I couldn't find out what company it is.
>>935878 I do remember seeing it on tano now that you mention >>935887 is that why stewie Griffin says it >>935889 I know senses or whatever that song is called
>>935888 Checked Also, are you familiar at all with XTC?
>>935888 Senses working overtime Although they skip a lot of senses Like preopro whatever I forget the name The one that lets you know where your limbs are.
They also did "Dear God" which ws a huge hit in the US, although someone threatened to bomb a radio station for playing it.
yeah im a lil familiar with xtc i done it like a bunch back in college >>935893 nah i just do calorie counting kinda right now i eat like two cookies a day for dinner but dont each lunch i kinda watch watch i eat though like no fried foods and stuff and eat chicken and rice a lot
i took a good pic of me at the beach yesterday got like 3 snapchat replies going hot guess im just too good looking
ok to sum up i watch my macros by knowing what i ingest but i dont count them anymore i just fo go for more things that i know have protein and fat then some veggies
Eh I don't care that much but it would be nice. >>935933 Oh no
id say at least 20 of them are never opened i preordered a bunch before the army but then i got banned from amiami cuz i couldnt pay for like 3 preorders during basic training
Yeah, I was about to say. I haven't seen either version. Although just from images I've seen I think Tim Curry Pennywise looks better. I've read the book though. I was rrreally into Steven King for a few years when I was a kid.
sorega atashi yo
Huh Tim Curry voiced Nigel Thornberry in the wild thornberries.
I somehow got on the wrong bus, or a bus going the wrong way (which doesn't even make sense since my stop is in a cul-de-sac), or something else went awry, and now I'm not going to the store I thought I was It's fine since there's a shop at the end of this bus route anyway, but it doesn't have everything I wanted to pick up But it should have what I need
There was like seventeen shows that aired over the weekend that at the least look like they'd be a fun watch I'm really hoping some under-deliver because there's like thirty shows so far this season that seem good. And there just isn't enough time in the week to watch that much anime.
>>936163 what if you drank a liter of water instead
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hmm i watched godzilla vs kong wtf am i watching
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
michael bay present
I've never really lived more than on ground level or a storey above it at best, so this is something I've had to learn But when you're a good bit above ground, you can really hear the wind whipping around outside even when it's slightly windy out I want to keep the window open a bit since it gets pretty hot in this apartment but the sound of the wind honestly gets me a bit anxious.
I'm not sure. The only connection I've made is that it seems to happen when I take 30+mg of melatonin. Usually I take 20. Maybe I'll skip work today so I can take a nap.
>>936278 In your place I'd probably use myself as a research subject and see if it really is a consistent link
But I'unno, sleep is one of those wonkiest things to fix Like there's no real consistent solution to anyone's problems with sleep And all a sleep doctor will really do is give you the standard problemsolving advice
>>936281 >:And all a sleep doctor will really do is give you the standard problemsolving advice I didn't know you were such a sleep expert. How many sleep studies have you overseen?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think i have mild apnea i get allergic a lot gonna get a hermetically sealed bubble
My adenoids are a slight problem in that department If my head's tilted just the wrong way I don't think I'm getting good oxygen flow when sleeping It helps to have a good set of pillows though
>>936287 Do you know about the actual bubble boy? Well, really there were two.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i've heard the story but i forgot
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wipe the slate clean sam it's time to cleanse this filthy world
>>936289 The thing most people don't know about him (David Vetter) is that doctors knew that if his parents had a child that it would have no immune system. They had another kid that died soon after being born. But they were encouraged to have another child just so that he could be studied by scientists.
i wonder how filthy the world is actually beyond hyperbolic takes all i know is there's a fuckton of plastic in the ocean
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's a fuckton of plastic in our blood too we're just like the ocean
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pretty wild
And just like the ocean we yearn for the moon
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i yearn for the bean moon
Just inject pastic eating bacteria into your veins.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's fine we just invent uhhhHH plastic fighting robots
But if those robots are made of plastic Are we just making plastic fight plastic for our own satisfaction?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yes for profit and spectacle
Well I do need a new pair of glasses
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow me too
nanobots made of diamonds
Okay I looked it up, they were told that if they had another child there was a 50% cchance that it would have no immune system. It's so fucked up that they had another kid. >>936305 Yeah
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are you talking about the bubble boy i see rest in pee, that particular strain of genes
A book about him by his psychologist came out a ffew years ago. They wrote it in the 90's and tried to publish it but they were blocked by the family and the medical center where he was treated. >>936307 I'll look it up, his case wasn't super unethical or anything, he had an acquired condition as opposed to being born with it.
He actually didn't die from an infection, but from iron overdose from getting too many blood transfusions. His medical condition is treatable now without the patient needing to live in a sterile eeenvironment.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder how the inability to safely create uma musume hentai has affected its popularity
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow so they merged these two kids' stories into this movie character?
Spooky That's probably more of a long-term thing to look at It's still pretty popular since it's the big mobage fad at the moment I'd say ability to make porn of it is probably something that bolsters long-term interest in the franchise Like Touhou
>>936314 Well are you talking about "Bubble Boy" or "The Boy in the Plastic Bubble"? Cause the boy with the plastic bubble was based lloosely on Ted Devita, David was only a few years old when the movie came out.
Another thing about those two thats sort of fucked up. They only got that medical treatment because of their connections. David was born to be studied by medical researchers, and Ted Devita's dad was an expert oncologist. I'm sure plenty of other people died from those diseases because their families couldn't afford to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on sterile rooms and everything they needed to live.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i gotta work off this dark energy somehow chess time
>>936324 Hm, maybe broad popularity, but maybe not deep popularity Like it helps it appeal to a wider audience if the fanart and general buzz of the franchise is SFW But I think the real passion for mobage or other franchises comes from the otaku who are definitely more excited when you add a lewd flavour to the mix And appealing to a wider audience is definitely short term popularity, but if you're not hooking all those people for the long run, you're kinda just wasting your time
they already gassed everyone gathering and beat them up so maybe we'll get more riots
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh damn yeah more riots
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's too late for this shit i gotta wind down god i wish there was something i could do about the police in america but that's my solutions oriented brain doing its normal thing i guess i could donate to the cause
i guess i will just search twitter and then donate to the first paypal i see and call it a day feeling of having done something good restored system carries on
yea cuz in canada there are more people who want to be vaccinated than doses unlike in america where it's for some reason the complete opposite
>>936408 Disregarding the complaint about "political" stuff, why would they have the character say that instead of the original line "All you people who love skateboarding"?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's not the original line though
>>936418 That's what the reply by the tweeter said. How dare he lie to me.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if that were the original line, they wouldn't have changed it much because it would have been in english
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
brb incorporating a company in whistler
brb selling an nft in whistler
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
come here ill get you vaxxed
Night /moe/
ive been vaxxed for like 5 months now i dont get the struggle
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
which one did you get
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
our province sucks at procuring doses
militarys doing moderna afaik i got moderna
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow samsies moderna is the vax for upper class people like us
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
$MRNA bros my shares are way down fuckin rip
i fibally sold my chinese penny stocj for like 24% profit the other day bought another one right after
my jap always complains about her bed that its too small but in reality shes just a bad sleeper she literally wakes me up and is 90 degrees the other direction
>>936513 mine neither it sux ideally i would have the server transcode into mp4 actually ideally i would just unwrap the webm if that is at all possible and rewrap it in a mp4 container
just recode iphones to play webms
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hmm my gym time got cut really short earlier cuz of bs but i took preworkout
Sounds like 4400 new provincial cases We got informed on Friday that someone on the retail floors of the store above the warehouse tested positive Thankfully down here in the warehouse, especially people like me that only do receiving, are pretty isolated from the upper floors But it's definitely the closest it's come to me
>The band's thirteenth studio album, Father of All Motherfuckers, was released on February 7, 2020.
Although actually their ssecond drummer is good. He's been playing in actual bands since he was 12. I forget his name though. I have a compilation with everything his first band recorded. Although on the songs where he and the 15 year old sing you can really tell that they haven't finished puberty yet.
He looks like a loser in this pic LMAO For real though, they really need to quit dressing like that and stop wearing the eye shadow. They're all like 50 (except Tre who is 48) now, its embarassing.
The idea of them mistaking their gun for their taser is itself fucking laughable
That reminds me of that tweet by that woman who mistook her stungun for her vibrator.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it was an accident pwease sowwy uwu
>>936547 seems like the cop was actually shouting "taser" when well shooting so either already trying to come up with an excuse when doing it, or really dumb fuck either or, not someone you'd give a gun to and the authority to use it or even a taser
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cops doing that has been documented before but even if they planned on just tasing tasers are deadly weapons too
I mean really she had a bit too much time for me to believe she didn't notice the thing she was holding had a trigger guard, and also was black She was in a situation where she supposedly tried to use a taser, too, so some excuse like "she was really stressed and anxious, and just didn't realize" doesn't hold up too well either
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>936557 yeah hundreds or thousands die after being tased every year but the taser corp has been lobbying for decades to prevent taser being listed as a cause of death anywhere they're really terrible and predatory
>>936555 actually what's more depressing is the actuality that the only reason most of them _are_ there is because the officers in charge wouldn't hire them if affirmative action didn't force them too to* police departments in particular are one of the biggest remaining bastions of "good ol' boys clubs"
I guess I should have clarified that it's assumed affirmative action is the reason in the sense that affirmative action forces institutions to hire underqualified people because they're not white or men
yeahi know what you meant but there are often hiring sprees where police departments say "alright this year we're only hiring blacks and women and any black women if we can find em" just so they can go back to hiring people more similar to themselves this isn't the case in all police departments at all though, and it's important to note that individual cities and counties vary greatly, even within the same state for instance, the baltimore police department is extremely different than the phoenix police department (obviously) but both are also extremely different from the payson police department (a small town in northern arizona, as opposed to phoenix, the capital)
another issue with the "i thought it was a taser" thing is that tasers and glocks have very different safeties on them >>936565 i have been known to play a bideo gaem on occasion in fact i am playing one RIGHT NOW
>>936566 have you heard of barotrauma? it's a kusoge that is fun with friends while drinking samu was the navigator on a submarine while i was the repairman and kinshi was just there and whoakun was busy killing aliens or something idk
>>936566 Being an American cop, I would be surprised if she used the safety to begin with, though They're more or less indoctrinated with the idea that their job is the equivalent of walking around in an ISIS compound while wearing an American uniform
>>936568 now these kinds of generalizations are somewhat specific and not exactly helpful to the debate you can't allow that kind of exaggeration to warp your viewpoint from legitimacy it hurts the cause
was barotrauma a rare case of "you can have more than 4 players" why is it always 4, tho >>936572 yeah, but my point being, why limit it to 4, you could have MORE, but with 4 being standard
>>936571 because 4 is an easy number to acquire you can definitely have a ship with like 30 people on it
>>936571 well i'm trying to recruit kirara so we can maybe have 5 and if i recruit you then we can have 6 and get a big boat
Hm, maybe it's a bit uncharitable Wouldn't be surprised though
>>936570 yeah it's a sidescroller, with ragdoll-able sprites and crazy physics, and a really unweildy control scheme designed to make the game difficult but it ends up being a fantastic mess for it because no one really knows what they're doing and somehow we manage to get the submarine all the way to another port
barotrauma is a game where you manage a submersible to explore the depths of the moon Titan and its frozen planet covering super deep oceans encountering the weird fauna and flora that live in the sunless seas
and you can give people opium until they overdose
oh yeah and there's drugs, yeah
and you can do very silly shit like say rewire the main engine's power switch into a random power switch as an engineer cause why the fuck not have someone accidentally turn the ship off when thinking they are utninr the medical bay lights on
>>936577 sounds cool to me i'd be down to play sometime
it's also almost completely unplayable solo but it's not really designed to be played solo if anything it's designed for 4-10 people
it is damn hilarious, but at the same time quite horrifying game, as it really depicts the depths and the monsters in it well and you never really see anything without going outside
never played it, but seen enough let's play and streams to know that it would be damn fun
yeah one time i was bleeding from every limb and kinshi failed to stabalize me as whoakun attempted to kill a sea monster and samu couldn't stop water from coming in the hull it was awesome
>>936585 and i'd make a guess that the tazer is on a different spot on them then the gun like ie. gun on the right tazer on left
whether or not she's telling the truth, in the end it boils down to a failure by the state to provide adequate training to their officers if she made a mistake, accidental or not, training could have prevented it
either or, she is a mental case who wanted to shoot someone and get away with it or she really lacks in training and capacity to work as an officer
>>936590 if she is a mental case who wanted to shoot someone, the state has failed to provide adequate training to her that would weed her out now if she's a particularly clever mental case who really did figure out how to game the system we can only hope the psychiactric process involved in the case will uncover that but more likely than not, this is the fault of the department at large
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think most likely what happened is that she freaked out and followed her training which was to draw her firearm she may have intended to grab her taser but in her panic she probably just reverted for her training and grabbed her firearm and shot most cops who kill people are not actually malicious psychopaths hellbent on killing people but rather people who get themselves so worked up and terrified that in that moment they legitimately believe their only choice is to kill someone to protect themselves
but I am more inclined to think stupidity over malice, as that is most oft the case
>>936592 i was thinking something along the lines a hot stressful situation and body kicks into autopilot and by the time she realised her mistake, welp
it is the same case in most modern armies, especially if you end up sent into the zone I think our UN peacekeepers amusingly enough, get special training to have that "shoot on sight" reaction instead of think then shoot causes a lot of ptsd in the end, when your first reaction is "bang" before even assessing the situation, but saves "our boys" from the grave, so it works for the army.
she should have been better trained to handle the situation and thusly did not handle it well
I mean really someone who panics and reverts to their training on how to utilize lethal force instinctively when someone tries to run away probably should have never been anywhere near a badge
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's true but also police training forces you to be like speaking as someone who has been through cop training simulations the goal of those trainings is to prepare you shoot someone even at the slightest chance they are going to attack
it is a vicious cycle in the end the training enforces the worst case reactions and those enforce people to distrust the police due to fear of their own safety and it just spirals down into more bloodshed
kinda hard to even start fixing the situation
police unions and the way departments are budgeted are the problem, in my opinion departments are not incentivised whatsoever to help their communities or even police them they are incentivised to log criminals being apprehended and keep their officers alive above all else not that those aren't important functions of a good police department, but if those are the only functions that hold any weight in the incentivisation process you are going to end up with a police force that does what most of ours do
>>936597 I rather have effective cops, than cops who are too afraid to do anything to a suspect, but USA has it dialed down to 19 >>936601 effective turns to overkill but what I mean here, is specifically hot situations, not are they actually solving anything in general
they are effective in taking down a suspect when they are hostile it is not a case was the suspect actually a criminal etc but just that they can and will take down a suspect when they are hostile
in some countries, the cops have their hands tied so much, that the suspect can basically SUE the cops for any bodily harm
how are you supposed to arrest someone with that kinda bondage?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>936599 it also doesn't help when the purpose of the job is explicitly stated not to be protection of people the florida supreme court ruling that cops don't have a duty to protect anyone was a big fucking mistake
Oh yeah I guess they do alright on that Not necessarily the suspect they were trying to get in the first place all the time, but they manage to get someone or other when they try
that is what a suspect is at the scene suspect is not a perpetrator s
No I mean they don't always get the suspect Not the perpetrator, the person they were trying to get
>>936605 >>936603 yeah don't forget that Russia and China both still exist where the police reach across the entire spectrum of "state-sponsored martial law enforcers" to "pretend rent-a-cops serving criminal organizations" there is at least the knowledge that US police departments are more typically just really violent and shitty but at least not puppets
Russian police is the 20 but atleast you can bribe them openly
This isn t from russia, but hungary, but demonstrates the eastern block quite well
things might have changed, but I remember this one tourist advice "on public transit, when you have your tickets checked by the conductor, never hand them the ticket, always keep a hand on it. Should you hand the ticket, they might pocket it, and ask for a ticket again. the ticket that you now don't have."
I'm not actually sure they're more effective at apprehending people than our cops are though Got nothing to indicate that beyond the sheer amount of people cops are putting behind bars
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
With the exception of murder, the US actually generally has good rates of crimes solved But yeah we jail for everything even small shit
things like bank robbery and grand theft auto have conversion rates of like 60%+ last i checked which is really really good relatively speaking murder even has a pretty high conversion rate
aside from shootings, most murders are quite simple >your spouse/etc close family member did it >they most likely aren't trying to hide it, as it was a crime of passion
one of the biggest things i wish would change is gun laws, specifically the debate surrounding them because rifles are always in the news and there's always new bills about them when handguns are the weapon used in like 90%+ of gun-related murders
In happier news, I'm thinking of saving up for a 3090 Not really because I need a new GPU, but I kinda want one I don't really play much that needs a strong GPU though, there's just not a lot of games like that released anymore that are also interesting to me
I'm too old to pick up a new FPS to get good at now And I don't wanna play a competitive FPS game if I'm not gonna push myself to get good at it
>>936615 even if you have say strict tests before you are given the right to bear arms, as it with us there are always slip ups and in the end no gun laws prevent illegal firearms
>>936617 i'd like to build a new PC but i'm gonna have to wait until the GPU madness dies down the market is not currently functioning properly there
>>936618 yeah it shouldn't be as easy as it is though and although it will almost certainly never change, 21 is too young to be buying portable firepower 25 is a much more reasonable age to allow someone to purchase one
at least i don't know many 21 year olds responsible enough
>>936619 A new PC is far in the future for me A 3090 is like... 5 months out if I decide to get one, I just don't have that much money left over each month
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>936618 this is a very black and white thing you are saying
if any of you decide to get Barotrauma and we make a big /moe/ submarine i suggest grabbing it from g2a because it's much cheaper i got my copy from there and it worked out fine
huh you can get it for half the price there and it is a steam key
how does that shop even work, some people bulk buy the games on steam during sales and resell?
>>936626 in most cases (but not all) they purchase a ton of keys in bulk during steam sales and then sell them at a slight margin for a while
in the other cases, they sometimes obtain them illicitly there are also cases where people commit credit card fraud to get those keys in the first place but the overwhelming majority are the first instance i provided
huh that is kinda clever >>936629 and this was what I was afraid too
Often they're bought with stolen cards too
I also think there have been cases of the devs themselves generating keys to dump on sites like that, but I haven't actually seen that confirmed, admittedly I've heard it about a few smaller games, but I can't remember which, so don't put too much into it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well that's not so bad stolen card gets the balance reverted gabe or visa eat the cost of fraud
i think i is the credit card company that eats the fraud costs
yeah in the cases where large companies and creditors are eating the cost, it's honestly a net good for the world in the cases where small developers get shafted i guess it's less cool but also i am still lower-middle class and i still want to play video games
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and since it's just a game key nothing is stolen perhaps it is stealing from the devs would might have made a sale at full price
still sucks for the people who get their cards stolen it is a big hassle to cancel one and get a new one afterall
I think valve just deactivates the game\code when it's been bought by a stolen card, so you end up paying a thief for something that doesn't even exist
i've bought plenty of games on g2a and never had an issue but i also double-check the seller
barometre one seems to have only some companies, that I suppose do that for living, reselling it
Kinguin was nototrious for this shit, a few years back, from what I remember Like, a big scandal
I mostly know about it because a lot of streamers still accepted and maintained sponsorship relationships with them throughout the whole thing, and they got a whole shitton of flack for it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
can i sell all the free games i got... nah they'll be worth zip and i guess they aren't a steam key anymore
damn couldn't you theoretically use stuff like fuck what was that charity site? that sells a bunch of games always for real cheap
buy steam stuff through there when there are huge package deals going and resell through g2a?
G2A also recently paid a company like 40k USD because the company said that all of the sales of their game had been illegitimate G2A offered to pay if they could prove it and then they did but G2A has been somewhat better about vetting large-scale sellers from what i've heard the wild west days are ending and people have to get sneakier if they wanna keep doing that
>>936641 Humble bundle, and yeah presumably you could But your profit is likely to be next to nothing cause most people with an interest in paying anything at all for a game will already have it by the time you put it up
oh hey the studio that makes it is finnish
usually purchasing keys in bulk and reselling them for profit is a long-term thing with small margins it's like you buy 1000 copies of a game when it's 75% off, and maybe even use a VPN to buy the game through steam in Singapore because it might be cheaper there or the currency conversion might benefit you and then you sell them on G2A over the course of literally years, at a 65% markdown from the steam price and so without exactly putting a lot of work you make say 2000 bucks off of it which is nothing but you also did nothing except have the capital to do it that's usually how these things work
ah it was Europa not titan
>>936645 vpns can indeed save you a bunch of money due to currency and more specifically taxes EU is most pricey
for that reason, EU gift codes are usually the most expensive ones on there
which is the amusing part, since no one can buy games for Europoors but europoors can buy games for everyone
hmm something that I don't actually know is that are all EUs operating under same tax for vidya or is it country specific ie. could I save a few Cs from every purchase, if I made an alt account in spain or shit and bought all my games with that and then gifted them to my actual account?
and would it be tax avoidance for that matter...
I think if someone here ever did that, got caught, they'd be let go with a "I didn't know that was a crime" which is a legitimate defence in some cases of avoiding taxes and customs here ie. if you order alcohol from abroads, you are still required to pay the alcohol tax for it however, amusingly, if you physically go somewhere, grab a bottle and bring it here on you, you don't need to pay any customs (provided you don't bring somehting like 500 litres) but say I order beer from germany get it delivered, but then turns out, the company didn't pay the taxes. In this case I would by both finnish and EU law 100% guiltless as I can safely assume that the vendor, when promising to deliver the product to my doorstep is fully aware of what it entails
anyhow in most cases like this, the customs will just grab the goods and tell you "if you want em, give money"
and especially, when it happens to you in *whe nit happens to you the first time, you can use the defense of "I wasn't aware of this" as some laws and edicts here are the kind of type that aren't logical or completely clear on their own, with the customs bullshittery on alcohol being a very good case of this
and ironically, this alcohol mail order restriction, is actually against EU free trade deals and we get pretty much grilled about it every odd year, but our prohibition era governments still stick to their guns "no mail alcohol"
>>936651 All this shit makes me dread the day when our king finally eats it It's so fucking absurd it's hard to accept an actual nation state, like a developed, modern, actual nation state is doing this shit
It's the kinda reaction I associate with a medieval society, like a fantasy novel or movie
Ate a whole damn pizza and I still want more food But I don't wanna make more food, and I'm not gonna because I know I've eaten enough alraedy
I don't even know if I'd be able to eat more food I just kinda WANT food, even if I'd probably get one bite through and go "that's enough for now"
is today Mars Red day? oh shit OH SHIT POGGERS
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are you watchin megalo box bang did you watch s1
nah i didn't finish s1 it's just not my thing i guess
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think s2 is gonna be a lot better, the first two episodes of it added a lot of characterization and stuff
the only sports/shonen anime i really got hype about was Ping Pong which is also probably my favorite show ever but aside from that there hasn't really been one that got me
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ping pong is without a doubt one of my favorites top 3 undoubtedly i rewatch episode 10 all the time it's just so fucking good
Mars Red just seemed too slow for me Too dialogue heavy
huh surprisingly phil was good sport with his little flock and never did anything disrespectful towards them
>>936667 the way it really gets into everyone's head and shows you their perspective and their struggle and makes it so hard to swallow that someone has to lose they all come from such different walks but they all just want so badly to win at ping pong w whether or not they love the sport
wenge's was my favorite arc maybe
the shot composition and voice acting in Mars Red was sublime i hope the show keeps up the obvious display of immense effort
>>936681 rona didn't kill enough so now the universe has to start culling the innocent again
The universe isn't doing shit here This is human beings killing other people.
i think that would be quite a shock in a way, if the death rates for lockdown *corona year are lower than a normal year and not because of say "no flu deaths", but just "violence"
im attempting to deploy a moe token it's gonna take a few hours to deploy apparently but uh get a wallet and ill send y'all some maybe it'll be worth something one day who knows
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ is a good one for iphones cuz it has encrypted seed backup i don't think android is out of beta yet
game needs an underlying ruleset tho i'll take MTG and remove all the unfun parts
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so mtg but you just get to look at the cool art?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just lobbin softballs baby
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what if there's no fight system at all what if it's a cat girl make out simulator
mtg is fun unless you're playing against blue control or if opponenet just casts channel then wins
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mtg is fun with friends i used to go to a card shop when i was in high school to play and it was just rich nerd jerks playing with their thousand dollar decks
automated mtg that isnt p2w when
fuckin never
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fak clone Slay the Spire instead
ok I made an account on etherscan how do I get the coins I don't know how any of this works >>936741 I've been playing with my dnd group when one of us can't make it, shit's a lot of fun one of my buddies made a cube so sometimes we draft which I think is way more fun than just using their decks >rich nerd jerks unfortunately the only people who can afford to play at high levels
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh sorry an etherscan account won't give you a wallet, that's just for monitoring the blockchains get you an Ethereum wallet app if you have an iphone otherwise maybe will be a good one idk android very well
hmm maybe I already have one I have some tezos on coinbase
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
coinbase itself is an exchange not a wallet it has custodial wallets but those can't hold moe coin
i know it's really confusing but the wallet is when you generate 12 words and write them down and then the maid throws them out and five years later you coulda been a millionaire
fuck I'm so ignorant of crypto stuff need to remedy that
>>936748 that almost happened to my friend but he ended up finding the flash drive he had all his bitcoin on fuckin 52BTC
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy fuck
I mean this was back in 2017 when it wasn't as absurd as today but I think it still came out to 700k+ if I remember right he sold it all at like 16k
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn not bad at all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but yea i would just go on the Play Store and search for coinbase wallet if you're on android
thats where moe2 comes in sign up now to receive the moe2 debit card
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i need to make like a sexy landing page and a whitepaper and a small app that uses moe then we can get it listed on coinmarketcap
Despite being kind of dumb I managed to get really lucky just now I was heating some naan up in the oven so I was reaching into it barehanded to test them for readiness And managed to brush the top of my hand against the inside of the oven's opening, right where there's a bar of metal that gets niiiice and hot But I only ended up touching one of my knuckles to it, where's skin and not much else to singe. So unlike some other dumb burns I've suffered in the past, it's relatively painless and not too noticable
i wonder what a quenelle tastes like oh its some kinda dumpling with potato ok
>>936815 zengo saved a gigantic rsa key or something but it doesn't it's like whole schtick is apparently that it uses face rocgnition to log in
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ph ok well as long as its backed up somewhere
>>936816 That quote makes for a fun headline but the article literally says right away "But they will also make more of their long-standing popular franchises" Which I dunno, just sounds like ... normal business? Like making new IP while supporting their historic ones isn't exactly daring and bold ventures That's literally what their job entails
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i re read the article and he's kinda just sayin a bit of everything isn't he
>>936952 A webcrawler dedicated to finding aand reporting cp was uploading cp to saucenao and iqdb by repeatedly clicking on the find source links on cp on imageboards and then would find the cp (that they caused to be uploaded) on iqdb and saucenao.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why does clickin a link cause it to be like uploaded wouldn't they take the image temporarily and then delete it after
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
kinda weird to blame a crawler when your site is programmed to do that tbh i don't really understand the issue