she so happy hitting her tambourine because she knows it's anime time
Back Arrow Bishounen Tanteidan Blue Reflection Ray Boku no Hero Academia Dragon, Ie wo Kau. Fruits Basket Hige wo Soru, Soushita Joshikousei wo Hirou Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Joran The Princess of Snow and Blood Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui Nomad - Megalo Box Sayonara Watashi no Cramer Tensura Nikki - Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Tokyo Revengers
Thankfully only two things air for Tuesday The weekends are so heavily loaded this season
are we on Joran 3 already? damn
for some reason i feel like Hige is the one i'm most excited about
if you wanna pick a couple i don't watch, i don't mind going to sleep after 2-3 shows i'm a sleepy bang
What is sleep
Shows we can absolutely watch with Bang are Hige wo Soru Joran Koi to Yobu
Shows we absolutely don't need Bang for are Back Arrow Hero Academia Fruits Basket Megalo Slime SoL
necessary remuneration for bang in order to make big moneys
that leaves the shows i'd be down to watch even though i // that are 1st eps so Bishounen Blue Reflection Ray Nagatoro Tokyo Revengers
i won't be upset if you guys ever watch bishounen without me though i'm not decided yet but those pants are hideous
If Rika's fine with it we can do the three shows we definitely watch with you then do some of the things we don't need you for So you can get your sleep and we can get in some of the things we like that you're not interested in
Also you should watch the first episode of Fumetsu no Anata e before episode two airs next week It was a good episode
i should really seperate the safe images from the not safe ones but life is more exciting this way
he appears to be living his best life
He's certainly living a kind of life
Even kids are picking on him
Reminds me of the start of Yojou Senki
"who couldn't keep his hands off his dick"
He had a much different image in middle school Full on delinquent tropes
Mid-00s Tokyo was probably a really fun time to be a kid I'm envious
Oh huh, yeah, that was a sly little detail they slipped into the news programme earlier in the episode His crush died because of escalating tensions in this gang he just encountered So there's totally a butterfly effect that might happen if he starts messing with the gang instead of just being their errand boy
I like time leap plots and ones that let the protagonist see the effects of the small actions they make have ramifications are super interesting If he's constantly flipping between the past and the present that'll be fun
devil girl >>937234 do you just like search for stuff is all your anime in the same folder as your other downloads?
My Downloads folder is an absolute unit I've still got stuff in there from like five years back Once I've got all my computer stuff together again I'll have my external SSD And I'll be able to make a choice of what I want to archive and what I want to delete.
>>937233 Yeah it's all in my Downloads folder But honestly it's like 90% anime anyway I don't download a whole lot of stuff that's not anime, or doesn't go into a different location like Steam games.
>Ukeru wa
i already hate this show
Yeah don't diss Two Piece
Is she just gonna fucking deck him
She's being a bit mean about it, but she's making a good point
look at this sadist apologizer trying to justify her
Nothing wrong with a little bit of friendly sadism
there's the irony that we know what happens later thanks to /a/ but at the moment this is just mental abuse i can't help but be reminded of that one show Wolf Girl and Black Prince
It's surprising this has taken so long to get an anime it's such a popular series
>Nagatoro >Trying to be sexy
>>937254 It has a bit of weird roots The mangaka started off drawing some pretty intense abuse doujinshi before moving on to ambiguously lewd online illustrations/short manga using Nagatoro The actual serialized manga is actually fairly recent
I don't really like the squint smirk expression she's got Maybe it looks better in the manga, but it just looks like she's an Igor or something when she's got it on
Honestly the author goes both ways When I said they did pretty intense abuse doujinshi The target of that abuse was actually more Nagatoro-esque characters
things i'd rather not know
But knowledge is half the battle!
Oh no he's a hard-M
well i can't say it was any different than i expected but i can definitely say i'm disappointed about that
yeah i was giving it a chance in hopes that there was maybe some nuance or something but i feel like the people on /a/ are the exact audience for this show which i usually don't feel is the case for most shows but it's particularly worrying in this case that it is
i'm glad i tried it though, so now i don't have to make assumptions
I think the matter of its audience is a bit more complex than that But the author definitely has something they wanted to draw and are probably quite content with their decision.
oj >>937274 prove it yeah i know you cna't so shut up
You're not going to be a doggirl in thirty minutes
im going in pretty blind here
Same really I think it's a JRPG by GUST But that's about all I know
Of note, the character designs are done by Kishida Mel, who's most of note here for having done the character designs for the Atelier Rorona trilogy of games
unfortunately i don't know that the studio is doing that artist justice
I'm the other way I think they're actually pretty aptly capturing the aesthetic he uses The look of the eyes, the use of blush tones, hairstyles; they're all pretty in-line with what he draws Even the long-limbs is accurate
i think outside of one or two shots, they just aren't particularly nice looking from a purely technicaly standpoint this is a pretty low-budget animation
And this is why you shouldn't pick random things up off the ground
what the
Don't you hate it when you get attacked by lesbian stalkers
tokyo revengers seems really cool i'm definitely gonna keep up with that one
i'll give blue reflection another episode
i would have to have some kind of immense cognitive dissonance to want to watch more nagatoro though it reminds me of Wolf Girl and Black Prince because it's just not what i consider to be healthy behavior there's way too much hitting too close to abuses that are a little too relevant to my life
Yeah I was hoping that would be fun, and it hit my expectations
Nagatoro hit my expectations too, but that's fine in my book It doesn't bother me in the way it bothers you
Blue Reflection was kind of weak but that's kind of because they were being all ambiguous about things. It could've benefited from moving faster or being more straightforward about its details
thanks for anime! next week (or the week after?) i'll be out of town for a few days i'll of course let you guys know it's for work but i might have a laptop, we'll see
Night Bang Hopefully Rika wakes up before too long
I hope he helps Joe heal. And that nothing bad happens. This show needs some serious healing.
Healing is a slow process And I think even as he heals we'll be hit with more hurt as the show goes on We don't even know the reason he's all like this right now after all
This brat is just gonna keep making trouble though, eh How many mistakes is he gonna make before it finally comes 'round to bite him
Wonder when the last time Joe got hugged was
His hallucinations are probably right though Joe's not in the condition he was before Going into the ring without gear is probably lethal
Kind of a turning point there though Joe's no longer hiding from the hallucinations And the old man is missing both his eyes like it was at the end of the first season
Realistically while he might be able to turn his mental health around, he probably wouldn't ever get physically better without physical therapy in a medical situation The kinds of injuries you suffer from years of boxing don't just disappear because you fix your outlook on life
>>937325 I think Joe's glory days as a boxer are past. I wonder if things will end with him being the coach for this new guy.
The new guy's older than he is! I think once this first plot arc is wrapped Joe will return to the ring
Rimuru's not really good at being bored Some people just can't keep themselves occupied!
The character design for this series makes the old oni's facial hair much more pronounced In the main series it's basically all whiskers, but here it's enough to actually have colour and shape
The orc is such a nice character. I like the 180 he's done.
A plotless SoL is a good chance to show off the characters' personalities too For the first chunk of Slime they spent a lot of time roping various species and people into Rimuru's nation, they didn't spend a lot of time fleshing them out, aside from a few exceptions
Gobta continues to be a fantastic character too
Wouldn't be an isekai without the Japanese character farming soybeans Soybeans are an extremely versatile crop to grow though They make so many staples of the Japanese food world
But yeah farming is nice to watch I don't really want to do it myself, at least not more than like a small personal scale But I like watching it and playing at it