86 - Eighty-Six Back Arrow Bishounen Tanteidan Blue Reflection Ray Boku no Hero Academia Dragon, Ie wo Kau. Fruits Basket Fumetsu no Anata e Hige wo Soru, Soushita Joshikousei wo Hirou Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui Mars Red Nomad - Megalo Box Sayonara Watashi no Cramer Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! Subarashiki Kono Sekai The Animation Tokyo Revengers
okay i may take off a little early too, need to wake up early
well i don't raelly know what to pick off this list
is bang going to be here now or later
Mars was really good Sentouin was the show about the spy agent and his android loli written by the KonoSuba atuhor 86 is probably something of a near-future military action I think, that's probably pretty cool Bishounen Tanteidan is a SHAFT show written by nisioisin, but rather than cute girls it's a lot of pretty boys Hige wo Soru and Koi to Yobu are the age-gap romances from last week that are good picks because Bang was down for both of them Fumetsu no Anata e is an adaptation of a manga by the creators of A Silent Voice, which KyoAni turned into that fantastic movie a few years back
That should be a slimmer list of things to make a pick from
Oh I like the sound of this OP The music was a strong point of the first episode so I'm hoping that keeps up
I guess if vampire existence is being kept secret from the public, most people would assume people burning up in sunlight to be spontaneous human combustion
This shota seems like he wants to make trouble
I wonder what's the difference between vampires with red eyes and ones with blue eyes These two soldiers and the guy with pink hair have red eyes But this white-haired chuuni and the shota vampire have blue eyes
Being a soldier in a vampire show is tough the mad doc has it good though
Well it looks like the vampire soldiers in their unit are hard to kill The gruff one got shot like half a dozen times and was fine They just gotta be back indoors by dawn
There's some cool curios in this shop I guess it's a, not quite a pawn shop, but there's a similar concept that existed in this time period in Japan
For how dour he acts, the MC sure is a romantic
Seems like this substance the vampires are drinking acts as both blood and some kind of addictive substance The wife of this pair seemed worried about what it was doing to her husband
Oh the MC's attendant got bit I wonder if he's dead or just infected now
Whether it was a prosthetic or not, that hand is totally gone now The fact that he didn't risk infection and that it's not absolutely seeping blood makes me think it might've been prosthetic though, yeah
Very Shiki from Kara no Kyoukai-poi
Mars Red is super interesting i'm really liking it there's so much to take in i might rewatch 1 and 2 before 3
Yeah I kinda want to go check episode one now to see if he was using that arm or if they just did a good job of pretending it was a working arm
Having an Actual Gun in a world of sword and sorcery is a big advantage yeah
Wow she's gonna roast and eat the grunt
wow he's losing to the big booby demon before she's even fully introduced herself
Losing? I think he's the one winning here
They're all abandoning him I'd say poor guy but he's the kind of person who deserves a lot of the misery he receives
Aw the poor griffon ;_;
Time to see if he can actually put money where his mouth is Oh the demon ran What a coward
oh no she's gonna die every episode
Maybe not every episode if there's a ritual needed to bring her back Or they could wave past it once it's happened once But I think it'll only happen occasionally
Now she's got a proper modern wheelchair instead of the rickety wooden one They're sure having some fun
wait she just kicked her what
Maybe she can kick but not walk
Oh Well okay
did she die from that
It's not like she needs to build CON when she just comes back from death
They got their implied punchline across And don't want to spend too much time on the PV Best alot as much time as possible to the actual show
This is one of those LN series that got real popular in recent years I saw quite a bit of chatter for a while saying it was what people expected to get an anime pretty soon So it was pretty much due time it did
wow what a uniform
it's like a classier version of the magic school bastard instructor uniforms
It seems mostly servicable
This lady on the screen really looks like she's deep in the propaganda soup
What slovenly soldiers Also literally everyone has the same hair and eye colour Well there's a bit more difference in the eyes, but it's still all pretty close
I'm guessing these "unmanned" drones that are doing the fighting are rather not staffed by this upper class of white-haired, blue-eyed people And are manned by the lowerclass
i'm assuming they're like clones being Ender's Game'd
I'd think that if there was literally any different people in this socierty Society even But they're all obvious some kind of eugenics thing So I think the people that don't make the beauty cut get used as bodies for the war
The name made me think this would be edgy but it's really not been
It's definitely gonna get darker before too long
I mean honestly it's already pretty dark they're just hiding it behind this light veneer There's a war going on where an upperclass of eugenicized people are controlling a bunch of lower-class citizens as soldiers like it's some kind of war game
Man even her units don't like her Not that I blame them I don't think they could like any one from this upperclass of people if they've been forced into fighting for them
I haven't been paying attention to these dates that have been popping up But I think they've been jumping around a bit chronologically
What an endearing lot of characters I wonder how many of them will die
Well I didn't mean that quickly.
>Fuckin' glory to the spearhead squadron
Oh the original character designer for this is shirabii They do some good art
Man I liked that But it also got me really, really bitter The premise is everything I absolutely despise about war
I'm hoping this will be good, but I'm not holding my breath If you're familiar with an old DS game, localized in the west as The World Ends With You, this is an adaptation of that game It's actually a great game, highly stylized with some extremely unique game mechanics, and a pretty interesting plot But it's still a game, making this a anime a game adaptation And those are very much always a big coin-toss on whether they'll be good or bad
They've tweaked Neku's character a bit since the game He was much, much more obstinate and uncooperative at the start
When Neku and Shiki first meet in the game, he calls her weird and basically runs off, not interested in cooperating with her It's only when he literally is about to die that he agrees to The way he's acting in this anime is similar to how he is in the game, but toned down a lot Which probably helps, since he's a bit unlikeable at first in the game
Okay this is more in-line with his personality
Best boy is here
They're not doing a good job of noticing the band people are able to talk with them
the plot structure is strange to me is this what shonen are like? i feel like maybe not i haven't seen a shonen that wasn't a sports anime in a long time tho
This is a game adaptation, so it's not quite shounen I think it might feel a bit weird because they're able to cut out the parts that involve moving through random encounters and having to spend time fighting the bosses So the plot is moving faster than a game normally would. It's also structured to be mysterious and weird
As the game proceeds the rules and logic of the world are detailed and things begin to make sense
Yeah it was Neku that made sense of it all.
hmmm i was hoping it would be something i could watch without having played the game but i'm thinking maybe it's not there wasn't really anything going on to drive my interest
Oh it's not quite imitating animals properly That almost sounded like it was trying to impersonate the human's voice
I dunno how much faith I'd put in a stone with an arrow marker on it Especially one totally buried in snow What if there's another message under it saying "BAD"
Kid's tough though Trekking through Oh no Ah that's real bad
He's given up acting like his leg's not a problem That was a full on limp there It also kinda looks like there's a swelling But maybe he's got something under the bandage to absorb blood
Yeah, that was aggressive paced I'll look forward to this next week.
But see? Now our protagonist is the boy!
This is a very Utada Hikaru-y sounding song
Oh because it is her, hah hah
I wonder if the rest of the series will move as fast as it did here Because I'll be quickly left in the dark as to what happens if it does I only read, hm, I can't remember how many chapters But it wasn't too much. It was back when it was first starting its serialization.
If I'd known it was gonna cover up to the point it did, I probably would've encouraged watching something comfier like Fruits or Dragon a bit harder It was definitely a good episode but it did hit that emotional point pretty hard