Hi hey hello Congratulations on getting through Monday
There's new shows for today!
Gekidol (Double-length feature) Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 11-12 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 8-12 Tatoeba Last Dungeon Mae no Mura no Shounen ga Joban no Machi de Kurasu Youna Monogatari Urasekai Picnic
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-19
Gekidol is an anime-original from GoHands, the people who did K and that battle show where pairs fought when holding hands. I think it has a bit of an idol focus but also has their usual weird urban fantasy vibe.
Tatoeba Last Dungeon is an adventure fantasy. The artstyle looks neat but I can't say much more than that.
Urasekai Picnic is a "pulled into the supernatural" kind of story I think, and if my reading of the chatter is correct, a lot of the supernatural stuff are urban myth stories pulled from 2ch and Japanese sources like that. It sounds pretty neat to me at least.
Gekidol is a double-length episode, if you missed that We shouldn't have too heavy a week this week before Thursday, in case you want to take it easier.
Also I'd really like to check out Urasekai Picnic.
Yeah, I know. Do you want to do only 4 slots tonight?
Or we could sub in Urasekai for kamisama
I'm good with five slots, just making sure you were aware You've been putting together four-slot nights for a few days so I wanted to make sure just in case.
But yeah I'd really like to check out Urasekai. I'm actually a big fan of stuff like creepypasta and urban myths hah hah, so it sounds really interesting to me.
(Also it's apparently pretty gay and while I am being honest about being interested in the spooky side of it quite a bit, that's certainly not a downside to the show for me)
She's married too! Probably won't be too long before she's got a family. But at the same time seiyuu work is something she can probably keep doing even after starting a family. Her husband's also in the industry too so it's not like she's removed from it either.
Well she was doing well for a spell but I guess her consciousness caught up with her eagerness to perform
Also what's with this girl with the camera eyes. That's a bit unnerving.
I guess this technology they were talking about earlier in the episode was kind of a full-environment hologram set up. That much be pretty useful for stage productions. You don't even need to do costume changes or elaborate set constructions.
I dunno how idol I expected it to be but it did have idol in the name so I guess I expected pretty idol. So far it's not as weird as the usual GoHands fare. Aside from the huge-ass disaster site pit that seems to just exist in the middle of the city.
well I guess we'll get a better sense of what it's like next ep
"Alice in Deadly School" doesn't really sound like a pleasant performance to put on. If this was an edgy kind of series it would totally be a death game stage production combination somehow.
Yeah I'm not sure what to think either It's kind of been all over the place Even for a probably stage performance.
The cuts between scenes keep throwing me off Though I almost feel it's meant to be intentionally awkward It is a bunch of kids putting on a stage performance within the frame of the in-anime world, after all.
I wonder if every episode will be a one-off thing like this.
Well that was pretty Deux Ex Machina Like almost as literally it as it gets
>>907840 I could see it possible, but I don't think so Maybe we'll get shorter stage performances within each episode but I think the "real" cast are going to feature frontly.
Yeah. Like maybe you can make the argument "we've never had to deal with a zombie apocalypse" as a reason for incompetence. But people love the zombie apocalypse genre so much you'd assume how to handle it has kind of become memetic at this point.
The fact that even the helicopter soldier was a high school girl makes me think it's just stage stuff also most of the cast is dead they'll probably do different works each episode
There's definitely a "real world" plot to explore though. If they're spending even half an episode on one-off stage productions that drastically cuts down on the time they have to follow the "real world" plot.
Aw the cute girl got bit while they were scrambling with the zombie I guess That's a shame.
The stage production, despite being kind of clunky, ended up being kind of fun to watch though We really didn't get a lot of concrete stuff with the A-plot. The MC is kind of plaincute and there's a weird girl with camera eyes and there's like a several kilometre wide pit that just exists in the middle of the city? A lot of bits that don't go anywhere yet.
I'm interested to see where they go with it I think all the dead girls will be back somehow
kamitachi 11 okay lets start
Speaking of slime we'll be getting the first half of the next Slime Isekai season this season.
The girl's adventuring outfit is pretty cute. The vest over blouse is a nice look.
>Crew birds They're like just tufted pidgeons or something
Maybe it's different because they're fantasy birds but real-life pigeons don't have particularly great vision. Since they're not birds of prey they never evolved good far-sight and don't track movement very well. They're also dumb as fuck but I guess that doesn't matter when you're the one doing the controlling. Maybe it's fine since pigeons are safer than birds like hawks or eagles, but if you actually wanted to do scouting, something like that would be way better.
Wow the mom has a pretty high-level summon It's a handsome wolf too.
Maybe against just the one But sounds like she's got a whole legion of wolf summons. He'd probably need to still grow his slime army a lot to contend with her lot.
Also seems like the girl will be quite the formidable tamer when she grows into her skills. Oh her granddad has a bunch of dragons for familiars. Yeah her whole family are high-class summoners.
Wow oof that is some bad flute playing Poor guy Wow nevermind he's a dick
The mom has a good adventuring outfit too.
>Resistance against mental pain Probably from being abused in his past life as a salaryman
The localization for this series is Otherside Picnic Which is legitimately a really good title. I'm jealous they get to play with a good title like that
Yeah, seems pretty fun Sure would be nice if the world was paranormal Would be exciting to run around encountering actual urban myths and creepypasta stuff.
I think this is an LN adaptation But either the author or the artist seem to be a bit of a /k/ nerd. Some of the art I've seen and the OP showed off a variety of guns and stuff.
Yeah I liked that a lot Paranatural stuff is super cool. The aesthetics were all around really nice too.
Oh well that kid was faster than expected.
There's been a lot of shows tonight with really pretty background art I think all three of the new shows have scored super-high in that department.
>Suppose A Kid From The Last Dungeon Boonies Moved To A Starter Town So is he gonna be like jacked up on those endgame monsters but now living where everyone and everything is still at beginner level?
Yeah I put this together about half a minute before. His handkerchief has a Disenchant enchantment on it, right As soon as her flashback said the belt was cursedly stuck on her head, I figured that's what happened.
It's a good bit of "give the viewers the information and have them make the right conclusion themselves" Which is kind of rare in a series like this hah hah Most fantasy or isekai out of Japan do tend to hand you the explanation.
She really did become cute after losing the belt though.
I wonder what he did wrong this is an interesting show too good season so far
Yeah that was a fun first episode. These were all pretty interest-catching first episodes. Urasekai Picnic and this in particular I'll be excited to see what's next. Gekidol might need another episode or two to sell me on it, the first one was interesting but a bit fuzzy on the premise. Mondays this season look good though.