>Hoping I don't run into my boss on my way to my desk so I can avoid the lecture for being a few minutes late for work >Remember he's off the next two days Sure is nice to be free of stress
I'd never use their language, but yeah if you do storm the government buildings and "occupy it" by law it would be treated as such when being trialed
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah you'd think storming the legislature and stealing from their offices and stuff would be like illegal but no one who did it has gotten arrested yet even though they did it very publically and broadcasted their faces and names everywhere
ofc here you'd have to bring in "intent vs perception" or something
>>908242 well it will take time to handle it and some of them might think "mass arrests now would look bad and escalate further" but if no one is locked up by say few days to weeks from now, it will look damn odd
since even if you don't hit them with large hammer of treason or attempted coup vandalism, property damage, theft, trespassing etc
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
one guy tazed himself and died of a heart attack apparently at the thing
>3 finns drunk and high >get in a fight >one passess out >the two lit his bed on fire finns shouldn't be laughing, since the poor chap died
>>908245 heard quite many tazers at some point when I followed it live for a while
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah four people died three med emergencies including the heart attack one person got fucking shot and killed i saw a vid of her getting shot and the cops just like stood around they got shot and fell and the dude holding the gun didn't even put it away the cops all acted like it was totally fine and started trying to treat her without even taking care of the shooter???
still glad it ended up as "peacefully" as it did could have been a lot worse
like some SP guys panicking and opening fire etc or some of the protestors doing the same
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah, couldn't have happened the cops and protestors were on the same side from the beginning they got through the barricades because the cops made the choice to open them it's all on video cops let them do pretty much whatever they want and the protestors left when they got bored, not because anyone forced them to leave
an interesting case to study when proper information is out much later, tho
aqua is quite decent at apex, but kinda blind >watching strrem >"is that a grenade... yup" >proceed to watch her ignore it, get blown up by it panick, fall down from the rooftop and die
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah she plays apex with ame sometimes as expected of the gamer maid
i think being good at fps games makes you tunnel visioned until you shake the habit off
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah ame and botan for example are really good and observant when they're playing but most of the hololives aren't quite as observant nene is pretty bad but she knows it and makes a game out of it like "one kill per game challenge stream" and stuff
some nijisanjis like kunoha and kanae are pretty good though
wait what apex has done collabs with code geass(sunrise)?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not that i'm aware of
or is she talking about niertomato or did apex do a limited skin collab with tomato too
watching some super pro apex player who really abuses the mobility would prolly be fun
oh yeah krrr did you ever actually check on the spirit of the century fate expansion? it ended up being a bit more complicated in terms of creating a character than the base system
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah i never looked at the actual manual
turns out you need 10 aspects
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i droppedi t down to 6 cause it just took too long for the players
and you end up writing basically >background/concept >what you did in war >your character's fictional novel where they are known from >2 stories that your character was a side character in other players' novels
also the fucking book just has way too many words for basically just "guns shoot and you use them to kill"
tho it does have damn amusing stunts like chaining up shit
one player ended up making it so after spending 3/5 stunts so, that his character always defends with "mental hp" using resolve and in game it is just the character just standing there, avoiding bullets and attacks and explosions and whatever by millimetres while basically just drinking a cocktail etc
it ended up being quite damn hilarious when in actual combat too
and then the whole gm part of the manual was like >did you know you can use driving to have you players drive cars essentially about 500 pages of text that could be condensed down to 100~ easily
there was just so much fluff that didn't really help anyone
but it was fun and really put my improvisation skills to test since I impro'd almost the whole damn thing I had a loose plot outline, butn ever actually intended to write shit down and make most of it on the go
was fun
especially when "what languages your characters speak" came into play like we had one character who actually spoke swedish, which most of the people spoke
got complicated by my players for keeping the languages a constant issue for them like ie the british pilot who only spoke english and hindi and couldn't communicate with anyone but the party and one npc bartender
and it was fun keeping track of what languages the players used ie. two spoke russia, so they used it as a secret communication method in two scenes but by the third I had already thrown in a character that also spoke russia so when they spoke it, they triggered a fight due to their plans leaking
tho i did have a slight gaffe at the very start >this is set in 1924 december, during prohibition >you arrive at a bar ... thank god no one called me out on my immediate "they never followed it åland really" which actually was true the region had nearly 100% opposition to prohibtion, tho most likely because it and its immediate surrounding archipelago became a den of smugglers
coincidentally in finland the way joints avoided being caught was by selling "strong tea" if anyone suspicious came, it was just some special brew of tea if coast was clear, it hd something extra added to it
and amusingly enough, as a commemmoration of 100 years from prohibition they now sell "strong tea" in local booze stores
>>908291 Well it's probably a show that doesn't need a particularly impressive budget Especially with how well 3D CGI can be used to make things strange and Eldritch when put against 2D animation It didn't strike me as off-putting in the first episode at least
makarov is a quite low caliber peestol, tho so you can relax >>908291 hope it is well enough animated the manga is fun
I am disturbed that all the kbms are wireless cause there is bound to be that one unlucky chap every few days who goes to do something important or even urgent on the computer and 0 battery
yuru camp feels so much like aria
>>908318 It's a university they probably have a bunch of batteries in a broom closet And either way, you just shimmy to the next computer if your first pick isn't working
would you actually rename earth into "man-home" if mars/aqua is the only non-earth planet
My day has been pleasant enough Playing more Hades. Got about 8 clears now. Need 10 for the ending.
How are you?
>>908356 I'm okay Part of put *our shower was replaced so it should have much better water pressure now but we were told that we had to wait a day before using it (because the caulk needs to dry) and I really need to shower.
>>908356 >I don't know if I want to grind out for the true ending >Proceeds to grind out for the true ending
They had a sign language guy Next to the Queensland Premier while she was giving some sort of Covid address
which you know. fair enough. deaf people gotta hear about emergency broadcasts too but this guy was totally underdressed for the occasion. Unshaved. Had his hair in some weird scrunchie manbun thing. Had th top buttons of his shirt open showing off his chest.
If you're standing next to a state leader while she gives a national address idk maybe invest in a nice suit
>>908407 You have a Premier? That title always makes me think of Communist China.
i went snowboarding today for the first time ever.
>>908417 are you sure you weren't.. board? >>908412 it's like the State leader maybe you'd call it a Governor
>>908417 Yeah snowboarding is a lot of fun I'd like to do it more But the pandemic's kind of made it a total write-off this season I think. Maybe I'll have a chance next winter.
>>908424 Hey better you than me. I've been skiing a couple of times and i wasn't a fan. Prefer going UP the mountains but I'm glad you've found something to enjoy.
>>908432 Skiing and snowboarding are two considerably different experiences! I've gone skiing and can't stand it. But snowboarding is much more my preference.
Also I did kind of get tired of snowboarding for a while. It was the kind of thing you do exhausting motions around for like half an hour just to get to the top of a mountain for five minutes of fun downhill time. When I was younger and careening hard into depression it was just not worth the effort. But these days I feel I could enjoy both the struggle and the enjoyment of the experience better. Plus it's also a HELL of a good workout.
What I'm trying to say is maybe try it again some time. You might find your opinion of the experience isn't as unenjoyable.
>>908417 Nice I've only gone snowboarding once and it wasn't on a real mountain, but it was still fun.
>>908433 You can't fool me, mate. Snowboarding is basically two skis stuck together.
>>908432 You know you have to get to the top of the mountain before you can snowboard down right?
>>908436 It's a totally different experience! There's more of a need for balance on a snowboard and knowing how to carve across the hill to avoid building too much speed Since you don't want to just hurtle straight into the trees or off a cliff. Even once you get to the bottom of the hill and need to go back to the lift or lodge it's more akin to pushing a skateboard than it is to skiing. Don't knock it until you've tried it!
>>908407 Soz I woke up late Didn't have time to clean up
what's going on with playstation i keep hearin shit-talking but i dunno what's going on, i must have missed it
If there's anything recent I've missed it too then, since I don't know anything either
Tried to trade in my playstation for a praystation at gamestop but the best they could do was $50
Surely $50 is enough for a rosary?
Oh it's -8C outside No wonder it's so cold in this condo
Been cold as fuck here too recently, but that's hardly a surprise
>>908471 It's actually kind if dangerous she gave the leg and arm bracelets to Yui. They can change how much you weigh (lighter or heavier) without affecting hw much strength you need to move yourself. If Yui messes up she could get blown away by the wind.
Oh so that's what those do
>>908479 Yeah They're for controlling buoyancy under water to ascend or descend or have neutral buoyancy.
Err I mean not negative total weight but they can reduce her weight. >>908484 She'd get blown away by the wind. That might happen in the chapter this comes up in. I can't remember though
>Uber driver that accepted my job did so whii driving on the highway Hey dickbag don't look down at your phone on thev fucking highway I know for a fact it isn't even slow right now
Man it's just exhausting I was talking with my coworker yesterday about how we've been getting stupidly swamped with shipments because the purchasing department can't be arsed to check in with us on what the state of the warehouse is like when coordinating shipments I'm pretty sure they don't even coordinate amongst themselves And I made a comment about how Monday on top of the big shipment we were expecting on Friday, we'd totally get a surprise shipment from Vendor A of more pallets we don't have space for. And guess which vendor managed to drop a surprise shipment of pallets we don't have space for at like nine in the morning today
I don't know if I'm more amused or infuriated by how blandly stupidly predictable the future ends up being
I should also note this a punctuated by the fact that by all accounts, this should be a relatively dead time of the year for the receiving department, where it's not uncommon for days to pass by with nothing to do but sit at your desk Which would suit me just fine thank you So it's particular annoying how much work there is
>due to COVID travel restrictions, the US had to set up a coup locally this year
Well having gotten food in me turns out it wasn't low-blood sugar or being hangry that's got me in a low-energy state today I just really don't want to be doing this right now. I mean I really don't want to be doing this period, but the need to not be is really strong today. It's just all too much for me
I'd actually second that, yeah. It's hard to get into for the earlier parts of the season but the later bits are pretty good. And the build up at the end of the season makes me excited for season two
if a show isn't enjoyable by episode 5 it's not worth watching imo the magia record i watched was such a slooooooooog
Yeah but sometimes you start watching a show for the sake of having something to watch and over its season you end up watching it because it eventually gets interesting Ah least when you watch anime in the volume we do in the anime thread hah hah
i ain't got time for that anymore! i can only watch the BEST OF THE BEST
Got some plum wine to try out this weekend It's not the variety I normally get from the izakaya I like to go to, but that kind is impossible to find 'round here So I'll settle for this and see if it's any good
>>>/watch?v=9ofwpzN7PKo Oh boy Khezu and bubblewyvern return for the new Switch MonHun The overall aesthetic for the game looks really good too. I'm looking forward to the hunt
i get to consult and do testing on a really interesting case this kid is 14 and has a bunch of allergies to wheat, corn, peanuts, and some other stuff. since he was 6, he has been sneaking around constantly and trying to get foods he knows he's allergic to and he intentionally eats them he'll hide them and stuff and sneak out when his parents are asleep to get them he managed to get around locks and all kinds of preventative measures and has since he was 6
i'm thinking that this kid is like, getting high off the histamine reactions maybe? the motivation for the behavior is what i want to figure out first he's also got lyme disease and refuses to take the medication for it because he doesn't like how it makes him feel
so even though he doesn't like lyme disease, he won't take the meds because they make him sick and despite him refusing to take those meds for the last two years, he still eats foods he is allergic to even though they make him sick it's really fascinating
my colleagues always bring me exciting and strange cases!
I can kind of understand that second one though Even if it has worse long-term ramifications, if it feels like taking the medication is worse than the experience the medication is supposed to help with, some times you just ... don't wanna
Yeah, on its own, it's understandable. But it's interesting in the context of the other one. Which is what leads me to believe that the kid is somehow getting high on histamine responses.
>Medium pizza starting at 9.49 >Special for medium pizza and side of dip starting at 8.99 ??? So they're charging me less to take a cup of dip with my pizza?
gotta get rid of the dip somehow
But the online order even just lets me say "no dipping sauce" and still get the deal anyway!
Man I pay almost a third in delivery charges for this pizza than I do for the actual order. Er, the delivery charge is a third of the price of the pizza, not the full order. It almost makes me want to just not bother ordering
I miss being in walking distance of a pizza parlour.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what kind of food is nearby?
Within like ten/fifteen minutes of walking? Not a whole lot. There's a small stripmall with a Tims and maybe some other restaurants, but I haven't really had a chance to check it out since I don't really have the energy to explore during the week and I'm usually just cooped up inside during the weekend. Other than that there's mostly only condos and office parks 'round here. It's not really a lively place to live.
I'm surprised they asked me to stay back usually on the weekends they shoo me out of the door maybe my sudden showing of enthusiasm and hard work is paying off
also I think someone nearby had a fenderbender but it looked like there was enough help there already and things were alright
Tadaimback >>908615 Yeah I got some nice full art swamps, some good cards and a foil version of a card I like a lot but don't really get a chance to play.
One of the full art swamps was foil. I'll get a picture of it tomorrow.
I'll tell you one annoying thing about the newer Missions in FGO The story, I mean
By this point, I've been playing for enough time that my teams are real strong with a lot of good heros/essence But everything is scripted And they need to drag it all out for 20 missions while they deliver the exposition So it's always like >guh, he's much too powerful sempai. We need to back off and regroup
Mate i could fuck this cunt up in two minutes I can summon and command literal gods just let me walk in and slap down the main enemy.
But no. You have to pull out.
>>908620 If you didn't want to have to pull out maybe you should've worn a condom.
Since it's so cold, I'm pretty much always dressed in my robe when I'm at home since it keeps me really warm But since it's also dry (because it's cold), I build up static electricity really easily, especially when I have to take the robe off. So I have to touch the doorframe of the washroom whenever I need to go in it otherwise either the lightswitch or the doorknob gives me quite the static shock if I touch them first. The doorframe actually still produces a notable static shock but it's not painful in the way the switch and doorknob are.
That's ok. I've got nothing to hide. I really have been sending off applications. Maybe they'll even give me some useful tips.
>>908647 Well keep in mind there's a pandemic and probable recession ongoing There's a fairly legitimate argument for why you've been unable to find a job.
>>908648 Yeah. And I think they get that. They've been a lot more chill about official requirements than they usually are, apparently. And it also helps that I've been taking some procactive steps.
> Still, it was of considerable size for a city. The walls themselves were about seven to eight meters tall and wrapped around the entirety of Roa. That said, the city wasn’t a perfect circle. It bent with the terrain, so I wasn’t sure of its exact dimensions, but it probably covered about thirty square meters.
There's gotta be a mistranslation here, right? 30 square meters isn't a city, it's like... an apartment
it was way less popular when I first heard about it I'm glad it's got the appreciation it deserves
It's always been a bit weird from the beginning since there's a Hello Kitty component to it that gets a bit furry times, but other than that it's always been pretty good
>>908980 make sure to get all aaaas maybe an a plus too
You know the real bullshit of building
social connections at work isn't that you give your boss or company more respect than they're due It's that you feel bad about making trouble for your fellow low-level employees and get entrapped because of that.
The amount of work my department has been getting the past week has been absolutely flooding us and it's way more than just the two of us down here can manage. And it's all incredibly stressful and frustrating on me and really not worth the wage I'm getting paid But it's not like I can just up and ditch the work. If the two of us are getting overwhelmed then of course the other guy alone would be way over his head. And I like the guy and don't want to do something like that to him.
So now I'm just stuck here unhappy and stressed but can't get out either
i think my boss forgot about my evaluation... he went into a meeting with someone else
>>908984 yeah i get that for sure that's how it was when i worked at that suicide hotline a few years ago it's so hard to prioritize your sanity because doing so will affect other people in the same boat as you so you all just have to suffer together
youre too perfect an employee to put into words, hes gotta take some time
But I also don't want to suffer! Like I don't find it remotely noble or righteous to suffer. More than anything I just want out.
Once this bullshit calms down I think I'll reconsider staying on. By all accounts it should stop being so ridiculous some point, even though also by all accounts that should've been two weeks ago.
I just need to have my own time again though. I'm tired of living like this.
This stupid store is just so lacking in communication between departments it's exhausting Like there's no space in the warehouse for bulk orders of things, there's just no where to put twenty-five boxes of item, even as smallish boxes. But there's literally like ten pallets of bulk-ordered things already on site that there's now no reasonable way to put all away. Just stop ordering things already we have enough.
what a coincidence my workplace is also uneccesarily disorganised and lacking in communication
in a week's time i have worked 84 hours i am painfully excited to be off in two hours
Can you please learn to say no Or at least negotiate better hours options
I'll tell you why this is happening There are four clerks, two working nights, one that wishes they were working nights, and me who works days two nights now have all nights covered the other day and me will now alternate who does 3 or 4 days each week
however this week she needed today and yesterday off, and we were coming off of last schedule where she was still doing a night or twi
so basically aside from still doing a little over every other week my hours actually will improve starting this week
as long as neither of us get sick anyway wwwwwww
my boss actually brought a guy in who i gave a brief explanation of the job to that we might hopefully get on board and finally we can go back to not constant overtime
also the guy i work with the most is actually doing most of the schedulin the only issue is there have been gaps, i work with the guy, and reluctantly go "ok" when theres literally no one else to take the spot
what should I cook
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
What do you have?
no no, i'm willing to make a trip to the store for stuff i just wanna make something new so I can have a tiny sense of fulfillment for the day
i would like some good food give me your curry rice with chicken
https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7apnn/your-cock-is-mine-now-hacker-locks-internet-connected-chastity-cage-demands-ransom I don't normally blame victims but anyone who put on an internet connected cock cage with known security vulnerabilities was asking for it.
>A woman trampled to death during the riot at the US Capitol had been carrying a flag reading: "Don't tread on me". >Rosanne Boyland, 34, was killed in the crush when a few rioters started pushing people, her friend Justin Winchell said. YEP >>909031 newer browsers disallow auto play by default maybe you can opt in
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
even when i click the little go arrow it doesnt do nothin it does say i can download tiktok maybe it's my ublock?
i got a meditation retreat this week i'm gettin ordained as a zen buddhist on it sensei is gonna give me a dharma name so when i return on sunday i'm gonna have a bonafide JAPANESE name i'll be the japanesest moe
lol maybe i should with a picture of me in my rakusu
i'd say i could include my ancestry chart in it but it would make it too easy to find out my personal info since my teacher doesn't have many students and stuff
and then maybe in a year or two i'll become a monk too and wear robes and stuff and a kesa
you gotta shave your head when you become a monk though like you only gotta do it once and you can grow it back afterwards but i sure would look weird with a shaved head
you get a second dharma name when you become a monk too
*Announcer voice* And we're back I hope this is a temporary problem
Guess not The problem here is my internet started going on the fritz around 02:45 last night, making it now a twenty-two hour problem. At this point I feel there's almost an intentional situation here
For some reason I can connect to and download torrents on it but all other net-based services, from loading webpages to communication clients, won't connect Maybe I'll do a PC reboot in a bit and see if that helps with anything
Over twenty-four hours now and this internet problem is still persisting I guess I'll try to make enough time in the morning to call my mother and see if she can get in contact with the person she's renting this place from. I hate this game of telephone this is one of the reasons I really didn't want to be in an arrangement like this.
nothing worse than not being in control of your services directly
It's not even entirely out either Like it pops online for like a minute or two and then goes off for the next fifteen to twenty Though for a stretch earlier it just didn't come back at all until I restarted the router.
And I don't know enough about internet connection nuance to diagnose and attempt to fix this myself
Naw, give it a few more episodes and Tony's Girl will show up Hm, actually it might be a bit more towards the end of the season Maybe like.... episode 6? I'm not sure how they're gonna pace it
Primarily, I'm unsure because like The first novel covers... like 8 years? But not because it's dense, it just skips through large amounts of time in a short amount of pages Like "I discovered magic", next page, "I turned 2, and was now proficient in water ball", next page, "I was now 4 and my parents hired a tutor" Not quite that dramatic, but still It wouldn't be so weird if not for it being thoroughly established that MC-kun isn't actually a baby in any way other than literally his flesh prison In all ways but the literal size of his corporeal form, he is a 34 year old Japanese man
>>909238 yes I have seen this girl she is very cute in appearance
I know how to call then
Them even
Okay so today in Dumb Work Grievances As part of the receiving process I need to stamp and date the paperwork for anything I receive. The digital system used to keep stock of what's in the warehouse shelves and what orders are incoming also dates when things are received, as well as various other dates. This is normally a non-issue and honestly it's kind of fun to stamp things, okay
But with the year rollover, there's a new inane detail in that anything that arrives in Receiving that has paperwork from last year, has to be received no later than Dec 31st last year. This means I need to go into the system's internal clock and tell it that it's actually the 31st before I receive anything that fits that category. Again, this would only be a minor issue, except eventually, y'know, stuff starts arriving that doesn't have 2020 paperwork, and has to be received on the normal date. So now I'm flipping back and forth between dates, having to go out of my way to check if one shipment qualifies or not. The whole thing is just engineered to make mistakes on that I'm pretty pissed with the purchasing department for forcing such a stupid procedure on me. Judging from my co-workers this isn't even remotely standard for warehousing and some of them even think accounting is trying to do some shady money shit because of it.
Turns out with the return to state of emergency and full lockdown province-wide, inventory counting, which was what was going to have me in over next weekend, has been cancelled. So good news is I don't have to work on the weekend. Bad news is I pragmatically agreed to not take the day off tomorrow I was going to get in trade for working the weekend Which is fine, I don't want to work five days any more -any less than workout -work four days. But I was planning on doing grocery shopping tomorrow that I don't have as much time for now! I don't like it when I can't keep my own plans straight because the surrounding situations keep changing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> IN APRIL 2019, the Israeli Beresheet spacecraft crash-landed on the Moon. Along for the ride were thousands of tiny creatures, which scientists now think may have spilled out and littered the lunar surface. >tardigrades >there are tardigrades on the moon, and at some point they were floating around in low gravity >in 2019 KOJUMBOOOO
Tardigrades On The Moon sounds like a hipster music album or something
I feel like I woke up to one of the weirder moe discussions
>>909305 no the toilet flushing videos are probably the most left field example even he knows they're weird weirder than the other stuff >>909308 nah enlighten me
>>909423 you don't even listen to music past the nineties do it coward
>>909425 I listen to a lot of albums from the 2000s Aside from like IOSYS stuff I don't have much past 2008 digitally because that was around the time I stopped pirating music frequently.
the only thing he listens to are the albums he has never seen the album art
>>909457 Perk ele elemental perk like when you unlock your finnish ice powers.
On the subject of /sp/ shitposting The janitor of /sp/ shitposter lived in the Chicago area and used my cellular network so I actually got caught in a big range ban for a while because of him.
that meme is true the one where the stick man is at work and he's thinking "when I get home I want to do this, this and this" and then he gets home and his brain turns to mush