i forgot what was going on but i like the characters
The gist I remember is Odin has precognition power and insists the world will end in, something like fifteen days at this point. The MC is crusing on -crushing on his childhood friend and Odin is helping him get with her. Kind of. More often than not it feels like she hinders as much as she helps.
This old guy is her dad and I guess her current scheme is have the MC help her dad get over the death of his wife to improve his standing.
>The voice on a cellphone is synthesized ... What?
I guess Hina/Odin's powers extend to more than just pre-cognition If she can actually perfectly impersonate someone's voice.
>>906702 i guess it's kinda true since it comes out of a speaker
Yeah, I understand kind of what she's getting at. But then she follows it up with something like "you can pick the voice you want" and it just sounds nonsensical.
I wonder if she'll stop being so muted because of this She's always been a bit of a dull personality from what we've seen so far. But if she was mourning her mom's death, that kinda makes sense.
Characters don't usually change that much even once they get better
Yeah, but she is showing a bit of an improvement
The MC thuogh, at least, is as useless as ever.
That was a nice self-contained story though, about the girl and her dad not being able to get over the mom's passing. A bit hard to build the necessary sympathetic connection in a single episode's time, but the actual content was nice.
Wow aren't they kinda gaming the application process here They've got one of their own in the student council!
The blonde one really likes to make puns off her Ai name
Wow gosh How charming
She's kind of a brat but also gets punished for being a brat Those kinds of characters are fun
I guess the childhood friend girl was hoping rather she could do the school idol thing just her and the MC But now she's got all these other girls to compete with for her attention!
There's a lot of work that goes into making a big music festival! This isn't just them putting on a live for their club, they're dragging a number of other schools into it as well. That'll keep 'em busybusy
Oh no they're gonna trigger the yandere Bad End for the childhood friend Man imagine if they just swerved HARD into a finale like that for a Love Live show. It would never happen, but man. Imagine.
The MC dreams too big for her friend I guess. Her friend was happy with just the small dream between the two of them
Gotta get everything resolved so they can throw the big performance next episode Come to think about it we didn't get any aidoru activities last episode or the one before. I wonder if they'll go all out for the last episode.
It still would be fun to see her go full yan for the MC though.
Kasumi's expressions are so good though They're delightfully full of despair
Yeah I agree They had to spend a lot of this season too introducing the full main cast. I think they did a good job with the individual episodes but it doesn't leave a lot of time for the big culmination.
Though at the same time there isn't really as much a plot to this Love Live The original and Sunshine at least had the plot device of trying to save their school. There's no hanging threat like that in this one. Maybe they can do some actual broad plot stuff if they can get a second season approved.
That said though this is still an adaptation of a mobage, opposed to the anime-original plots of the first two. So they're limited by being at least in some way faithful to the mobage when making the show.