>>907168 this was the first live board but i never heard of chen2
>>907168 was that that pinkchan board
no, meguca used the source code and made their own space for inclusivity or something and a whole bunch of customization iirc they needed a home for r/a/dio and they kept board hopping until lat adopted the source code and added some customization
>>907172 chiru.no maybe? or was it just it own thing
this board got wiped a couple times though and post count reset if it seems low it was last reset in 2018 i think but the board originated in late 2010
i once watched anime
>>907177 it's always been a small place, like less than two dozen frequent posters i should go visit some other boards and wish em a happy new year >>907180 you might wanna look that up stuff happened
meguca died? wtf did the pedos get caught or
yeah after that happened there was a lot of cross-traffic to other live boards and people trying to investigate and shit really gave our niche platforms a bad name either the refugees from meguca trying to find new boards to occupy and injecting/flooding their niche culture, or actually news people trying to be vigilantes and figure stuff out
a surreal thing really
u got any of the dick growth links saved, asking for a friend of course
i posted on meguca once during radio and the new fags told me to go to some other site and some mod kept identifying me lol sh.t mods
yeah this place is the vanilla live board with no specialization pretty generic, no real shitposting besides a couple local autists like always not radicalized and political discussion usually doesn't happen just anime and personal blogging as is the fate with any small community
this bbq chicken im eating is a lil spicy
imo anime and hobby communities need to be somewhat insulated from political stuff otherwise it causes pointless division there's a variety of opinions here but it doesn't get talked about too much
>>907206 Pol has run over 4chan because of Rape Ape The head mod Hiro is hands off so he's taken control Pol started leaking more and more after moot left According to insiders people were demodded for removing pol content from other boards
>>907206 yeah small boards become collateral damage for other communities' strife it kinda sucks
that gelbooru feature they added that shows other shit from the same artist is dangerous for me
>>907216 >they added You mean tags? Cause those aren't new
no under the image it says MORE LIKE THIS and has like 8 mini images of "similar" art but its usually like same artist, same char, then same armpit hair
>>907219 I'm not gonna make a big fuss but hard r isn't really appropriate here either.
>>907218 Oh yeah It's more like that but it mostly ends up being the same artist
>>907222 It's not against the rules (as far as I know) but its definitely against the board culture. Iirc the main rule I can think of is no images with visible bra or panties or camel toe or pokies. We have a sort of Spartan "the rules aren't written down and explicitly defined because people would subvert them" thing going on.
>>907310 The titty calendar is obviously the best one to date >>907311 What do you mean?
someone doesnt like the corean dictator
"hes chinese" did i ask?
"did i ask?" did i?
i wonder if the gyms open at 4am today lets find out
Bit early innit
right now? its 00:19 but i slept all day yesterday so i gotta stay up all day today
Do you have an exercise quota you have to reach?
u mean like for work? nah as long as u can pass the fitness test they dont care how much u work out
theres a required 1 hour session everyone goes to in the morning tho but I am attached to a different unit that doesnt do that and they trust me to work out on my own so they never bother me
That's quite flexible then How do you fill most of the time then?
Just watched ghost in the shell I take it the best next step would be Innocense?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
which ghost in the shell did you watch
The movie from 1995 or 1997 or something
I also watched the version with scarlett johansson a while ago if that helps
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think watching Stand Alone Complex is logical
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah sac
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the tv series that is
I figured the TV series yeah Why not watch the sequal movie, since SAC appears to be alternative setting? not that I don't appreciate your advise, just curious
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think its chronological that way? idk i still need to watch SAC
It did release before the movie indeed Guess I'll legally purchase SAC
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hooray for business and legal codes!
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah, innocence is also not considered a real sequel to the movie so either way whatever you watch it's not directly related to the 95 movie
also if you want a prequel(?) you can watch pandora in the crimson shell or read it
>>907346 That's good to know The movie ends like there will be a directly related sequal >>907347 Is that you?
When you need to draw a fucking chart to chart your releases and it still doesn't make sense then something went wrong
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>907348 yeah makoto isnt even the MC in innocence so daijobu ghost in the shell is honestly the kind of thing where almost all of the media is unrelated to other media from the same franchise
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>907348 accurate condensed version of my personality yes
>>907350 Well that sucks The movie was quite good and I hoped the sequel would be a continuation I don't know if you remember the ending, but it's like "let's tackle what's next" >>907351 I heard about you and a concert and some girl
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah yes 4/20/19 a day that will live in infamy
I think I missed this in school which is the 20th month? dabbing on the americans, sorry appropriate date for what occured
Maybe I won't watch SAC, it sounds a bit gay no offense
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe you'd like arise then
wtf its 16c out is god trying to freeze me to death
the movie takes place chronologically after the series
On anidb it says it's a summary https://anidb.net/anime/61/relation/graph how the shit do I read this
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the movie i was talking about was shin gejijouban there is indeed summary movies of arise though havent seen those so idk if they're any different from the show
u watch the one with scarlett johanson
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pandora in the crimson shell is really the best shirow work anyway
my forearms :/ i need to get like chalk or something
lol this one asain dude just did 3 sets of behind the back wrist curls in the squat rack then left
I just watched first season of unlimited blade works, speaking of fate Carnaval will be a while
what kind of car shoyld i buy to import its gotta be 1996 or earlier
Why import? Sounds like a pain in the ass
cuz the government pays for it and i can have a right side drive in america and be super unique and quirky
Right side driving is less safe though, although in Japan people generally drive safely And why wouldn't the gov pay for a japanese car? Sounds cheaper
no like they pay to ship uour car if you buy one u pay for the car ursef but they ship it
Just buy a proper nip car bro You have the bests brands right there in nihon: toyota, honda and nissan
i did... i mran when i go back to the states.... theyll ship a car i bought here to the states for me
Fuck nigger why didn't you say so No idea what good cars before 1996 are though
wtf they dont got hash browns at the dfac today im gonna starve to death
Get a Nissan Silvia NISMO 270R it looks dank as fuck
maybe ill get a jimney or a carry truck that would be funny
That one looks cool as well Get the jimney or that nissan
After kinda ignoring my Spotify for like most of the last year, its weekly recommendations have gotten a bit unknow n. I'm here for this but it's still kinda funny
This is really funny. https://thehardtimes.net/harddrive/elon-musk-unveils-new-single-person-hyperloop/
hm my roommate i passed out folded over nked in his gaming chair i wonder id if i sould make sure hes alive
is it really saturday night? i been soldering all day my lungs are full of lead
New year already slipping away from you!
I made a big-ass pot of chili, which is great I fucking love chili But about 80% through the process, I realized I might not have enough containers to put all the leftovers into hah hah I might, especially after I get a bowl once its done getting nice and simmered But it also might be tight!
>>907516 There are a lot of reasons why you shouldn't be on the front page, but there are more reasons to never leave your computer unlocked when you're afk in a place where other people are likely to have access to it.
I'm really excited aababoabout 3.0+1.0 I'm sure the ending won't wrap up the series well though. But rebuild takes place after End so I'm just glad we got 4 more movies.
and you wake up and wonder if it really was a dream
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
does reality is what it seems?
The CAD/USD conversion has been slinking steadily up closer to parity for a while now. I can't remember the last time it was at or more than .80 CAD to a USD
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it has i member when it was 1.40 shoulda bought ALL the CAD instead i opened a robinhood account LUL
I wonder if things'll get weird if it gets up to parity. I guess historically it hasn't, but it's been a while and the world has gotten weirder since then.
But for how long roomie started doing lite and easy at least stopped drinking coca cole hopefully that sticks because he could use to lose the weight he wants to be gym buddies iunno about that though
>>907715 Does he have food issues? It's very difficult for me to eat healthy because I find so *a lot of healthy food to be repugnant.
I don't think he has problems eating healthy food, I just think he has problems picking out healthy food maybe We're both delivery drivers so it's easy to eat out on the road But I guess even before I met him and we started working together he must have been doing something consistently wrong maybe not exercise enough too also he'd buy 30 can coke packs and he'd have drunk two cans before I had even woke up
>>907718 It's very common for people with autism to hace poor diets.
idk if I can be bothered doing it multiple times to get like a True Ending though
It's a pretty good ending if you do though Plus it's fun to try a variety of weapons
I've had a pretty big bruise on my upper arm for a few days now i don't remember where I would've gotten it from and it's being a bit slow to heal But at the same time I collide pretty forcefully with walls and corners all the time at work since my
¿Donde esta el Louisville?
Fuck Wrong tab
>>907733 depth perception isn't all that great. So it's definitely possible I just clocked into something and it
didn't register since it just happens all the time
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>907732 How many times do you need to play through?
it's great it's a chance for workers to actually have rights at Google and shit like that google is so anti-union that they have fired people for years just for talking about unionization
there was a big wave of layoffs at work today and then our CEO became a director on the board of the company and the former COO became CEO i've met our new CEO and she's a snake a good snake but a snake nonetheless good at being a snake i mean those bastards laid off some of my friends
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Oops! All Psychos
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds like some corpo nonsense is this the sober houses
technically it hasn't even been announced yet but i managed to find out one of my friends got laid off after i got my boss to leak a little about corporate restructuring to me it's silly because they laid off the person that they, even this morning, were asking to work for our company as the clinical director but she said no because she wants to continue what she's doing now so they laid her off after begging her to become clinical director shit is so whack
The corporation is really abnormal. One of the weirdest corps I've ever seen. Like a normal corporation, they're 100% profit oriented. But unlike normal corporations they show absolutely zero drive to make more money. Everything they do is to spend less. It's really bizarre sometimes.
In mental health, we use what are called billing codes, and these codes basically tell insurance companies how much they have to pay us for that service we provided. So a big part of making money in mental health is manipulating billing codes to find the one that will pay the most for any given service without lying about what the service was. So for example, if I do an individual session with someone at the beach, I can bill it for [individual session, 50-60 minutes], or I could bill it as [adventure therapy]. Adventure therapy reimburses more, but clients need at least one individual session per week, so if I had one already, I could bill the beach therapy as adventure therapy and we'd get more money for it from insurance.
But the corp flat out refuses to actually use billing codes that will make money. And sometimes they don't bill at all because they don't want to use a certain billing code for some nebulous reason that they can't explain and nobody else in the industry would agree with.
Another example is that I have psych assessment expertise but they haven't been using me for that even though that makes a shit ton of money from insurance. Instead, they have me doing this grunt sober housing director job.
They're also trying to pay a clinical director, a job which industry-wide makes 90k/yr, only 60k, and then act surprised when they can't hire anyone. It's so weird.
>>907791 yeah they're all so dumb They're sitting on a total cash cow but they refuse to milk it! I feel like the business is totally gonna fall apart wwww
Well, it'll work out. In the worst case, I'll just leave that job and do my other job full time. It's more work to get clients, but I'd make twice the money.
so none of my friends are gonna reply to the snapchat of me sitting in my bathroom sink saying "join me" with their own pic of them sitting in their bathroom sink?
look at this banner youtube is giving me what is this
You'd think with the artists they can get to do the various Google banners they could manage something a little ... more. I like the girl that's a polka-dot Christmas tree
>>908028 Oh yeah this came up in my recommendations The Al gore rhythm works in mysterious ways
Well it's probably meta-tagged with a lot of stuff that pings weebs. Animated by ufotable, written by Type-Moon, tangentially related to F/GO which is still really big in the weeb culturesphere
Feels like I've been shifting into just sleeping the whole evening away after getting back from work It doesn't really matter that much to me as long as I get plenty of sleep at some point in the day though And especially during the winter here, it's not like I see the sun if I was awake in the evening anyway.
ima prolly bug out soon not related to what's going on ive actually been planning it a while but yeah it's probably relatable now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
where will you go?
either alaska or southern missouri gonna raise a rabbit colony and have a garden and be self-subsistent build generators and work on my studies in peace i can't do the people thing anymore
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds really really tough but you can do it
gl friend moon
sounds easy to me ive always been a survivalist, being in society has always been the tough part
i could handle a local community with self-governance but not where things are headin i still have to earn the money to set myself up first not rushing out right now or anything
maybe i'll invite yall over for a home-grown thanksgiving at a cozy cabin with rabbit eggs and acorn squashes
it's like it's what my brain is built for im workin so hard and puttin up with so much just to not have anything to enjoy when im done, and not work towards anything i want i use my time off work to spend unplugged and fishing or foraging hoarding money is depressing, so is spending it in stores to buy stuff i need little moments of resourcefulness like food preparation (brining, pickling, dehydrating fruits) makes my brain click with dopamine you know even though those things would cost like a couple dollars to simply buy at the store instead.
if i can live my life immersed in that resourceful self-subsistent bliss and get natural gratification every day, what am i puttin up with this day-to-day grind for when it's not working towards my desires and the social systems in place can't accomodate me (like i really don't like modern academia)
i want to research what i want to research without having snubby people determining what i can or can't get funding for i can live my own free live and just self-publish, live free
other people had talked about it here a lot before and i was afraid to do it by myself but i don't think the others were serious, were just entertaining daydreams but im in a different place now and not as dependent on social contact. ive gotten used to being alone and gotten used to not being medicated and i feel confident enough to do stuff i want to do without needing my hand held
idk just rambling
if anyone does want to join the homesteading journey lemme know though i'll be looking at properties this year and maybe heading out '21/'22 unless shtf and i gotta bail sooner
you ever foraged for mushrooms while you were in sf sammy there's lots of goodies out there
I'm still pretty fond of city living still, sorry I don't think I could really enjoy living out in the woods
it's a lot of work but it's the most gratifying kind of work for me, where your natural drive meets your responsibilities and it doesn't feel like work because you're enjoying it especially tending to the garden and raising a rabbit colony if you had a yard full of rabbits you'd probably want to check on them and spend time with them, watch them build a nest and lay their eggs it's so exciting to me
guinea pigs are a very viable option too, and those guinea hens (I think they're just called guineas?) even some quails and either live near a river or stock a lake with fish
I think my brain's just so wormed up with depression at this point that I can't envision the amount of effort homesteading needs to keep myself alive as rewarding. It just sounds like more work I don't want to do.
Got a text from my mother to call her when I get home I'm pretty sure if it was good news she had, she would preface the text with it. So now I'm a fair bit anxious she's got some bad news for me
i always brace for impact when i hear things like that it's so scary and part of the reason i have phone anxiety since i physiologically associate it with bad news hope things are ok for you
There's of course a non-zero chance that it's neither good nor bad news and my mother just wants to hear from me since it has been maybe five or six days since we last spoke And she's being textually tactless in being considerate of my availability
But my worrywart brain always assumes the worst
Yeah it was just her feeling I needed a call I mean she did let me know she'll probably be back in the city this Monday but that's something that could've just been a text
where is tilde
I don't really know I'm trying to figure that out myself honestly
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
left of the 1
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and yes i just assumed your keyboard layout
tilde is baba is you
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
everyone asks where is tilde but no one asks
what is tilde?
why is ~
>>908088 Also another question I'm stuck without an answer for
> Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have my doubt but it would be pretty sweet for pence to be like yup i was prez for two weeks
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> A president thus declared unable to serve may subsequently issue a declaration stating that they are able. This marks the beginning of a four-day period during which the vice president remains acting president.[11][12]:38n137 GBJ is a four day stint
>>908096 If he does that they'll probably just invoke te 25th again.
> he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department[note 1] or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.
of course it is not, but in the insane way he just states it it is it's like its from some i dunno monty python skit >i didn't steal it, I paid for it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh he probably knows it's ridiculous he's just being a dick
man there were dudes climbing the Capitol building and getting in through windows on the fifth floor to what end
wouldn't you do the same if you ended up raiding the government?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wouldn't steal mail no i shouldn't say what id do during a government raid though after all i would never be willing to be part of such a thing and i support the government!
I wouldn't talk about it to a reporter and i wouldn't have my face uncovered tho
still you think twitch will be forced to backstep on pogchamp? is almost like banning kappa or whatever
if you ask nintendo they will answer "pokemon eat pokefood" but look at the actual games and you have mons eating mons and people eating mons with some being delicacies especially slowpoke tails
two things Forgot one of them, so //spent ages trying to remember and ended up getting a bunch of unnecessary stuff then I remembered when I walked out of the store
>>908223 I wanted gum and toilet paper and I forgot gum Instead I got a citronella candle, salad mix, some little snack container and then gum when I remembered
Oh and a shaker cup
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
shaker? i hardly know er
see that's your problem, you're not suppose to shake the girls