Hello! Happy 2021! First anime time of the new year Too bad there's nothing new yet!
Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 10-12 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 6-12 Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-19
Aside from this which you should get and watch https://nyaa.si/view/1322252 It's a half-length episode setting up a new Type-Moon Carnival Phantasm-esque OVA series coming out later this year. But it's also in of itself as Carnival Phantasm-poi as it gets. It'll be good let's watch it
The first week will be slow as usual but we should see some stuff coming in over the next week. Actually looking at the incoming stuff we might see a LOT drop on Thursday. I'm seeing like six or seven shows.
We should do >>907581 this for a fifth It's only half an episode's length We'd still be out of here early. >>907587 Fate Grand Carnival New Year's Eve Special 2020 The subs are by a group called GOLDEN
Oh, it's not on the bots i'll try to get it before the night is over
kami-tachi 10 okay lets start
I wonder if this'll ever spin up into a bigger plot than just him running a laundromat or other common services while exploring his slime autism. It kinda reminds me of Honzuki no Gekokujou in that there was a lot of mundane day-to-day stuff. Honzuki was kinda getting to the point where there was kind of a broader narrative going on but even it didn't really do anything big yet. This show kinda does the same and just has him do small things episode after episode.
If I had all the free time in the world I'd like to try learning the violin But that would be like an all the free time in all the free time in the world kind of thing. Other more important fascinations would come first.
She's awfully happy to have him making a doll of her. Though it's a bit cute he made the whole family and staff.
>I will take you with me Why don't you just take the real one with you instead
It's probably a field that hasn't made a lot of progress before his arrival! Though I wonder what's the point in having both an iron slime and a metal slime. And I'd assume by extension there's also an aluminium slime too by that logic. Aside from the iron one being heavier. Maybe it's not as flexible as the generic metal slime?
Man he really has workplace PTSD I guess he did seem to literally work himself to death in his past life. So it's not really far-fetched he'd get anxious about being the boss of an awful workplace himself.
A bit on his party members for not stepping in when he tries to be physical with a kid. Maybe they just figured he'd end up like this though. Still it's good to rein in your compatriots when they're getting out of hand!
If this was a less happy-go-lucky series him inviting those mercs to stay to participate in the big harvest coming up would have bad ramifications. They'll probably just be polite helpers though.
>>907600 Eh he's a summoner class You've always got to make contracts with your summons!
Come to think of it I don't think this show's ever ended on a cliffhanger at the end of an episode. They either have some nice emotional climax or just end things on "yeah let's do stuff next time"
I think it's too comfy for emotional climax it's not a suspense kinda show
kami-sama 6 okay lets start
Yeah that's true. It's not really climactic, but rather, kind of parable-y Like "these are the lessons our kind protagonist remembers as important" in a feel good way. I don't dislike it, but it is a bit sappy at times hah hah
I'm kinda looking forward to seeing what happens when this show finally goes full KEY From the chatter I've seen it definitely gets ridiculous, and not necessarily in the good way But that sounds fun in its own way.
Natsu matsuri! Celebrating the festivities of summer really makes me miss it in the middle of winter.
Oh the crazy Mahjong woman from the Mahjong episode is making a return.
It looks like the girl has softened a bit since her dad's problems got cleared up last episode. Wasn't a big change but she seems happier, at least.
That's usually how it is. You can't completely change their personalities but some improvement is good to show.
Well that and even in real life, even if people have some kind of breakthrough in their trauma or other mental issues, it's not like they suddenly have a face-heel turn in personality. It's always a gradual effort to unravel your brain problems.
The funny thing is, Maeda does do great antics and friends being dumbasses writing. Like, the SoL stuff is always the highlights of his stuff. But when it comes to the big dramatic conclusion he always goes for some hyper-dramatic reveal and attempt to deliver on a big wrap-up that ends up more than his time constraints can permit.
For someone who supposedly has pre-cognition, she sure makes some DUMB decisions
I guess this might be how they tie in that hackerboy who showed up a couple episodes back. Or maybe not, they caught up to the truck faster than I thought they would. But if they make it to Tokyo then that's probably where he's slouching around.
You got to feel bad for the driver though hah hah What an unfortunate situation he got stuck with.
They played around a lot considering only 9 days remain kami-sama 7 okay lets start!
Well no one believes Hina/Odin when she says the world's gonna end anyway. The only person who even seems to remember it's a thing is the MC and he pretty clearly doubts it too.
Down to the last week now! I bet we'll hit the big moment either towards the end of this episode or some time next episode.
He called in a lot of favours for his sister's movie. What a good onii-san
The one braid forward one braid back thing anime cahracters do is weird.
At least if gives you a forward braid no matter the angle!
The localization of the imouto ending her sentences in "~shi" into sprinkling her sentences with "like" is a bit weird but I get the spirit. It's akin to talking a bit like a valley girl in Japanese.
Surely there's a more engaging game to play for an audience than an RPG But I guess it caught the pedantic attention of the girl he likes.
The straightman tsukkomi in this show is really turned up to eleven though.
I guess he's just doing his best to not think too much on it. Like she said, she's always been accurate in her predictions By extension, her insistence the world is going to end should be correct. That's probably a terrifying thought to grapple with though.
Oh here we are back with hackerboy This is a weird B-plot for what the series has been so far.
>2013 Guy's got awfully high tech for 2013.
Well there's the connective tissue between these two plotlines.
Well boys will by boys Be boys even Too many Bys in there
The MC in this being in the music track at their school would probably be the best support role she could be for the club Idols generally don't produce their own music after all. And having a dedicated person for it lets them focus on the physical parts of being an idol.
I really like Sleepy-chan's song. It's got good vocals and sound.
Kinda typical of love live, I think they needed more time than 12 episodes gave them to really make a product as good as the first season.
There's probably a decent chance it'll get more adaptation down the line. I think the mobage is still pretty popular and it's likely the anime will be received well because, well, Love Live.
But there also is a new original Love Live in production that might air some time soon-ish too
I wonder what the cost of putting screens up along the side of Big Sight like that would be. Like that's a LOT of surface area. They'd probably be some of the largest display screens in the world at that point.
They never explained what was up with those three dots along that onee-poi girl's collarbone. That's got to be -something-
I really like the art from whoever did the ED illustrations and those endcards. It's a cute style and very watercolour-y.
I wouldn't know! It seems kinda wild that they'd be arranged so perfectly, but I guess it's probably happened before.
All right time for a carnival!
Really it's almost kind of surreal that we're getting another Carnival Phantasm after all this time.
The cats have all donned costumes from F/GO though hah hah In the original Carnival Phantasm they were all from Tsukihime.
Oh but speaking of Tsukihime, the remake for that finally has an actual release date! Some time in Japan later this year. On Switch and PS4.
Er, Playstation, probably PS5 and maybe PS4.
Going with the female MC for F/GO is nice though In the series F/GO anime the male MC gets to be the MC so having Gudako be the MC in this is good. She's better for dumbass antics anyway.
Lancer! I wonder how he'll die this time
... Well okay
I was kind of thinking this bear reminded me of that doll from Bleach But then it really got nailed in.
Nero Saber is kind of a more entertaining character than normal Saber.
There really are a lot of servants now but I Think fate has become boring as it's become a gacha series
I'm excited to see what the Tsukihime remake brings to the table. Type-Moon's stuff has been so Fate-focused for so long that some of the other stuff has kind of fallen out of focus.
Either way I think making a gag series out of the F/GO characters is still potent to be fun. A lot of the seasonal events in the mobage seem to be silly and full of antics anyway. Type-Moon's always had a good knack for their character's memes and playing around with the absurdity underlying the stories.
!!! KI MI TO
It's a new version too Probably bringing in the newer seiyuu that weren't a part of Type-Moon's stuff back when the original Carnival Phantasm came out.
>OVA is coming soon >First release in July Time might be relative sure but that doesn't feel soon at all!