Adachi to Shimamura Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 8-12 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 5-10 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 10-13
Isekai heroes are so often autists I like the goofy ones better though
Probably stems from the author self-inserting into the character a bit They get so excited about their MC's abilities that they'll spend ten pages going into intesive detail about their special abilities and how they interact with the world in a strange and unique way.
I'm not saying the author's autistic though. But well some probably kinda are hah hah But when you write a character that goes all noodly with their powers or weird interests on end that's the kind of character you end up developing.
>We won't get that many customers on the first day Well I guess we know how that's going to turn out.
That METARU slime is pretty cool though It seems to posses the fluidity of slime while still retaining the density of metal.
He has a lot of useful slimes now slimes are pretty strong
Crossbreeding slimes to make subspecies that have niche applications definitely appeals to my simulation game brain hah hah I would've liked to see the series explore that more rather than the minutae of a laundry shop or the particulars of cleaning communal toilets and septic tanks.
It's kinda common when Isekai heroes use their powers for the mundane kinda weird when you think about it
kimi to boku okay lets start!
Yeah but you keep thinking about it, it actually becomes un-weird Like these kinds of isekai series are pretty much indisputably a kind of wish fulfillment of the author, right Just a way for them to exercise the things they'd like to do if they weren't constrained by the boring reality of real life. By comparison, if you had access to magic with extensive practical applicability or creatures like Ryoma's slimes , wouldn't you also sensibly use them for mundane tasks?
Cleaning septic tanks is not very ambitious though I guess the author is fascinated by that kinda thing
The author seems to be avoiding power-tripping too hard. Like there's a lot of things always turning out for the best for the MC and the world is generally light and pleasant. And he does have some pretty good stats for a young boy. But he doesn't really fall into the power trip genre of MC characters.
I was wondering how Iska was gonna get his swords in this predicament. Nice of his squad to show up and bring them along. Though it looks like this robo-dragon is gonna try hunting their captain since she's now a witch.
This guy that' that's kind of like Archer really has a thing for their captain. It's kind of sweet. Though it does mean that red-haired girl in their squad is kind of the odd one out, since Iska has Alice.
This Masked Lord's power seems to Well I guess he just showed it more specifically. But before this all he seems to have been doing is use his magic to teleport behind people.
Masked Lord masked no longer! I guess he still kept his face concealed though.
Oh I bet the Empire's been abducting magic people from the magic kingdom and using them as energy sources for these robots.
Okay maybe my guess was wrong but this is still some weird shit Alice is approaching their location too though so maybe she'll be able to help him fight this new ... thing.
She seems the type to just get mad when she's jealous
Well she needs to put that jealousy into action soon! Otherwise her imouto will steal him away!
They're really teasing a lot at the end of this episode though. Looks like I was right about the oldest of the princess sisters being more devious than she was letting on.
Well it also seems like it might be an impersonator
Training camp! That's another anime trope that's always fun to see My favourite's still culture festivals though.
I find it kind of funny that the show's got the whole rainbow theme going on But then while most of the characters have rainbow colours associated with them, Rina's just grey. I mean it kind of makes sense since she's emotionless, and there's more than seven girls in the idol cast anyway so it's not like they've got rainbow colours for everyone. But it's still funny to me.
This girl is like Kotori mixed with one of the original first years I don't like it
Which girl?
I was thinking it was out of season for Halloween but maybe they're trying to do a test of courage.
Nice of the series to emphasize that it's practice that makes a skilled person, not talent Anime at times can harp a bit too heavily that everything comes down to innate or inborn talent. When really, especially with creative and dexterous skills, what really matters is your practice and experience with the craft.
>>906553 Are you watching episode ten? It's only been the main cast this episode and I don't think there's any girl like that in it.
Tag is probably a good way to substitute for running, really. Running laps is boring but with tag you're actively thinking as you're running, and probably moving more dynamically than with laps. But I guess you get people who just hide or stand still rather than the constant running of laps.
The MC's really gotten ambitious after seeing that music festival last episode. Just wants the whole world to love school idols like she does.
The author does seem to have a pretty good knack for making her believably weird I've really liked how the series is driven by the internal narration of the two them. And it switches between them. For Adachi it kinda grounds her weird, autsy behaviour in a sympathetic sense.
The imouto feels like her role as imouto's getting taken by Adachi I guess it might be, in a sense.
Oh no the alien is teaching the imouto the secrets of the universe That seems a little dangerous.
I guess the people who've read the LNs I saw talking about this adaptation were correct. The big exciting moment of their romantic development happens way too far into the LNs to get to in a single season. Maybe they could've reached it if they compressed or cut stuff out. But I kinda liked how they took it slow. It was a comfy series.
Yeah, I don't feel that a slow long series like this is very well suited to a 12 episode anime. Maybe it will get more.
Ah okay the pun was intentional hah hah Shimamura's line was "I'll be looking at the {Sakura} whether I want to or not" And then said "Until then I'll keep looking at this {Sakura} Sakura being Adachi's given name.