Heyo Happy Tuesday After all the stuff yesterday I don't think there's anything new today hah hah
Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 8-12
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-19
The one maybe exception is Black Clover episode 158, since I believe the series is finally leaving fillertown and returning to the actual plot. But I dunno if you cared enough to get back to it still. That's the new episode if so though.
>that sort of thing is bound to happen >says the guy who it's never happened to
Yeah, hah hah I guess on a more metaphorical level, making a mistake with something and it having really bad repercussions does happen to most people a few times. Magic on the other hand, he probably doesn't have the experience with to make a statement like that.
>Is it correct to assume we're friends Well she's actually making a good point hah hah He's been referring to her extremely politely for two kids that are supposed to be friends.
We're probably too late in the final episode to get to it But I wonder if the LN series has them jump three years in the future at this point They could probably do a bunch of fun stuff with Ryoma and the adventurers though. So maybe they have a bunch of content that just doesn't have the ojou and her family for a while.
It wasn't a bad series I think after it found its stride after a few episodes it was actually pretty nice too. Wouldn't mind seeing more of this down the line if they decide to.
It was okay It was comfy and non-offensive kinda lukewarm
kamisama 8 okay lets start
Still waiting for the shoe to drop on this
>You know you're going to die so you dress your granddaughter up in strange clothes and point her in the general direction of people who can look after her
And then after faking us out they did actually start the plot up
Yeah that was a pretty good moment actually A good bait and switch
Yeah no kidding Trying to insert Hina into the new family her dad's made would be plain awful
Families with difficult, irreconcilable situations is something Maeda Jun seems to really like exploring in his writing. Though usually it requires some weird fantastical stuff like this almost Keyaids disease Hina has.
I think the best one was the way he wrote the relationship between the MC of CLANNAD and his dad. And the ways he began to echo his dad in After Story after Nagisa dad. Mostly because that was almost entirely grounded in realism. Or probably really entirely grounded in realism.
I'm wondering if this is a fake Hina or something. Like an automaton or clone the real one is controlling or stuck inside. It's pretty sci-fi but from what we've seen of that Hackerboy from the B-plot, there's a technology level in this world far above what we have.
Oh Hackerboy's finally on the scene Kind of dickish of her dad to tell him where to find her Though maybe with his skills he would've found her inevitably.
Yeah this is more of a temper tantrum than actually being angry. I mean these people all seem kind of like awful people but his reaction is a bit out there.
YEah, that seems to make sense. I wonder if she knows the end is coming oh I guess that's not the twist
I suspect the supercomputer in her head was calculating everything and giving her that information All the way up to the point where she gets abducted and the computer ripped out of her head. She interpreted that as the world ending since she didn't have the ability to calculate the future anymore.
I guess it's more of a familial love here than the usual love confession. Though that's kind of a nice departure from a standard one.
I guess the end of series drama arc is starting up that ramped up quickly
It happened a bit better than Maeda's usual run at this kind of thing In the past he's had a really bad habit of letting a series mill around for too long before having to really wrap up the story in the final one or two episodes. I think it's because he's too used to writing VN-length fiction which has a much longer runtime. Like Angel Beats and Charlotte both kinda just drop the big climax on you really, really fast. This time he planted the B-plot with Hackerboy early on and had it occasionally flip back to that to build up this climax.
It's still kind of shoehorn-y, especially with all the governments going "yeah lol consign a girl to death so that people don't have access to a supercomputer" But it's an improvement.