Duly noted, I will refrain from troubling you in the future.
as am I now too
Ahiru no Sora Episode 47-48 Appare-Ranman! Black Clover Fruits Basket Gibiate Episode 8-10 Kanojo, Okarishimasu Lapis ReLights The God of High School To aru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 20-24
so jokes aside how were the new fruit basket and railgun
and your royal highness please do give your opinion too mesa out 'joy your anime
Fruits Basket continues to be a high-quality adaptation of the original material. We're probably looking at a third cour some time in 2021 to finish the story since I don't think they can with the remaining episode. Railgun is also a good adaptation of the manga but that is a much more recent story and doesn't need graphical updates like Fruits Basket does. If you've been following the Railgun manga I don't think you get much out of this season. I haven't so I've been enjoying it.
yeah let's start with maou instead of ahriu okay lets start
Okey dokes
>I was created with a taboo spell that turns humans into magic >Is human ???
He does insist that destruction magic is a specialty of his. I guess it makes breaking some magic snowglobe pretty easy.
Jerga seems to have consistently been an asshole. Though I don't know if he's lived the two thousand years since that moment or if this Jerga teacher is a reincarnation of him. Either way in all lives he seems to be an awful person.
>It's the Seven Demon Emperors! >There's only four of them
Oh it's the guy pretending to be him. Wearing a pretty goofy mask.
I'm still convinced the war-mongering human plot is somehow in league with the fake Maou. Because it's too convenient that this lets them easily ramp up for an inter-species war between the demons and humans.
Seems like he did okay he can't get a kiss before protagonist
The two main girls being sorta-sisters has been a nice bit. For a dorky power-trip series like this there's been a lot of focus on familial love and caring for those dear to you. It's a wholesomeness I can't not enjoy.
I'm pretty sure this is a still-ongoing LN series. So I'm surprised this is Wow okay. I didn't see this twist coming. So Lay's the Secretly Evil not once, but TWICE in this series.
I guess that fully confirms Lay for being the old Hero reincarnated. Though he doesn't have all his magic sources anymore. If he goes around killing all those human kids that have his other sources, could he get them all again?
You'd think the weight would be a problem throwing knives are weighted specifically to be thrown
okay high school okay lets start
Yeah that's why it takes a smart arm. You'd have to throw accounting for the fact that a fencing sword's not weighted to to fly straight.
Now this has been a show that's been absolutely nuts the past few episodes. Wonder how it'll go for the final? episode. Maybe there's another after this.
For a show called God of High School there sure are a lot of badass oji-san involved.
There's so many powerful ... entities? factions? things? going on in this series. Like the staff behind God of High School are pretty strong and they're at odds with the weird cult. And then there's this sharkboy who seems to be kind of Eldritch in his own right who's entirely unrelated to either of them. The MC's grandpa is one of seven superhuman guys, like this scar head guy, who all seem to be powerful single entities themselves.
Also for all the talk of Charyeok or whatnot they haven't really focused on what it means for the main characters much. There just really is so much.
Oh foxboy got ate. Guess that wasn't enough to kill him though.
Everyone wants this Key thing for one reason or another. And the MC just picks it up not knowing what it is.
Oh shit are they gonna NUKE Seoul. That doesn't sound good even if there are superhuman creatures wrecking shit.
Park has all the aura of being an evil guy but he seems to consistently act in a benevolent way.
I hope they can pull some kung fu magic and get these two back their limbs. They really lost them super unfairly. And it really only served to send foxboy into a Despair Event Horizon.
Considering what everyone else is doing, fixing a severed leg shouldnt' be that hard
You'd think, yeah. Though for the most part all these powers have only really been destructive in nature. Might just be that the kung fu magic is better served for destroying things, not repairing them. Though Daewi kinda proves that wrong with having healing water magic.
>He's out of his mind I don't think Sharkboy was ever in his mind in the first place.
>This will make you accept God Oh no was the cult Jehovah's Witnesses all along
This Gothic Lolita group has a nice style. Though I like the music from this trio. Their visual aesthetic is kind of whatever though.
Wow the main five gets to make a DYNAMIC ENTRANCE That's pretty stylish.
How would she get in contact with the girls back at her school anyway. They don't seem to have cell phone magic despite all the other kinds of magic they've got. And if she wrote them a letter it probably would've have gotten back to school before all this happenend anyway.
Oh shit Tiara's fucking DEAD
Wait no I said that as a joke I didn't expect it to be serious.
Well I suspected that the tiara was helping Tiara's sickly condition. But I guess trying to heal Tiara also cost her onee-chan her singing voice. No wonder she became the grumpy bureaucrat.
Oh wow nevermind it's not just her singing voice it's her entire voice.
I bet if you go back and look she's always been holding her wrist when she's been talking. That's actually a pretty clever hidden-in-plain-sight twist.
Yeah, that's pretty good. I don't like the "I wanted to protect you so I was absolutely wicked to you" plotline we see so often
It's certainly a rather over-used trope. Though not entirely unbelievable. Fear and concern for those dear to you can really warp your common sense and reason. But it does get used a lot, not just in anime, but in all sorts of fiction.
A surprisingly quality anime that's really just a promo for a mobage coming out soon. They put a lot of work into this series. I'm not enough of an aidoru nerd to care about the mobage but I did like this anime a good bit.