Ahiru no Sora Appare-Ranman! Black Clover Episode 143-145 Enen no Shoboutai Gibiate Episode 10-11 No Guns Life The God of High School To aru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 20-25 Great Pretender (subs by [Team Confidence])
No brakes on the train tonight Most of the single season stuff is wrapped or ending this week so we probably won't be getting much more than what we've got. Though it just has to tide us over until Thursday since there should be some of the new season airing over the weekend in time for Sunday.
i just watched the final episode of danmachi s1 they really had some kinda animation budget huh
appare oh we can do that next i got out of order lets start
No Guns life second then?
Time for more of "what ever happened to racing?" I've enjoyed this show regardless but man I'm a bit let down by how the racing got shafted for Wild West antics.
>>878270 DanMachi was a pretty big LN series. I think it's still reasonably popular but it was definitely big news in its earlier years. The production committee probably was able to secure a decent funding for it.
They always give so much attention to Kosame's special moves. It's cool to watch.
The only thing they're racing against is time though! I wonder if a car from the early 1900s could put out enough horsepower to decelerate a full-speed train like that though. Plus Appare's car has a lot of wood in the build. I'd worry about structural integrity from facing down a train.
One of the rare occasions where the "let's not kill him, we're above that" kinda checks out.
I was kinda looking forward to them getting to the Midwest and Eastern Seaboard of the states during the race. It would have been neat to see them driving through that part of the country.
His car literally flew across the finish line so moving on to airplanes is a sensible next step.
Kosame has a family he cares about back in Japan, compared to the kinda autsy Appare who didn't really seem to think much of his family. I think Kosame going back to Japan would have been the more sensible end here. But I guess you can't break up the gay best friends.
They're just going to be racing around everywhere anyway
Plus once Appare gets on that airplane they can probably get back to Japan a bit easier. At least until WWII kicks off.
That ended up being a lot of fun. Probably not one of P.A. Works' best shows but definitely one of their good ones. It always managed to be energetic and goofy and keep the pace racing.
I guess she's not really the big bad since this is just the finale of the anime not the manga but she's been here since the first episode of the anime, so it does kinda feel like the end of a big arc if she's being set up for defeat at the end here.
Nice that the giant statue of that Dr. Doom guy got absolutely wrecked by the fight that happened there. He managed to die while the public still thought he was a glorious war hero but he was a real asshole.
Pepper is really tenacious. Managing to escape from a hospital while missing an entire arm despite being under heavy guard.
This scene is really a weird blend of being kinda funny while also probably supposed to be serious.
I guess this is an echo of Juzo's realization in his flashback about how he couldn't just lay the blame of his actions on his handler. Though I think it's not a realization on Seven's part and he was always fine with his actions being his own in the end.
Poor Juzo hah hah Every woman loves a hard-boiled detective. Even if they'ev got a gun for a head.
>>878312 Yeah, they do a good job of humanizing her. I hope she ends up in a better place that doesn't involve dying before this is all over.
Was that insinuating his old handler is related to the boy or something? Or just a realization that he's found friends like his handler was hoping he would find.
Kinda mean that they let Juzo learn about where his handler is and not us. But it also had real "he's in a better place" vibes there too.
Despite getting some Joker backstory last episode we still don't really know what's up with these two. And why they both coincidentally have eyepatches.
Burns takes a moment to think about it and decides he probably can't take both Joker and the other captain in a fair fight hah hah
Benimaru is pretty OP though so I don't blame him really.
Joker's had like three seiyuu in this series. His young super-shota seiyuu, this current teenage one, and the present-day
yeah that's totally a hiddne scripture once again this guy acts like a bad guy but then he does the infodum p
Yeah it keeps throwing me for a loop. He seems like he's actively working to get to the bottom of the conspiratorial nature of this world they live in. But even then I can't shake that he'll eventually end up opposed to the good guys.
I guess it depends how far into Lawful or Chaotic the main cast leans once shit really starts hitting the fan. If they start going down Joker's route and want to bring the church down then I guess Burns will step in their way. But Shinra does have a bit of a hero complex and I dunno if he'd want to bring that much chaos into the picture.
I didn't really expect them to confirm the theory that someone impersonated the original prophet so quickly. They just did like a two minute jump to the Evagelist's people to confirm and and then jumped back hah hah.
Oh boy look at these totally sociopathic evil scientists. Can't wait until they get what's coming to them.
... Shinra ...
I kinda liked her better with the long hair. But it's nice that Vulcan's waifu is no longer a backstabber.
The Eighth does keep growing larger adn larger though. It's nice to see them building up their gang.
Featuring The fanservice character of the show too.
Oh no she's still got PTSD from that nutjob doctor. Poor girl.
The environmental design in these backdrops are always so well designed. I love the steampunk/Meiji-era aesthetic they've got going on.
The levels of double agent this science nerd is wrapped in do kinda confuse me. He seems to act based on satisfying his own desire for the truth but I don't know where his ... not loyalties, since that's clearly to himself, but emotional ties lie. It feels like he likes the Eighth but I might be wrong in that.
Yeah. I've definitely enjoyed watching it, but these past couple episodes have been a bit ... not really a letdown but something in parallel to that. I like it when plots have like an understandable conclusion to the elements they present and the climax of this series has not really been that. It leaves me feeling a bit hollow instead of being all in on a climax.
Honestly it's almost pottery but the series kinda jumped the shark with Sharkboy and his weird transformation into a winning-obsessed Eldritch abomination and then Biblical angel. Everything before that kinda worked if at times excessively ridiclous -ridiculous but that's the one part I have a hard time with.
But eh it's still fun to watch and the animation has been pretty glorious. It's just not quite a full meal for me.
I had feeling and it looks like I'm right, but this is still an ongoing manhwa series. I wonder if this is an anime-original ending or if the series really did go this hard in the comic. Because this is some absurd powercreep to crawl back from.
Daewi ;_;
Oh SHIT I knew it. The MC's Stand is totally the Monkey King. If there's one thing the Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans can share it's their perpetual adoration for Sun Wukong.
He really pummeled the shit out of that guy for the sake of his friends that are still perfectly fine
From the beginning Jin was really the kind of goofball character you could expect to be a reincarnation of Sun Wukong. As soong as they started bringing in fantastical heroes I suspected his would be the Monkey King.
It's kinda funny that Ilypo is there as like a best buddy of Jin's despite only showing up like three episodes ago.
>>878364 Who would've thought when this all started it would end with Seoul nuked into a wasteland and a bunch of teenagers possessed by supernatural and historical celebrities squaring off against an Eldritch abomination.
Right to the end he was an unrepetant dick.
Hah hah oh yeah this girl. She was a part of Sharkboy's trio.
They magic teleported the entire population into the hills way away from city but the impact of the nuke still flattened the city. This wasteland they've been fighting in is what remains.
>Progenitor of the human race This lady comes in at the eleventh hour and sure drops a bombshell on us.
This makes me feel better even if it's kindo -kind of asspull bullshit. Those two that just lost their limbs because they got too close to an Eldritch abomination were really punished unfairly and unjustly. So them getting their limbs restored through some equally dumb asspull is fine by me.
>Seizing power in the next presidential election Considering the real life South Korean Prime Minister, or well the last one, got sent to jail because she was basically the bribed puppet of a secret organization of corporate entities that did some REAL cult bullshit This webtoon really spookily resembles real life.
I wonder if these plot developments were written before or after that came to light though. I feel it has to be before though, since there's no way they'd touch something like that if it had just happened in real life, hah hah.
Seems like them training to take on the cult's second attempt to awaken their god is where the series goes after this. For a series called God of High School, the titular tournament sure didn't stick around long.
But I guess they're still high school students that are either channeling or are reincarnations of gods or other mythical characters. So maybe the name still kinda sticks.
It was still a bit unsatisfying to me because of how bonkers it got and then waved away by magic lady. But yeah, it was a lot of fun. Would watch more if they get more adaptation confirmed.