Is being a mage viable in Morrowind I'm not gonna bother making a magic-focused character if I get a few hours in and I'm just getting my shit pushed in
I think the answer to that is yes but that's second-hand experience and not personal. I know you can do dumb stuff with alchemy and like power level as needed or so
>GET TO THe first city of the main quest >join mage guild >go to sleep >only sleep one hour >assassin shows up >can't be killed And the needle towards dropping the game moves another minute
Well, the combat is by far the most janky of the TES games I've played I get it, my character isn't fantastic at weapons or nothing, but missing 99/100 arrows at a few feet is fucking absurd
Not the kinda game where you can just do the main quest, huh? >first dungeon in the main questline, level 32 lock with no key Like what, you HAVE TO level lockpick just to progress the game at all?
Oh you can just get a spell for it And because I've been accosted by the dark brotherhood, I have the money to imemdiately, at level 1, have a spell that unlocks any lock, even if it drains a third of my mana per cast
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow you're already a murderer, huh >>878112 nah if theres something like that it means a key is available or you don't have to go in there for quest progress
I gotta say the combat is gettin' to me tho I went mage, so once I run out of mana, I either chug potions or run, and that's the only thing I can do I can't take out a sword, because it will miss 500 times before it lands once for 5 damage
And by run I mean "leave the cell because you're not getting the mana back today "
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>878117 correct you can join the DB's rival organization, the Morag Tong >>878121 Yes
The Dark Brotherhood The Dark Brotherhood (but cooler)
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
They have a location in Balmora I believe
Also how exactly do I... DO alchemy?
Or enchanting for that matter
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you need mortor and pestal for alchemy enchanting, i actually forget i think you can do it on your own by activating a full soul stone, or you can go to a professional enchanter you can probably find one at a mages guild
Oh yeah you just put a soul gem on yourself But I need soul trap first, and none of the mages at... fucking who knows the names of these cities, they didn't have soul trap I can summon skeletons once every 5 "rest until healed" now, though
Though, the skeleton I can summon is... shit? I haven't seen the motherfucker land a hit yet
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
You'll find it eventually Mage guilds elsewhere will have it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
skeletal minion is one of the weakest summons yeah other ones are pretty good eventually you can summon like atronachs and dwemer constructs and stuff or dremoras
(Also can I delete spells because I splurged and made a bunch, but most of them suck)
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't remember, there should be a way to
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
came here at 10am to get new tires 1:30 pm they're "almost done" they broke something and had to wait for a replacement part to be delivered thank god i can do work shit from here so i don't have to waste time pto or work extra later to make up for it
I am so fucking lost in this dungeon, man And I walk so slow I'm halfway considering just restarting the fucking game and making a new character JUST so I don't have to walk back to the entrance and try again I RUN slower than you sneak in Skyrim It's fucking awful
I do like that as soon as I had the money I could just buy an unlock-everything spell, and the only restrictions the game put on me is how deep my mana pockets are, and it failing most of the time Just the fact it was available from the start is astonishing Alteration sucks so much in skyrim, I actually never get the lock-related spells because, as it turns out, by the time you can even get and cast the first tier of them, you're unlocking master locks with your lockpicks, of which you have roughly an unlimited supply >>878153 Is that feather, or a separate spell?
if you're gonna pump alteration definitely get a levitation spell asap flying around will make the game way more fun as a spellcaster
it's separate feather is just a slowfall, which is still useful until you get levitation
Like he's doing the equivalent of making fucking CWCville, except in "real life" Only reason the inhabitants aren't falling over dead from the cringe is they know he'd just resurrect and fuck them, figuratively and literally
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the living gods are all fuckers except sotha sil he's only kind of a fucker
Is that the guy in a spider chair?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah that's a dwemer sotha sil hides away in his clockwork city he's basically a hikki
>>>/watch?v=BoZ0Zwab6Oc >Bump of Chicken music video >Directed and storyboarded by Matsumoto Rie (director of Kyousogiga) >Hyper-infused with a nostalgia for the older Pokemon games This is just so perfect it's on another level like FUCK
The fact that a lot of it is in those kinds of desaturated colours you get in old VHS tapes just works so well for sturring -stirring up that nostalgia aaaaaaaahh
This Pokemon stuff got me thinking that this is the first year in a while we haven't had a major Pokemon game come out in a pretty long oh whoops redundant. No mainline game, no older generation remake, no experimental game like Let's Go. I'll continue to insist it's fine if it means they can take a slower approach to making games and not end up clearly strapped for time like they did with Sword/Shield and Sun/Moon But it's probably more that their workflow got messed up because of Covid and Game Freak still haven't changed their game production philosophy.
I would very much like a big quality pokemon game.
Speaking of which pokemon reborn, spoilered so the nintendo feds don't eat it alive is still in development and boy howdy I'm looking forward to that being finished There's actually more content I could be playing right now but the fact that it's not quite done mixed with me having cleared through level 70 like 3 times, and also just having a backlog and being lazy, all culminates in me putting it off.
Pokemon Blacker and Whiter combining the two games into one
If they get to the Gen V remake time and they do something like that I'll buy both versions hands down Black/White are solid games but Black/White 2 is still my metric by which all other Pokemon games are measured. Which is why all Pokemon games since it have fallen short since that game is really, really good.
if they remake bw and bw2, they should somehow integrate it so that you interact with your bw1 character and even party or hell even play as both of them? something weird and new
Best thing about Black/White 2 is the Pokemon World Tournament. Being able to butt heads with pretty much every Gym Leader/Champion/Elite Four? in the series was a brilliance the games haven't for some unimaginable reason repeated since.
too bad the rng was shit I think after like N amount of tournaments I still have some that I wanted to fight, but never did
small indie studio please understand
I wish someone in The Pokemon Company would go "Okay Game Freak can focus on their small studio indie game development, we'll shift Pokemon development to another Nintendo umbrella studio who can handle the intensity required". But the Pokemon games keep making buckets and buckets of money so it's not like there's incentive to improve the situation.
what is the situation on snap2?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
pokemon snapped in half
>>878214 Not actually being developed by Nintendo/Game Freak, I think it's being worked on by ... Namco Bandai? Some third-party studio. The situation is no news since the trailer release.
>>878213 mm, but would gamefreak even want to let it go it is their baby afterall
still reminds me how blue was the only rival who wa always ahead of you kinda wonder why they never did that again? then again it wouldn't prolly feel the same
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Wally in the ORAS remake beats you to the flower garden outside the elite four
I think Silver in Gen II is also the final challenge before you take on the Elite Four.
silver faces you before the final road, but he beats all the gyms after you and doesn't actually enter the elite four
I think it's mostly because from Gen III onwards they toned down the "rival" part of the rivals and just made them your friends. At least until Sun/Moon but even then you have a friendly rival in Hao and a pseudo-rival in the chuuni dork whose name I'm blanking on.
in a way silver is one of the tougher fights plausibly, since you go therough the "victory road" and he then challenges you just before pokemon centre
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
but victory road is empty in gen 2...
>>878245 there's the mountain or something I dn't remember the exact route
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
there's the route which has a healing house, then you go into the entry which is just two dudes who say hi, then you're in victory road which is just wild encounters you can skip until redboy
I dunno about Sword/Shield since I haven't played them but X/Y and Sun/Moon also have a pretty big plot element to them. X/Y literally has you stop the Team villain leader from lazer-ing the planet and Sun/Moon has you first fight off an alien invasion and then in Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon fight off an inter-dimensional invasion.
They also dialed up the plot from Ruby/Sapphire for the remakes and added a story reason for Rayquaza and Deoxys being relevant.
>>878250 same with the rocket side plot becoming a lot bigger in the remakes
I like that they canonized that Silver is Giovanni's son but it kinda sucks that you need to do some special event bullshit to unlock the in-game evidence.
yeah should have just had it in the game from the start
also wish they allowed you to actually fight in the rocket uniform
With the outfit customization in the later games it really is a weird point that they don't have Team Rocket iconography for some of the clothes choices.
>bw2 has tons of custom models for the mc >but only for the pokemovies whyyyyyyyy so many of them were so cute why not allow the player to use them after unlocking them
Goes by S C now, since she's transitioning Transitioned? I don't really know how this goes sorry. She was posting earlier today about Morrowind antics and has been on an Elder Scrolls bender the past couple days.
oh i thought that was old school SC from forever ago
Yeah it's a bit of a cross-up. Good thing the old SC doesn't... Well okay that's probably not the best choice of words. That the old SC doesn't come around makes it a little easier at least.
I remembered I don't have my hundreds of boku images anymore...what can I do with my life now if I can't avatarfag? --trips work tho', just is amazing cause I posted them publicly one...and they are so damn old.
you gotta watch through Rozen again and cap it all.
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
>caping That doesn't give me the sweet fanarts back! --All those hours of mining Pixiv...for nothing! Nothing!!
Most of the fanart is probably still on Pixiv
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
Along with the absolute trash art you gotta sort through--so much bad porn and fetish work.
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
Yooo, dawg Is there really only 5 threads? existance right now? What the fuck
Time keeps on slippin' Slippin'
People get older and have to spend more time with work or other real time obligations. This little corner of the Internet ends up a lesser priority. And you can't have posts without posters.
Bots can be anything they can set their minds too.
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
Just look at all the ones that bought up all the graphics cards, PS4s and Xbones!~
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy crap
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
>>878387 Why does /moe/ after all this time still not save my perfer'd theme?! Why does it always want me to be gar?! Why does it hate meee Dubs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
aw shucks like every time you refresh it resets??
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
Yeah. I had it on Pengdrum. --but we went over this last time. Even with no extentsions--spelling fuck--private browser, etc, just won't keep it daaark. Maybe it just hates Vivaldi. No fuckin' hipser browsers here!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn i mean it's 10 year old creaky code i don't know why it does these things lol offbeat browsers won't help tho yeah
lemme try making ashita the default for a bit and see what happens
>>878395 pretty much everyone uses the same tripcode algorithm
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>878395 man, the tripcode conversion code is old as Hell but it still remains somewhat faithful to 4chan's idiosyncracies and i've redone the code several times, through different node.js apis
Well you know what they say If it ain't broke don't reinvent the wheel
Unless you only have cobol and php wheels
Night /moe/
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
>>878399 What's that? Make more wheels? Treeing replys? [random] button for skins? Flags? Choose your own hat? A'ight, got it.
Isn't the spoiler function basically a random skin button already.
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
It doesn't change the look of the whole site. So no random color for your text box. also covers the image you post, would be somethin' if you didn't want spoiler but had to use spoiler.
default skin should be ashita now altho i don't know if that will take effect
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
We'll see! Basic bitch blue-theme over here.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i do miss that nice orange color but i'm stuck on ashita all the time anyway
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
Make an Admin theme only you can use.
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
Nobody would know.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i really do need to rewrite the site tho i cleaned up some of the codes a few weeks ago but it's still just ancient tech and it won't be easy to fix at all
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
Curse your past self. --almost sounds like easier to just start a fresh project than to fix the ancient code of the cavemen
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
*grabs time machine*
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
Oog oog
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah a clean rewrite in React would be good much much simpler real-time update code
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and then we could have things like expansions that aren't broken er, hover previews whatever you call em
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
Wow, not broken things?! Amazing!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
call it amazing if and when it happens haha
And then call it broken when it inevitably bugs out down the line again!
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
Wouldn't it be magical if tech never had bugs
'Tis the circle of software development
>>878424 Sure would be, which is why it's impossible
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
I only know CSS which is quite easy to bugfix...since it mostly just makes things pretty. Real big boi code scary --doesn't help I watched that video about Yandere Sim's coding.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hah rei keeps us updated on the yandere dev i don't know too much about it tho
It's less of a dumpster fire than everyone makes it out to be, but it's still pretty bad--why are there so many "else if (this"? I believe there's like 10 or more for every single character! The FPS counter it had as well was wrongly coded, which is apparently fixed now.
It still tho' would be best if the whole thing was restarted from the ground up--which won't happen so the game will never be as good as the Dev wants it to be...and possibly be like Star Shitazin and never be complete.
do you think it will be worth it, kirara? it's like the demands of something like KOTOR or Skyrim but more amplified. I just want a game where I can enjoy irt for what the content can bring.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Honestly, I don't feel hopeful about Cyberpunk 2077 overall. Even with out a crunch. With a crunch, that means it's probably going to be worse than I was already expecting.
So it turns out the place I actually needed to go to get the box is... only accessible if you have levitate or high acrobatics I... I uh, I didn't expect the main quest to make me go off the intuitive path, I thought I just had to go deeper and deeper into the dungeon But no, it's a room you can access, and in fact can ONLY access, from the entrance of the main chamber
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
Vampire the Masquerade 2 has all the red-flags in the world now. --luckily I fell down the mobile-game rabbit-hole so the only "real" games I've played and cared about recently is Fire Emblem: 3 Houses and Tokyo Mirage Sessions. CyberPunk...hoping it's good--Red is usually on the high end of people that make vidya-games...won't have a PC to ruin it tho'.
did // I can't believe they dropped deus ex to make a shitty Avengers game
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
Just keep us all waiting with baited breath--be orange fooorever, never answer what you can't believe! >>878444 Well, I can't believe they dropped a Popeye movie and a Madusa movie to make the Emoji movie! And the canceling of Dark Crystral while they keep "Cuties"! Oh I can totally believe that. Because normies love the Avengers.
I watched the Dark Crystal series after hearing it got cancelled, and really I'm not even sure a second season would be any good to begin with COnsidering the actual canon of the movie, the second season would just be like... observing a genocide
RealSC !Bokuuuu02.
There's many Netflix shit that shouldn't have a second season--but they dooo! The puppets were already made, and it won know, fuck what people actually like ..."agreeing"'s Netflix...might have run it into the ground away--god...can't wait for Avatar Live-Action the Series...
For the first time in a long time, I feel in control, and confident of my ability to handle everything I have to do. It's like everything is just clicking. I'm just taking on more work and doing things the right way because I know I can do it. I decided to coldcall three people to introduce myself to them since I'm going to be working with them in the future. And I don't even feel anxiety about doing it (maybe because I'm not doing it until Friday lol)
>>878494 Literally, yes. More specifically to aidoru culture, I think he's removed enough from it that he isn't really someone you could consider an idol.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the market will make that assessment *launches pink guy gatcha*
I remember when Joji first debuted there were a bunch of K-pop fans that got onboard with him but then realized his history and tried to cancel him off it. He seems to still be fine though so it seems like he weathered it. But it is a history like that which makes me feel he's probably a bit removed from the aidoru culture.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
interesting bit of history
I've never actually watched his YouTube content since that kind of humour and aesthetic isn't really my thing. If not for people making a stir about Joji I probably would've never learned they were the same person. And also probably never heard of Joji in the first place.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and noooooo oooneeee is gonna teikyuu gonna teikyuu there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hold onto your heart ❤️
there are some scattered songs that i don't enjoy that much but he has some really really good ones i'd say like 40% of his catalogue is amazing but a lot of the rest is pretty whatever
i have some friends who really like his Pink Guy stuff but i think he only has a few good tracks there mostly on the production side of things
Well, unless I'm playing a game or watching something Locking your computer when a game is running is a bad idea, generally, usually fucks it up unless you alt tab first
looking at it again, the artstyle is actually fairly different, but it reminds me a lot of it regardless The MV has a lot of different styles throughout tho, so it might just be like, a few frames that stuck in my head
What studio is doing it?
The character designs for the new Higurashi are drawn by Watanabe Akio, who in weeb circles is probably best known for doing the characters for the Monogatari anime. He's also worked with SHAFT a lot and is generally responsible for most of their anime that doesn't have a cutesy moe design in recent years.
Further back he did the anime designs for The World God Only Knows anime, and in non-anime work he drew the character art for the Grisaia games.
>>878740 "passione" apparently >>878741 OH Monogatari might be what it reminds me of >>878744 Same reaction
I've watched none of their shows, but I think moe watched rail wars when that aired, and they did that
They did Joshikousei no Mudazukai's anime which is a really good series about very normal girls. It's got charm in the same way Daily Lives of Highschool Boys did.
This might be incorrect because I can't remember where I heard it and it might be me mixing them up with any one of the other smaller anime studios but they might've been a satellite studio for some other studio that gained independence, which is why they only recently really got full production jobs.
They also animated Ishuzoku Reviewers which while it really wasn't something I was interested in watching was generally received really well by the people who weren't interested in making a controversy out of it.
Who needs a lake when you've got a heated pool the size of a pond. That looks pretty unnecessary though.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's got a cool doggy door so you can go inside and towel off
lake+sauna=happiness also fish
>>878752 Yeah I went some place once that had a hot tub kinda like that picture. Outdoors and you could get back inside through a flapdoor. It was the middle of winter so it was kinda nice to be nice and warm in the hottub outside in like -18C weather.
also i wonder if that isn~t some inn/spa rather?
also also wonder if it is just wood paneled or fully wood building?
i'd still go for brick in north/mountains
It looks like its wood slats close to the pool, since it kinda seems like you can see inside. The wood is probably super-laminated since being around water like that for long would be damaging to the wood.
i somehow went to sleep and woke up in the timeline where minecraft steve is actually in smash
not gonna lie the mechanics in the trailer look fucking crazy
it's a fully wood ski lodge ADLER lodge ALPE near the dolomites
>>878758 It's fucking weird isn't it. Everyone was memeing on it for ages ever since Ultimate was announced to be getting DLC fighters and then it ... just happened.
I swear each time Sakurai is pressured to add in a character he doesn't really want to put in he only agrees if he's given even more freedom to be a weird motherfucker in the Smash Directs. By the time we're done he's gonna just be doing Japanese stand-up comedy during these instead.
Is his final smash he turns into the creeper and explodes the whole stage?
Looks like he summons a giga piston and just pushes the enemies off the battlefield. Kinda boring but honestly all his other mechanics are crazy complex so I can give them a pass for making that one simple.
That's cool I guess
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he doesn't just push enemies off the battlefield! the piston yeets them into a cave wait a house that looks like a cave inside for some reason?? a creeper trap house
Hot new left podcast, Creeper Trap House
>>878774 I guess that's fair but that's still mostly aesthetic fluff. It's not much different than something like that Captain Falcon Final Smash which catches people with a cross-stage attack and then hits them with something in a different screen that really does the damage.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it's a standard activation hitbox they all got streamlined in ultimate
Kind of a let-down but at least in the case of Steve it's fine since he's got all the crazy mechanics of his standard stuff. Which is really what most Smash players focus on anyway.
Nobody fucking plays with final smash on anyway lmao
I think it's just a "reports from my adventures in youtube" genre post It's humorous, but at this point I'm so fucking online I don't even know if it's humorous to anyone except my particular type of brain disease
>>>/@jashinchan_PJ/1311632983527313412 The production committee for Jashin-chan Dropkick put out a crowdfunding project to get the greenlight for a third season. And in thirty-three hours they cleared their goal. Which means there's a pretty much surefire chance of it getting a third season. Truly Jashin-chan is the strongest
Japanese websites like pixiv and the like suck so fucking much, because all the tags are just typed in by the uploader, and there's no fucking consistency Each character has like 15 different ways to spell their name, half of them internal memes Half the time the series name isn't even in the tags, sometimes the characters aren't but the series is, sometimes Sakura Kyouko is just "apple", like what the fuck dude
At least on danbooru there's a fucking standard
You just gotta become strong enough to know all the in-references for all your favourite characters
I kinda feel like while Sakurai isn't particularly excited about adding Steve he's probably intentionally playing it up. He did seem to at least be a fan of Minecraft from sharing screenshots of his own survival world.
the woman i like at work wants me to be close with her son because she thinks we have similar personalities and are smart that's like a marriage proposal, right? if i say yes does that mean i am the kid's new dad
i think well is she ara ara are you actually just being scheduled a playdate
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she's a milf she's just not ara ara last night she said i make her feel safe
hmm so sony and huawei use bit different frequencies for their phones interesting
they actually have a channel for this "State Border Service" apparently in azerbaijan
>>878854 >female combatants Come on seriously? They're really that desperate? I'm against having female combatants (on the ground) Israel is excused though because they really need everyone they can get.
btw only reason I even KNOW azerbaijan exists, is because they are in Eurovision
and also because part of some high school and university history classess tackled conflicts in that region and azerbaijan has been in one since always (1991)
>>878869 I know about them because they have some really interesting geographical features and they are also Where Zoroastrianism is from. I want to visit Azerbaijan at some point.
like when they aren't in conflict with one of their neighbours some highland area declares independence
i need to spend more time investing into myself as a person i think this year is stagnant i could do something with music or take advantage of the canadian wilderness
Just don't let the Canadian wilderness take advantage of you
I think stagnation is probably a consistent summary of most people's lives this year at least though.
Would probably scale into unbearable obnoxiousness too quickly.
I thought wait test test I thought sammy fixed it all
>>878886 What's react? I mean I know its a framework, but what advantages does it have over doushio as it is written now? In node I think.
>>878884 I think stagnation has been my life since 2013 or so
Yeah same really.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>878893 react is frontend, so not the node instead of my 10 year old buggy ass jquery live post updating code, just let react decide how to update live posts automatically
I think that thinking is the issue with many people with similiar issues as me what are norms and policies but logic and what is logic but fallacies in the end
as in is he by say sunday "I am now 100% healthy, this whole thing a lie" or I don't do trump speak but you get what I mean or well him being really sick like fuck what was his name Boris Johnson
I'm just saying -- and I get this is gonna get countered because everyone loves to accuse media of being liars and whatnot -- that anything that comes out of that man's mouth is highly likely to be a lie because that's just the kind of person he is.
the media are liars and this isn't even recent you should see the new stuff now really surfacing on cruise ship Estonia and how much finland, sweden and by extension, the whole world didn't actually get to know anything about it.
why it sank? most likely conspiracytheory russian arms in the boat for black market to be smuggled through sweden
Yes thank you for proving my point that the thing I was going to try and focus on was gonna get put aside because of course
Actually yes thank you for reminding me that this was a waste of time in the first place.
there is a 4 meter rupture in the hull of the ship that clearly happened because of inside pressure
the official explanation is "a car deck leaked and that caused a catastropåhical chain reaction"
does 80 metres of sea depth cause a steel hull to explode post defacto?
but anyhow, this is meaningless topic cause you don't even know what I am talking about you will never look it up most likely and even ifyou do, it doesn't matter. it is purely baltic sea shit >>878915 >>878917 also he is a politician
who the fuck actually cares about Senile and Seniler election? you are anyhow fucked 4 more years of riots or 4 years of other kinds of riots
>>878923 This election is very important, with the environmental regulations that Trump rolled back the US has increased its carbon emissions by a large amount. If you can't see why Biden is the better decisions *decision I question your judgement.
>>878935 yeah btw all of these companies are owned by the same family basically
and were split from the same company in 1994 when it became public in the first place so to me it is just the family remerging the shit they once owned under one big conglomerate to make things simplier
Oh shit HorribleSubs is shutting down. Looks like even they couldn't escape the annihilation of personal hobbies that Covid-19 has been wrecking upon the world.
good bye fan subs
inb4 the next day [horriblersubs]
There's already someone who released the Burn The Witch OVA series called [WhoWillReplaceHorribleSubs] But they're already greenlisted on Nyaa so it might just be HorribleSubs being silly.
it would be a kinda fun to somehow get japanese stuff companies to compare their income in our world and in a world where westerners don't get anime through piracy
Also honestly there's already groups like [Erai-Raws], who, despite their name, provide speedy rips of Crunchyroll and other services. Often even faster than HorribleSubs could get them out. It's gonna be a bit of a nuisance to chance my habits for acquiring shows since I do kinda rely on looking for sub group names for shows I'm following rather than the specific title of the twenty or more shows in a season. But it'll work out fine.
>>878944 ya'll should have listened to ... fuck who was even that guys n DAIZ
>>878947 I seriously, SERIOUSLY doubt they're not ripping subbed stuff. If they're faster than HorribleSubs they'd have to be somehow acquiring raws of shows that have simulcast releases and subbing them in the hours it takes for Crunchyroll and other services to get the shows out. Crunchyroll and others have the subbed episodes ready probably before the show is airing on television in Japan, Erai would have to have like godspeed translators to beat that pace.
Night /moe/
The safe bet for this turn of events is we'll see another rip group step up to the plate to fill the demand. If Erai can't just take over the throne of rippers, someone else will inevitably do it. But the sensationalist in me wonders if we'll see a return of diverse small-group fansubbers and rippers. It would be kind of a neat change.
Either way it's a wild thing to consider that HorribleSubs is gonna be gone.
That I did watch, but I dunno if I can really recommend it to anyone. Maybe if you're looking for some real junk food-y romance drama.
thats probably because ur a rui fan team hina am i right bros
Both girls are fine I just can't stand the constant "Oh I love her" and then "But I actually love her" only to go "Oh wait maybe I loved her more after all". It exhausts my temperment for romantic indecision.
i read the manga after the cartoon they skip some stuff that makes u realize how much hina loves mc kun she finds out that her affair dude had adivorce really early on but still decided to stay wth mc kun
hina chan marries mc in the end so al l is oj ok even if the manga ending was dumb and rushed
Yeah I kept abreast of the manga developments. The bit where Hina gets hit in the head and is unconscious in the hospital for a ... few days? I didn't keep track of how long it was. It was particularly soap-y and dumb.
thats the very end she gets hit by africken Car and is unconscious for 5 years lol then takes 1 year to recover she wakes up when rui and mcs daughter puts the ring on hina
Oh it was that long eh. Honestly the most realistic part of that is taking a year to recover from a five-year coma.
the part the anime adapted (hina and mcs relationship) was alot more interesting than the rest i dont understand ruis motives i guess
like she goes to nyc to train for a year and thhen randomly breaks up wth mc then that ges on fr like 60 chapters
basically i need me a hot nee saan in my life
have you seen nana
Well I'm a fan of girls with strong Onee-chan Power too.
>>878967 Actually, no. When I became aware of it I was still like seventeen or so and I think the strong Jousei vibes it has were still a bit too much for me. I could probably go back and watch it now and be fine, but, eh. I've long come to terms being comfortable not seeing older works just because they're good.
hm i need aother bad romance cartoon its rated like 9 on my aime list
Did you follow along Kanojo, Okarishimasu this season? It ended last weekend and it's full of intensely bad romance bullshit.
is the mc a beta b*tch tho im tired of these beat around the bush mc cant even talk to agirl
Hm. I'd say short answer, yes. But not really in the way you're complaining about though. He's a total loser and kind of a dick of a human being but he can talk to girls.
>>878976 She shows up for the last two episodes of season one so she hasn't really done much yet. She's just probably what you can guess, super shy and can't really talk well. But her seiyuu is the same girl who voices Emilia and Megumin so she's got a cute voice for the few words she can say and her inner monologues.
>>878980 Not yet but it got confirmed at the end of the first season.
is there a season 2?
>>878978 umm axtually im high enough rank tat people hve to stand at special positions and call me by my rank now
>>879000 The US Army can only afford rubber turkey for its soldiers eh
yeah basically im on an airforce base though :/ and i think the japs cook the japs serve and clean i never seen the kitchen tho sso maybe smmeone ese cooks
oh dang pres and melania tested positive for covid wew
>>879009 just regular deflection to keep press and eyes off political issues normal politician bullshit unless it's actually real in which case hope they don't recover lol
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who cares about Trump, horriblesubs is shutting down
I can't read runes but I have a good ear for Japanese at this point. Enough to figure out what's going on and what they're saying as long as it isn't technical speak. Watching RAWs is the best way to learn, so this could be good for us!