i'm reading a book by a zen master named Reb Anderson
he talks about he found a corpse in a park and there was a gun there and then he just came and visited the corpse for a week?????????? and meditated with it?????? and took the gun home?????????????
>In a controversial incident, while jogging in Golden Gate Park in 1983, Anderson found the corpse of a man with a bullet wound to the head and a revolver nearby. Anderson returned to the body over a period of several days to meditate over the corpse, on one visit taking the revolver.[7] In 1987, Anderson was mugged one block away from the San Francisco Zen Center. He retrieved the unloaded revolver and chased the perpetrator to a nearby tenement, where both were quickly arrested.[7]
this dude is fucking nuts lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dude when i lived in SF i walked by that zen center so many times always wondered what it was about
don't be a harty be a smarty come and join the deutschland party
>>876043 tonight once i get home probably some Among Us
>>876044 Noice I know a lot of people who like that game. I have no interest in it though. >>876046 Nothing much Just not doing homework and studying because I can't focus.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why what's poppin tonite?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe ill stream my exploita (im real bad at this game, probably not)
i've been pushing guilt out of my mind and now it's all back to haunt me right on sunday night, when i have work in the morning
i would like nothing more than to call in sick tomorrow after getting really really drunk right now but i don't think that's in the cards for me gonna have to grab my bootstraps and yank myself into bed
At least sleep might rid you of the thoughts. And then you've got work to distract you.
>>876246 The mom from that 70s show is still active, huh?
>>876247 It loads, just takes a while. Also I don't get it.
I wouldn't know, it never watched the show or kept track of its actors Or even knew its actors. But I figure they'll bring in sitcom actors because it's pretty good meta comedy for a show like Wandavision.
>>876268 Twitter's algorithm is supposedly designed to pick faces for their focus when showing thumbnails except people have found it doesn't pick up black people
>"How did I get here?" you ask, wincing as your head throbs. "First, take two of these." she replies, holding out a packet of aspirins. You swallow the pills and then hold up your hand as she tries to give you a bottle of water. "I'll be okay, I just need a moment." "Understandable, you had a rather large hole blown through your chest. It was only thanks to my quick thinking, first aid skills and access to medicine that you are alive at all!" She beams with pride. "I was blown up?" "Yes, when you were shot you were also hit by a rocket. It caught you mid-air and blew off part of your leg. It seems your body armor took the brunt of the damage but your chest was scorched and it blew three of your ribs off. You are very lucky indeed."
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
"Jesus that's crazy. How did you get me here?" "Oh, I dragged you of course!"
love small government especially when they are actually big government
>>876298 >vehicular murder and manslaughter are effectively legalized So I can run over cops?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no, only mobs as defined by the police
as long as you can prove you were fleeing to safety I guess you could
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no, it came (higher than an aeroplane) don't know, this song (sweeter than a sugar cane) why you lookin for harmony? there is harmony in everything it's a butterfly whose wings span the woorrrrld
btw ton can you promise me, that our rpg corvette/freighter can outrun a frigate if that ever becomes an issue
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
do you mean on the water
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we probably need to upgrade the engine and stuff our ship is pretty old and not taken care of
>>876341 well yes in water I had an aggravating 3 part chase of an enemy frigate that always outran my "FASTER IN STATS" corvettes i wanted that ship now it sleeps with the fishes
OH, her like, personal account probably has an actual competitive rank, her vtuber account just doesn't cause it's a fresh account >>876410 Ya I mistook her BADGE for her rank, cause it's been forever since I played, and I actually stopped playing around the time they introduced the badges lmao And the badge is just EXP
>>876408 Yeah, it's pretty obvious that all the people who move to Hololive get fresh Steam accounts and the like. Botan is a JP girl who plays a lot of FPS games and she's talked about being high rank in Apex. And then having to grind all the way back up when she started streaming for Hololive.
>>876433 Amelia is definitely the most Gamer™ of the EN girls. I'm pretty sure she's done FPS esports casting before too because she's got a skill for it too.
Gura's also crazy good, like CRAZY good at rhythm games but she doesn't really have a lot of skill outside that genre.
Oh yeah I watched her play musedash, that shit was fucking crazy
I think she lays it on a bit for other stuff tho, to fit her character
Nah I don't think she's really laying anything on. I'm pretty sure she's just a huge dork.
Might be I'm also surprised Amelia doesn't have buyscripts
Most people who spend a lot of time with a source game will have custom binds by the time they get good
She was still doing configuration for Steam and CS:GO at the start of the stream. Might not have it set up for her new account. And doesn't really care because she's probably not gonna go pro with her Vtuber account.
Or she just doesn't. I have seven or eight years of DotA 2 experience now and I haven't even changed all my basic keybinds to stuff that's more comfortable.
I had a lot of song since you were last here pasta and I actually found a relic
>>876440 It could be she doesn't, yeah But likely she just doesn't care to set it up on this account
Buying via the buymenu sucks compared to tapping like 432110 at the start of the round on the numpad, yknow
>>876442 I mean I don't really know. They seem to give you plenty of time at the top of a round to buy your items so why does it really matter if you config to have a numcode to do it.
It's mostly a comfort thing They do seem to have given you a bit more time now than before tho
d'you ignore the link, btw?
Am watch yotuube
if someone tosses a megalink here it mostlikely is somethin' portant >>876452 you make her believe
oh lol I thought my car rego was due this month so I rushed out and got it inspected at the last minute but looking at what it says online it runs out next month, I got my months mixed around
>racing game lets me select manual gear shifting as the actual first question >tutorial before I get into the game >It tells me to race, but doesn't tell me how to gear up >I'm stuck in neutral until I just look a the settings
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Well, that game was a fucking whiff Not a single graphical setting in the whole fucking thing, doesn't actually utilize my computer's power, the fans are barely even turning in there, and it still freezes all the fucking time No idea what it's struggling with, no options I can toggle off to see if it helps
God I'm fucking glad I don't pay for games
I have googled the problem
Apparently, the game will just freeze at random if you have an internet connection
I have a lot of reaction images, but I don't have one that's anywhere approaching what I'm feeling as I read this and see people go "yeah, pulling out the ethernet cable fixed it for me, thanks"
wtf is a canoo is this supposed to be a tesla leak
I do kiiiinda like having all that visibility. Though it's coupled with knowing it's an overall bad idea. But man I don't really like how closed off cars are conceptually.
>>876573 I've heard it's pretty solid. I really like Shinkai's works so I want to watch it. Just haven't had the good time to yet. I know there's subbed rips available.
>>876574 Sorta like an inverse Wii U problem hah hah Everyone thought the Wii U was just an add-on for the Wii so no one bought it. Here now people are just getting confused because the names are similarly too close.
Once again a -really- solid argument for Playstation just sticking with the numeral increments as generations go on.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my stream turned into a blade runner 2049 stream
Wait that's illegal
Some dumbass got arrested for riding his horse on the highway yesterday.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
everywhere is a freeway when you're an american.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this battery tech is actually crazy they've got some big engineering feats in the pipeline
someone put a sub sandwich on my desk today while i was in a meeting and wrote on it "someone loves you" and "shhh I wanna feed my man!!" And I don't know who it is from!!! The only person who occasionally calls me their man was in that meeting with me and couldn't have put it there!!
Maybe they wrote it and gave it to someone else in your clinic to drop off in your office.
I'm the /// Yeah, maybe. But why? And nobody has said anything about it to me... It's suspicious!
I thought I knew who it could have been but they're not here today. Aah, it's so suspicious. I want to know who did it. Why would they be secretive about it!!!
i also looked dumb as hell at the fabric store today i know nothing about fabrics so i walked around hoping i could figure it out but i couldnt so i went up to this young lady and said "hey, i know absolutely nothing about sewing. can you help me find these fabrics" and she directed me over to the fabrics and told me how to get it cut to size so i went over and got the polycotton blend in white and black but one was knit and i was like "oh it just needs to be polycotton blend this should be fine" the lady cutting it wanted to know what i was making so i showed her a picture of a rakusu and she was like "that aint knit honey" i'm just like "i don't know what knit means" and i ended up just getting the white because they only had black knit i still don't know what that means but apparently it makes the fabric stretchy?
I actually like shelled peas quite a bit. But I guess I don't really eat them much. When I make food for myself it's pretty much always big pot meals and I don't really have anything like that which uses peas in my repertoire. Peas have always been a side dish thing in my family. And I don't really make side dishes for myself.
there's plastic coverit for the driver side door there's also no phone holder for the gps or fuel card to fill up with
What the fuck is wrong with your co-workers? Also you guys don't have a Wait no Fuck I forgot what I was saying. Anyways You should definitely let your boss know so they can get you another fuel card. Well I mean I hope you did, since that post is over an hour old.
I called and checked I'll be getting paid from day 1 There's no fucking unpaid training period or nothing
Well, assuming I make it and stay in there, and don't quit or get fired If that shit happens, I only get whatever I managed to rack up in provisions And really, if I get fired, that's because that amounts to 0
The outlet store still doesn't seem to be stocking bulk bargain chocolate but this week they did have a pretty good deal on Dad's oatmeal cookies and Mini-eggs. They might've had a good deal on fun-size Halloween candy boxes but I didn't look too closely because I'm a bit too waste conscious to contently buy an entire fun-size box of candy for myself.
>The Last Stand is a brand new campaign based on the original Survival map—it’s no longer impossible to escape. But it won’t be easy. Originally a no-win death trap, the lighthouse now offers a path to salvation. Unfortunately, it’s directly through hordes of bloodthirsty infected. >26 New Survival Maps TWENTY SIX >How long can you withstand the onslaught of the undead in 26 all-new environments?
ALL NEW >Get Gassed in Four New Scavenge Arenas >When a generator is your lifeline, the gas prices can truly skyrocket. Outlast your opponents by scavenging for fuel, or be overwhelmed by the horde. >Introducing the shovel and pitchfork—these centuries-old farming technologies make their proud debut on the zombie killing fields as all-new melee weapons.
Valve has the weirdest and most unpredictable long-term game support
>>876965 Granted it sounds like a lot of it is ascended community submissions But it's cool that Valve said "Yeah we dig your stuff let us put it in the game proper"
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
New Animations Official implementation of Counter-Strike: Source weapons in all servers Formerly unused dialogue PVP enhancements and fixes Versus Survival added to the Main Menu L4D1 Common Infected models with gore New Mutations: Rocketdude and Tank Run UI Improvements A TON of bug and exploit fixes >30 new achievements https://store.steampowered.com/news/75849/ more than 1000 changes wow
well my old laptop from like 2012 can play metal gear rising still as long as i do stuff to make sure it doesnt overheat so theoretically i can probably still play l4d2 on that although i'd need a controller since the kb doesnt work lol
Pretty much 90% of Joshikousei is non-sequiturs It's why it's such a realistic depiction of dumbass highschool kids being dumbasses
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm excited for my zazenkai this weekend one of my old clients is comin the dude who survived the terminal cancer >>876987 apparently he's getting some kind of liver problem but it's not cancer, something related to his addiction but he's doin good!
He still doing aight?
Beating terminal cancer is still probably a champion-level achievement. Guy deserves a good few years of break for getting over that. But I guess life doesn't keep score of your achievements for you.
Oh hell yes Log Horizon season three announced for January 2021 I know the season got announced a while back but we've got an air date now
>>877005 Well you'd better catch it! *better go catch it!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is there some way i could grab a cat with a force field
>>877007 Yeah I don't know where to get a forve field though, so you're out of luck if you can't find one. *one
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what about an army of tiny drones
>>877009 Sure Although you can also put a cat in a towel and wrap it up and Well you have to do it fast. >>877011 Just make them oouout oof aadadaadamadaadamantine.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the cat would destroy the drones faster than they could deploy their grabby hands tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can't make adamantine rotors! it would kill the cat
>>877007 We had like the edge of one blow through here this afternoon. Like barely any rain fell but it did start to smell a good bit rainy.
I wish fanartists knew about coco being from the south need pictures of her doing Southern things
>>877044 Probably not, but only because their saliva contains deadly bacteria. Well and also because I'm out of shape. Right now I wouldn't feel comfortable wrestling a lizard any longer than 3.5 feet.
yeah I am maybe I didn't get it across well enough, I don't play pee see games probably because of the computer situation maybe I don't like em either iunno
It's been super windy here for the last few days, too last week, really
It's super annoying, cause I only smoke while hanging out my window It nearly just grabbed my cig and took off a few times
>>877045 She doesn't play it up at all and goes for more of a generic American thing when she does. For people who don't/can't clue in she's got one hell of a Southern accent that detail probably goes right over their heads.
god damn cats spent 15-30 minutes looking for one because she didn't turn up to dinner these wild winds aren't helping
the moggy is alright though he just chills out inside
Jesus Christ this folder of like, school and other institutions' dialogues with my parents is thick as hell It's all the documents my mom's kept on me since I was like, 9
The 25 first pages don't even span more than like, a year I never actually got around to flipping through this before, but I'm putting all the junk I never unpacked into storage now, and this was just there, on top of a box
A lot of mentions in here about being considered for therapy, but even though that's like, over the course of 2 years, there's nothing like that in here, or in my own memory Already in 02 it's like "He's demonstrating clear symptoms of depression" and stuff I was like, 9 or something at the time, man I've been fucked up longer than I thought
The VR guy at work got some new mindfulness VR headset prototype to test and he asked me to try it out. It was pretty interesting. Totally self contained, but you can only run the mindfulness protocols on it. Some of it was pretty good, although not something I think I would ever use. Definite benefits for clients potentially, though.
even taking the og one Kizuna Ai you can very clearly see when she and her team stopped being an independent group and got affilited with some production staff I don't remember which tho
btw on a random game design note as doom16 uses same hotkey for "weapon wheel" and quick swap there is a very visible lag when using the button to hot swap as the game waits a while to see "was it a quick press or is it held down" holding it down opens the wheel, just tapping it hotswaps
bad game design imo and considering the game has a permadeath mod, well...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
y'all read The Diamond Age? ractors are the next step in holo live
the shambling zombie corpse of libertarian icon Ron Paul will be confirmed to the supreme court in december as a capstone to 2020
I'll honestly just be pleasantly surprised if whoever gets the spot isn't an open supporter of QAnon, or doesn't frequently post spicy takes on why glassing the entire middle east is the only way to peace
Though, someone who actually believes half the government is low-key drinking baby blood on the supreme court would be kinda funny Terrifying, but funny
time to call waste management and impersonate an angry old man to get them to pick up debris that's been sitting outside my sober houses for a month and is now attracting rats
invite the rats to live in the sober house
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no we'll get fined $50,000
wow damn what if you keep them in little cages with tubes and wheels
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hmm that may work if i can get them tiny vests that say service rat
rats do make for pretty good pets, maybe they could help some of the people there not wild rats off the street obviously are there even pets allowed in the house?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how big is the sober house?
are sober houses like dv shelters, like nobody's supposed to know where they are?
i called and i'm like "it's become a nest of RRRATS... they're spreadin DISEASE" and the old lady on the phone was like "oh no. we'll get this taken care of pronto"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
google maps reviews strikes again ice rink >Good rink but this place does not have EV + Tesla charging stations
my dah been grapplin with a rat in our attic them razor teeth plug a hole doesn't do nothin' traps avoided he deployed bear mace, still nothin we should put one of our three (3) cats up there but even then i have doubts
The sober housing at work is such a fucking mess. I've spent several hours every day this week wracking my brain about how I'm going to fix this. We're struggling to get accredited for our sober house because our accreditation case manager is a former employee of our clinical director who hates him. And we don't even have one of the houses fully manned because nobody wants to live at a sober house and basically work in their free time.
I can politics through the first part once I start working on that, but the second one is where it gets really tricky. Because two of our houses actually do have people living in those houses full time and doing the house manager position.
So to get people to work at this empty house, either I can just wait months and months to find someone insane enough to want to do that, or I can find a way to use techs instead of a live-in manager. If we use techs, that frees up a bed in the house, which nets us an extra $600 per month. I can also find a way for us to charge insurance for activities the techs do with the clients in the housing, so we can get paid for that. Doing that, we might be able to comp the costs of getting the techs. But if I switch us to that system, then the two existing live-in managers are shit out of luck and will basically have to go find housing on their own, which will fuck them over in the short-term, and they're my friends and also valuable employees who do really important jobs outside of house management jobs.
Every solution I've managed to find has a massive downside because everything is so fucked up right now. I think I'm getting closer, though. If I can find a way to make this work, it'll be big.
maybe i'll get this accrediting asshole fired so we dont have to deal with him fucking us over because of some grudge against our clinical director i already found some nasty facebook posts he made 10 years ago
>>877164 he's the kind of person i hate the most just 100% bureaucrat down to his bones voice like the teacher in ferris bueller and he's dedicated to preventing us from being able to help people through sober housing so i do think he's an asshole and my first instinct is to absolutely destroy him
but i'm taking the bodhisattva vows soon and one of those vows is to not cause suffering maliciously and since i'm making a choice to take these vows i feel like i might as well try to follow them so i think i should avoid fuckin him up for now at least
it is actually a game, but it is more like an interactive cgi anime than a game anyhow a fun thing to watch many options on youtube, be it english or jap voices
with 0 commentary and all dat shit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>877171 bruh i've seen so many assholes do their thing and not suffer consequences, and then the actual good people get burnt out and leave if he's preventing you from helping people then taking action is the compassionate thing just remove him without destroying him
btw I am not against removing someone like him I am just on principle against digging up stuff from social media past to get people
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what da fuq is "on principle" you see US politics the repubs do whatever they want and the dems limit themselves by self-imposed 'principles' and everyone's worse off for it
>>877186 in the end when you have people rally behind "drive assholes out" with nothing holding them back or limiting them they will just be the new assholes in power.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wowza real political checkmate there bud haven't heard that shit before
is what has happened so far
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
literally it's a constant struggle against sociopaths who want power it's never a solved situation and is there any real world example of >>877187 ever or >>877192 nothing lasts like that
and the best defense is to never let society degrade into one that doesn't adhere to the principles it was founded on
>>877191 it is a work in progress that can get improved and which decline can be halted ofc some places are way beyond the mild measured actions, that is for sure. but that doesn't mean you can't set the restart point to be one with higher standards than the current one
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
our bodies degrade, douglath. every day, we rot sit down in the chayr, douglath
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dunno what fantasy land you're talking about here lemme give you a political bazinga >the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing fuck em up
well i will then have to take that back in a way "radicals in terms of independent seeking rebels can win" but I was more talking about radicalsi n terms of them upheaving the whole society they live in
I dunno I feel like french revolutionaries were considered radical
>>877204 and then they beheaded a fuckton of their people for no good reason and had an emperor take over followed by restoration of the monarchy and then when the republic came back, they elected the nephew of the last emperor as their new emperor yeah
well going back to the start there is nothing wrong with kicking outa guy who is harmful to the overall organisation or in this case the running of the soberhouses but the important part is the method and reasons so if the guy is hampering the healing of people, you look for some way to use this to get them out and not another reason and use that to get rid of them
this would be the same as arresting a guy you think did X, but you can't prove it, but you want them behind the bars anyhow, so you get them for Y, with Y not necessarily a reason to get behind bars anyhow
>>877226 well then I guess the manga artist themself is the issue never watched or read the thing and most likely never will but skintooth is still gross
do any of you have whoakun's cell phone number
>>877231 Somewhere Want me to dig it up? It'll take a while though.
he hasn't been online in a long time
I won't spend more than 12 minutes looking though.
Someone dropped off a fruit/granola bar in the mailbox today. From the looks of it, it's a new product and this is a demo product? But I
dunno I'm definitely a bit sketched out about eating food that just gets dropped off in my mailbox.
def would never eat food in my mailbox or dropped through my mailslot