i would def buy a little kabu figure that would be cute man i kinda want one now
what are the chances there's a high-quality Gaen Izuko figure out there probably low
Monogatari was pretty popular. Actually honestly is still pretty popular. She's a minor character (in terms of screentime in both novels/anime) but she's got a unique design and catches the eye.
it would appear they do exist but it will be difficult to fidn one maybe i'll just commission a wall scroll or poster instead
Natsume is still having a hard time wrapping her head around the concept of Kaburagi being a robot
Sounds a bit more like Kabu-Dance the way they say it though
My B key's getting worse and worse it feels like. Ever since I drenched my keyboard in tea it's been occasionally unresponsive, especially if I don't -if I haven't used it in a moment. Good thing it's not really a critical key for anything but typing.
This is some real old-timey MMO event quest. Go find random points of interest on the map and activate them to complete the quest.
that guy with the wiggly arms had sark's voice but up-pitched and he looked kinda like him
sark ;_;
Probably the same base model
How are all these little robots supposed to drive the car now. Are they gonna Toy Story it.
kabu did it last ep remember they'll figure it out
Maybe he's got extendo legs.
>You know as well as I that Deca-Dence can't defeat that Gadoll >I don't care give me admin priviliges Good argument Kabu
Well it was already kind of a mech
tilde i swear to god
I'm just saying man
didn't i tell you this shit was gonna go TTGL
Well they haven't left the surface of the planet yet. So we're not quite at that level.
Such a shame. His younger new avatar was way hotter.
man that show was insane absolutely 9/10 possibly 10/10 i gotta let it ruminate for a while i'll probably rewatch it somewhat soon
I feel it could've benefited from a biiiit more time to develop some stuff. I dunno if it needed two cours, that honestly might've been a bit too much space to fill. But if they could've taken the climax a bit slower, and had a few extra episodes to flesh stuff out, I think it would've been a 9/10 show at that point.
it definitely felt like the last three eps had a lot crammed into them i wouldn't have minded 15 eps but it's not like it sped up at the end, it's just that i wouldn't have minded it took it's time the speed for the entire show was breakneck
that was pretty good it picked up a lot at the end.
The biggest problem for me is the humans kinda got shafted in development time, aside from Natsume. If they'd spent some time around when Natsume started fighting the Gadoll developing the humans, it would've been stronger. And the show might've had a plausible reason to have them do more in the final few episodes aside from ferry that one final piece of the upgraded Deca-Dence like some kind of spirit bomb cheerleading team.
there were kind of a lot of characters for the amount of screentime available for development if anything there were too many characters to keep up with in the first few eps turkey was tough for me to keep up with at first i didn't realize until later that turkey was the one talking about cheatcodes in the bus way back when
still, this show made me feel emotions i rarely get to and instilled awe within me at a couple points, a rare feeling kaburagi was great natsume was great jill was great sark ;_; the premise was really cool and the setting was crazy
the plot was manhandled a little bit in order to keep up the pace but that's refreshing to me, where i expect any anime that has action scenes to waste way too much time explaining every detail and keeping animation budget controlled
Also I think they could've maybe done a bit more when Kaburagi first had to play on his second account. His first "dies" at the end of an episode and one and a half hours later he's got his original again. He barely does anything with his second account aside from stalk Natsume and then flash angry eyes when she has an emotional breakdown from the stress of losing her second dad.
>For him, I'm ready to die at any time. Well you're in luck then buddy!
>Open your eyes Them not being open's not the problem.
Oh her mom's monster form looks way too much like what she used to look like. They really should hide that before the MC can see it. She's already like 95% broken inside and something like that would probably push her over the edge.
I wonder who will get the complimentary death this time
Feels like someone from the Yakuza Volkswagen The guy in the fedora was the interviewed person at the start of this episode so I bet he's not got long to live.
This little sub-cast though are really comic relief in a show that has no business having comic relief. It's not like the tone of the show's really been believable but they're just so tone deaf despite that.
Nine episodes in And someone FINALLY has the foresight to put together a shield.
If the ninja is flashbacking i wonder if he'll die
Yeah could be. I'd expect him to live closer to the finale though since he's one of the first two fighters.
I guess unlike the other weapons all the guys picked up earlier in the show the weapon he got that's like his dead friend's weapon isn't the one he carried back in the Sengoku Era.
Oh I thought it was gonna be the dead friend's wife he was looking after. But I guess it's his imouto.
Side note: the OST in this show has NO BUSINESS being as good as it is in a show this absolute trash
I'm not saying it's a musical masterpiece or anything but it's by and far the one consistently good thing about the show.
I need to make a point of looking at the score next time it gets brought up. They've been moving through this game so slowly I can't even remember how far the opposing team is ahead.
Oh the composer for Gibiate has worked on a bunch -- and I mean a BUNCH -- of game soundtracks over the years. Stretching all the way back to the 1980s. He's done work for Castlevania games, Shenmue, Etrian Odyssey games, some of the later Smash Bros. (probably reprising music he's done for other games on Nintendo consoles), Ys games, and a bunch of other various titles. Gibiate seems to be his only anime work though, but his video game composition is prolific.
That's weird. I wonder if someone who knew him tugged him in.
Could be. Could also be where like 90% of the show's budget went hah hah. Most people in the freelance-ish business like that will do any kind of work if you're paying them the right money.
I still insist this orange-haired kid is gonna bite his own tongue right off running around the court with it sticking out like that.
Tobi trying to bully their giant guy and they're not having any of it.
Looks like it's 68 - 81/91 in the opposing team's favour. Probably 91,
I'd hope so! There's definitely not enough time for another game before we hit the end of the fourth cour. The opposing team keeps putting more and more relative newbie players on the court. But at the same time those newbies are all full of stamina and the MC team are definitely starting to wear out I'd bet. And the opposing team are way serious about basketball so even their non-starter newbies are still probably pretty competent.
Plus it seems like every one of these non-starters seem to have a personal vendetta or something to prove to someone on the MC team hah hah
The MC team honestly can't stop getting fouls too.
68-100 now. A thirty-two point gap is haaaard to close. Sounds like they're down to three minutes left in the entire game now too, not just three minutes in a quarter.
Looking into it, it seems like the manga's still ongoing, but in its "final arc", however long that lasts. But I also can't pinpoint where in the manga the anime's adaptation has reached. Wikipedia only has volume numbers and it's hard to estimate from that how much of the manga's been adapted.
It's definitely gonna be a close run at it. From a meta perspective having them bood -book a four-cour series and have the MC team lose the ENTIRE YEAR long would just be shit. Like it would take a reach a mile long to twist a cathartic ending for the anime from a final loss here. So I agree that I think them winning is probable.
It's just me guessing here but I assume the final arc the manga mentions is probably the inter-high the MC team are dead set on winning in their next chance at it. So this anime is probably still quite a ways off from catching up to the manga, which aaaalso means there might yet be a whole bunch of losing in store for these dweebs. But I don't really know. This is mostly just my brain spinning to fill empty space.
Yeah He sto;; jas tjat tpigh de,eampr thpigh oh he still has that tough demeanor though
Now he's tough and smug instead of tough and rude. An overall improvement!
Realistically I think it would be difficult to disperse a powerful sleeping gas across an entire city without getting caught.
Wow that's a lot of body bags.
Very romantic of him to exchange a future of peace just to save one girl. If a tad cliched.
This guy calls himself Hades and emerges from a wall of writhing shadows. How absolutely chuuni can one man get.
Come to think of it, we never did get an actual name for the MC. I guess they didn't bother coming up with one since she's a dating sim protagonist. Everyone just refers to her with various Japanese "you"s or as Queen or Potato Chip Princess.
Yeah, I guess tat's true. It's weird that it never occured to me that she didn't; have a name.
I had a thought about her and as I was getting ready to type it out I realized I didn't know what to call her hah hah. And then my brain got totally hijacked thinking about how she didn't have a name. There's a few series I've watched that have been like that. I think it's a neat touch that works really well in Japanese since their language has so many ways to refer to someone without using their actual name, plus the implied nature of reference in Japanese means you often don't even need to establish who you're referring to. It's really hard to do that naturally in English!