In unrelated news, I'm gonna need to get another doctor's appointment to get rid of this fucking earwax cause once more I can't hear a FUCKING THING in my right ear
should at the sanetime ask what is causing it that kinda build up usually only hsppens to divers
I'm pretty sure what's causing it is my right ear canal is a fucking mess and basically closed unless I pull it open myself The fucking wax doesn't even like, dry or anything, it's moist and sticky as shit My right ear isn't like that\\\ left ear That shit dries up and goes away
I'll ask if there's anything that can be done >>877296 Maybe, but it's still clearly abnormal for both ears to behave differently like this
get pipes installed
moist ear wax is the norm with caucasians tho
>>877294 well while you get it cleaned, do ask for causes
unfortunately, I can't even call to get an appointment set up until monday
Just get the entire ear replaced
my brother had a period when his other ear got clogged so it just might be a temporary oddness
this was gonna be my last day working at the grocery store too, but I'm not fucking going like this Especially when actually going means my payout from the government gets cut in fucking half, fuck this
i had to cut in front of some dumb red sports car when i was crossing a major road and then i had to do a stupid spin and sit on the sidewalk to stop myself
>>877329 Fun fact, each omnath they printed (excluding the first one) was worse than the previous one. >>877330 Very carefully
I can give you a serious answer if you want though.
>>877329 Do you actually play MTG? Cause I'd lve to talk about it with >mtga Oof I don't like amy of the formats they have on there.
a little on mtga yeh landfall is bustedt with zendikar >>877333 I'm not about to spend 500 dollars on cardboard crack
>>877334 There a software that you can just make a deck with and play with people over the internet. *there's a lot of software
>>877330 lots of ways I've got a couple azusa lost but seeking in this deck
>>877335 isn't there one called origin or something? my friend has talked about it he mostly plays commander or something though I'm not interested in the game enough to remember
>>877337 No idea about origin, there's a bunch I pretty much exclusively do commander/EDH and limited events (the ones where you get packs and make a deck) I used to play standard but I quit for two reasons 1. I was sick of having to buy more shit when stuff rotated out (to a certain extent) 2. I got super salty when a card in my deck got banned
it's pretty annoying having to rebuilt decks whenever standard changes I just play until I finish the challenges, I'll probat // probably do that until I can build something that will survive more than three turns in historic
>>877339 I have a pretty limited income aanand I jjujusjust ssosorsort oof sststostopstopped eenenjenjoenjoyenjoyienjenjoying sststastanstandstastandard FFuFucFucjFuck
I was going to build a pauper deck but tthen covid happened. ;_;
oh yeah standard yeah i usually like standard the best but it's also the most expensive to play if i got back into magic i'd probably play modern or draft only probably just draft
my buddy told me draft tokens are the way to go for building a collection gonna try that since I've got enough gold for some tokens
>>877342 >it's also the most expensive to play Are you high? Vintage is the most expensive.
oh wait MTGA is lke the only way people play now, right? yeah i'll probably never get back into magic
>>877345 No, there's still mtgo And also non official software
>>877346 tbh my issues with MTGO are the same as MTGA
>>877347 I don't use either but I like that you keep the cards in mtgo And that you can buy/sell individual cards
legacy is barely a real format modern is pushing it
>>877356 something can be right to someone but wrong to someone else for those with money, luck, or foresight, surely those can be a format for the rest of us, they're not formats
>>877355 I know dozens of people who play legacy I bet you like pioneer
what're these formats I just started playing again after almost twenty years I play land scute swarm replicates fifty times
>>877357 LLegacy is everything thars been printed excluding ante cards and some cards (power 9) are restricted Err Vintage Vintage is has the power 9 and other shit banned Modern is everything since mirrodin that was printed in a standard legal set plus modern horizons Pioneer is everything since return to Ravnica excluding fetch lands and banned cards Standard is just standard
>>877357 excuses for old cardboard to be worth thousands
my friend pulled a holographic force of will a few weeks ago why is that shit worth $400 plus
wotc is rolling in money, for sure but the value of old cards is actually a nuisiance for wotc sometimes like how they can't fuck with the reserved list b/c they're legally bound not to they only profit from the packs and only suckers buy the packs there's a lot of suckers tho
>>877361 Yeah but they don't set prices for te secondary market. And up until recently (secret lair) they didn't sell individual cards directly.
>>877363 I've made a profit off of every booster box I've bought.
I'm kinda drunk but what I'm getting from this is that I'm enjoying the game properly by not getting too invested monetarily
>>877365 hold on hold on hold on you actually resold all the valuable cards? but you still own some expensive cards, right? you haven't profited
buying a booster and knowing that it's possible to get more than you paid for the cards isn't making a profit it's still just speculation and investment until you have the cash it's not a profit
hey anon maybe rook has that number you wanted
>>877367 No, I didn't sell any of then *them In card value
>>877367 Cards aren't a liquid asset but they're still an asset. You can insure tem.
rook do you have whoakun's number?
>>877370 that doesn't mean you're profiting from a booster pack until you see the profit you still are simply the proud owner of cardboard
if you wouldn't mind just ping him that bang misses him
shouganai wa ne
>>877381 Do you like keyforge? It's the game Richard Garfield made to be the opposite of magic the gathering Constructed your deck isn't allowed and you can only get algorithmically generated decks. *constructing
oh he just tweeted a couple days ago he hadn't since the day he said something worrisome if he was joking, it was a bad joke to make before disappearing for two weeks >.>
Anyways, I think one of the key forge world champions goes to my friend's flgs >>877386 Don't talk shit about Robo Rally King of Tokyo is also good.
He literally only made magic based on a suggestion from WotC when they turned down Robo Rally.
Also I'm really irritated that I couldn't find the Azusa alter with Azusa from K-On! on it. Fucking google is such trash tese ddays.
Actually there are some paper events these days in some places, none near me but a friend of mine who lives like three hours away went to a regional tournament and got first with a really jank deck a month or two ago.
I do prefer finnish or swedish chips usually but pringless have their good points too especially ease of transfer tube vs bag, tube wins always
'cept they make the tube hole smaller than the average guy's hand so you always have a hard time reaching the bottom of the tube. >>877451 Oh okay Mine are small enough that I can kinda finagle my way down there but it's uncomfortable and I could just pour them out or something.
tiny hands but ring size of uh 24? thick meaty fingers
>>877450 you pick them untill you can't easily reach them then you pour them out
they are bad with dips tho
I always pour them out directly into my mmouth. I don't like touching food with my hands.
Personally I'm not really a big fan of Pringles in the end though. The potato mash they make into the chip is kinda bland and they make the chips real thin.
If I'm going to get potato mash chips I'll probably just get Crispers, which are a similar concept but thicker width and baked, not fried.
yeah same but it is sometimes fun to buy them especially when you find a really weird flavour like this "indian fusion" when they did their chips out of RICE and flavoured them with like tandoori or curry and shit like that that was a good line, too bad it isn't found anywhere anymore
also I think generally pringless has lessened in stores nowadays people buy more local products nowadays
The last time I got Pringles it was like a two-for less sale and I don't even know if I finished the second tube. They were really just underwhelming hah hah.
but if I had to choose between potato chip or mash chip i'd go for potato always the crunchy mouth feel is much better than the mushy pringless one >>877458 i just bought pringles cause I had one backbag with me and didn't want to carry anything to walk faster back
ahh there is something special about drinking booze from a metal mug and long time no jallu
i havn't bought jallu since I went homeless or something
Yeah the pewter seeping into the liquid
tho that doesn't mean I havn't drank it hell during our summer cottage trips we invented this weird "jallu star" game okay side rant here jaloviina is rated between one star, two star and three stars, two stars is no longer availble with stars meaning how much of the product is cognac and how much is vodka, the more stars, more cognac so it is a pun already
the game is simple the people participating in the lake form a star and start playing catch with a bottle (plastic so it floats) of jallu if you catch it, you get a drink, if you drop it, you don't and then pass continue until bottle is empty
do it during a sauna break after singing "under the jallu star"
Ah yes Smash Mouth's hit song, Jallu Star
"under the jallu star" being a parody of "under the northern star - täällä pohjan tähden alla" >>>/watch?v=QzXGdy8Et30 a rather famous finnish phrase from a poem, name of a novel about the finnish civil war and a song
Not really there are still some social distancing rules, and an upper limit on large groups of people but other than that it's pretty much business as usual. >>877491 yeah that would suck are there any kind of government subsidies for that stuff?
I'm really bummed because a lot of music venues are going out of business.
>>877490 Did you hear that Florida is allowing restaurants and other businesses to go back to 100% capacity?
>>877490 No People are lobbying for a stimulus package for musuc venues
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>877492 no but I'm not surprised. Florida is a weird place.
>>877494 I fucking hate Florida's government. I have family down there and kirara lives there too so I worry a lot.
They have a cs degree so i text them at 2:56 because its when an 8 bit variable overflows. There's more to it than that but it has to do with a series of inside jokes over like decade of friendship.
at exactly 2:56 like the uhhh yeah that o-of course I was going to say that
it's normally pretty quiet and peaceful around here but last night somebody got stabbed and died just a few streets away where I'm always walking the dog
For the first time, I am going to make a point out of reading any and all books in skyrim relating to theology Become a learned, barbarian cat creature
I kinda wish there were more points in the game where an NPC will talk about something, and you have a dialogue option like "oh yeah, I read that book"' Like "let me explain to you who this deity is" motherfucker I have read every book on the subject, I know more than you, shut up
yaknow, for life-committed vampire hunters, the dawnguard aren't very good at their job I'm a hungry, unfed, visibly stricken by vampirism vampire, just wandering around and one of them shows up like "hey, you look like you might be interested in joining us, the anti vampire gang"
Also a really good show. Probably my favourite girl from the series. Oh actually the science nerd girl might be a competitor. They're both pretty nice.
the scienxe nerd girl is half the reason i watched it not cuz shes my fav character but because an artist i liked made images of her syndrome girl uploading stuff to twitter
No that feels like a Very Woah reason to watch a show.
i liked mai the most though i really liked her relationship with mc and it was nixe to have an mc not be a little b*tch shoko was cute too tho too bad she fricken is DEAD
She's not dead her syndrome just ended since her real self survived the operation.
did u watch the movie it was so romantic that mc and mai found each other even though they lost their memories true loce
Yeah, loli Shouko shows up at the end of it, alive and well.
I really liked the movie though yeah. Despite the mid-plot gutpunch it ended up being a really wholesome story. The MC and Mai repeating the bit from her arc at the start of the series where they take trains to the middle of nowhere to escape was a nice callback.
i felt the part where he went back in time was too short though i think if they had more drama there it wouldve been nice :)
It did end up being pretty easy for him to find Mai, yeah. Though it being the kouhai who already had experience with time loops being the one to find him was a clever bit of writing.
i dont really rememver the color sorry it was the oje i fixed
>>877589 A bit plain but fine I guess. I don't recognize this one from any series or franchise though.
shes from this one called yu - no a girl who chants love to the boundry of the world
the vn is good but the anime got bad reciews cause people didnt understand the deep meaning of the story me though im a pro
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ghost bicycle
did it die?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it was never born jnto this world beach bike
b*tch bike
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im looking for my girl where is she
>>877594 Oh we watched a bit of YU-NO but I think she shows up further in than we got. I know the VN, both the original and the remake, are pretty good, but I think the anime was just not the best adaptation with some of the nuances.
>>877600 she shows up in episode 18 she kills herself in episode 20 tho she cant talk and she and mc have a kid in boyh the vn and the anime she kills herself in a way that involves her speech lol poor anime girl
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pss pss here kittu
kittu kittu
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i played barotrauma last night got mauled by so many sea monsters
what do u do in barotrauma play an instrument?
Whoa Hisashiburi How's Okinawa?
boring americans are banned from most things still at least curfew isnt 2200 anymore
>banning Americans We should've never given them Okinawa back.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>877606 crew a submarine co-op and role based you can like man guns or be captain or tend to the reactor or put a diving suit on and venture outside etc
not me it came out when every show was an isekai and it didn't look that interesting but it seems pretty good so far
i watched an abridged version of picking up girls in a dungeon once but that's it but i also do not like >>877662 this what is this why would you say it
Because the man wants to see anime boys drink robot urine
>slapping the keyboard an accidentally sending a half-written email
Pretty sure that's a human blunder At least you didn't send some mushy email you were writing to your mom to somebody else.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Yeah. It doesn't really matter just as long as the professor i sent it to doesn't think that the random gibberish of key slaps at the end is some sort of secret code
Alternatively if your school uses a Gmail shell for their internal emailing you might be able to recall the sent email. I think that's a Gmail feature? I feel like I heard it was at some point.
I've got a bunch but MOST of them are just aesthetic and quality of life stuff
I got better vampires because vanilla vampire is actually just fucking garbage woo, you get to be weaker in sunlight, and also you have this one shitty drain life spell that's NEVER gonna be useful outside roleplay
hd textures high res females and n*de mods thats what u got
oh yeah i forgot i played skyrim with my oculus rift for a little bit the perspective kinda made u sick though
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>877720 I use Perkus Maximus which overhauls the perk trees and how those work as well as I think it's called a World of Dawn or something that gives like rpg attributes you can invest into, which can help with casting
>>877723 I've got Perma in there It's good for most things, but it doesn't really deal with the issue of all magic being weak and expensive early game Hell, leveling anything except destruction is actually just a chore, you just have to decide "I'm leveling this now" and do nothing but sit around casting some spell every chance you get
man how come twitters follower limit is only 5002 i need more :/
That zazenkai this weekend did something to me. Or I did something to myself on it. But everything seems so different now, new. I cried for half an hour last night for no recognizable reason. I just suddenly felt so sad. And then I was laughing at how silly it all was. And suddenly, I'm so open. To myself, to others, to everything. Today, I felt real anxiety and I let myself feel it. I felt fear today. I haven't felt those in a genuine capacity for years. And even in the midst of them, I had this calmness, where I was able to experience those without becoming them.
Today, I was such a good therapist, I couldn't believe it. I was able to say everything I wanted to and it reached my clients like never before. I just had this resoluteness and confidence that I've never had, and this drive to say the things I thought would help that I usually hold back. I was so passionate. And compassionate to myself.
Rather than my usual hot blooded excitement, I just feel a sense of calm joy.
Thanks for reading
I was really intensely anxious last night too. Though I don't think I had an epiphany or anything with it hah hah. Just my gut constantly trying to tie itself into more and more elaborate knots. I've been really drowsy today because it made it hard to get tired. Today at least has been the normal level of hovering dread.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that day was perfect. but then it all went so, so wrong
I decided I'm going to just go along with that housing accreditation guy. I was resisting it so much and hated this dude because he was annoying and creating work for me. But today I realized he was right, our policies and procedures are crap. So I'm just going to rewrite them and make the necessary edits. I decided to do more work, but it feels so freeing. I was so closed off to the idea that he was just doing his job that I wanted to get him fired for getting in my way.
What I realized during the zazenkai is how full of shit I am. When I realized that, I couldn't stop laughing.
>>877767 You really can't beat that normal level of dread, can you?
Yeah she wanted to do Mario Odyssey but I think her Switch is still serving as a hotplate and not a game console. I still haven't played Limbo myself so I'm holding off on watching too much of people play it.
Gura's starting Outlast in a few minutes and I kinda want to see how she handles that. It can definitely be a bit grotesque at times but it's not really a spooky game. Aside from like the bare minimum of wandering around a decrepit asylum is kinda spooky.
Well, I'm level 23 or something, and because I've been leveling some stuff that ISN'T destruction, passively in the background and due to some fucking about early, early on, I am now encountering single enemies that take like 5-10 minutes to kill, and they usually one-shot or two-shot me
Yeah magic in Elder Scrolls games sucks. Maybe it was better in Morrowind but I found it really underwhelmingi -in both Oblivion and Skyrim as battle magic.
At least melee weapons tend to scale well-ish but the feel of fighting with melee sucks in first person and third person
It's no wonder everyone ends up being stealth archers.
I mean it wouldn't be that bad if the game didn't scale with your player level, and also scale in a way that pretends you ONLY level up explicitly combat-focused skills
Like if the only skills in the game were heavy weapons, ranged weapons, light weapons and destruction, the scaling would be bearable But you have alchemy, sneak, enchantment, you've got ILLUSION!? and you've got restoration, and you've got your armor type and you've got speech and you've got all these other bullshit skills, and the game just goes "well you're good at speech so I'm gonna throw a draugur death lord with 5 million HP at you Also it does 3000 damage per hit, hope you've got maxed out heavy armor and gear to match and didn't level ANYTHING ELSE"
It's in part also because they tied your health/mana/stamina resources to your flat player level. Theoretically you could be walking around in high-level armor and weapons with ridiculous enchantments because you bargained your way into some good buys or crafted it yourself, and buffed yourself up a lot with your powerful alchemy, which theoretically would make something like the enemies they scale for you par-ish. And then the extra H/M/S you've got can pad it out. But no one plays like that because it's too much micromanaging for Skyrim's kinda lousy menu interfaces.
Oh yeah I fucking love being a mage and being forced at fucking gunpoint to dump EVERY levelup into mana because my spells don't get stronger, but the enemies' health pools grow 50% each time I level, so I need to keep dumping more mana into each and every single fucking one of them
>>877779 That and it requires a dedication to roleplaying that skyrim simply isn't built for It's BORING to level any of the smithing, alchemy or enchanting skills That's a chore That's not gameplay, that's WORK
Not really It's spamming e and y until you run out of resources, waiting for 24 hours, buying and selling your junk, repeat >>877784 Well yeah, the actual stuff you can do with it is a lotta fun But the task of actually fucking leveling it blows, and you simply can't even do it without making it a chore
Sneak you will level up if you just sneak around a lot while playing the game Smithing you will only ever reach level 50 of if you decide "I'm going to level smithing, and nothing else, for the next few hours"
I personally enjoy the smithing cycle because it makes money and making money in video games satisfies a reward loop for me. And the alchemy and enchanting system is fun because you can use them to make an infinitely scaling upgrade curve.
>>877783 Only really for smithing since the process of creating that upgrade curve for the latter two actually will keep you levelling as you progress up it.
The -real- drag of the crafting gameplay loop is finding all the resources you need to start working it and keep working it. Which is why I like making money since I can just run from city to city absolutely destroying their metalworking and herbalist economies.
A lot of skills in the game are honestly a bit like that "you gotta commit"
Weapons and armor are fucking passive, but shit like alteration and illusion and fucking whatever, you gotta just DO that In any fight where you CAN use the low level illusion spells, they're worthless anyway because you one-tap the enemy
Oh yeah sure mister Todd, I'd love to cast calm on this overgrown RAT ONCE ONE TIME PER RAT
It's because Elder Scrolls games draw inspiration from tabletop and early RPG systems where you're kinda forced by the game parameters to spec into a specific school of magic. And they make it hard to actively use magic from schools you're not spec'd into. But when combined with the slog of skilling up some of the less useful magic schools it makes stuff like Alteration or Illusion pretty much useless.
I'd honestly prefer if the leveling was just "you get generic exp from these things, with \\\ lemme rephrase that
Same system as now, but the level of your skills aren't the real ones They're there, in the back, to account for EXP gain and shit, but when you level, you assign x amount of skillpoints, and then a perk So you can level up illusion without sitting around casting courage or some bullshit on your companion like a dipshit, and actually play the fucking game instead
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they should have never changed from morrowind's leveling
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
although i do like perks so that would be good too
I like the perk tree I fucking hate the "the more you use it the more you level it" bullshit, because it makes half the game's skills impossible to actually use at all ever unless you decide to slog through hell to get it going All magic but destruction is WORTHLESS until it's nearly maxed out, and then it fucking POPS OFF That's 90% of your game time spent working up to getting to enjoy the game, and at the end game sure you're strong as all hell, but only in this one specific way, and also there's barely any game left
I'd like for magic to be a little more hands-on in learning rather than just throw magic at walls Like have you sit down and fucking STUDY the spell And no :you need to be level X to cast the spell" just make it so the mana costs make it untenable to use at lower levels.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>877791 woof i just play games where you get the ability and now you have it
I think the level from using it is a good concept, but it should be considered an alternative gametype as an addition to normal RPG leveling.
>>877792 Yeah, agreed. Have to actually learn a system of using magic.
>>877791 Healing magic is pretty consistently useful. I rarely actually used potions to heal since magic was way easier.
Alright yeah, but there's a reason even the devs made a joke about the restoration mage at winterholm because it's fucking forgettable despite its usefulness I actually don't even know if there are restoration spells in vanilla that aren't just variations of "heal x over y time for z mana" I genuinely don't know Because I never fucking even looked
Cause you get like, a decent heal and then you don't need to think about that shit anymore You just exchange mana for hp sometimes
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and really it's more effective to shove a bunch of bread in your mouth or use a potion since you don't need to use precious mana that you could be using to kill instead
Which is, honestly, a big problem with the fucking thing Because heal spells are mad expensive, but to get mana you gotta NOT get health, so only mages can really use them, but mages don't NEED powerful healing spells because mages aren't ALLOWED TO HAVE MORE THAN 130 HP AT ENDGAME
And ultimately this again is why everyone just ends up stealth archers. Because no matter what you pick, stealth archers can pretty much always one-shot anything that's not a big monster or elite enemy.
Yeah, stealth archers are absurdly good you don't even have to specc into sneak OR ranged, and sneak-archering will save your ass because what you wanted to do SUCKS and gets you fucking assblasted by ghost draugr bosses
Yeah, isn't it weird how stealth archer is really the only good play style? Even if you go full melee and work to make yourself strong, you still die so easily and the melee combat isn't rewarding. If you're going to participate in unrewarding combat, you might as well do it effectively.
Stealth archer is so fucking good, one of the first times I played I wanted to be a conjurer for summons and necromancy, but once I got the bound bow spell, I BECAME A STEALTH ARCHER ANYWAY I was already HIGHLY SPECCED, and just picking up the bow was STILL BETTER
And the bows you find always like, are REALLY strong? Like if you want a new good melee weapon, you gotta deal with "oh am I a sword or a dagger person? Do I want big axe or big hammer?" But the bow, there's a bow for your level and it's the best bow of your level, and it CRUSHES everything And running out of arrows isn't a real thing I haven't visited a falmer camp in months, I'm still shooting their arrows
It's really something I -something that makes me desperately hope Bethesda updates their game engine between now and ES VI Because the current engine does NOT make melee combat enjoyable. This isn't a Skyrim thing, this has been a flaw of the game since Obsidian and probably Morrowind. The engine is way too stiff and the focus on first-person experience makes melee fighting really disorientating -- which might be a bit realistic but makes for lousy gameplay. Melee combat needs to be more dynamic and you're not going to get that in the current engine.
Not that I have any expectation of improvement, because Bethesda, but it's a hope.
Ranged is also the only way to enjoy combat at all if you're playing at FOV above the default... 60? Because estimating distance and how far you hit isn't fucking doable at FOV 90 in this game I feel like my fist can go anywhere from 2cm to 15 meters in front of me, there's no way to tell if it'll hit
Well at least we'll get more LORE in TES 6, whenever that comes out I hope they at least make vampirism better I don't care about melee combat at all, really, never been my style in games anyway, I'm more of a magic user or healer either way
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
eh, TES 5 lore was pretty shitty they basically ignored a shit ton of existing lore and just completely left out all of the interesting things from lore like they absolutely botched solstheim, a place that already had extensive lore, and just refused to capitalize on any of the lore for it. just forgot all about it. even changed the island's geography extensively even though it was only 200 years since nerevar visited it
>>877807 Lowkey the one reason I'm actually fine with Bethesda being bought by Microsoft. Because they've got some great IPs but some of the laziest fucking drive to innovate and improve their games in the AAA industry. If Microsoft does a shitty job with improving their stuff, well, not much is lost that was already being lost. But having Microsoft lighting a fire under their asses is a good hope for improvement I feel. Recently they've been working really hard to better their name as a game producer.
Like, there was a ton of lore opportunities with the snow elves, with Hircine and the hunt, etc. But no, it's gotta be boring generic dragonborn stuff.
>>877813 I don't even think I ever went there I have all the DLC, but most of the time I get bored before I get anywhere near the DLC stuff
But that's not a Skyrim thing,that's a bethesda-game thing I've never played through any of the DLC areas in New Vegas either Despite having all the DLCs >>877816 Doesn't matter if they're good or not if they go "you can't go back until you're done", I'm not going until I'm ready to commit, and then I forget they exist
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wtf the New vegas DLCs are amazing especially big empty
Best part of the Dragonborn was Hermaeus Mora's domain. And even that got kinda botched because they forced the player character to become inextricably linked to Mora because of PLOT
>>877815 Well, you oughta do the TES DLCs if you're interested in the lore! Morrowind has the most extensive lore of any of the games, though, other than Daggerfall maybe.
Yeah but playing morrowind is a fucking chore I've tried to play that fucking game like 15 times and I've never, ever, gotten to anything I remember more than the first dude you talk to after getting off the boat, in the house
I've probably gotten somewhere, but never anywhere memorable >>877820 I'm not even certain I've... been in combat in Morrowind
You just have to be comfortable with missing some hits until your attack skills get better.
Morrowind has entire towns made out of mushrooms, sprawling cities far larger than anywhere in Skyrim, giant fleas, levitation, better Dwemer ruins than Skyrim (since the Dwemer were mostly in Vvardenfell), an actual living Dwemer, better alchemy, more expansive control over your character, more armor, more weapon types, important NPCs can die so there's actually consequences for your actions, lots of memorable characters, interesting quest lines, more control over the story than other games, better side quests (especially for the guilds), and also better vampirism since you were complaining about that. It has better lycanthropy, too. In Bloodmoon.
It has more lore to discover, and a lot of the lore in other games are referencing the events or characters of Morrowind but don't give you the background or are actually just 100% misleading or wrong lol
You can also kill gods in Morrowind. And in fact, do so.
Boogie allegedly fired a shot at someone who was trying to break into his house.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
boogie that fat racist gamer?
>>877821 There's a real crude joke within this story, but imma keep it to myself I think
>>877825 yeah he has made a lot of pretty racist and sexist comments also has said stuff like "rapists and nazis are more redeemable than feminists" and shit like that
>>877824 just gotta give it a real chance the lore and story is really good in a lot of ways the story of skyrim is like a bootleg version of morrowind's main story but without any meaningful development or anything like that
in morrowind your player is an important part of the world and its history in terms of their placement and role in it in skyrim you're basically just there and the historical significance of your role is just completely not there yeah you're dovakihn but you're also a fucking nobody without any ties to the world or any reason to care about it the nerevarine is so important and impactful that his actions play a large role even in the events of skyrim and despite all that you're just you and not some super being or anything
also the Tribunal expansion for Morrowind takes you to Mournhold, where you find Sotha Sil's clockwork city which is one of if not the coolest environment in any TES game
I do like the dwemer ruins in skyrim a lot The dwemer in general really are interesting, but the info about them is so sparse and vague
Apparently the guy he shot at is friends with Sam Hyde.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>877827 there's a lot of dwemer shit in morrowind dwemer weapons, puzzles, armors, tons of lore they're extremely important in the main quests and many side quests
How is magic handled in morrowind anyway? At least in skyrim and oblivion, it kinda becomes annoying after a while because you hhahavhahave ssoso mmamanmanumanumany spells .OOhOh jjejesjesujesusjesus jesushjesushejesusheljesushelp
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no
yeah in morrowind it's similar but you can just make your own spells and keep them in your quick thing
Anyway I think oblivion had a system for making your own spells, even if it wasn't extremely advanced You could make absurdly powerful spells for little mana, but they only lasted a second as a result and stuff But with the right ones, that was enough
>>877840 in morrowind you could use a specially made soultrap on yourself to glitch fortified skills into becoming permanently fortified spell creation is super important!