Black Clover Episode 140-142 Gibiate Episode 6-8 Houkago Teibou Nisshi To aru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 19-22
Isn't really much new at all today. I do think Black Clover is still in filler but the next few episodes will be a continuous plot as opposed to episodic filler. But still filler in the end.
I do know there's at least a new OP/ED that started a couple weeks back.
Unlike previous OPs this one doesn't really hint at arc villains or plot elements. Maybe they'll change up some of it once the story gets back to the actual story.
Yeah, maybe. I think this filler arc is like six or seven episodes long so the OP should stick around past it. But might be more filler afterwards. who knows. Whatever plans this series had are probably are wonk after the hiatus it went on due to the pandemic. The manga was ongoing even though the anime wasn't so they got a few months of distance from just that anyway.
So that whole affair with the elves took in-series only a single night? The arc after they revived went on so long I guess I expected longer.
That photo of Asta in the paper makes him look a lot more handsome than he really is.
>>872782 I think it's more that the regular artstyle makes asta look less handsome than he really is.
I guess the fact that he's picked up a bit of a harem does imply there's some charm about him. But the fact that no one comments on him being particularly handsome kinda makes me feel that's more a personality thing than appearance.
These people that hate Asta sure have acquired a bit of a cult pretty quick They're not very good at what they want to do though.
Doing sit-ups at that intensity probably diminishes the effectiveness of doing them.
There is actually a historical record of a European man getting stranded in Japan and eventually entering the ranks and philosophy of the samurai. This guy probably is inspired by that. Though by the Sengoku era it was probably unlikely to still find a European trained in the art of fighting with a large sword like that.
I wonder if there's a generalized point in the year that Japanese highschools do the changeover from summer to winter uniforms. I'm sure each school can dictate when their students change but I would expect there to be a general point in the year that it happens. Knowing that would be useful for pinpointing the point in time we're at.
I don't think you should use a soldering iron to open canned food.
I don't remember was she she supposed to be Finnish or Swedish or some other kind of Scandinavian. They're generally the kind of people that would consider mackerel a "taste of home".
Though the power of curry though Saten's made a powerful friend.
Yeah. I don't think too many people know what happened that night. It would probably be difficult for Saten to learn of her fate. But maybe being ghosted is going to be better than actually knowing what happens to her.
Oh no Saten Her addiction to learning useless skills with Indian Poker is gonna get her and Frenda into trouble. Well probably just Saten but Frenda's probably gonna get to be the HIIRO this episode.
I swear like half of the students in Academy City work for secret organizations that either do extra-legal clean-up or have ulterior motives.
Though this one seems to keep quite the personality divide between her school life and work lif-
Oh no Frenda not again
Well she looks fine in the PV though. And it's not like she can die here anyway.
And like most old-fashioned measurement units, not very precise! As they showed with the tall girl's arm length being way wider than the younger girls'. But it's not like you really need preciseness for fishing.
Ah yeah, they can be really rough too. Scales like sandpaper.
Oh big horse mackerel. I thought they were all kinda small but I guess the adults can get decently large. Ah wait it just looked bigger in the net. Still it's probably enough to make a main part of a meal out of.
Ah hell this all sounds really tasty. I skipped on dinner so I'm a bit hungry. Some charcoal-grilled fish over rice sounds amazing right now.
>>872840 Good thing they've got a glutton for an advisor.
Wow their sensei does trapping for a hobby. That's a relatively uncommon one. Being able to make a handmade smoker like that is quite the talent though.
Guess when you're out in the relative boonies of Japan there aren't that many hobbies to pick up though. And considering her other hobby seems to be drinking, it's probably good to have a productive one like that.
It's a weird one I don't know any trappers okay thanks for anime i will sleep now
Hunting's probably way bigger in the States. I dunno what Japan's policy on civilian gun ownership is so it's probably easier to do trapping rather than hunting.