Oh hi hey hello You're a bit earlier than expected.
Did you get up to anything fun over the weekend?
Ahiru no Sora Enen no Shoboutai Kanojo, Okarishimasu Lapis ReLights Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru Kan
It's a little surprising Yahari got more anime after all these years. The LNs concluded last year or early this year and I think the Kan in the name stands for final, so we might see a proper conclusion to the story in this adaptation.
I remember it left off at a suspensful moment but can't remember what was happening.
Yeah I'm completely fuzzy on the details too. I think it had something to do with the love triangle that's arisen between these three. Looks like right now they're gonna be doing stuff concerning Yukino's dysfunctional family.
If I remember correctly this blue-haired girl got shafted hard by the anime adaptations. She got some scenes and characterization in the novels taht -that were covered by the first anime season and that stuff pretty much got cut entirely by the adaptation.
He definitely seems to have a better personality than what he used to. I remember him being a proper jerk-ass in the first season but he's gotten more playful and interactive now.
Hah hah wow. Did she take his call out there all that seriously.
Batting cages seem kind of fun. They're the kind of thing you rarely -- if ever -- see here, I don't think I've seen one ever. I'd definitely like to give one a try.
Yeah getting a harem helped his disposition a lot.
Helped him remember how to be human. How nice.
It's a bit funny how they built up that third girl, the blonde kouhai one, as a third entry into the love triangle but by this point she's clearly relegated to secondary character status. As far as the main drama goes, it's only really concerning Hikigaya, Yukino, and Yui.
Yeah it's a bit of a shame. Though the series seems to acknowledge hair grows over time and has a lot of the characters that trim back hair that's growing out. Even Madoka, that black-haired girl that features pretty regularly, I think her hair's grown out a good bit from when she cut it early in the series.
Yeah I kind of figured they'd do something like this. PK mentioned there was a lot from the past they didn't cover in the first episode and I expected we might see it in episode two. We get to see what he did to be so incredible in the past.
Wow hah hah he just started talking as an infant. His parents are really incredible for just embracing a weird kid so happily.
Looks like a clerical error totally messed up what people think the original Maou was named and like. Meaning this school's test for measuring how close you are to the original Maou is totally off the mark.
Well he's just so strong he overloads the test or whatever.
Sure but that's not the aptitude test they were talking about. The one that he messed up by being actually correct was a pop quiz more than than a test. He had the correct information but since ever since he died there seems to have been incorrectly recorded information, he was considered incorrect.
She's got a bit more engaging of a personality than the white-haired girl.
I'm inclined to agree, yeah. Generally those with more energy and volume appeal to me better than soft-spoken and agreeable types. Maybe the first one will get some more charm points as the series goes on though.
I see that the animators are having fun with it too.
Honestly even putting aside the obvious focal point the animation is really solid overall. Or at least it's very clean-looking and they really put a lot of detail into her eyes. I like shows that care about eyes.
From what I've heard aside from the design side of things the series is a bit of a cross-up between Takagi-san, that show with the forehead girl that bullies the boy she likes, and Aho-Girl.
I guess I've always been sufficiently flexible that I don't have to worry about stuff like that. There isn't really a physical exertion that I can't jump into.
I think this is an anime character thing. I could pick up a bat and swing it with no warmup. It's strange to have stuff like that happen before you're like 60.
Well having such SUGOI DEKAI like her might mess with it too. That's a lot of extra weight she's swinging. She also went full power into the swing, it's not like it was a carefree swing.
The apps you can get at ramen restaurants are pretty great, yeah. Karaage is a 10/10 fried chicken type. Good quality gyoza are delicious too.