My appeal was declined. I will not become a doctor after all, despite successfully defending my dissertation! Life sure is full of twists and turns, huh?
I can still do everything a doctor can except call myself a doctor, as long as I have a doctor who will sign off on certain things for me. Not sure what my next steps are, though.
Yeah, I don't get it. It's pretty silly, honestly.
I could try to get into another Psy.D. program, but it would mean at least 2 more years of school, which... I'm not really okay with. Maybe I'll try again in some years.
Of course, maybe the world will fall apart quickly enough that nobody will be checking on that shit and I can just do my doctor shit anyways.
I would recommend taking a pause and then doing it bit later but ofc it will be harder to re-enter academic life after a pause, but your work should keep you in "shape" compared to what
*compared to how other fields can end up with you working in quite different stuff than what you studied
Very few people know I got dismissed or even know about the problems I've had in the program, so it's going to be awkward informing people that I'm not getting my doctorate.
>>857870 so weird tho I am not much knowledgeable about thesis dismissals, especially if you don't fail the argumentation part and nothing illegal etc is found about your thesis, they usually are passed atleast here
btw do you need to actively roll in a new course to do a new one or rework? here atleast - atleast in the past - you could work on doctoral thesis practically forever, if you didn't drain university resources while doing it. there are ofc some limits, like some courses expiring, some courses expiring due to new info etc if your doctoral takes too long
The classes changed to self-directed learning when covid hit and I ended up getting messed up because of that. I turned in some assignments late and got an incomplete in two classes. That's why they dismissed me. They said it showed that I wasn't suitable to be a psychologist even though there's a lot of evidence proving that wrong. I have already successfully defended my dissertation, so only publication was left of that.
I'm not sure how it'll work if I start again. Presumably I'd have to do an entirely new dissertation.
>>857874 that is fucking cuntish here they'd just either let you pass or give you a schedule to get the classes done so they can just "kick you out" of their books with your papers
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
My professors throughout this just kept saying "we're the gatekeepers to the profession" they really just didnt want me i think They've been gaslighting me for years
bu I guess that is the difference between public funded and "pay us 100k a year" mentality
>>857876 such an anime story tho or well fictional being antagonized through the years and the moment they get something on you they attack like a school of sharks
Lmao, deshou? I'm also hypercompetent at what they kicked me out of. I already have more success than anyone else in the program, and have more career opportunities than anyone who is still in the program, and have been noted even by my professors to be far ahead of my peers both in therapy and knowledgebase.
more over being extra anal during crisis period tardyness...
You would prolly have a good case to sue, but that would take a lot of time and money and in the end for what legal costs + maybe a slight refund and still no doctoral and being then labeled "problematic" by every university in USA
Yeah. Unfortunately, they didn't do anything "wrong" in dismissing me, though. I technically broke rules. It's totally within their "right" to dismiss me despite how unreasonable it is.
I'm going to be talking to some people about next steps to see if maybe there's something I can still do to reverse their decision but I'm not expecting much.
well my suggestion is to continue working for a while, if your place has no issue about not having the doctor title and then approach it again put it on a bus and think about it later especially when the world is less insane election cycle + corona really is fun to follow
Honestly, in a way, this makes me much more desirable to companies because they get someone who can do anything a doctor can, but with only a master's, so they don't have to pay me like a doctor.
I'll most likely stay where I am now and get licensed as a master's level therapist for now. I need to get earnings within 6 months so I can start paying my student loans. If I can get that going, I will probably start doing stonks like Blue and Sam to pay off my loans more quickly, and once I've gotten that far, I can see about getting my doctorate again. Possibly through an online program.
speaking of licensing that is actually a mid level between master and doctor here, especially in medical sphere licenciate
i think the name comes from being literally being licenced to either lecture on the matter or practice it tho I think nowadays masters and even bachelors do do some medical stuff already anyhow
I'm probably staying in Florida for a while since I know for a fact I have stable employment here where I work, and I know I'm happy here. Even if I go back to school, I don't think I want to stop working because I'd get depressed for sure. I dunno. That's years away probably. Maybe I'll find some loophole to fix this whole thing just to make it even more anime.
With technical students oft actually "selling" their master's to a company this is very common in Aalto university's technical departments you get scouted during many recruiting events and they give you a job and part of the deal is that your bachelor and master's and maybe even doctor's are all done for the company
they get a new talented young employee and also free research and the student is quaranteed steady employment for the near future
this ofc does form "scratch your back" networks and breeds nepotism, not to mention making it damn hard to get employed, if you for example, don't like to go to drinking parties.
in hindsight I should have converted to orthodox and used that religious fervour to restart my studies when I still was enrolled got damn well networked with those fuckers, while never being able to get into any circles of the main church, due to having zero contact with them ever
>>857887 stupid idea next session is instead of boss fight a sudden birthday party
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
kaisei throws you a party :)
party opens the door kaisei turns around to give his speech noto just blurts out "i'm going to date your magician" kaisei dumbfounded
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
kaisei pretends he didnt hear it and continues his speech only to be interrupted as noto says it again
everytime he tries to ignore noto just says it slightly louder
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he gets upset and leaves
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
three are in a coma forever nothing is resolved neutral end
noto never gets the date because they never actually won
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
y'ku waits for him forever. yearning
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the door opens and everyone the party has killed is there clapping
yearning in a very none suspicious manne r
the door opens and kaisei and the three are all dead a cloaked figure stands over them he turns and slowly removes his hood it's fucking randy
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
"now that's what i call an... explosive twist" he says as he throws off his cloak, revealing bombs strapped to every part of his body.
tsu immediately has a seizure
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you see a body in a chair facing away from you. as you approach the chair turns around. kaho is in the chair. she tells you that there never was a kaisei. never was a three. never was an owari. she begs you to wake up, your family misses you. you've been asleep for so long
as you return to consciousness you find you cannot move. a hand lifts you into the air in front of a mirror. you see that you are made of plastic. you are a toy. and holding you, is a young kaisei...
>hmm i am going to lose this settlement >it has a spellcaster as a defender >you skaven lord, go there and DIE valiantly defending it, so I can weaken this army for the next turn
i just talked to my boss and he thinks i should take my dismissal up the chain and talk to the provost or whatever he helped me with some good talking points the program's concerns for me have virtually no basis in reality and have been contradicted by documented shit and they're basically getting rid of me based on their fear that i will make the program look bad rather than on actual documented problems i've had
i think i'm gonna do that i might have to lawyer up though i'll probably have to threaten legal action at some point
but hes right i've invested over 100k into this program i have all my requirements done except for my internship
i feel more confident now after talking to him
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
update: it was goldman sachs >>857945 hell yea punch thru the old guard they're scared you'll make them look bad and they're gatekeepers like what a bunch of classic bullshit
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
for real like they've literally said to me "we're the gatekeepers to the profession" like fuck you
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah that's absurd if things get real bad is it possible to go like public or social media on their dumb asses?
hmm maybe i could definitely dissuade people from going there if people knew that they might kick you out after successfully defending your dissertation
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's like the nuclear option tho
>>857947 >we're the gatekeepers to the profession lol living with head up the ass
surprisingly i'm still doing okay though i didn't get cravings to drink or anything i found out at like 10:40 and then had an 11:00 session and had no problems with it then after that i meditated and i've been a little off but i'm doing surprisingly good considering i got that bad news
my 11:00 client mentioned her daughter was at jewish summer camp so i said i was jewish and she got really excited and asked me how old i was, then offered to set me up with her cousin lmao jews are so funny
I don't know if I can win it or not but hmm Now that I think about it, the president of the university is super devout christian and my boss is super active in the christian scene here, even has a master's in theology in addition to his doctorate in psychology
that might be a good ticket in i'll have to start investigating the people up the chain so i know how to work with them
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i've also been attending this school in various capacities since 2013 and was a part of the team that worked with the FBI which got us a lot of recognition
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's been a while since i really got to scheming
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
instat schem
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hard part is that i should probably inform my family and let them know what's goin on they don't know i got dismissed yet only y'all, my boss, and my therapist and one peer from school know
in other news we're moving to a new electronic medical records software at work and i keep trying to log in but i can't they sent me the temp password, didn't work, so i contacted tech and told them, they sent me ANOTHER temp password, didn't work, so i let them know they escalated the problem to someone who ONCE AGAIN sent me a temp password that doesn't work clearly the password is not the problem here fellas
her therapist (who referred the person's daughter to me for testing) talked me down from $1800 to $300 for the testing battery so i wasn't sure about it but now that i know they're jewish $300 feels reasonable being jewish is weird
>>857982 When you've got crippling depression this is some times a true statement
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
people tryna tell me working for money makes it impossible to enjoy your work like wtf i work 40 hours a week at a doctoral level for below minimum wage and i love working im gonna work like 10 hours on my birthday next week the fuck else would i do, sit at home doing something i don't find meaningful?
I don't particularly enjoy my work sometimes but it's not bad Interacting with people when I generally can't give them immediate help isn't fun though And the way I've taken my job is moving away from that aspect.
>>857987 anything is more enjoyable when you get paid for it no matter what it is
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not necessarily e.g. you enjoy tending to gardens HOWEVER if you do not tend to this garden today, you will not get paid and will not be allowed to eat
tending the garden is no longer as enjoyable because you are being held hostage to do it
Ah well it's true that my birthday is around this time of the year. I'm a summer child!
You sweet summer child
if it's not the 15th then there's only one other option, i'll figure out your birthday yet
>>858017 Do you like the band Erasure? They did the song Always which was in Robot Unicorn Attack. Anyways this is one ofy my favorite songs of theirs. >>>/watch?v=ygLy02y7_n8
>>858026 I try to be a bit ambiguous about my birthday since it's identifying information. I usually tell people on the internet it's my birthday on a day in the general area of the actual day.
>>858030 You could have a whole month of birthdays, then!
All I know is you once told me if I told you happy birthday on the right day you'd admit to it, but then I told you happy birthday every day for a year and you denied it every time!
you know what would be really funny if a guy tripped over and landed on a girl while they were both half undressed and then a third party walked in and misunderstood the situation and assumed they were doing something raunchy
i've only ever played GBF, and read.... fan material wait GBF Versus i forgot the Versus part i haven't played the gacha but i've considered it the art is very cute
>>858062 It was an average-tier show I think. It somewhat faithfully adapted the story from the mobage with some tweaks and the first season had a really high animation quality to it.
>>858067 i keep hearing about that show i see doujins constantly too and i restrain myself from reading them b/c i'm considering watching the show and i don't want to read the doujins if i'm going to like the show
It's kind of got the same chaotic appeal of Kono Suba but with a much more wholesome cast.
oh is it funny? i think i'm down then maybe i'll watch some tonight
oh no it's too late for me this working lad needs his beauty sleep
It's funny, it's sweet, it's got some good action scenes. I think it's a Cygames mobage and they always throw out ALL the stops for their anime adaptations. That's why the GranBlue anime looked so good, same with Shingeki no Bahamut.
Cross Ange was one of the most Sunrise Sunrise shows they've ever put out. After the ridiculousness of Valvrave it was impressive to see they could go "Wait no, we can do better".
I'm not on a great sleeping schedule myself. Couldn't get out of bed until like 17:00 yesterday so now I'm probably going to be sleeping the day away for the most of the next few days again.
Detectives believe that the motive for the killing stemmed from Mr. Saleh having discovered that the assistant had stolen tens of thousands of dollars from him, despite the fact that Mr. Saleh had not reported the man and had set up what amounted to a repayment plan for him to return the money, one of the officials said.
amusingly, even had he gotten away with it, if the repayment plan was on paper, the would be killer would have still had to pay the man or well his estate
>>858159 also that is super forgiving way to deal with embezzlers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Detectives believe that the killer, dressed in a black three-piece suit, white shirt and tie, wearing a black mask and carrying a duffle bag, followed Mr. Saleh off an elevator in his building and into his apartment, a law enforcement official said. He used a Taser to immobilize Mr. Saleh and then stabbed him to death.
>Security video taken from inside the elevator shows the killer later using a battery-operated portable vacuum cleaner in an apparent effort to remove any traces of his presence, the official said. ] >the killer’s work dismembering the body was interrupted when Mr. Saleh’s sister buzzed from the building’s lobby, another official said, prompting him to flee through the apartment’s back door and into a stairwell before the sister arrived.
> So in 1993 the AFID system was created. Now, when many Taser guns are fired, they disperse dozens of colourful anti-felon identification (AFID) tags, which resemble confetti and are printed with tiny serial numbers. It would be very time-consuming to pick all the tags up and so inevitably the police are able to find some and trace the (TASER) gun that was used.
Why don't bullets have that same ID tag stuff though? You can surely jam an RFID tag into the lead or something Those things are tiny Hell, put it in the casing or something maybe
I mean I guess, but the government is no stranger to mandating really expensive stuff for like, various reasons ...though the US government in particular is I guess, they don't even get money back when they recycle their bottles and cans
Taser too has versions that work without the needlegun part
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when can I shoot lightning bolts out of my fingertips?
When you enter Raiden's tutilege
Once they figure out the problem of not shocking critical body organs while you're routing all that electrical energy through your body.
Well if you generate it at the wrist, there should be no problem
Where are you going to pull all the energy to induce lightning bolts from? >>858197 Even if you've got a conduit that safely transmit that energy from the battery to your wrist, eletricity by nature wants to head downwards into the Earth. It doesn't want to shoot out your hands it will, once entering your body, redirect inwards and downwards, travelling through your arms towards your core, where most of all your extremely delicate organs are.
iunno, a big ol battery pack you keep in a backpack?
human body would not natuarlly generate enough electricity or well voltage ampers? I don't know the english terms to do anything of value and even ifyou could do say tazer level, you'd have to do it at touch range
tho going from static shock to ana ctual shock is still a huge improvement
>>858196 I mean parts of the outfit is you wear rubber clothes and stuff so only really your fingers are a good outlet
>>858203 There's the additional problem that lightning is an environmental circumstance, not just an effect of there being too much electrical energy being in one place. First you need enough static discharge built up to have the potential energy -- a difficult thing to accomplish not just innately in humans as PK mentioned, but also hard to do on the physical scale of anything human-bean-sized or something a person could carry. And then you need the environmental situation that induces lightning, which, uh, I may have forgotten the particulars since it's been like a decade since I took an Earth Sciences lesson. But it's not exactly something humans can just ... do.
>>858210 he even stole some of tony's suit during his reign of Dark Avengers
>>858212 He stole tech? I figured Oscorp would be more capable than Tony, really
ye he lead dark avengers during some weird phase with him just calling himself Iron Man >>858213 well yeah, but he took some suits and made them better or something or atleast more destructive
>>858208 hm I guess we need more advanced tech than a battery pack then
also you would have no control over the direction it would just launch with the path of least resistance to the most conductive nearby object
you'd need the wires
The science centre here has, maybe had I haven't been in ages, an electro ball which emanated static lightning from a core in the middle to the ... glass? casing. It was a cool visual, but even better, you could touch it! But despite there being bolts of electricity you could visibly see, all that energy could at most make your hair stand up a bit. To actually make seriously damaging electrical attacks you need like a house's worth of electrical potential energy.
I guess maybe not inject it into your body, maybe a glove instead with outputs on it I guess you can have those outputs shoot out a retractable wire as well? hmmmm
you can't make a tesla coil like in red alert really i mean you could but at that level of power consumption it is easier to just have like a million men with tazers
>>858231 You can but it's gonna fry everything all the time it's not like it'll only hit like, organic beings in the AoE, it'll shoot the ground all the time
Which is why you need to be able to rev up the reactor on demand
nuclear submarine is around smallest feasible anything smaller and itisn'tcost effective
I don't know how entirely accurate that is. I know there was an energy solution for Let me finish please.
I know there was an energy solution to have the radioactive components of retired nuclear arms be used for power generation. They wouldn't put out a lot of energy, kind of just enough to power a small town, but that's still a small town you could entirely power from a retired nuke and not some coal-fueled power grid. You could bury the system deep below the town where radiation -- already not a huge concern because it's not a massive amount of radioactive material -- is fairly negligible. Also incentivises taking nukes out of commission which is desperately needed.
sorry I was going to continue with my submarine thing this was years ago ofc I think you can make it smaller, but at that point the reaction is either too violent too quick or something basically the radiation becomes an issue, especially the rate of fuel consumption
I think even nuclear submarine sized reactors aren't exactly "fuel efficient" when it comes to nuclear standards, but they still are way more efficient than any other way of fueling the ship
Nuclear powered cars are a plausibility, but not cost effective in anyway not to mention having every car crash become a minor nuclear disaster
The Soviets made a nuclear reactor that only weighed a ton Like literally a little bit above a metric ton
they had minor ones in the labs way too oft, when people toyed around with plutonium and shit >>858244 disaster is the word I use not explosion also it wouldn't even be a melt down either >>858238 those are actually a thing already USA has fitted some of their reactors to use old nukes and are even using some russian ones atm
I am not sure when they bought them, but I would gues during Jeltsin era but ofc these are existing nuclear facilities just using a bit different kind of fuel
also, this ofco nly works on the older types of nukes, not the modern fusion types, I think...
You're not wrong just important to remember it's more like a small chernobyl than a small hiroshima
Ye it has been something that we had been talking about for a year or so and during the quarantine it was quite easy to get going no one was going anywhere
My players are A sorcerer who was kidnapped from a theocracy as a 5-8 year old by a very powerful wizard with 0 morals about such things, cause she thought it was funny a very world savvy, weary and traumatized person, with very good survivability skills tog et out of trouble, but with a bad habbit of going "shoot first ask later", due to it being a very effective solution.
the sorerer's older brother, a palladin, who went on a one man crusade to get his little brother back and got finally reunited in the current mess they are in. Has gotten quite far from the original "Noblesse oblique" holy templar he used to be, still prolly the most sane and moral person in the party
a scientist gone black mage who used to run a huge seal hunting ring with his business partner and master in the dark arts and later only survivor of the dark cult he was part of, due to being the only sensible person to run away before it all went deep down a giant gullet. this warlock is not exactly murder hobo, but quite close. a murder scientist a murdertist
and finally a half-elven former escaped sex slave gone adventurer. 'nuff said
>>858262 oh yeah I know I was just also adding commentary on how close we are to the end of his game though.
>>858261 Thanks! It's like a five/six minute trip one-way though so I shouldn't be gone long. Just despositing some cheques. Depositing even.
>>858264 and finally a murder/entertainer robot aid of a king turned dog. this "bard" as he things of himself is quite unaware of the fact, that his body and programming was originally ment for a very aggressive machine of war. hilarity can ensue
the robot currently has a random "murder mode" that can get activated with an int roll at any point that turns on the rampage mode, making him turn against the party or well anything that is animate nearby to be more precise
>>858263 i wrote yku and sho as not particularly loyal if you had done enough damage quickly enough they were going to say "this isn't worth dying for" and ask for mercy i wasn't expecting y'all to not fight them but them being fine with that worked out
>>858273 warlock is using it to ressurrect a basilisk head and i think he is going to use it to ressurrect a hand that he cut off of a special agent, so he can use the Dominator gun he looted from that guy
I also gave him a boost to it he can now use it to ressurrect one large object and one small object
I don't off the top of my head remember how I specified those, was the basilisk head a large or small object specifically
but it was an amusing moemnt when the robot player came to me >hey I hd this amusing idea of randomly turning against the party, is this fine I was just "hmm deja vu"
last session was fun I had a sketchy magic store "owner" who wanted to lure people into his murder cellar and I like how I managed to get one there and then I even managed to get the guy to try ascend into a higher being and only to be puppeted by the Eidolon the party pissed off earlier
thos till.. the sorcerer against a spell golem boosted up + 10 ghouls and he didn't die jesus what luck my guys have
Ah shit forgot my mask Guess I gotta go all the way back for it hah hah
/moe/ tabletop is like a persona game one of the main characters will always betray everyone else
Eidolons are fun especially their "splits reality in 4" at the start of each round you can just go and fuck 1v1 with a boss against a player fun times >>858285 in 2.0 not really but then again the betrayer got kicked out of the game for 2 levels
>>858288 yeah, but not really what she intended consciously
Soili was going to get enough stuff and then argue against an invasion of the east lands by the Not China and get a higher positioon in the ranking due to bringing valuable information
and then use that to further her nascent godhood to builda cult
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh it absolutely was what she intended titania decided that she was tired of conflict and decided to rid the galaxy of conflict by devouring all life so that all life would live as one through her in a peaceful world
My 3.0 character will be stupid as always. Just an absolute idiot.
Aurelia was stupid enough to believe she was an elf. Titania stupid and just wanted to eat things. Elle-chan stupid for JUSTICE.
Soen is technically pretty smart but she does stupid things to satisfy her need to learn. Gyaru isn't particularly smart but she avoids doing dumb shit because she's smart enough to survive at least.
i might get a letter from a state representative regarding my dismissal from school lmao also my big time spec ops sniper buddy is gonna write me a letter might get the world record running guy to write me one too
i wonder if i could get one of those FBI agents i used to work with to write me one too haven't talked to them in a while but they don't know i want to abolish the government yet
dutchfriend straight up sent me a fucking facebook message cause I went offline for like 4 days and he got worried I hadn't even really considered I'd worry people by just dropping offline
I just needed time offline from online >>858331 Not dutch different dutchfriend
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>858328 they got me on NDA and i had security clearance so while i doubt they're actively monitoring me they absolutely passively are but i doubt anyone really knows anything so it's probably fine
If I wasn't fine, you'd know I've got deadman scheduled tweets >>858336 Dude I'm fuicking suicidal, of course I do
People tell me they'd miss me and stuff, it'd feel wrong not to at least have a little thing that goes "hey uh, I'm not gonna be here anymore due to stuff"
it's 4:40 pm on a friday i'm sober and i'm waiting another 20 minutes for my 5:00-8:00 group to start
Cash registering is kinda, well, maybe not fun. But whenever I've done retail it's definitely been the part I find helps the time go by the easiest and least stressful.
>>858348 No I could do this as a competitive video game
But customers here, at least with VERY FEW, BUT NOTABLE exceptions, are actually.. fine >>858350 IS THAT REAL?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
come to the US and join the competitive cash register stuff
>>858348 Yeah it being a time sink and not stressful is a big part of it But I also just like stuff that rewards me for memorizing stuff and commiting it to muscle memory and whatever Putting in the right PLU code for some fucking vegetable for the first time is great >>858352 But you've got BAGGING TOURNAMENTS The US is a cursed land
gathered empty bottles from my house, drove around some friends' houses and other places and ended upw ith 70€ bottle refund that was a fun waste of 2 hours
Anyone who enjoys bagging enough to enter a competitive scene for it needs to be on a watchlist They're not alright
Oh yeah It's tomorrow My phone just tells me the day before
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>858355 i watched a documentary about one of these dudes that does it once i wasn't even a leftist then and i remember thinking he was the biggest loser
>>858361 >>858362 A family of beggars more like it and no hate for them they had to do what they could do to survive, but you could at least not take pride in being relegated to the role of doing shit EVERYONE is expected to do for themselves here
Literally nobody in Norway has ever encountered a "bagger" It'd be FUCKING WEIRD for anyone to just... have a bagger in their store
If I went to a store and they just had a bagger, not just an employee who would help out people who needed help but a guy who pawed at my shit and put it in a bag, I'd throw a fucking fit Get the fuck off my stuff? You think I'm an invalid? Are you negging me, supermart?
>>858373 >>858374 this is why I exclusively use the self checkout I don't want to interact with anyone, ever don't even look at me fuck off
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they don't have self checkout here except for at walmart ):
Only one store I've ever been to\\\ two have self checkout
But like Self checkout is only really useful if there's a line >>858380 Yeah sure, the person from the culture not including a PAID BAGGER POSITION is taking it too seriously
If I ever go to the US, I'm telling the bagger to get teh fuck off of my shit
I actually haven't seen a bagger in years, maybe since I avoid the normal checkout so much but even in stores without self checkout the cashier usually bags stuff
>>858389 if you go to the walmart and don't use the self-checkout the register person will look at you funny since they take your item, scan it, and then bag it. You'll be adding an extra step by having them put your stuff down
and im gonna give every other customer the stink eye
I like using in-person check-out since I worked it before and I do feel kind of sympathetic to them. Plus despite being a lousy job the push towards self-checkout and automating it is kind of evaporating the job without making allowances for the people that would work it to make a living. So until that problem gets fixed I'll be stubborn and use the in-person checkout. Though not right now since Covid-19 means it's safer to use the self-checkout.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
at least we don't tip our baggers
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
huh they don't have coveryor belts there? supermarkets all have them here
Egg cartons are pretty structurally sound man. Plus eggs in their upright position are Okay you're just interjecting me and not letting me finish enjoy just being angry dude.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i like when i get hot food and they put it with my ice cream
>>858401 since walmart and kroger are making masks mandatory I'm looking forward to "greeter" becoming "bouncer"
>>858419 It once again is how one views online interractions I don't view this, even if it happens in real time as "speaking" so you can't really talk on top but this ofc is me ignoring your view which is equally as rude as real life talking on top in the end
alright so like left is the usual walmart right is the bagging thing I've seen at some krogers
left has the cashier take item from belt, scan, then put into bag on the carousel right has the cahsier take the item from the belt, scan, then put into the bagging area for the other worker
american egg cartons are lined with a lead mesh to make them more bullet resistant
I am not angry at you, I am angry at american culture
>>858425 Yes but your anger is getting in the way of actually listening to what I'm trying to say. So I don't really care where your anger is coming from if you're just gonna not let me finish I'm not going to hold a conversation with you since you're not with me. I don't see how this is hard to understand.
So can you use a backbag to store your shit in and if you do do you have to hand it to the casheer/bagger
also what are the chances they can actually do the 3D tetris required to fill your own personal bag optimally, so that it is not inefficiently using space and still comfortable to carry? smh
>>858434 You can probably just tell the bagboy, tm, to unload from the bag and into your backpack, because America is a hilariously pro-customer environment I bet you could tell them you specifically want the bottom half of each bag in your backpack and they'd unload it all, put those items in your backpack, and put the rest back in the bags
Stopped by the fish & chips place at the front of my neighbourhood. The fish is pretty standard-quality fish & chips stuff, a bit too greasy, relatively tastely whitefish in an okay fried batter. But they give you this huge-ass box stuff full of thick-cut chips. That's by far the highlight of going there.
I made pork-wok turned cream sauce thing with lots o habanero it was super delish
dunno if it would suit more rice or noodles, did neither cause I just wanted to eat meat+veggies
>>858433 costco also has no bags they just put everything back in your cart
here in norway when you go to the register
You dump your stuff on the conveyor The cashier goes "hewwo" they scan somewhere through the scan, if you've got more than like 1 thing, they go "you need a bag?" and then you say yes or "no I have a bag don't worry" and then you either start packing if there's a lot, or you wait and pay and then you finish packing and if you need more bags than you thought, you get one, and then you leave and the cashier goes "buh bye"
>>858439 here shopping bags are stored in the queue part of the casheer conveyer belt under it in a shelf you can take a plastic bag, a recycled plastic bag a papre bag or just buy a cloth bag
it is always amusing and bit embarrassing when you bought one plastic bag (18c a piece the cheapest ones) and then realise you actually need two and then you have to cut in line to buy one
>>858440 Even furries gotta work to make ends meet.
yes we are in Soviet Union of europe still euros are damn useful tho, since you can travel to anywherei n europe and not have to change currency since most countries accept euros even if they aren't in eurozone
well kronor countries don't but shitlandias do like poland
I was actually working in a grocery store when Canada made the official change. Hm maybe it's just Ontario I don't remember. ... Maybe just the city? Well regardless I was working in a grocery store when we were legally required to charge people for plastic bags. Some shoppers got real PISSED man. Especially older folk going "I insist these bags should be free and I'm not paying a cent for them but you have to give me as many as I need anyway".
bang's gone through some rebranding over the years we're all about positivity and genki nowadays and pulling off sick combos and beating all the scrubs
heh sauna made the weird burn sensation on my left hanf from handling habaneros resurface with a vengeance weird never had this before, even when cut more hot chili
>>858556 Speaking of yandere sim, have you been following any of the drama?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>858557 nice segue idk only vaguely googled havent looked at the silliness closely
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i find it kinda depressing to poke fun at people who are obviously mentally ill tho
Yanderedev was contacting people who were making similar games and convincing them to shut down their projects with emotionally abusive comments such as threatening suicide Some discord logs leaked recently
TN do they have watermelon durign the summer there? is it easy to acquire?
i think there are few things that feel better than biting into an ice-cold slice of watermeon on a hot summer day it has to be one of life's greatest pleasures
i guess your best bet would be to go here
>>858589 yeah i was kinda meme-ing but basically blazblue (like most fighters) has input cleaning of sorts that works ever so slightly differently than others i've noticed that ArcSys games tend to have really similar input cleaning though
you'll want to practice fireballs and DPs a lot and then practice alternating between them you'll also want to practice the super motions for whatever character you decide to play, which is sort-of a given, but some of the characters have really weird ones for instance, ragna's Astral has a very strange input, Tager has 360's, 720's, and even a 1080 motion, and a few characters have to press 222D for a move which is down three times and then their drive button
oh i should've told you to hit me up, i can help with that stuff there's a steam controller profile that i downloaded that works really well i'm guessin you found one or did it manually already though
I think most stupid thing about fire magic in twhammer is that each time you cast fire magic you cause a -20% fire weakness debuff on the whole enemy army
the damage can be "silly"
i physically removed my share button because my hands are huge and i hit it accidentally all the time
are you playing on wait you just said ps4 controller i was abotu to ask if you were playing on keyboard like a LEGEND nah fr tho fuck keyboard that shit's hard
it's technically speaking the most optimal way to play, if your hardware is up to it i think HitBox's are objectively the best way to reach your maximum skill level but it's hard and most keyboards aren't made to be very good anologues to a HitBox even if they function mostly the same
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
keyboard would be insane
kinshi plays on a keyboard and he takes rounds off me he's a born godgamer th though*
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i dont have much experience with the box controllers my old roomie used to have one and would play blazblue back in 2006 or so
in my opinion, blazblue is a game that can be played on a controller just fine its controls lend itself to one well, and when playing for long stretches of time a stick or a hitbox can be kind of annoying in ways a controller isn't while blazblue tends to be a little more forgiving in terms of timing, the sheer number of inputs you have to put in can be quite high and a controller is good for that a lot of pros use controllers in blazblue as well
>>858300 i dont remember my stats super well, but it's relatively unlikely sullivan will take many hits i think i leaned him toward bumping up his defensive numbers to avoid the hits, but not his hp itself he's mainly just there to buff JUSTICE
Ikuhara's shows are always delightfully strange. Penguindrum, Yuri Kuma Arashi, Sarazanmai. Sarazanmai was actually a really good spiritual successor to the weird-but-heartfelt way Penguindrum was. More people should watch Sarazanmai.
i just entered the combo vortex for like half an hour all hail the combo vortex
i will have to break my hands and rebuild them from scratch
of course everyone learns different but it helped me to be really really _really_ methodical at first breaking it down into steps and practicing the individual (seemingly trivial) parts so for Jin, for instance i'd do 5B just by itself a few times and then 5B -> 2B like a dozen times and then 5B -> 5C like a dozen times and then 5B -> 2B -> 5C a dozen times and then 5B -> 5C -> 3C and then 5B -> 2B -> 5C -> 3C and so on and so forth a good super simple combo on Jin is (2A) -> 5B -> 2B -> 5C -> 3C -> 214B +(C) it's good partially because all the moves are gatlings that work independently of eachother, no matter which of those buttons you start on the only exception being the extra (C) at the end of 214B so you can practice (2A) -> 5B and 5B -> 2B and 5C -> 3C all seperately and then practice different amounts of them together the route itself is somewhat static, like i don't think 2A gatlings into 214B and i am not entirely sure if 2B gatlings into 3C but you learn that stuff by just getting a feel for your buttons and stuff i'm telling you about Jin stuff b/c i know Jin but i don't exactly reccommend him
if you tell me what characters you're interested in, i can let you know if any of them are gonna have super hard difficulty walls to overcome (izanami fits here)
lol oof i will have to try some to see what i like it's very different from smash
while i'm here throwin 500 words at you i suggest hibiki, ragna, susanoo, taokaka, nu-13, azrael, and noel that is, if you want a character that can teach you things about the game easily without needing a ton of investment i take back nu she's really hard actually
moon plays tager lol well he did i guess but that was so long ago
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
which is the cutestsstststs should i play noel in honor of moon
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
where is that guy
yeah i don't know i only really communicated with him on /moe/ most of the last few years i think i saw him here a well i was gonna say a couple weeks but i've been pretty absorbed with work so it could've been two months and my perception of time is just all whack
dustloop wiki is your friend blazblue discord has links to all the character discords, which have all the resources you'll need stay strong and persist
>>858641 they released him from the hospital on the grounds he visits two specialists to make sure his heart and brain are fine he was unconscious in the garage for two hours and it was over 110F in there he seems alright now but he also seemed fine when I saw him before I went to sleep and he passed out
>>858642 I hope he's fine. Tomorrow the heat index here is supposed to be over 100. I'm planning on bringing my computer up into "my" room and spending the whole day in there since there's an ac unit in it. I can barely believe my friend's parents have this $2 million~ house and never bothered to get central air installed.
the temperature here has been in the high 90s to low 100s during the day with around 50% humidity for a couple weeks the other day the heat index was 113
Yeah I could never live in Texas. My friend iin Vegas err Her apartment hs had no ac for like two weeks.
and I think I reached peak bullying with this victory the game's auto-resolve gave me 35% chance of winning it
>>858657 avoid driving without tire chains because we didn't have salt trucks and shit
>>858658 your army did also lose a fuckton of it's strenght one time but 4 birds survived and no hero died
and I am at fucking turn 333 with NO END IN SIGHT and this isn't even me playing endless campaign I won't win before I kill all the listed races they just keep spawning more cities and running away but I think I can finish it before turn 400 maybe
chaos is a weird force tho despite all their stats they are a shock force if you can't just blast through the enemy, you don't actually fare that well in a long grind also you have basically 0 1v1 potential aside from one legendary hero and archaon but archaon can derp super bad vs enemies smaller than him
But I honestly don't think any hero can defeat archaon 1v1
Speaking of, I gave the sword of Khaine after claiming it to my first hero I hired in my campaign, whomst i named Hinanawi Tenshi and it is a burning heavenly pls nerf sword
whoa ass ahoy
Holy Shit I'm watching Uzaki-chan She has a skin colored fang This is fucking horrible Like the anime is good but this really bothers me Why would anyone do that on purpose? It's just wrong on so many levels.
>>858724 this is that teenage texting based romeo and juliet all over again but even worse
>>858722 There will be next season. Or shortly afterwards I dunno dates get pushed around a lot lately because the pandemic's interrupting animation work.
But yeah we're watching Lapis. It's pretty good actually.
why can't beer walk from the store into my ftidge is hot outside
May wanna give night team 4 a look if you ever feel like checking out the genre I mean I call it a genre but it's made up of maybe like 10 games, a few of which are good
I don't think I'd actually recommend playing uplink other than because you're into the genre and wanna try like, the grandpappy of the genre >>858751 It's a staple of the whole genre to have techno beats
Street hacker might be enjoyable, cause it has a whole internal thing letting you make scripts for repetitive tasks I found it fun when I played it at least, but that was a long time ago
Newgrounds used to be full of these kinda games, probably still is, but they don't really stand up to the like... not flash games for a website full of Britney Spears dressup games
Not that there wasn't a lot of high quality content on newgrounsd The Madness guy is apparently releasing an actual, fully fledged video game nowadays B0UNC3 must have gotten some sorta recognition, though likely now under his legal name rather than "B0UNC3"
Maou Gakuin is pretty fun though, I'll likely stick with that through the season
Deca-Dence has probably been the highlight of the season so far. It's got a lot to it.
>>858764 Oh yeah That's definitely gonna stick around and probably be the show everyone remembers for a while and recommends Cause it's different, it's not just another one of That Thing
Like most anime each season, even if they're fun, they're usually just... another iteration of something you've already seen, you know? But one or two shows each season, they're great
Not really. I'll conceed there are definitely some things which have not tried to distinguish themselves at all from the works they
Okay you're not letting me finish my points again.
No I mean, even shows I really like, like slime It's, at the core, another isekai where the MC is nigh-omnipotent I'm not saying they're the same, but they're kinda predictable
My point is that's only one method of looking at narratives. It's easy to look at how they're all the same because when you start going at it, it's easy to find abstract details where they align on a lot of things. Maybe it's because I'm contrarian by nature but I like to look at how they do things differently.
Like to take Slime Isekai, it has some obvious parallels with a lot of other power-trip isekai series, and isekai series that take a very game-ification approach to fantasy powers. Or even shounen series that game-ify their powers in order to appeal to, well, shounen. But I'd say Slime Isekai still stands out because it has a high focus on building a community and safe haven to monsters. Part of this is because the author of the series has a background in urban development or some field like that, so has a familiarity with what you need for a functioning and happy community. But the author's taken what they obviously have or had a passion for, and used it to make their series unique.
It doesn't really matter to me if it's an isekai series or an overpowered MC series and that makes it easy to lump in with other series that do that. It's easy for me to see what's different about shows and that makes them interesting to me. In the end the details they're different on are as abstract as the ones they're the same on; I can link several series that would be "more of the same" on the aspects I've said Slime Isekai stands out on, but those series in turn don't quite do all the things Slime Isekai does, or does them quite in the same way. If you're pre-convinced everything is just more of the same or just a copy of something that came before of course you're going to find details which confirm your own beliefs. I'm not going to say that's wrong or anything, but evidently it contributes to your lack of motivation of sticking with shows that otherwise you might finish, or at least find a little more engaging.
This is a separate thing so please continue, but in shows such as Deca-dence, there's also a very powerful feeling that the authors really wanted to build a world to share with the audience, that at least I just don't feel from most anime that comes out In shows like Overlord and Slime, for example, the world is a vehicle for a story they wanted to tell, or a concept, or something But in Deca-dence, it feels like the story is actually there to give them an excuse to share this world with you TTGL is a little bit similar in that aspect, though it straddles the line, and wears its influences on its sleeve
>>858770 Well you're not wrong about that But I do still appreciate those differences Like, I really enjoy both Slime and Overlord for their different approaches to what the MC does with all that power
But they still feel overall very similar in a way that a few shows every season just don't really It's not that it's inherently negative, but it does make it harder to really pick up a show when the infoblurb is just "the same plothook you've seen 10 times now, BUT if you look at the attached cover art, the main girl has pink, not blue, hair"
I don't feel like Slime Isekai and Overlord are particularly similar though. Overlord has a much more dedicated perspective into geopolitics in a fantasy world and tends to stick to a very servilitude structure when it comes to its various entities. Like the differences between Ainz and Nazarick and how Rimuru handles the town of monsters in Slime isekai make for very different main characters' homebases. And Slime Isekai has a much more positive and light look at the world, compared to the glood that -gloom that kind of pervades the world of Overlord.
>>858771 do note that many anime adaptions skip a lot of the world building etc due to flat out 2-4 pages of text describing shit not really working in audiovisual format
Another good part of living alone is like I can just go to bed early and not need to explain it to anyone If I wanna sleep at 9, nobody even has to know, nobody's gonna wanna know if something's wrong
I might just buy stuff to make a HUGE BATCH of like, some sorta chili or something and freezer boxes and just heat that in the microwave each day
I don't really mind eating the same thing every day, cause I don't really eat for like, the food as much as the biological necessity of putting matter into my body
i make stews and soups because of that since it will stay in the fridge for 3-5 days easily and is easy way of making food for 3+ days with just preparation taking time while food just has to be slow boiled or baked in the oven with no effort rquired
>>858796 wound disinfectant is btw really variable stuff and not eventhat expensive
but it works as a cleaning fluid for monitors, eye glasses etc despite costing like 1/5th of products sold for those purposes, but still accomplishes the same task
I mean it's literally just like 80% alcohol or something >>858880 → don't worry abiout it honestly, you'll likely never actually need it Disinfectants are one of those holdovers from the last 3 generations I think, most of the time you can just run hot and cold water over the wound and slap a bandaid on and you'll be fine
I currently don't have disinfectant per se but I have "industrial brewing equipment disinfectant concentrate, 5ml to 5 litres of water to clean anything from bacteria, viruses and fungi" works quite well on woundstoo
>>858799 nope you don need them especially when your eally get hurt >>858802 the more you do, the more you end up in accidents
or maybe II am just accident prone
I'm 28 years old I've never actually needed disinfectant
I think it's more like you think you need it not like it hurts tho >>858804 Oh yeah you gotta have painkillers not having painkillers when you need them is worse than not having toiletpaper when you need it At least in that situation, you can use something else if you're desperate
but painkillers ibuprofein and shit
better stock up ont hose
usually you don't need them, but then suddenly you use a half a pack in a week or so
>>858803 or wash your ass in shower and use a towel
bidets sound gross tbh they feel like a steampunk idea >>858810 It still just... sounds like a gross way of doing it, even if I guess it ends up cleaner
>>>/@thebeauanthony/1284544387616104448 read this thread this is utterly insane it's ridiculous that they put people through all that terrible crunch for shit like this
I'd like to see stats of mass effect 2 romances, with removing completionists out of it and see how many romanced Jack I mean seriously...
>>858826 impressive but it's like some weird other details who would actually notice this, unless they come out and advertise it like shrinking horse balls in rdr2
btw am I the only one who sometimes goes rdr2d2
also just makes me think
is that really something you wanted to pour in resources?
never actually thopught about it but mass effect ship design is consistent with its technology why bother with tions of armour on ships, when each ship can launch shit at FTL speeds doesn't matter what you arm yourself at that point, shit will cause damage on hit
hence kinetic shields being the main defensive point of ships