It should get better in the coming weeks. Though still not great, I think I did a count last night and there'll only be like fourteen or fifteen shows a week this season, which is a far cry from the twenty-odd we normally get up to in a week.
The Horse has kind of consistently been a bit of a bitch her whole life I guess.
Oh new OP.
Twin braids it seems tonight.
Shigure probably just Yeah He wants to crash the parent-teacher conference so he can bully their Sensei some more.
Everything about her is sharp edges and coarseness.
I wonder how wide the Souma family is though. Here's Rin and Haru who were dating, despite both being Soumas. It's a bit weird but not unconventional for cousins to marry in Japan but I don't know what step of cousins they are.
Yeah Yuki's really taken aback by that display hah hah.
Tohru's really good at keeping positive and happy but it's easy to forget she's had a pretty emotionally taxing life too. Losing both your parents before you're like sixteen is a lot to go through.
Oh Monkey Majik I don't think I can pin a song I've heard before to them but I do recognize the name.
feels like not too much happened this ep other than that kiss
Hm, well they dropped that it was thanks to Haru convincing Shigure that Yuki was able to leave the Souma estate and live at Shigure's place. And I think that final bit with Tohru getting panicked was a suppressed memory or something. Like her mom died in a weather accident I think, but I think that memory of her mom longing to see her husband again was implying she might've willfully gone out into the storm to, well, y'know. This isn't me pulling conscious memory from my previous go-through of the series I'm just theorizing here.
He's got Kamina glasses too. Quite the unique look.
I guess since this literally takes place in Korea they didn't bother Japanizing the names. Tower of God translated Baam's literal name (Night) into Yoru for the Japanese dub.
I guess it's starting out with an all-out slugfest.
These days it feels like everyone's got a friend like that hah hah. Some of my friends from the artist circles I used to hang around are big into Kpop. At least the music suits the subject matter here.
Korean can sound kind of nice when put to music honestly. But the genre of Kpop music generally isn't what I'm all too much into most of the time.
They're okay but they're very very obviously written for women.
Which is particularly funny to me since the most enthusiastic person I've ever seen talk about them is a guy!
>>855474 It might be yet a couple weeks before we get more, but if you remember the cute girls doing fishing things show that got delayed last season. It should be returning this season, so at the least once we get to new episodes of it, we should have at least three shows for Monday nights. Dunno if there's other things that would air for Mondays though.
If you're really hankering for things to watch I could just put the old episodes on the list to work through before the new ones come out. There's another one or two shows that are in a similar position; got delayed, will air this season. That show about the two Japanese guys that shipwreck and land in America and participate in a cross-continental race will be resuming this season too. And the rest of the Railgun series that has been running now for like ... six months.