She should really expect them to have taken into account the previous sneak-in route. It's not like she snuck in and out of the place last time, just in. They knew she'd gotten in.
The CEO guy always seems to exist in the grey fringe of maybe lying, maybe being earnest.
Well yeah, definitely. But so far every result of his actions seems to have been benefitial in a big picture kind of way.
On a somewhat more mundane level we've already seen Beastmen engaging in territorial-style aggression. Or stuff like butting heads for the sake of butting heads. So it's probably acccurate what he's saying.
She's getting blasted. Well I guess she's blasting back too.
Shirou's being tempermental and lashing out at her. He's way more pig-headed than she is honestly. While Michiru does probably want to be human again I don't think he was correct that her actions protecting the vaccine equipment were driven mainly by that. She's got a somewhat overbearing sense of justice after all.
Shirou places a lot of pride in being a beastman. I don't think that's an improper belief but it does come from a bit of a dark place with him. Considering his origin story.
Plus he's a bit hypocritical in his statements. Talking about refusing to accept help saving beastmen and basically consigning them to violence. But still acting like he's some great protector of beastmen.
Well a big sword is the kinda power a proatgonist like him would get.
That sword was the size of a decent-sized building though. At that point it's just absurd.
Ah, yup As soon as talk of him carrying her came up I was fully expecting the princess carry.
Did they just do away with the gag of the goth mime muttering all the time. Not that I think it's a bad change but it's a bit rare for a shounen manga to do away with a character-defining gag.
Well he was really hard to use since he was just a mumbler.
If they're doing away with dumb character trait gags then they should trash that stupid slow-ass way that other Black Bull talks. It's the worst really.
Does he really need to keep his arm on fire the whole time. Am I just forgetting that he lost it or something.
Some have been stronger and weaker than others. And some of the ED animations have been pretty garbage. This one is kind of low-effort in the character drawings but it's not really QUALITY.
I knew this show was getting more but I did expect it to come much earlier. They probably intended to have it come out earlier but stuff happened.
Oh just the vocalist, with Sawano doing the song composition.
This was a good show. This season is off to a slow start though.
It isn't going to pick up much. There shouldn't be more than fifteen or sixteen episodes a week.
The boy's mouth still does that thing where he opens it to talk but since he speaks artificially there's no mouth-movement. It's very disorienting for me.
He's also got a slight metallic tinge to his sound which is a nice touch.
So if they're anti-Extended are they just humans in really weird armor suits? Or are there full proper robots in this series I thought it was just people and varying degrees of cybernetic assistance.
Maybe a human in good armor is the best way to fight an extended
If another Extended is out of the picture in the first place, yeah, probably. Judging from what this guy is saying though it sounds like there are a few Extended in the anti-Extended group from earlier though.
Well this is a bit of a different thing for an ED
The common narrative cycle for this series seems to be Tetsuro being kidnapped and Juzo getting the shit beat out of him while rescuing him. It's very pulp noir-poi
I'm pretty sure her boss is voiced by the same seiyuu that did Leo in Arte last season. Seems he gets stuck with difficult girls as apprentices a lot.
Huh I assumed she was like sixteen or something. You don't often see youths getting alcohol in anime even now. It was outright disallowed on television like a decade ago but even these days it doesn't happen.
I thought his pet was just a dog or something. It's an outright monster though.
She's a pretty cute MC. Very expressive and good personality.
Kaijuu versus giant mecha fortress is a REALLY solid combination. They've got some pretty cool premises here. Post-apocalyptic scavenging, caste struggles, ... Whatever THAT bit at the end was. Plus the spy or counter-agent stuff her boss was doing earlier in the episode. They've set down a lot of plot threads to follow.