>>856855I'm going to be going to work tonight and will be back for cube farming later in the day.
I'm not sure whether the concept of an AI as a supercomputer would be the same if it had to be a whole brain but I think it would be easy to think of one.
Is this the "AI has to be a whole brain"
Yes. I'm suggesting that most AI in the future will be made up of parts with a living and breathing brain.
>the world is currently in a state of general emergency
they're not standing as a nation's government in order to steal food they're standing as a nation's government because they're in a state of emergency >We need to be in a state of emergency, because the world is currently not in a state of emergency
There are a lot of things you can do that you can't do in a state of emergency. I'm just saying you can't throw your assets to a state of emergency I'm saying it's a state of emergency because the war is in a state of war
I am saying it is a state of emergency because YOU voted for me but are you saying that I'm an idiot for voting for me? I'm saying that I should have voted for you, that I'm an idiot for voting you into office, and that I'm an idiot for voting you out of office.
>the study was done on mice, this study is about to be published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics. I guess it's not a new study, but it's the first one that looked at this in a really basic way, and that's sort of what really sort of grabbed my attention. The main point of the study was that the animals were given either a new antibiotic or a placebo. So the study was designed specifically to test the theory that the new antibiotic could be a drug that could eventually make a difference in the brain, and that's just really nice. But the study is absolutely still going on, so there's not really any talk of it being relevant to today's paper. I am not saying it is, but it is, and it's got some really interesting information.
what are you up to I'm up for lunch, too. I'm reading the news.
i'm hungry I'm the news i think i need to make dinner and then watch anime
I'm watching anime. I want to make dinner. That's all.
Let's make a tea.
>>856864 Well, I mean, it's been cut. It's been cut to like, ten minute play time in most of the games. And the whole story is cut, but you don't really get to experience it in-game.
>>856863 No, let's make coffee. It's $:30 AM but let's make coffee anyway.
>>856866 What kind of coffee? Do they just make a sawdust or something?
Ai Ai Ai
my eyes hypnotized but why-eye-eye do you stay by my side oh-oh-oh why won't you go so-so-so i'd be aloooooone
>motivated by the fact that my life sucks and i've been trying to go help someone who I didn't know could get help >i go to the library and i see a woman with a sasuke mask that looks like a bear with a litle blonde hair >woah
Can't wait to watch the new season of FS9. It's wrestling The Real Housewives of Wrestling Would I watch the new season of kansas or would I just watch the first season of men's wrestling.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the family cat came back with a wounded leg she seems ok otherwise
Ubisoft is doing their showcase for games Starting with stuff from the new Watch_Dogs
>>856955 I was able to make 19:30 easy enough but moving to Sundays was an appreciated relief since I'd had like six hours straight of classes until 18:00 and then had to rush home to get ready for it. Moving to the weekends made things easier.
>>856951 well if you guys are gonna play on my days off I'll join you but otherwise I'm always working until 11 or 1am CST and i don't think that meshes well with your schedules haha
My cat's just sitting by the back door whining. She doesn't seem to want back in, I think she wants attention but refuses to come inside and get it , demanding she get the attention outside. Unfortunately for her I don't want to comply with her terms.
I guess I'm grateful that the painting of the house left my room to the last but it does make for a pain today. Being thrown out of bed before eight is rough considering how late hours I keep. And it means I don't have access to my PC for probably a good long while, since even if they're done decently quick, the paint's still gotta dry.
The weather's not looking great either so I don't know if I'll want to do something like a bike ride either. How annoying.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what's with these chess mfers and offering a draw as soon as they make a mistake lmao
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
don't want a loss on their record?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jesus christ someone take $TSLA out back already
the fact that they've nearly DOUBLED their value in a single month is cause for concern
Ah finally I have access to my PC again. Such a pain getting all the components connected and wires sorted.
did you upgrade?
Nah, we've had painters doing all the rooms of this house for a bit now and my room was last on the docket. Had to push all the furniture away from the wall and since that meant disconnecting some of my PC cables anyway, figured might as well just put it aside for, well, yeah. Better than risking someone bumping it off.
>>857144 I mean I didn't literally disassemble the insides. But monitors, mic, drawing tablet, external harddrive, keyboard, mouse, etc. I have a LOT of appendages attached to my PC. Plus some other shit like my Switch sits on my table and runs its cables through some of the same throughfares that my PC cables use.
Is it more or less lewd due to not being able to see her panties?
Though this room still smells of paint, but at least better than earlier days when it was too hot to have the windows open and the house couldn't be aired out. A bit of paint is still worse than not having to smell paint at all.
i'm starting to recover financially. depending on whether i get readmitted to my program or not i might be able to build a computer in the next month or two
It's pretty fun. Parts are very plug and go these days.
>>857147 more appeal yet less lewd best of both workss workds yeah that >>857149 heeeeck yeah
>>857150 i'll have to actually learn about it if this pans out
building a computer was stressful for me because you have parts collectively worth over a thousand dollars and boy howdy did i not want to break them
You just gotta have confidence that you're capable enough to not break 'em. The most caution I had was mounting my CPU and ensuring I was statically grounded and that wasn't really much at all.
Only the CPU really requires much gentleness The rest of the parts are whatever, but the CPU you gotta make sure you don't directly touch cause the oil on your fingers will FUCK IT UP once it starts getting hot
It helps to be a bit delicate with securing your motherboard too, but that's less of a "one wrong move and you're fucked" and more "just do things slowly and with care and things will be fine". Kirara's built plenty of gunpla in the past and I think those kinds of delicate builds are in the same field as the more critical parts of PC building.
You just gotta be thorough, yeah Double check you've not forgotten everything Triple check the thermal paste For the love of god don't forget the thermal paste
MahjongSoul is releasing on Steam, but ... just the Chinese version. The English app is perfectly operational online and on phone apps. So why is only the Chinese version coming to Steam.
Where would one even get one of those cylinders Koume has on her ear? Goldsmiths around here don't have them, neither do the random like, (faux?)-jewelry shops It's all either hoops, rings, or like, a gem encased in a metal like silver or gold
Piercings aren't really my jam so I don't know where to find 'em, but I know I've seen people wearing stuff like that before. I guess if I'm ever talking with someone who has one I'll ask into it for you.
That'd be neat, thanks I guess I could find it online if I really looked for it, but I'd prefer to get one in person What with size and stuff, hard to really tell how something like that looks from a picture, too
I mean in fairness, I know very little about the yandere dev saga' Last programmer in the weeb scene I paid attention to was the MaiWaifuApp dev, Kami, but they disappeared and stopped development after only a few months or so, IIRC Which was sad, that project was cool
i was interested for a while, lost interest, then read up on the fucked up stuff
>>857172 YandereDev is an lolcow He's also terrible at programming
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
aww yiss i slept and woke up and tsla finally dieded
Apparently we have a "Census Cowboy" now. https://abc7chicago.com/society/look-out-for-the-census-cowboy/6315846/
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cat came back from surgery she is drugged, has the cone of shame, a couple of casts apparently quite a few bites on her paws fuckin' raccoons man this means war
I get a lot of people like to romanticize raccoons but they're nasty blighters to actually have to regularly deal with. Don't give no shit because they've had to survive along humans for so long so they just wreck shit and will fight anything less than a mid-sized dog.
if they didn't cut straight to the things i cared about seeing in the new episode, i was going to implode i needed immediate updates on the situation or the suspense was going to be too much for my poor weak heart to take fortunately they got right to it
>>857238 Oh yeah I was telling my friends about my friend who plays multiple runescape accounts at the same time while watching anime and they asked you don't play better games. *why you don't
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>857243 sxales >>857242 oh yeah. I saw that too. Well I saw that he was playing, I didn't watch any of the stream. I hope he had a good time. >>857245 saa
>>857235 Now imagine having followed the series weekly and having to wait FOUR YEARS between the finale of season one and this episode. It was an excellently tormenting wait. For others I presume at least.
>>857249 You know you could've just read the light novel right? Or even the manga.
gonna get gale force winds this week apparently fuuun
Speaking of lolicons, I heard an interesting story earlier today aababoababout a lolicon one ofy friends knew when he lived in Louisiana for college. >>857363 See >>857347
>Speaking of lolicons ????
So anyways my friend met this gguy at his local game store at a 40k event and he wwas 18 years old, worked on an oilfield and made $60k a year. Everything that didn't go to rent or other essentials he spent on 40k and loli anime/manga/doujin (much of it being hentai). And he would bring dvds and try to loan them to people who were into anime
Anyways they called him lolipop.
>>857362 you're gonna have to elaborate on this one for me chief
Bury me six feet deep and just Cover me in concrete please Turn me into a street Turn me into a street
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why is disney stock mooning lmao
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh it's just robinhood's dumb charts throwin me off as usual
>>857409 wonder what kinds of abuse sexual presumably I guess >>857412 open world is fun when there is actual content in the world not busy work that is not fun
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sup dayo
Death Stranding's arrived on PC. Seems to be getting predominantly favourable reviews. Hopefully that means it was a thorough port and not just a slap-job.
>>857464 memes grow so quickly now that if you miss one thing everything in the current meme cycle becomes nonsense there was some video of a bunch of realistic looking objects being cut only to be cake and everyone got obsessed with it
Wait that's it? I've known about realistic objects as cakes for ages. Is that what it's all about?
Then why has Blue been in such an upheaval about them on Twitter the past couple days.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's literally it. that's all.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who knows probably because the cakes are 90% fondant which is reprehensible
>>857469 >>857466 fucking TELL ME ABOUT IT I remember in middle school we had this huge competition on designing cakes and then a confectionary vocational school would make them and sure they did, but anything that had a weird design was just icing and shit no flavour just hard coloured icing basically
I got an email from the place I ordered my coffee from and it says they thought I might have run low since my last order and I thought to myself about the 5 pounds of coffee in my cabinet and didn't agree.
they were all pretty generic and forgettable. maybe the redhead she was chill. loved rice. I can relate to that.
>>857571 I liked Korone a lot. Purple was a fucking bitch And the student council president is barely in the anime. Blue is good too. The novels are a lot better. Red is kind of stupid so I didn't like her very much.
>>857589 The movies except for the third one aren't really that good. The third one is waay better than the others. It's probably one of my top five favorite anime movies. It's good enough that I considered tttrying to rip it off and write an americanized screenplay of it.
>>857591 Don't bother wth universe or in Tokyo or the shorts unless you really need more tenchi. (the joke is that tenchi muyo means "no need for tenchi) Well universe is okay In Tokyo was so bad that I couldn't fi ish it. And Tenchi Muyo is one of my favorite franchises.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>857584 just based off looks I'd say the grey one in the top left
>>857595 Go for it, you don't have to listen to me about which is worth watching. But I highly highly recommend watching tththem i this order Ryo Ohki -> Universe - In Tokyo But keep in mind there are a bunch of spin offs Like Geminar and gxp Which are the most closely related And then the magical girl spin offs There's also some anime tgat are just in continuity for reasons I can't explain without spoilers. But there's Battle Programmer Shirase, Agga Ruter (warning contains adult content), Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure (I recommend this one, beware of old cgi, if you are interested just hit me up and I'll give you a link to the only bd encodes of it, they aren't available on any publuc or private trackers afaik), and Photon the Idiot Adventure. I think thats all of them.
Ryo Ohki is the primary continuity. Oh there's also the really short one where he teaches at an all girls school or something.
Oh and actually I guess loli wwawarning for Battle Programmer Shirase.
Instead of make a silly filmed demo for their upcoming games Devolver just ... put it all in a digital experience. Some how they manage to always 1-UP themselves.
>An electric saw was found near the body, which was described as that of a 33-year-old man. The victim’s arms and legs below the knees were removed, and body parts were found in plastic bags found in the apartment, the sources said.
apparently the killer was still cleaning up when the sister arrived so he had to make a hasty exit
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>The body of a decapitated, dismembered tech CEO was found inside a Lower East Side apartment on Tuesday afternoon — sorted in plastic bags right next to a power saw, sources told The Post.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
limbs carefully collated
>>857657 That's the kind of shit you expect to see in a thriller narrative not real life
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>“His best friend in Dubai called me just sobbing on the phone, ‘They took my boy, they took my boy!’ He played ukelele … he was so full of ideas,” the friend added.
so wonder if the killer would have taken the body with him, had he had the time and tidied the places up and the guy would have just become a "missing person case"?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
probably not there's video footage of the guy apparently >The footage from the apartment building appears to show the suspected killer carrying a bag, waiting to enter the elevator with the victim, sources said.
>The victim gives the suspect a puzzled look during an exchange as they ride up together. As soon as the victim steps out into his apartment, the suspect can be seen attacking him, according to sources.
>>857661 Oh I mean, dismembering is honestly a very straightforward solution to that problem. But why sort the parts? That's the weird-horror stuff I mean here.
what if this was a serial killer whose hobby is to make puzzles out of people?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah you don't get to be a serial killer by being dumb enough to attack people in front of cameras and stuff he'll be caught pretty quickly this sounds more revenge related to me
"ah geez it was my first job and i fucked it up so bad"
Well if you think about it. Every hitperson's gotta start somewhere.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gon be tough to find a dude in manhattan wearing a mask and a suit
Who's also got a electrical powersaw and a willingness to use it on a living being.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the powersaw was lef t plugged in hmm i wonder if they'll be able to trace it probably not and he wore gloves could easily be some bits of hair and skin around tho
Surely the yeah
>>857677 Might be difficult sorting bits of hair and skin from the hitman and the victim though.
>>857676 not that good of a murder weapon is it known did he actually kill the victim with that or use it just to chop them off?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
easy there american psycho obvi not there's surveillance footage of the attack apparently, the beginning maybe from the elevator camera i would guess a knife
>may expose him/her and other to unavoidable covid-19 community spread >unavoidable
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the great thing about this form is that it is asking the parent to sign away their right to sue the schools for anything that happens not just covid lol the waiver and release isn't specifying covid-related stuff it just says any claim to injury or illness can't be pursued in court that's so fucked up
I also tried to pay the taxes on the stuff I bought from japan but it would not let me alter the number. It was stuck on $16 but I was trying to put down the actual number and I gave up.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you have to pay taxes on japanese imports? damn
state tax for anything bought and then shipped into the state
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>857701 wow i didn't know i assume amazon purchases don't count (or rather are already state taxed)
Today was big for me My insane colleague, the dude with running world records who does movies and is a mining expert in addition to being a therapist, and I are talking about starting a consulting company And I'm starting to roll out a novel program for supplemental therapy at high levels of care geared towards working with veterans
It may end up being more like I just restructure the program and others implement it for me. I'm not totally sure yet. But I'll be training people there at least.
someone hacked the twitter dev panel, gained access to any account they want to, and started spamming bitcoin shit via extremely high profile twitter accounts including obama, biden, bezos, etc
fortunately I have already learned of this and am hoping I've done what I can to counteract anything
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
changing your password won't do anything they don't have passwords, they are accessing through back end
Reminds me of like half a year back or so when someone figured out an exploit for getting into YouTube accounts and grabbed a bunch of niche-popular YouTube accounts to shill ... I think it was LiteCoin maybe, some other coin.
I could go for a nap. >>857725 yeah when I was typing my post I kind of came to that kind of realization I changed "I've already changed my password" to "I'm hoping I've done what I can"
>>857738 planning is a bitch it would also be harder but not impossible by all means to smartly cover your tracks doing big shorts on some bezos "$AMZN is too high tbh" tweet but you could make a fortune
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>857740 bezos too obvious problem will be corrected too quickly id say tweet from business insider or something
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that amazon is expected to plummet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah idk or you could pump up some penny stocks i bet that would be harder to cover your tracks tho probably just get microsoft's CEO to announce they're buying snapchat or somethin'
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
playing a long game with just subtle things is probably best or perhaps blackmail through access to their DMs
you could even potentially destroy Bezos' reputation by using his account to DM something illicit to someone
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tweet from Texas Medical Center like "breaking: the corpses in the covid morgue have started moving on their own"
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha that would be good maybe schedule these tweets from different medical centers so even if you lose access they still go through unexpectedly stagger them
The more and more we get into this stupid move the more and more my parents are getting insufferable about it. I can't get pretty much any time alone for more than an hour or so without someone needing a hand. On top of that I'm getting pretty tired of the expectations constantly being shifted around.
First supposedly I was supposed to be able to housesit my brother's apartment since him and his girlfriend weren't using it but either they missed some crucial information or my mother neglected to properly inform them and they weren't cool with me staying more than a night or two. Then it was supposedly fine for me to stay in the city since it was useful for the house to have someone to keep an eye on it but now everyone's gotta be gone in a week or so, so I don't have a choice anymore. At this point I feel like I might just go for a four-hour walk the day they're all leaving and force them to leave me in the city because I'm tired of them misleading me.
>>857747 that sucks how much longer should the move last
>>857748 I don't fucking know that's the most asinine part. My parents are dead set on selling this house ASAP but we DON'T EVEN HAVE SOMEWHERE ELSE IN THE CITY TO LIVE. They invested in a condo project last year that would give us housing but the move-in date for them keep getting pushed back. Currently it's some time in November I think. Right now they're just taking everything that's not nailed down or necessary for living in this house up to the cottage which is all the constant "needing a hand" stuff; getting furniture loaded into cars and trailers. But there's also home improvement going on so we can't even slightly bump any wall or use our front door which makes things even more cumbersome.
And in a week unless I can find some way to get out of it, I'm going to be stuck up at the cottage for "ten days" but at this point I wouldn't be surprised if that gets extended because so far everything else I've been told about this bullshit has been false. I can't stand being up there for more than a couple days because I'm trapped in the middle of nowhere with no agency to go anywhere or do anything that I'm not trapped around people while doing so. There's like no point in trying to explain this to my parents since they'll either take it as a personal insult or dismiss it with "that's life" which is why I'm stuck feeling like my only recourse is to be stupid and immature and basically temper tantrum my way out of it. I'm already in a bit of a skippy state mental health-wise right now because of, well, *gestures broadly* and everything right now just feels out to worsen that. I don't need more stress right now.
to be fair, you'd only give them the same treatment they give you atleast that is my take
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's pretty rough come stay at my place
"that's life" really is bullshit lol
Lately it feels like if I'm not irate I'm just tired. At least if I'm not distracted but that's obviously a different matter.