Kirara at the least is also watching it and I might be able to persuade Marsh to follow it weekly rather than him doing his usual marathon thing.
episode 26 was everything i wanted the cliffhanger at the end of the director's cut made me want to rip my eyeballs out but this new episode saved me >>857227 i didn't actually watch the original series but the director's cut had 45 minute or longer episodes that felt very competently paced for an anime series so i imagine my experience watching the director's cut first meant i walked away with a much better opinion than most >>857228 but why
Did they add considerable content to the director's cut of the series? I thought about going through it but didn't get around to it.
>>857226 My impression of it is that it was an edgy despair wank where the author played annoying tricks on the reader/watcher to keep them engaged. I dropped it when it did something stupid that pissed me off, I can't remember what.
Also the protagonist was a whiner.
You dropped it when Subaru went full incel on Emilia and was effectively demanding she like him for all the things he'd done for her.
look man subaru's haphazard trip through random stages of grief due to his unique circumstance is probably one of the most compelling parts of the series, _specifically_ because he doesn't just skirt through it like some anime protag he fucks up, a lot, and ends up saying and thinking the kind of awful shit that flawed useless nobodies say and think just because it isn't pretty and is damn cringe-inducing doesn't mean it's bad
that said, the show had me yelling at my monitor at points so i get it's hard to watch and i also can understand someone just writing it off based on some of its other flaws also madoka is like my favorite anime so edgy despair wank is my shit but don't call him a whiner, please that's not fair
Oh yeah Bang if you want something fun you should watch Tower of God
are you watching oh you're not even watching Kanojo tonight it's the only one you listed earlier that i'd watch i haven't seen fruits basket and god of highschool looks iffy so does enen
I've been wanting to. I 've been loosely familiar with the manga for a while now and seeing the anime promo stuff for it has been enticing.
>>857250 The season's super light this season, we've only got like fifteen or sixteen shows a wek -week to watch.
>>857250 Enen can be touch and go at times but it's written by the mangaka of Soul Eater and features some of the best worldbuilding I've seen in an anime in a long time. The main cast of characters is great and the animation is pretty stylish and high-quality.
Fruits Basket is an absolute shoujo classic manga and I'm outright ecstatic that it's gotten a full anime adaptation with this new anime. It's a masterpiece series.
I'm gonna keep that other post open but I'm ready.
this is all part of rika's plot to keep me out of anime!
>>857251 i've been meaning to watch fruits basket for a long time i think i even downloaded all of it (or all of what there was) a long time back and never got to it but i'm uhhh, more than a few episodes behind
that does make enen sound more interesting, maybe i'll look a little more into it msg me on steam if you guys ever watch girlfriend
The first cour of it is a biiiit much at times. There's a lot of gratuitous beating up of girls than needs to be. It gets a bit more level after that though and has a lot of interesting faction warfare despite initially being a monster-of-the-week shwo.
actually on discord so i get a notification on my phone
>>857259 Well at the latest we'll probably be doing it tomorrow unless Rika is AWOL. There won't be enough coming out tomorrow to need to leave something out.
I vaguely remember the girl here. She showed up towards the latter bits of the first season but I don't remember the particulars. I think they laid out that she's this old guy's granddaughter.
Well you probably don't go into the business of firefighting sentient fire demons without having at least a few screws loose.
Ah yeah, there's the additional complication of how closely the state-official church they've got going on is tied to the firefighting service. Religious fanaticism is another messy layer added on here.
This girl that's gotten into Shinra's head has a very Soul Eater-y vibe to her.
Everyone looks like they've got allergies. Kinda reminds me of the tumblr nose but I think that's something that happens in a lot of Korean art too anyway.
That was a pretty grounded reaction to him losing it.
>>857293 I could see her figuring nothing good would come of making him help when he's been a bit of a pain so far. Y'know if someone's being useless some times it feels like you should just tell them to let you take care of it yourself.
Daewi seems to be a pretty nice guy though. A laidback kind of decency.
As expected it looks like the fighters that got some moments in the limelight last episode are the serious combatants. A lot have pretty standout appearances.
Most of those fights went by quickly but I guess this one will be the first serious ones. I still think the Tai Chi guy is gonna get floored by the brute though.
Yeah he's smashing him in literally with one hand tied behind his back. Or in front of his chest I guess, literally.
Hah hah what a stereotypical bully. Taking out the abuse he's suffered in the past on the people he's bullying.
Oh good I was starting to get annoyed with watching that.
I wonder if this'll mess up his competition though. Ah yeah here's the staff stepping in. I guess the brute wants to keep fighting though.
This Park Mujin guy really reminds me of some of the character designs from Hunter x Hunter.
Looks like the MC is going to get some kind of penalty for stepping in to that fight though. I expect he'll not get thrown out because, well, that's both a dull development for a series that seems to be wholly about this fighting tournament, and also just way too predictable. He'll probably have to fight with a handicap or be put up against deliberately impossible opponents I bet.
Tohru is determined to stick her nose as deep as she can into the mess which is the Souma family
That career counselling is a mandatory part of Japanese highschool is so weird to me. At most my high school had an elective on helping students get into co-op work and how to play the employment game.
They go really deep into helping students figure out what they want to do for the future. A bit too much honestly.
I wonder if it's good or bad it's too early to pick a career i think it's
I wonder if it's better if you start to think about it early tho
Shigure totally just did this because he wanted to pick fights with Sensei.
>>857333 Well that's kind of what I meant with "A bit too much". From what I've seen the faculty really press students to have a firm and reliable career path ahead of them. It's fine to think a bit about the future but they basically say no to any kind of future idea which is unreliable or risky. You wouldn't be able to tell them you want to be an actor or an author or anything like that. I just feel it contributes to the very unexcited and cautious way Japanese society can be. There's no room for being a dreamer there.
She's the kind of person who deserves to be made mad.
This must be a real headache for Sensei though. She probably has a bit of a sense of the mess which is the Souma family since she was involved with Shigure and Hatori. But now she's got a whole other branch of the family developing drama in front of her.
Funny how it is, isn't it. How children outgrow their parents.
Yeah. They stopped growing themselves a long time ago. Where as kids are pretty good at having boundless growth.
I really like this vocalist's sound. Sounds like there might be a bit of digital tweaking in the sound but I don't think it's a necessarily bad thing.
Oh Ayame charmed that one annoying member of the student council. I think they mentioned in previous episodes that he was the council president while he was at the school so I guess he knew how to pilot to the room. Certainly has a charisma that would make him a likable president too.
hmm I wonder how successful muse was I feel like not as much they may try to shake it up a bit glad it got more
Seems like there's more of them. I think this is an adaptation of that group with the girl that hides her face with a paper that's got an emoji scrawled on it. Maybe they were the main group of a recent Love Live mobage?
I don't really know I've got some loose scraps of Love Live information from glancing at chatter about the franchise but I don't know a lot for certain. Kirara might have a cleared idea I'd bet. Clearer, even.
Though honestly there's a lot of overlap with that second one and one of the girls in the five in the anime annoucement, so maybe not. I guess we'll see whenever the anime comes 'round.
hmmm I guess we'll see I hope we get more original characters though The everyone being remixed thing was an interesting concept but it was kinda boring in practice
You can only have so many characters before it starts to feel like new ones are taking bits and pieces from previous ones. I still don't agree with the idea that Sunshine's characters were remixes of the original u's. The closest argument I can find for that is that both had someone into cosplay but, like, cosplay is pretty big in Japan. For one in nine high school girls to be into cosplay doesn't feel like an impossible statistic to me.
I mean I guess you could also mention how Honoka and Sunshine's MC were both orange-haired, but judging how the >>857353 presumable MC here also has orange hair, it seems like that's ... just something the Love Live project insists on having. Maybe I'm splitting hairs but I'd call that more developing a brand than copying previous traits.