BokuBen Episode 9-12 Choyoyu Episode 6-12 Enen no Shoboutai GranBlue Fantasy Kabukicho Sherlock Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 20-25 PSYCHO-PASS Episode 6-8 Val x Love Episode 11-12 Watashi, Nouryoku etc.
Aw sorry to hear that. I'd assume Moon's still nearby but might just be focused on work at the immediate moment. And unfortunately not anywhere I can get in contact with at the moment. We can probably start with something like GranBlue or Enen or whatnot and Moon can join in later.
Some really good fights too. That one with their gun-toting lieutenant was real cool, and the one with their Captain and Vulcan saving the girl from the plague doctor was cool. And this one is pretty crazy.
hi moon Merry Christmas! We're almost done with this.
>>784587 Yeah it was like 9/10C in the city earlier here. Supposed to drop down to 1C over the 24th. I'm not expecting a white Christmas but it might get cold enough to chance it.
We'll be good for more shows in like three minutes.
I was gonna say I feel like this is some complicated science that would go over Shinra's head. But then I remembered he is actually kind of smart.
okay what should we watch with moon I guess we straight up just have three eps of bokuben
Well we could also still close on Watashi, Nouryoku. I don't know when you want to go to sleep so we might not have enough time for the usual five. And Moon doesn't necessarily have time for a full docket as well I think?
im in fact working tonight, and this will just be a break so i'm probably just watching one, sorry maybe two we'll see
Well then we can do episode nine of BokuBen and then add on ten if you're still comfortable for time. If not the two of us can pivot to all the other stuff we have on the list hah hah
ogata should get into mathematical psychology she'd have a ton of fun
It's surprising to see a two-episode story arc in this show though. That's like four manga chapters and I find it hard to imagine they'd have a weekly sorta-gag-oriented series like this run a story that long.
>>784634 It won't bother me if you ask now. I have more time during the holidays, to be honest. Just shoot me an email! And maybe remind me to log on and check it, I haven't checked it lately.
And then they all fucking DIED
It's kind of silly how the general premise of most GranBlue story arcs is "This must be the work of an enemy Sta-- I mean rampaging Primal"
Feels like a last episode or a final arc or something.
Yeah a bit. They probably couldn't do the next island in one episode anyway if I remember correctly. It's got a lo t of stuff concerning Orchis and the Black Knight.
Maybe this is the last plot episode of this season and the next one is the Djeeta one-off episode.
I never actually downloaded episode twenty-one in the week it came out. I've been putting off going and getting it since there was so much of the show on the backlog but I guess I finally need to go get it.
Oh yeah this drama queen was creating more problems at the end of the last episode.
It does look like she's already on the mend though. Just needed to see how she can be more than just a bitch because she's devoted herself to the koto.
Surprising to see it was one of the mooks that pulled her right out of her whole doom and gloom thing.
Personally I've always found it easier to keep my own rhythm for music than try to listen to a metronome. The focus on the metronome messes with me too much.
Talent is just what gets mistaken for introduction and regular practice from a young age. Like any art it's certainly possible to pick it up at any point in your life if you're interested!
Oh is she gonna kind of chew him out for the way he always acts so nonchalant.
Having a last boss in a show like this is kinda weird.
Well I think the manga's still ongoing so it's not really a last boss but just the season finale. I think a meddling, kinda-petty villain character is kinda normal for shoujo plots though.
I did always think it's odd that she wasn't too broken up about leaving her Earth life behind.
She's getting bullied pretty rough by her past selves.
I can kinda understand how she's scared so extremely though. Being so powerful she's never really had to be scared of anything in this world but now she's gotten absolutely thrashed.
Oh there's the otaku references again hah hah. I know I've seen what that's a reference to--
Oh yeah it's Jotaro in Stardust Crusaders.
The Spirit Gun I think is YuYu Hakusho.
Ah this isn't getting much better. I guess they're still all low-level Elder Dragons but even that might be a lot.
So I guess the nanomachines are left over from the civilization that made these ruins.
It's not really a fantasy world, it's the remains of a sci-fi world.
Yeah, they were kind of clear about that from the moment they introduced the weird floating cat and the whole NANOMACHINES, SON thing. But hey, magic and indistinguishable technology.
What nice friends she's got. I wonder if she'll ever spill the beans to them.
They're all being very cordial now that they've been beaten into submission.
I haven't seen so many "Classified Knowledge"s since Haruhi.
I wonder if we'll ever get more of this. This has a big setting to explore but I bet we're probably getting buy the source material
Yeah it's kinda been plagued with the usual isekai/fantasy adaptation problem. A single cour is barely enough time to get out of the prologue of the broader plot.
I haven't been seeing sales figures for this show so I dunno how well it's doing. But good figures is always something to give hope for more adaptation.
Plus the studio seems to have put in a lot of care and attention to the animation; it's kind of weird almost.