BokuBen Episode 9-11 Choyoyu Episode 6-12 Hataage! Kemono Michi Honzuki no Gekokujou Houkago Saikoro Club Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 20-24 No Guns Life PSYCHO-PASS Episode 6-8 Val x Love
You get a lot of detective skill boosts for having a revolver for a head. very noir
She's a bit much of a person.
Oh I thought it would be someone Juzo recognized but it's some random bloke.
... When that guy talked about an Extended haunting a girl I thought he just meant, y'know, stalking and menacing her. Not literally being haunted by a cyborg.
I guess the little dragon girl can be intimidating when she wants to be. She probably doesn't want her chance to eat all the food to get ruined by Joanna's meddling.
Hah hah yeah I expected things would turn out this way. It's pretty much the same that happened last time. Though this time it looks like they sunk even deeper into debt. I wonder when they'll ever actually get some money saved.
Well it seems like the absolute humiliation from the tournament went so far that she awakened to enjoying the sensation. So now she's a proper masochist.
Books! This has been one of the shows I've been most engaged in the plot of this season. The plot and the characters are really, really nice.
Main's condition has also really helped harden Lutz's DETERMINATION. It's good that he gets to keep training to be a merchant with his parents' consent though.
Hah hah they're getting into guild POLITICS now. Though it makes sense that the parchment guild would be throwing a fuss about some new paper that could effectively make them irrelevant. As paper already pretty much did in our history.
I like how fast the clock moves in this series. It allows for some good development in the world instead of just the characters.
>I can't make magical items Or maybe SHE CAN They've got to resolve the problem of her Devouring after all.
Maybe she can figure out something about what the devouring is.
Hah hah Lutz you dweeb.
I'm pretty sure the Priest guy we saw in the first episode and some of the PVs is somewhere in this church. Yup here he is. I wonder if this process can detect people with magic potential. Guess not. Or maybe so? The Priest seems to have some kind of suspicion about her.
This old guy - yeah. Still thinks she's some rich lady. But I guess she's got a lot of money comparatively still? Or maybe culturally "sizable donations" aren't actually all that much in this world?
She doesn't have the best concept of money I think she probably spends more than she needs to not knowing the value
Yeah I was thinking that too. But even if she hasn't got a great concept on money, she's still probably pretty poor at the moment. She's sold a lot of good stuff to Benno and other people but she hasn't really made a lot of money yet. So even with a bad grasp on money I was assuming she still wouldn't be able to pool the amounts to make a sizable donation. Which is what's got me a little confused.
I guess this show's thirteen episodes for the season. That'll let it close up the arriving arc and learning the world arc in in this season. And then they can do some more elaborate stuff in the second season.
>>783521 Well she did kind of meet him this episode. He's the one that did her finger prick. But yeah I bet she'll be assigned to his wing of the cathedral or something or be put under his tutelage.