Just look at this event farming team Isn't it beautiful
that first girl is ugly
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Beautiful in the sense that it is perfectly balanced to combine power with maximised event drops Only a strategic mastermind such as i could have designed such a thing.
I've been playing the discord waifu gacha you don't have to spend money and there's thousands of characters to roll and the ability grind is simple It is also a nostalgia trip.
Shit dude Weeaboos even have their own magazine now
im pretty sure we could put something like that together with ease
I've seen a bunch of stuff like that through the years. I'm pretty sure Newtype, a longtime otaku-culture magazine from Japan has, or at least had, an American publication too.
Pretty tired. Dead of winter is always draining to me. Plus retail work around Christmas has certainly been a lot. I'm kind of okay besides that though.
hello hello still working monday but off after that
i took on two extra jobs this month im probably going back to normal by new years so i can work on my work again
i dont like doing other people's work! i wanna do mine
i havent been watching anime news any new info on 2020 q1 season
oh the Madoka mobage anime is coming out next season
yeah the first two episodes are pretty good
wait what there's two episodes out already?
they premiered ep 1 and 2 at animenyc also ep 3 preview it's very madoka
neat thatll be fun were you at animenyc
>>783638 I don't think I've seen anything new about Winter 2020, no. Dorohedoro had another PV a couple days back but it's not much more than what we already saw. Aside from voice snippets of more of the regular characters, I think the first one had Caiman and maybe Nikaido.
Honzuki no Gekokujou did get a season two confirmation for 2020 but I'd be extremely surprised if it landed in Winter 2020; we probably have to wait for Spring or Summer for that.
Extra skill points to reduce posture damage is coming in huge in the Isshin fight. It's still hard but now it's less of a brutal one-sided ass beating.
my clients roasted me in group lol it was pretty funny they were trying to guess my addiction and couldn't geget a read on me and then were saying i look like a magician, a clown, or a portland hipster
Well at least they consider you a commendable hipster like one from Portland
what does the average Floridian look like you probably would fit in Portland though my only understanding of Portland is Portlandia and the random stuff I hear about politics
i got asked to work on Christmas after all! there goes my quiet day doing jack shit
Was that an ask that's more of a "Do it or else" or do you just still really need the money? Because if it's just an ask then I can't see why you can't say no.
Time to head up to the cottage. These kinds of family event plannings really tend to be exhausting with my family. When things inevitably mess up a bit it really stresses my mother out which makes her kind of bitchy with everyone around her. And my imouto hates being stuck in a car with the family so she's got headphones on blasting music loud enough to hear across the car.
Maybe this wouldn't be that bad if I lived apart from them but it's just a lot in a shorr period of time either way.
love to turn up in 40c heat only to have the customer look at their groceries like I brought them a dead rat that's fine let me do all the work wouldn't want to bother you on your busy Saturday of doing nothing
what even is this last delivery too I've worked in other stores and this really does seem like a place more suited to their radii
the funyarinpa is in the waifu gacha
>>783666 well they asked nicely they wanted me to work Tuesday night and Wednesday but I couldn't do Tuesday night that's when my family does Christmas shit i need the money anyways but I don't want my mom to murder me
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Sweating enough to hope my phone is waterproof
>>783677 it fuckin hot dude didn't realise how hot until I started work
something smells funny in this car like a sparkler burning I hope it's not my clutch killing itself again
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>783678 You'd think with half the country on fire you'd think they would have something else to do
The package that I paid $2 extra to get here Thursday hasn't gotten here and the package that was supposed to get here between today and the 30th did get here. I might file a complaint.
>>783702 It just proves my strategic genius When the game wants to set a really tough boss It uses what i use
There's a mobage I kind of want to play cause its adapted from one of my favorite videogame series, but I've heard its practically impossible to play without spending money. If I can find a hacked apk I might try it. I have really mixed feelings about that Chinese company buying SNK.
I'm talking about Metal Slug btw.
can't say i ever expected them to make a metal slug mobage how does that even work or is it just a cashgrab collectable deal
I have really mixed felings about it, on one hand its success is probably why they just released all those new ports and they've also been adding a ton of new lore. But oon the other hand they might become complacent with the mobage and never release metal slug 8.
>>783706 It reminds me a little bit of Battlecats except I think most of the units use projectiles. But I'm not 100% sure of that. Tower defense was the word I was thinking oof *Term *of But like instead of full 2d It's really just horizontal Although I'm sure there are arcing projectiles flying units.
Also the metal slug neo geo at the arcade I go to was having issues. I really wanted to play metal slug 5 because its the one I've played the least (excluding 2 because it has lag issues and was supplanted by X and 4 which is bad because it was made by people who bought the rights to metal slug after snk went out of business before the new snk company existed).
Anyways for sone reason it could only switch to 1,X,3 and the other ame on the machine that I don't care about. *game. Also the screen (which was recently replaced) was having weird intermittent moments of everything turning knd of blue and really visible scanlines.
>>783667 dat girl? >>783712 i'm just using their mobile app rn on the go idk if my GPU can handle it. Probably
>>783713 It's just a colleague of his that he's cat-watching for a week or so. According to him her flat's a disaster site of mess and uncleaned living spaces.
Man between my dad, mom, brother (and maybe his girlfriend?) this wing of the cottage is a snore concerto at night. I don't know how I'm gonna wind down enough to sleep before I actually just get plain sleepy, and I woke up really late today so that's probably still a good ways off. I didn't bring my bottle of melatonin with me figuring I wouldn't need it with the limited distractions out here in cottage country but I guess that was a mistake.
>>783739 what do you mean Maybe his gf maybe she snores? or... is there a mystery girl attached to yr bro
Oh yeah no I just mean I know snoring is a thing that runs in my family but I haven't really spent time around her when she's asleep so I don't know about her. They've been dating a good long while now I'm familiar with her when she's awake!
>>783738 every year Australia has a new hottest day on record
>>783749 hey jan have you gotten my texts at all? ive been texting people all week but havent been getting any responses from anyone it's making me feel uneasy
>>783753 really??? do you have a new number? why isn't my shit going through i haven't been getting any responses from you or kirara or anyone else and it's been making me really upset i felt like i was being avoided
Kirara ππ€‘
i have not gotten anything from you recently either
time is collapsing on me but i remember people were wondering where you've been and haven't heard from you so it's probably something everyone was having an issue with
Kirara ππ€‘
idk, i get texts from others
i guess i'll try to switch service providers this is too troublesome
>>783754 my numbers still the same yeah i dunno what's goin on with that
it's just my shitty at&t service im pretty pissed about it i spent the last week thinking people are tired of my shit and just want me to stop bothering them
people could legitimately have relationships fucked over by a shitty service provider facilitating that kind of miscommunication and the affected parties would never even know
what if i was locked in a trunk and tried texting for help and it says message sent, but the message never actually went through i had the same problem a few years ago too with the same service provider so i know that's what's going on
If a company is employing you to do something, and you create a tool or process in order to do that something for the company, then you can't use that tool for yourself commercially right?
i think there's two things at play here? intellectual property but also noncompeting with the company
i dont really know about all this stuff. it's over my head
>>783763 Depends in most cases, if you create something during company time especially using company resources, it is owned by the company and not you atleast I think that is still default in most cases, but I am heavily influenced by fiction where this is always the case, so I might be wrong
>>783763 You could ofc do it "on your own" register it and then still use it at your job but generally speaking and repeating myself, anything you invent during company time is owned by said company
it's especially tough for things that are more IP and not hard "inventions" like if you had to create a secure system for a company, and you use your own security mechanisms to secure the system, unless you've already put your stuff through a patenting process, then the company might own those now??
so you could screw yourself over by taking on such a job and basically giving them a bunch of stuff that's more valuable in the process
>>783768 That really does sound like something best taken up with someone who's studied American law, yeah. I guess this ties back to you asking about patent law a couple days ago? It's kind of a niche concern so I don't know how much help the rest of us would be.
Well, it's not the crux of the issue. The assumption there is kind of the foundation of a larger issue.
I think sammy's probably right. That's kind of what I was thinking.
I don't think I want to waste my hand to solve some other company's problems for a temporary salary. I think I should save my hand for a better opportunity to cash in on it myself. I'm just not sure if I'll make it there on my own when im suffocating so hard
>>783773 damn its so 80s or 70s idk i hope you have a neon purple and green windbreaker
The place was built in the 70s or 80s yeah. Some couple moved up north from Toronto and started a car/boat dealership and this is the house they built to live in. The husband passed away some time ago so the wife was looking to sell and my parents really liked the place. It's a big place but it is also really dated hah hah.
There's also this cool-ass pool table in a weird as FUCK rec room. The lady who was selling the cottage even gave it to us technically for free, since the price she gave my parents for the place was under the assumption she'd find someone to sell and take the pool table. But even when she found a buyer for the table for like three thousand dollars or something, since the table's of good make and bolted to the ground and all that, in order to take the table away the buyer would have to pay a company another five thousand or something to dismantle and reassemble it. So the buyer dropped the idea and so we got to keep the table just because there wasn't anyone else to take it.
I think the room was maybe originally a kids' playroom? Explaining the weird carpet tiles and Easter-themed brick paintjob. If so I figure when the previous owners wanted to get a pool table that room was the only part of the place that had enough space for it while also not being competely in the way of standard movement. Plus the husband of the lady who sold my parents the place was a proper car nut and that room 's walls were full of those little triangular flags the name of which escapes me and a huge SUZUKI banner on one of the walls. All in all it's a REALLY weird room.
wow i wanna shoot some billiards
I'd really like to host people up here some time. There's like five or six bedrooms with at least one bed to each plus a pull-out couch and another one or two that are comfy enough to just sleep on themselves. I could easily have another six or seven people minimum up here. The property's on a river that links to two different lakes too, and while we don't really have the set-up to get a good boat into the river yet, it's easy to take a kayak or canoe down to the river and put it in. Plus there's a lot of hikeable land and backcountry around. It's a good place. If I was more of a country person I'd probably be really happy here.
I went out for a winter walk in the nice trails 'round here and got a little bit lost. Ended up being out for like two and a half hours. Got some nice nature photos while trying to find my way home.
Check out this lil' cutie I caught knocking about while I was on my walk.
is that a fat juvy woodpecker or is it some sort of canadian corvid
Woodpecker! He's obviously had a good winter so far. When I first spotted him he was pecking at a utility line pole. Woodpeckers have a really coof "Fyum" sound as they kick off their perch and start flying. He ended up moving to that tree in the picture not long after I snapped a photo of him on the utility pole.
Well it was probably female, yeah, thinking about it. There's some local species of woodpeckers that even the males have barely any red to their cap and the distance and zoomed resolution might've made it hard to pick up red. And it was starting to get a little darker out so I dunno if I would have seen the atypical splash of red. But the more likely situation was that it was just female.
When I first went out on the walk I was told there was apparently a large loop and a small loop of a snowmobile/ATV track 'cross a bridge near our place. I figured I'd take the track and whichever loop I ended up on, I'd settle for. But turns out there's other options you can take which put you on long trails that snake through the backcountry and I never found the point that I could loop back. So I was kind of just walking for a good long time, starting to get a bit concerned about the early-setting-sun since this is the longest night of the year hah hah. It was about an hour and a half in that I remembered that even without reception my phone can work as a GPS and I still had the local map on my phone from pulling it up on the cottage's WiFi. So I was able to plot a direction that the trails took me MOST of the way home but eventually I had to just hoof it through the forest without any trails to help me, The whole affair kind of amused me, just picking the direction I'd need to head to get back and sticking as close to that as I could.
I was kinda charmed by this big ol' tree kinda encircled by these smaller ones. You can really see the physical footprint of the on e tree on the ground beneath it. Makes me think of those veneered trees in Japan that are believed to have Kami in them so they get that belt of braided rope. This tree gave me a similar vibe at least.
>>783839 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/507590v4.full standing in a forest, surrounded by trees that are literally screaming at you, just at too high of a frequency for you to hear but still at a solid 60 decibels
>>783840 I wouldn't have been listening, too busy cursing as I stumbled through the snow-covered undergrowth. I'd gotten close to the shore of the lake that fed into the river my cottage is on to help guide me back and that entire shoreline was pretty much a steep incline towards the water/ice so I was constantly slipping down where the soil got too barren and exposed bare, slippery rock, or the snow-covered plants got too slippery and I lost purchase. Parts of that stretch I was more or less slinging myself from tree to tree for anchoring to keep from slipping hah hah
>>783842 Plenty of winter-weathered trees 'round here.
not that many ski tracks
I walked past quite a few cottages and the like, and I didn't see too many cars around, so I think there's just not a lot of people around at the moment. Also these trails seem to primarily purposed as trails for snowmobiles/ATVs so I could see most skiers opting to just go somewhere else to enjoy themselves.
>>>/watch?v=yMKJR5n4gLw this is so cool i would love to live like this. i do really well in small, conservative spaces and being resourceful
i've been watching a guy solo sail the pacific a lot too and that seems like a lot harder work, but i think i would cope very well living on a boat or sailboat or in a mobile home of some sort my job accomodates it too...
I wouldn't mind doing a sailing trip though I dunno if I'd trust myself to do it solo. And I think there's no way I could live out of one long-term; nevermind my preference for urban living a boat's just a bit too ... boaty for me to consider it a home. But I'd like to experience what it's like.
a canal boat like that would be cozy and modern enough there's some occasional maintenance and some stuff you need to be logistical about and be resourceful, but you're just on the canals so there's still 4G and cell service and all that.
i could very easily live and do work on a day-to-day business mostly in leisure. cruise the canals and be more social maybe on the weekends. that seems like a luxurious life to me. (and it kinda is with the price of those boats)
as for a sailing boat, that's a lot different. it'd keep me busy, which would probably be good. every day is a fierce battle of wrestling with the wind currents, maintaining your ship, everything. it's like a survival game where there's zero downtime. that seems fun and engaging for me. it can be really overwhelming but i think it would be fun. it's hard, exhausting work too. it's like 16 hours a day of manual labor type work, but there will be some days where the wind is just dead and you'll just float along on still waters, maybe making two miles in a whole day. those days you can sleep, but you have to catch up later. you can't let a day with good wind pass you up.
the maritime regulations and all that is wayyyyy over my head though all the stuff you have to be knowledgeable about, and how to comm with other seafaring vessels knowing my luck i'd probably get caught in the wake of a chinese fishing ship and not know what any of their signals meant or how to evade course
if it's a canal boat, 4G should cover all your anime needs and would let you play just about anything besides FPS you could definitely play mahjong. probably age of empires
I could see fighing games having a similar problem with cellular Internet like that too. They suffer from similar latency problems. Not that I really care about that stuff much since I've ALWAYS had WiFi Internet my whole life so I don't really know what it feels like to have pure hardwired Internet.
it wouldn't be as slick as having your own little boat but sometimes I wonder how feasible it would be to set up a tent out on some empty bushland a little bit outside the city. There's lots of clear space around here.
If you still had a car it would be pretty doable. Get a gym membership for shower/toilet maybe the only hard thing would be cooking
>>783858 i get better ping for dota through 4G tethered than i do through hardwire about 50ms
if you lived on the east or west coast and had under 20ms i could see it not being as good though
the biggest issue with 4G latency is it's less consistent and spikes more though
for a fightan gaem tho packet delivery consistency is more important than round trip times same for an FPS but yea mobas and wow and board games are fine either way
>>783876 i found isshin's first stage harder than his second/third.
Because after he pulls out the spear it's a lot easier to play with a bit of range. and if it's a Perilous Attack, it's almost always a stab which can be countered.
>>783879 I found his second form harder because he's more likely to use sweeps and the gun Third form is the easiest in a way since lightning attacks have that big old flash at the start and you just have to jump and push R2
oh wow i love those plates they aren't goose/hen plates but those are a little more thematic for the scenario your mom (i assume) has good aesthetics
She loves details like that. Plates for the season, all sorts of little decorative things for tabletops and windows and etc. Christmas is a lot for my family so she always likes to go all out.
goddamn it there's now holes in both of my favorite jacket pockets that are too large to not prevent things from falling out this thing is so beat up and torn now I don't think it's salvageable the end of an era
Can't flip it inside out and sew the pockets proper again?
you can't actually flip the pockets out since there's no liner in the side pockets it's just an extra bit of canvas sewn into the main jacket
One of the nice things about this new laptop is the more recent Chrome OS updates allow you to emulate Android apps natively on the machine. And it's one of those laptops that can fold backwards and be used as a tablet. So I can just pop open the Mahjong Soul app and play the game comfortably from just about anywhere.
>>783893 Yeah I doubt the devs would bother with the coding involved I think the android port was pretty rudimentary
Oh well I guess the Internet up here might still be too shit to have a session though.
>>783892 That would be nice too. Though I don't really love the Switch's touch screen and the various platforms the game's developed for don't seem to have controller functionality yet.
well you can probably still play old school RuneScape that game has clocked only like 2gb of roaming data since the app first came out for me which was actually over a year ago wew >>783895 hey it's something to do while you're doing practically anything else it's basically proto cookie clicker
Yeah I could. There's no way I want to play any iteration of RuneScape though.
Guess who got put on academic probation for probably failing at least 33% of their semester course load again,
a very forseeable outcome considering all the
coursework they kept putting off and forgetting to do. Guess who feels like absolute trash and a failure again.
Also guess who's stuck in the middle of nowhere with awful Internet at a time when isolation and being stuck with their own thoughts is an extremely bad environment.
It's like three days to my twenty-seventh birthday and I'm still a miserable failure of a human being who can't hold themselves accountable and do the things normal fucking human beings need to do to sustain themselves
It's just what I needed, another birthday, Christmas, end of the year that goes by reminding me just how
dysfunctional of a human being I am.
It would have been nice for this to just be one single fucking post but I can't even have that. Instead it sprawls like seven posts because of this
Whatever you get the fucking picture. Fuck this, fuck me, I'm just so tired of being incapable of being.
Is there more to life than watching cute girls doing cute things?
Apparently being a fucking chode, judging your actions.
>>783909 yeah there's also hiking and camping and hunting and fishing and video games and music and etc
>>783912 some people say there's loftier things to shoot for than simply doing what you like to do as well but you'd have to be pretty self flaggelatory to avoid what you want to do because it doesn't sound impressive enough
>>783896 my favorite part about this is that someone had beaten his record of lvl 16 with a lvl 15 and said "rendi can probably get 14 but there's no way to go any lower with this challenge" then rendi does it at lvl 9 the fucking mad lad
>>783900 Shitsux. Good luck. Hang in there. >>783915 It's just so, so much effort and grinding for something absolutely pointless >>783909 If there is then I don't want to know about it.
>>783916 bruh its a video game it's all absolutely pointless they just like to do that rendi's done almost every solo boss in the game at as low a level as possible except the inferno i think woox and some indian guy beat him at that
>>783916 congo rats on beating sekiro btw wasn't isshin way more fun to fight than that australian bushfire elemental? how did you like the game did it live up to my hype
cool glad you liked it i thought it was a great time too
now play NieR: Automata
I really wish I had something sufficiently distracting that I could use to get out of my own head at the moment. This awful mental state I'm in just keeps on stewing and layering on more and more reminders of how incompetent and incapable I am I need something that needs a lot of focus and relatively high brain resources usage but all I've got at the moment is a laptop at 1% battery and a phone. I don't even know if I've got the motivation to try start reading a book. Doubly so that most of the books I brought were course texts for the courses I failed in case I was not too late past being late to do the work if I had the time this weekend. I guess I could get my laptop's charger but that leaves me about in the same position as I am already, just with a slightly more comfortable computer device. I don't even know how I'm going to fall asleep tonight.
What about something like chess puzzles You can do those on a phone
>>783922 Yeah maybe something like that. There was a decent shogi app I had on my old phone that had shogi puzzles similar to chess ones. I guess I could go find it again. Or see if my Internet's better now that it's the middle of the night and no one else is using it and see I can play MahjongSoul on the phone app
>>783924 Idk if you'd be interested but there's an online mahjong efficiency trainer where you just pump out efficiency problems You could grab the charger and boot up some online shogi or chess game oh wait nvm laptop is dead Well whatever if you have any internet you could probably download some shogi or chess app
More than anything I just wish I could stop being an existence. Like not even just be dead just go straight to unexistence, don't pass GO, don't collect $200.
>>783927 sounds like that zen spirituality shit would be right up your alley
>>783928 Yeah but my desires for this aren't because I want to attain betterment or enlightenment or whatever the fuck it's my cowardly desire to escape consequences for my actions and abandon this pathetic shamble of a life I've lived without causing grief to people in the process.
not exactly but the ideals could help you accept and overcome what you perceive as meaning you are failed as a being somehow it is a lot of shit about unfocusing on the constructs and fabrications of humanity and reality and appreciating the existence and then more about realizing you don't even exist either and i haven't gotten that into it
that last part is more japanese zen than traditional too i guess
i can't really appreciate the concepts in zen that much since my personal philosophy is already a different flavor of nihilism i'm okay with being a shit or great person i don't care as long as i'm enjoying it
whats with companies having po boxes apparently I can order stuff to 7/11
god I'm so bad at multi-tasking I wanted to watch anime while I'm grinding this game but i can't read the subtitles and pay attention to the simple combat
>>783941 That's not all. Someone in Call of Duty just told me "ur shit" after I killed him. Then he left the game so I couldn't even tell him I am not, in fact, shit.
>>783944 I couldn't even tell him that I would be as gentle with him while I fuck him tonight as I was rough with his mother last night. Life is so awful to me sometimes. I was robbed.
I'm sick, my nose is stuffed, I need to shave, I have chapped lips and a big zit on my cheek. I feel absolutely disgusting right now.
>>783948 It's not, but it's still alright It does have a very nice visual appeal and attractive architecture and landscape design The gameplay isn't quite as solid as dark souls or as thrilling as bloodborne and just ends up feeling kind of bogged down between the two
>>783950 Dark Souls 2 is such a broken shit game I beat it with a build that was literally overencumbered, could not dodge, and could not block because i just dual wielded the heaviest weapons in the game
Anyway, next year I'm going to be looking for work again while also doing close to full-time study so I'm not anticipating having a whole lot of free time so I'm kind of using this opportunity to play through all the vidya I wanted to but never really had a chance
>>783973 I dunno, the PS4's ports were looking real shit in 2018. Pro still looks a little shit compared to PC but they probably needed a cheap way to keep people interested in the console and on pulse with their brand while they developed the new shit.
>>783975 yeah but making games was way faster back then so you could release a new console after 5 years and still have a huge library
>>783976 all consoles look shit but they have their uses cheaper and no need to think about "will it run" just download the game and go >remembers when consoles were just "insert disc and play"
>>783977 >making games was way faster back then You wot mate? Game dev speed is dependent on a lot of factors and with the advent of better and more user friendly tools making a console game is easier than ever.
>>783978 It really depends on the game, XIV on Pro in 1080p looks damn near identical to maxed settings on PC by default and runs at 60fps.
PC can look way, way better of course, there are shader injectors for the game on PC that are fine to use and won't get you banned even if you talk about it. Some of them are coded really fucking bad and take up way too much resource with the excuse that they're "intended just for screenshots" though.
>>783979 This one is totally true Just look at graphical standards and how hard it is for AA studios to keep up now
>>783982 Unreal cuts out a lot of the bullshit work but modeling and animating are definitely held to a much higher standard now, I guess. That and Unreal default shaders are generic and most games are going to be creating at least a few of their own for whatever aesthetic they want.
>>783984 >modeling and animating are definitely held to a higher standard now Maybe by consumers, I still haven't forgotten the last Mass Effect game.
Also clipping in prerendered stuff really irritates me.
>>783985 BioWare and Bethesda, much like Spiders McGee, are outliers and should not be counted. Nobody knows what kind of retarded shit they are huffing in those offices but the two guys in 3D are trying their best.
Also animating a lot of stuff is easier now because mocap is cheaper amd more accessible.
Every time I think about Mass Effect I remember that time they stole a deviant art wallpaper for the ending scene of their big trilogy finale and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
>>783990 I just remember the last line in that game ending being something about buying DLC.
>>783989 Yeah, standards have changed. Now fully boned realistic mocap is the basic expectation for human animations, and everyone wants you to get all fancy with the procedural limb reaction with environment and all this other bullshit or else your game looks like poop and IGN will give it a 6.
>>783992 IGN gave Babiez on the Wii a higher score than Uh fuck God hand Yeah that
fucking god hand is the best ps2 game of all time
I'm pretty sure the God Hand review was a Cuphead moment No way anyone could finish that game and think it's anything less than hilarious and incredible
>>783995 I would've expected game journalists of that era to be good at games.
He probably picked easy mode and got pissed when the game called him a pansy
Oh what IGN made a second opinion video on God Hand praising it 13 years late fuckheads
Now I have a headache. I haven't been this sick in a while. I rarely get this many symptoms. Usually my colds are much milder. Although my OCD is acting up so I might just feel worse than I actually am.
Well now I'm down to six percent on my phone too. Turns out game phone apps with nice assets and motion effects chug a battery pretty hard. Who'd a thunk.
But I'm still not really in a good spot to fall asleep.
I just don't know how I'm going to get out of this mess this time.
you could channel your creativity if you have pen ad and paper
Doesn't really distract me from my thoughts. If anything since writing is kind of an internally-directed activity it just makes the buzz in my head all the more loud.
>>784014 Do you think listening to music would help?
on what though
>>784014 doesn't necessarily have to be writing but I guess if it doesn't help it doesn't help
Yeah, it's also really hard to feel like I can engage in rewardless effort right now.
>After a long time of being on twitter, grade school followers have started taking high school exams. The JKs have become members of society. The JDs have become mothers. And the old men have become 14 year old girls. The flow of time is cruel.
The first tkme I read BLAME! I hadn't read it and the end made nonsense to me. Although when I first read Biomega I also thought it was in continuity because Touha Heavy Industries and I could not wrap my mind around how they were in continuity.
>>784043 well considering that the toho heavy industry of blame WARPED to another dimension, it might very well be the same fuckers but it isn't, it just is nisei reusing the name. he does it
i made a really good sandwich would you like to hear about it?
>pull up to a delivery stop in my solar powered Hummer >drop off like 95kg of shit >"wow it must have been tough to carry all this on foot!" yea sure was hard on my right foot man
tomorrow I'll figure out how to deliver these 24kgs of sleeping pills up the mountain wonder if the road goes to there if i keep building
>>784059\ I don't mean to overhype it I think I just enjoyed it so much because I was really hungry. Toasted chili flavored canned tuna with avocado and a little bit of mustard but it went HARD let me tell you..
wow they're planning a battle royale mode for Modern Warfare this shit has been getting free content updates every week to 2 weeks since launch what's going on with Activision did they finally fill the gold swimming pool with money?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
are there mircrotransactions? maybe it's an investment
there's cosmetic bullshit and a 10 dollar thing you buy for seasonal cosmetic upgrades as you earn xp but it refunds the 10 dollars worth of points if you just play the game enough to get 74/100 levels in it before the three month season is up i don't play it a ton but I'm already like 54 and almost got enough points back to have it pay for itself next season if you get all the way to 100/100 you get an extra 5 bucks worth of cosmetic store points as well
>>784062 make first, get people hookee, monetise later the activision model
>>784065 that's what i thought too but all they've done is add some weapon skins and player models all of which are available in the seasonal treadmill anyways which pays for itself forever if you just play the game like 5 hours a week maybe they'll put more cash grabby shit in later and hope nobody notices
also gotta always remember that vidya game companies prey almost exclusively on tge addict types and fomo people the whales are what they hunt everyone else is just a nice added penny
>>784066 also gotta remember that acti pays no taxes so there is that too
i bet they'll monetize the shit out of the battle royale thing to get those fortnite bucks or something they've gotta have an angle if they're abandoning the good ol map pack wringer
gonna have kiddos maxing moms credit card to get 500 surprise mechanic boxes
maybe it just doesn't seem monetized enough to me because i don't fucking care about the player emblems or skins for my character which i rarely even see
Kirara ππ€‘
a child four night danced at me yesterday as I drove down a road
>>784072 children communicate with tribal ritual dances they learned from a terrible game instead of high fives now the changes have time
some of them get like $20 in vbucks at my store every week to fuel their Fisher Price Gambling Addiction
then their parents buy real important adult things like scratch off lottery tickets
Kirara ππ€‘
primitive beasts
when i was a kid we didn't have fortnight i had to make do with lame addictions that didn't get me any twitch viewers like alcoholism
or cigs from the store clerks who didn't give enough of a fuck to card me
my cousin's kids were doing the fortnite dance even tho they don't play it god that has become the apex cultural thing for the new generation
rember when they banned pokiemon cards at school cuz kids kept getting into fights and stuff and teachers would confiscate them and just keep them and all the adults would just say it's just a fad and "can't wait for this dumb fad to die!!"
and those two kids who sat together on the bus shit talking pokemon saying how digimon have more power
digimon were probably more powerful back then but there are like space monsters and shit in pokemon now
>>784085 not to put any onus or pressure on you, but im seeking out and in need of a new living arrangement i thought i'd just see what's available. we've talked about it various times in the past, is that potentially something you'd be available or interested to do nbd if not i dont expect it
how does that work dark souls doesnt have posture eh
Most of Sekiro benefits from keeping close to the enemy and rewards aggression fused with awareness of when to time parries and jumps/sidesteps. It's a good bit different from the cautious playstyle Dark Souls requires.
Kirara ππ€‘
sekiro is pretty much pure skill but dark souls is very stats and not responsive enough to use skill in the way you would with sekiro you can't do anything quick enough
bloodborne benefits from a sekiro type strategy at least
i see i see i havent played a dark souls but i did get Sekiro when it came out and then promptly got roflstompwx how do you read the wnemies cues or like what kind of framework do you need to learn those in cuz i didnt know wtf i was doing
closest ive gotten was playing Hollow Knight but that 2D gfx is way more legible than samurai stalkin around in 3D
Dark Souls bosses tend to be these huge monsters that have immense health and the fight pattern usually requires learning how many slaps you can get in before stepping waaaay back and then knowing how to avoid the specific attack that's winding up.
>>784134 You gotta learn to respond to enemy attacks instead of reacting to them. If you let yourself think, you'll get hit. You just have to stay in the moment and respond. I usually have to learn through trial and error.
>>784135 i assume you learn ehat the wind up looks like thru dying several times or is there like a standard repertoire of moves
Yeah dying is usually your vehicle for learning, though for the most part your health goes a lot father for you in the Souls games so you can be perceptive and sustain with your flask heals, or just get lucky and guess right on your first encounter of the wind-up (they usually have a somewhat intuitive attack associated with the wind-up).
>>784134 mash r1 when enemy swings sword if you see the big red Chinese letter push o or x at all other times swing sword there you go
>>784140 R1 is dodge roll? isk i have a steam contoller and qn Xbox 1 controller for my PC
Should be the parry stance in Sekiro. By mashing the parry button you constantly slip in and out the stance which means you'll have the best chance at getting a perfect parry.
wait you can press a button to parru this is not like my smash ultimate
>>784142 wait no I meant the block button Dodging sucks ass in Sekiro
It's got its uses. You definitely can't dodge all the things like in Soulsborne games but there's certain bosses where it's really applicable, and for a lot of mooks I usually found it easily to sidestep around their guard and keep whacking.
>>784147 yeah side stepping is good in this I found a weird thing with genichiros first fight where if you just stand slightly to the right of him you can get in whacks And then you just sidestep again
>>784153 Souls games will teach you bad habits for Sekiro
>>784149 main strategy is always to deflect until their stamina is low so you can execute them some enemies you have to lower their hp before they take reasonable stamina damage also you want to attack to force enemies to become defensive sometimes bc their counter attacks are predictable
Nah they're very different games. With most of Sekiro the best way to go is always keep close to your opponent and be aggressive if they're slow, or defensive if they're fast and aggressive. This usually involves a bit of feeling out but also always remember there's no such thing as a close-up attack you can't block, parry, jump, or sidestep in the gamd ... with a few very obvious exceptions.
Also experiment around with the ninja tools and find a few you like using. There's a few bosses having a specific tool will make the fight much easier but for the most part they can pretty much just be used to complement your personal satisfaction.
make sure you explore a lot or you'll end up missing all the good arm attachments
Get to take a local above-ground train for the first time whoo Like the big, super-high occupancy trains that don't just service the city but also the surrounding neck of the province
gorgeous cobalt-painted Brown Betty teapot for Christmas. Eight cups, which volumetrically is a bit of a downsize from the probably ten or twelve cup one we've had for decades but apparently no one makes them in that size anymore.
>>784180 prolly does some funky stuff for neurotypicals idk never touched the stuff and don't see the appeal other than cheapness >>784181 I'm not bad finished work ad and stuff so that's nice
>>784185 Less worse thanks to having had a day to digest it. Still feeling terrified at the uncertainty and potential additional problems I don't know if I'll have solutions for. Still can't really distract myself from beating myself up over it.
want me to tutor you?
It's not about tutoring it's about just doing the fucking work and not getting distracted or putting it off and forgetting about it until it's overwhelmingly a lot and drowning under it all. I have no capacity to keep myself accountable and the part of me that always wants to slack off is cunning anx sociopathic in the way he lies to everyone to make space for being irresponsible.
>proving grounds is announced to be Wind Advantaged >Grimnir now significantly harder to join fuck
>>784196 would you have any programs i could come join or something
I know I need something like that but I also doi want another person I'm going to start lying to once the pressure mounts and I want to escape. I already lie to way to many people on a regular basis and I don't know how I'm going to start confronting this problem without fixing that kneejerk reaction to the remotest kind of stress.
I'm just so tired of being a coward and an unmotivated sack incapable of finding any kind of direction or convincing myself to care But I literally don't know how to be anything else so what else am I supposed to do.
Most of what I could get you into would be residential substance treatment facilities or sober housing. Sober housing would be alongside PHP loc treatment.
I could potentially find HUDVASH housing but you'd have to jump through a lot of hoops with the VA.
>>784199 I think you really need regular therapy and medication management.
do you think i could still see my old doctor in stl if i had an outstanding bill w them that went to collections
why does my boy eraserhead get done dirty always
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
solaire is fucking dead pan
i mean yeah i killed him
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you could have prevented this
there was nothing that could be done, he had to die
Kirara ππ€‘
>>784205 They likely have a certain amount that they will let you rack up before they will no longer see you.
>>784211 okay thanks im going to try. it's been over a year though it'll be a while but maybe ill be able to get medicated again
>>784203 How do people even get therapy though I can't imagine you just walk into a random clinic and ask for an appointment. Nevermind the monetary cost of it.
Well, usually you just call them, but you can walk in and ask for an appointment too.
Canada doesn't help with MH care costs?
As far as I know universal healthcare does not apply to mental health here, no. And since I'm past twenty-five I can't use the nice insurance my mother has for being a government employee.
>>784216 They've got a centre for counselling and "student development" but I don't think they offer anything proper therapy. I think my university health insurance might cover some specific clinics that have an accord with the university though. I'd need to get in contact with someone from one of the support systems at the university and that's probably gonna open this can of worms I'm trying Very Hard to not look directly at right now. Plus the university is in holiday period and I don't even know if anyone's there.
does the university have something? mine had some mental health resources on campus, but i wasn't very satisfied with them they were just grad students
You may be able to find something on a sliding scale.
I will tell you a secret about the industry, too. Most private therapists take pro bono clients regularly. Typically, you discuss the costs of treatment at the end of the first session, and you can usually negotiate a payment plan or potentially pro bono services. There are instances where you can pay for the services by doing something like working in some capacity for them or pay in something other than money, such as fruit, for example.
ive thought a lot about being a massage therapist i bet a ton of people would be down for service swaps with a masseuse
my sister does stuff like that as a tattoo artist. i think it's kinda neat
yeah good point i guess i could add on surgical needs and doing street magic at their kids' birthday parties to make up for it
Kirara ππ€‘
i would never allow a client to come to my kids' birthday party unless i was extremely close to the client i have seen more than 200 clients and there's only one id even consider letting them do that
so apparently I am a Merry character now. I'm a cute painter girl and Isana is my senpai I cant believe we are a year and some change behind in translations. this should have been given to me a long time ago.
wow how cool i didnt even know it was an ongoing series err not ongoing currently going
it still is an ongoing series. although from what ive seen of the latest chapter previews, it should be ending soon
I got a PS4 for Chanukah.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I love my bloodborne machine
Although the catch is that I'll probably not be able to play it very much because my mom works from home and our house is pretty small. She also works for like ten or more hours a day. Which is why hadn't asked for any new consoles since we moved.
2 is a different monster. If it's ever ultra cheap or you own it I'd play it someday, but you will not get the same kind of experience as you did from the other souls games.
A part of me would really like you to give it a try. It's a very different feeling game though. Like everything feels clunkier and that's saying something. Well like
Dark souls 1 feels slow Dark souls 2 feels sluggish. Just like you're moving through some pudding.
The weapon and build variety in 2 is huge though. There are some cool areas and bosses. And some really really shit areas and bosses.
So Dark Souls 3 Code Vein and I've been getting into the Neptunia rpg games again and i got the sequels for super cheap CAN I BEAT IT ALL BEFORE SUMMER ENDS? we'll see
>he paid full price for Sonic Forces at launch You're a hell of a guy ToN
>>784267 I think they said that they had engine limitations which prevented them from making sonic stages go for more than two minutes SO uhhh lol
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
like Sonic Forces is fun but it's fucking 2 hours dude it is not 20 dollars per hour levels of fun even if I'm not one of those fun per hour types like holy shit
>>784365 nah people can still invade you if they own the DLC and happen to be invading that area idk where is popular for pvp in that game nowadays though
let me know where you are and i'll come and gently caress your boipussy
i was on a 3 game losing streak in call of duty and said "if i can win one game tonight i will suck the dick of every single person in this room"
literally all 5 of my teammates for the first time that match converged on the point and we won shortly thereafter from behind
knowing someone who plunges themselves into otaku stuff and praises everything under the rising sun is a painful experience I will say that though
the mindblowingly delicious one is great though
they always say things are fucking amazing incredible awesome unbelievably good whenever they eat anything on jp tv like bro thats just squid snack strips from the candy store
all you had to do was beliebe and follow that damn train
was follow the damn train, CJ
I did have these really good squid snacks once though I gotta find them
i bought some squid snacks at the thai supermarket near me that has some other oriental sections they were pretty good i liked em reminded me of the nori wraps i bought cause the package said for sushi or as a light snack and i thought hah who would eat this by itself and then i did and it was nice
ben thanh plaza has some cool places it even has an obvious front for illegal activity where you can go in and harass the guy pretending to be a cashier until he says he's closing the shop at 5pm