BokuBen Episode 8-11 Chihayafuru Choyoyu Episode 6-11 GranBlue Fantasy Kabukicho Sherlock Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 20-24 PSYCHO-PASS Episode 6-8 Val x Love Episode 10-11 Watashi, Nouryoku etc. Beastars
From what I remember of this island's arc it's kind of a sleeper. Like Albion had the fun interpersonal drama between Vira and Katalina and Ferry's island was development for Orchid/Orchis and Team Rocket. But this one is kind of more of the same empire is no good and Rackham doesn't really get much character growth despite being a focal character.
I don't remember much about this arc. Maybe it's where i stopped playing.
I believe it's the second-last one I finished. The one after it is a showdown with Black Knight and then the plot takes you back to a previous island I think, where there's a new boss that I couldn't ever get past and didn't have the interest in grinding to overcome.
hey yall i can watch a couple things if you want but i need some extra time to acquire them i have a bokuben 8 already ready though if that's still new
Yeah we haven't watched it yet. You could also get Watashi, Nouryoku etc. as well. I dunno if Rika had a third show in mind for subbing in if you were free but those two are at the back end of the night.
Yeah I thought that might end up being the case hah hah
oh swimming tutor i wonder who it will be!
>Yuiga needs swimming lessons Yeah I WONDER just who might be around that can help him.
>gee takemoto, i dont know what to do! im gonna fail swimming and i need a tutor. guess i'll go ask SENSEI
The worst part is that's totally something he'd obliviously miss on. Nariyuki has a bit of a harem romcom denseness problem at times.
I think the manga for this series is reaching a pretty climatic moment actually. The girls and Nariyuki are all doing their important interviews and testings to get into their top university choices. And for a series that the base premise is all these kids studying to get into university, once that is over and done, they're kind of on the descent of the series as far as things go.
>But I teach world history
Ah yeah I guess she's probably a natural at swimming so explaining how to be good at it is probably tough.
guess i was right
Even in an Uraka episode this series can't escape the Sensei Power
Sensei can be kind of cold and insensitive at times but she is a pretty good teacher. She knows where to pinpoint problems in students and recommend ideal courses of action.
i wanted to study at the university of copenhagen but i wasn't that lucky
I'd like to do some studying abroad but my grades are pretty abysmal and places I'd want to do abroad studies probably don't have great English Major options.
Their insistence on keeping up the facade of it being Uraka's friend seems really exhausting hah hah
Oh this is both kind of cute and pretty silly at the same time.
aw that's cute
>Uraka liking someone is a lie I mean, that's technically wrong. But yeah it was more that Nariyuki was under the assumption she liked some random other guy.
Well it was sweet that she got an episode focus there.
okay i need to do laundry things do the next one without me?
We've gone from high school social drama and awkward kids trying to find love to ... vigilantism? Legosi going up against a whole lot of Lion Yakuza is probably a bit much to bite off.
Hah hah The Panda Psychiatrist came to his rescue. With a pretty unusual weapon.
Oh and he's already busted. Legosi is really dame dame.
I think this isn't the only time Legosi tussles with the mafia/Yakuza-styled animals too. He seems to make a habit of getting into tussles with the seedy underbelly of his city.
The forest has kinda been pretty dangerous throughout.
>Can you die peacefully now? >Yes! I really get that feeling Mile.
True to the Doraemon references that have spotted this episode the Micross is also a reference to Doraemon. Though it in itself is a reference to Macross so it's a reference in a reference.
Wow that's a pretty good way to rile up some beastpeople.
I guess if sentient beings like beastpeople are causing a natural disturbance in the forest then there's probably a social reason for why all this is going on.
you'd think when they live in a world like this, that wouldn't be so surprising
I don't think Mavis needs to be that humble, calling herself the weakest. Sure she doesn't have magic skill but she's extremely skilled with the blade.
>Once more I have cut a worthless object
Oh those are some pretty sci-fi hieroglyphs. I guess the NANOMACHINES through which magic effects this world came from this super-advanced society.
I wonder if beastmen have insight into the normal world.
I don't think it's the normal world, I think there was probably some advanced society on this planet before hand. Which populated it with the NANOMACHINES that allow magic to exist.
Oh there was a real earth dragon there in the end anyway.
This elf girl is cute I wonder if she sticks around the cast for future arcs. Not that we'll be seeing them this season.