it's more than just weed well it is ultimately about the weed number but it's been over a year since the infamous tweet >>>/@elonmusk/1026872652290379776 feels like just yesterday
i just had pho where they put chili oil in the broth before serving and charge a 3 dollar markup and i gotta say it is not good they should have paid me instead
i KIND OF like Neptunia Rebirth 1 But holy shit it is such a grindfest
Kirara ππ€‘
that client got his official notice that he'll be dead within 6 months it's pretty sad i got really attached to him i would have liked to remain friends
nah i'll only be in seattle for like an hour maybe i gotta drive two hours east of seattle to the middle of nowhere to some place with a name i can't spell Wenatchee
Gut Check is a game for 2-4 players where each player attempts to develop a healthy microbiome while interfering with the microbiomes of their opponents. Give your friends the plague, botulism and more!
>>784506 My parents are out of town for Christmas and the rest of my siblings are either not here or probably have other plans. So I'll probably be spending the holiday by myself too. We all knew this ahead of time so we did the usual activities this past weekend, but the day itself will still be devoid of its usual content. It'll also be the first time I've spent my birthday apart from family and since it's, well, Christmas, probably entirely alone too. Hard to get friends together during the holiday.
>>784546 yea i did a thing this past weekend witha. couple buddies i think tjis is about right for a modern christmas idk still thinking aemiseriously about booking a last minute flight to see family lol
Episode 1 - The MC gets an idea to create a bunny girl club Episode 2 - She needs to convince other people so that they have enough members Episode 3 - They find a sensei Episode 4 - MC starts to doubt herself. Her friends remind her how great her positive attitude is through the power of friendship Episode 5 - Beach Episode 6 - Pool Episode 7 - River Episode 8 - Hotsprings Episode 9 - Waterpark Episode 10 - (filler episode), Recap Episode 11 - Big Bunny Girl competition Episode 12 - Beach again to celebrate.
just take the best selling SoL Change all the names and hair colours of the characters Put them in bunnysuits And we're rich
>>784668 Wait what do you do in a bunnygirl club >her friends remind her how great her positive attitude is with the power of friendship Holy shit give this man an oscar
>Episode 13 >graduation
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Episode 13 is the OVA and is therefore not Canon.
>season 2 they're back in high-school >the whole show is a timeloop
Okay Marsh what are our characters I'm thinking... we got one that's tall and has big boobs and says ara ara a lot Her figures are gonna sell a bajillion dollars And we can even have like, a button on the figure where you push it and then she has a speaker that says ara ara
>>784754 that's the artist who I found by diving into my unused discord channels searching for someone in need of Clip Studio Pro very STRONG coincidence in you finding them on your own
The year is 3208 English is but a distant memory, suceeded by Simlish and Emojigrams Many forgo speech altogether, sticking to thinkages. But on all the islands of the world one ancient tradition has remained. The customary farewell to the day and welcome of the twilight, "Jeffeipsteen Dinkill-Imselph"
I went to go watch something on Netflix but it's been taken off and put onto Stan somehow we have Stan though such is the life if streaming >>784769 it's a song by Eminem often referenced in popular culture
i mean yeah the og rex is dead has been for years thst lass is some mixed breed some german shepherd and from her lanky looks some part sighthound?
makes snse rip haven't watched rex in maybe a decade even was only a wee lad when I watched it and one episode had a sex scene so I was afraid to tune back in just in case
!C0.PerkELE prolly this since dog is from russia originally even has a passport lol
lol Borzoi dogs funny sort of dog
but tgat doggo was so shy at first didn't come anywhere close me or stepdad seems like she might have had a bad male owner originally
but eventually she came to slep next to me like that
>>784850 fun fact this is a thing and punishable here
its a crime to bone santa in finland?
"Tomorrow, God willing, is the graceful celebration of the birth of our Lord and Saviour;
and thus is declared a peaceful Christmas time to all, by advising devotion and to behave otherwise quietly and peacefully,
because he who breaks this peace and violates the peace of Christmas by any illegal or improper behaviour shall under aggravating circumstances be guilty and punished according to what the law and statutes prescribe for each and every offence separately.
Finally, a joyous Christmas feast is wished to all inhabitants of the city."
>>784751 God. I can tell that these cunts are easy but they're still giving me problems If I wear amour then I get hit with fire/curses and if I wear curse resist they beat me up with melee
>>784868 dex zerg them with a curved sword they are filthy chechnyans do it for the wall god
The connection I have with you all is undescribable. I can't ever begin to understand it. All I know is that I hope it helps you to see what you really want in your lifetimes. That's really it.
merry christmas and happy holidays oh and happy birthday anon
Happy holidays to you too
how are you going your family went out of town iirc?
We all went out of town to the cottage for Christmas; I had to come back earlier because I worked yesterday and today. But yeah end result is there isn't really anyone here for the actual holiday.
I guess I'm not terrible but nothing's gotten better I've just got more to distract me. And most of the problem is kind of stuck in stasis right now because everything's shut down for the holiday. So even if I can't not think about my problems I also know there isn't really something I can do about them in the immediate moment. Everything's kind of in a neutral state at best.
I guess neutral is better than the alternative of despair, but being at a stalemate is a form of despair in itself though hang in there, I have it in good faith you'll bounce back from this
gift giving complete i have obtained much new clothes and jacket yey
>>784981 Not enough Uhhh Like kanji I can write from memory or kanji I can recognize and know the meaning and the pronunciation?
>>784982 The jacket a nice replacement to the one that wore out?
>>784982 clothes are good because you'll always need clothes
I can probably recognize and read like 80 kanji maybe I can understand many more if they have furigana and I have context clues. If theres no context clues theres a chance I could misinterpret something as a homophone.
>>784984 yes it's a pretty good replacement not quite as durable feeling as the one i had but also probably a lot cheaper it's about as comfy as my old one and the same size
night nighrt what a nice christmans
i got summer sausage and cheese and mustard and cracker the traditional holiday snack plate
my sister has a babby apparently 2-4 weeks in >>784988 night
tell your sister i said come find me ill be waiting on the beach
make sure you lean into her ear and whisper the second part before walking into the fucking ocean (?)
my brother got me these thongs with bottle openers on the soles >>785002 I should have known better since it was a replacement for something else that we both knew about faito
>>785022 yeah I don't see any laws saying you can't You could also concealed carry a mere which is a kind of club > Held in one hand, these close-range striking weapons were used primarily for end-on thrusting or jabbing (tipi). In combat, jabbing thrusts or strikes would be directed at the ribs, neck or temple. It has been claimed that a strike to the skull combined with a twisting flick of the wrist could force or wrench the victim's skull open. Mite b useful in aa mugging
I mean it's not like cops will randomly stop and frisk you If you have an illegal handgun in your inner jacket pocket who's gonna know
>>785032 What But only with like, reasonable suspicion right
>>785033 I could swear that they're only allowed to do a body check if you're legally arrested
cops do stop and randomly frisk people
>>785031 reasonable suspicion is kind of a relaxed term if you were legally speeding they could stop you and then say that because you got pissed off they stopped you from going 5mph over the limit they could search your car or person under reasonable suspicion you're up to no good due to the circumstances
Reasonable suspicion is codeword for "If we want to, we will"
>>785031 i have been frisked without being arrested when people called the cops and said i was a suspicious person walking along the road
they gave me a ride to the nearby RaceTrac because i wasn't doing anything wrong
if it's minor bullshit it's usually better to yeah like if you got a gram of weed on you or something or your car insurance is actually out and it's not that you just can't find it they might let you off the hook light if you don't waste their fucking time with petty little bullshit like that
>>785031 There are Australian cases that people have won where they were stopped and searched without a valid reason Even when illegal shit has been found.
>Your honor, I know I had a brick of ice in my back seat but there was NO LOGICAL REASON the officers should've stopped me. >I was just going to get a burger
your honour I know I was armed and had hostages but there was no warrant
Think of it this way, You can use evidence in court that hasn't been lawfully collected Stop and search evidence that hasn't been done according to procedure isn't lawful
So you can't convict them even if you technically found something because in a legal sense the prosecution has no evidence.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
That said, there's a pretty low threshold for cops to have "suspicion"
don't forget they can illegally search and sieze your shit and then launder evidence to another division or officer and have them build on that illegal evidence until it gets accepted as evidence for court
>>785061 It's some high quality editing I love that first zoom out at the start The timing is excellent too, like when he's running away from the robot or doing that matrix dodge
my sister brought her dogs down and they won't chill the fuck out not like I was gonna sleep much anyway but when I do I was hoping there'd be no complications
i had fun with doggos
>>785099 i'd use the pieces of shit app that sounds pretty good actually
mario bros lol I was hoping they'd flip it out and it'd come out clean but that looks good too
he's so warm and friendly i'm really envious of that outdoor kitchen setup. i would love to have something like that and cook with those huge skillets and things that'd be really fun
>>785143 Just a Christmas dinner with family and friends. And then probably reading some papers if I'm not food coma'd. How about you? >>785145 Hope you have an extra relaxing evening then. Been getting interested in this lately: I think it's a better way of computing distances between probability distributions. I don't understand it very well yet though, so I could also be completely off base here.
nope. no plans here. do some laundry i guess. nothing exciting.
read any good papers lately? there's some neat stuff with mars lately, with some newly discovered methane cycles here's what ive been looking at lately: "colonizing mars using bacteria" sums it up
i'll take a look at the wasserstein metric, im not familiar with it
i finally managed to get out of bed and go to the store and now i am home
>>785164 and a big daisuki chanukah to you too >>785161 I made a bunch of pies and took them to a senior home because all my friends are out of town visiting family it was kinda nice plus I got to practice making pies
What kinda pies?
a pumpkin chiffon, choco coffee ganache, and a butterscotch with a curry crust
I also made a malted walnut one but that ones for the neighbors
Wow those are pretty fancy. I was expecting more like, y'know. Apple. Or pecan.
yes ToN abd gah to you as well my friend >>785172 I wanted to try some weird stuff the walnut one is basicaly pecan though, just with some malted milk powder in there
>>785179 When and for how long? I mean I probably can't come but the chances are better than 0%.
Kirara ππ€‘
uhh january 18 and 19 and i'm interviewing all day on the 18th it's joke i don't expect anyone to come to Washington to hang out for one day well 1.5 days unless they had a cheap ass flight
Wow, rude
Feel free to stop by in Chicago though. >>785182 Well There is Frontier ...
>>785182 Yeah I know. Hope it goes well though. I'd like to check out the West Coast some day myself.
Good luck
>>785185 Feel free to visit me if you decide to check out the Midwest.
>>785178 oh that shouldn't be too hard I'll have to get a springform pan though what kinda fruit for it?
Cheesecake is hella good.
Kirara ππ€‘
i'll plan a few trips for the summer, maybe since i'll have maybe two weeks free maybe a big stupid road trip to hell
>>785190 There's an urban legend about a series of tunnels in Illinois that if you drive through them in the right order and right time you get sent to hell.
>>785182 hmm 18th through 20th would only be 90 bucks round trip
Yeah Roc's lucky he could maybe even drive over there from Colour Ado
Kirara ππ€‘
>>785192 actually i'm flying into spokane on 17th around noon, driving to Wenatchee, hanging out 18th is interview 8-4:30 after that and 19th is all fun
>>785211 yeah looking now, they're more than double the price compared to Seattle might end up cheaper to fly in there and then rent a car to wenatchee maybe I'll check
>>785213 there's an amtrak from seattle to Wenatchee
i got my money on the amtrak with the crack in the crack of her ass two pounds of hash in the stash
>>785224 oh yeah those look pretty cheap too I think I can do this, I've wanted to see the northwest US ever since I passed through Vancouver
Kirara ππ€‘
>>785226 hell yeah Washington deito you can take the rental car while im at the interview too
Kirara ππ€‘
i got a medalert dogtag so nobody kills me with an EpiPen if i have an allergic reaction and it had a place for "motto or slogan" i ended up putting "i hope i don't die"
You know a cool thing in South America was whenever you ordered a coffee you got a free little shot of soda water to take with it. I liked that. I wish it would catch on other places >>785249 what how , you just push a button >>785250 I drink shitloads of the stuff though. like multiple liters per week
>>785256 great artist >>785257 I think it's an OC maybe the title is just "doodle" which makes me either envious or wonder if they're trolling aah hat blocking view >>785263 I think that's scathatch
? mash kyrielight 9.9k ? medb (fate) (all) 718 ? medb (fate/grand order) 642 ? minamoto no raikou (fate/grand order) 2.8k ? scathach (fate) (all) 4.9k ? scathach (fate/grand order) 3.5k ? scathach skadi (fate/grand order) 766 oh mash and raikou are in the background probs madb on the left and scathatch in the center I can see the confusion
Dark Souls 3 Question: How conservative should I be with my Embers? Is it hard to find them should I save them for really hard stuff? Or just pop one off if I'm having trouble with a boss
>>785285 i fell in a ditch and my bike exploded then the snobby cunt i was delivering an iPad to had the cajones to complain there was a little crack in the screen i should be able to tell the terrorists where this guy lives we don't need film directors in my America
i refunded visual novel maker to steam now i got 25 steambux to use not sure what i'll get yet. it still has to clear.
it was half off for 30 dollars so i thought i'd check it out. i was hoping for a $30 price tag (with discount) it would offer some better stuff, since it's from the RPG maker people but it's kind of a flop. it's more restrictive than renpy and kinda buggy
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>785311 have you thought about what you might get as a replacement?
Nope. any suggestions? there's a significant sale on the blazblue collection i don't anticipate getting into playing it again as a fighting game but the story mode itself makes a pretty solid visual novel
i'll probably get something in the visual novel theme or some more story-based indie game ohhh i do have rain world on my list. i need to get that
age of empires II definitive edition is on my wish list too unfortunately it's not really on sale. what is on sale is a bundle containing age of empires II HD from 2013 and age of empires II definitive edition from 2019, which isn't a very useful bundle, and it's for the same price as either of them individually so i dont think i'll be getting that
If you want a really gorgeous platformer, GRIS is beautiful. Cuphead's on sale too.
I've not played it but Kentucky Route Zero has been on my wishlist for ages and I think the story part of it might be pretty neat. I'm not too good for story-driven games since most of what I play tends to be citybuilder/base-building games, or stuff that's kinda standard held in high reknown like Hollow Knight or Darkest Dungeon.
im already resolved to get rain world i want to know as liiiiiittle as possible before going into it
im pretty sure it's right up my alley >>785315 cuphead never caught my attention. i'm just not that style i guess.
i think i'm going to invest in a few visual novels though. i don't need to pay for visual novels through steam to get them but it's kind of worth it just to avoid the hassle
Rain World's really cheap so even if it's unsatisfying it's like spilt milk. I had some trouble getting into it when I first tried it but maybe I just need to sit down with it again.
it gives me extreme anxiety
fun game though check it out
If you want a kinda relaxing post-apoc game about travelling down a flooded American midwest that's turned the land into a warren of rivers, I'd recommend The Flame in the Flood. It's got this great folksy aesthetic and if you don't mind some standard survival/crafting mechanics it's a really nice game. >>785323 The land/river ratio is way more skewed towards river in this post-apoc scenario.
the midwest is already a warren of rivers though
Oh, The Return of the Obra Dinn might be up your alley too. It's part mystery story, part logic puzzle, part visual curiousity. The story's not really told in standard narrative and it feeds you the information in often disjointed fragments so there's a lot of turning over details you find in your head to figure out where everything fits.
how does little busters compare to other key stuff
I'd say it's closer in vibe to Angel Beats! than their, well what I've always considered the classic KEY trilogy. Y'know Kanon, AIR, CLANNAD. Oh actually maybe somewhere close to Rewrite too, maybe. I feel like that classic trilogy always focused in on sort of very close relationships between a duo, sometimes trio in the various arcs. Where as the later games tend to weave a lot of characters into the stories even when in a specific character arc.
i don't think it'll be enough to make yuu switch over
does it resemble an azur lane character? i dont really know them
Not really any character in particular but I would say it follows a similar design concept, yeah. The accessorization and crop top/short shorts combo definitely have an Azur Lane feel to it.
the navy/sea sort of themeing with the fish hairbands, the sailor top, blue colouring scheme, that all reminds me of Azur a lot. And it's the same company right?
Same producers but I don't know if CatFood does development for both Azur Lane and MahjongSoul.
>>785313 The Phoenix Wright Trilogy is on sale for $35 nzd which roughly seems around $25 usd
>>785318 I'd like to take this oppurtunity to shill Umineko again Given that it's ~100 hours long it's arguably got the best time to money ratio and its story works on multiple layers as fantasy, mystery, and romance Although frankly it's also easy to pirate to begin with
Obrah Din is also cool yeah Tilde mentioned that. There's also 999 and VLR but I haven't played those
I still have the whole Zero Escape trilogy unstarted. I kinda want to see if I an -can get some streaming working because I want to get Blue and maybe Kirara in on my blind experience of that.
>>785334 >prove it faggot oh right you can't well excuseeeeeeee me anon but how do you expect me to prove YOUR devils proof now either post proof in the green text of truth or gtfo tard