>>785369 I guess it's time for you to have even less-reliable information on hurricanes in the middle of hurricane season. But hey, at least you'll be able to upload videos of the storm raging around you in even smoother and efficient upload speeds.
Isn't this what the fcc is for?
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
this goes straight into the bin with the other 5G conspiracy theories unless i find a really good source which i still haven't seen tbh
Saw some lizards. This lizard let me get really close with my camera. I probably could have caught it but since I'm an adult who isn't a biologist or herpetologist its apparently socially unacceptable for me to catch lizards anymore.
It's not a species I'm familiar with though. I don't normally see many lizards in the winter. And the species I see the most down here is the green anole.
Hey speaking of things Weed becomes legal in Illinois on January 1st. So feel free to stop by. It might not be legal in Chicago though. Because complicated reasons that are the opposite of why you would normally expect them to be.
Rei do you have that one meme where it's like a swat team getting out of a helicopter and it's captioned with "me and the boys getting lunch in Chicago"
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
fwiw i went to chicago in da summer and it was a lovely stay but i am a city boi
Kirara 🍄🤡
i don't like cities they're really disorienting going to Philly yearly is nice, I like philly but I wouldn't live there
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
detroit suxx tho at least it did when i stayed there one night
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
Kirara 🍄🤡
im playing Control
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
Director-san ganbatte
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
just saw a man and his dog sprint past going at very high speeds just a blur really on a random city street
>>785463 i spent five years in ontario and yea it only got that cold once in a blue moon mostly -10-0 depending on the time of season
>>785471 It's only gotten that cold once or twice in the 17 years I've lived in the Chicago area. And by once or twice I mean one day was definitely that cold and the next day may have also been as cold but I don't remember for sure that the day after was as cold.
what lingering questions do you have about AI, /moe/, if any? it used to rouse a lot of curiosity and intrigue, but these days it almost feels like people are fatigued from hearing about AI since it's everywhere. it's getting congested and clogged
i think for me it'd be something like, "Is statistical inference something all natural systems trend towards, or is it a unique result of our complex system?" oh oops *sufficiently complex natural systems like is it something , some tool that all systems eventually make use of if they have a certain amount of complexity
>>785625 That's a pretty good one too. I kinda prefer the term synthesized/synthetic intelligence and feel calling it artificial is probably a pretty pretentious oversight on our part.
I actually think your question is equivalent to mine too, just directed at something specific.
>>785627 oh it seemed out of place for yout // you to miss a full stop that makes sense
I had a lot more to that post and my Internet hiccuped and ate the rest of it.
but my intuition kind of tells me that AI/SI can emulate natural intelligence to an arbitrary complexity, but never function as natural intelligence proving it seems kind of tricky but i think it's possible
i think i might need some more distinction since it might not be apparent what the difference is hmmmm
>>785626 I think it's fine to say somethings are artifiicial intelligence, in the same way you can have an artificial limb, or artificially-augmented eyesight through glasses. It's a construct that serves a functional purpose, but is not a perfect replica of the thing it's replacing, imitating, or augmenting. But the idealized goal of artificial intelligence , of course, is that vaunted imitation of the human mind that's either a perfect replica or even better, in that it would lack some of our organic faults.
What I was trying to get at before my post got ate was, regardless if neural networks really are an accurate model of how we can replicate the natural learning and knowledge-forming methods an organic brain uses, if it is accurate or if we some day find a proper system for replicating it. And we can make an imitation intelligence indistinguishable from one in an organic creature, is it really artificial anymore? I might have kind of led my argument by supplying a definition of artificial that conveniently this example surpasses but I also think independent of that, that it's not a poor outline of what it means for somethign -something to be artificial or natural.
Also parallel to this, wouldn't all intelligence technically be synthetic, regardless of whether it comes from an organic creature or inorganic construct?
>wouldn't all intelligence be ... Sure, but for us to frame it as synthesized i think there's some distinction that we're the synthesizers. or more generally i guess it's a juxtaposition with its origin system from which it was synthesized it's a less restricting label than artificial though. it's probably not fake intelligence.
hmm interesting. thanks for sharing the thoughts
The Philosophy class I took last semester was a lot of writing about metaphysics, especially how knowledge or information is created as we live. So I've kind of had thoughts like this on regardless of the actual "way" intelligence is formed, if we can perfectly emulate that in an inorganic way, then the only difference between a natural intelligence and an artificial/synthetic intelligence would be the physical make-up of the brain/pseudobrain. Which to me feels hardly a real difference as far as the intelligence is concerned.
>then the only difference between a natural intelligence and an artificial/synthetic intelligence would be the physical make-up of the brain/pseudobrain hmm i think i don't agree there. that's kind of what i mean about emulating to an arbitrary level of complexity. given any natural system with an arbitrary complexity, so any level of intelligence i guess, that system (entity) should be able to be completely emulated
i think if everything else were dismissed you could leave it there, but information is physical, so these dynamic systems function through a substrate/environment the natural system's output is a direct interaction with the environment, and the synthetic system is designed to emulate that complexity the outputs and inputs might all be the same but there's a different pathology and a higher thermodynamic resource expenditure on the synthetic side
it might be a lot of fuss about nothing, but i can't really tell i'm not quite capturing my thoughts too well
>>785631 uhhh let me try it this way. Let's say a natural intelligence "N" exists in a complex environment Y and synth intelligence "M" in environment X
M could statistically emulate N, given the complexity of X > complexity of Y so it could never tread first ground as natural intelligence but could fully emulate it
>>785635 Learning how to illustrate through painting is a really powerful skill. Especially once the shapes of people and things become second nature you can just block in the colours like you were doing traditional painting. A lot of my artist friends are really good at that but I've never been able to wrap my head around it.
>>785637 oh yeah, it's rough. I was doing an Orin this way a few weeks ago and once I got to the braids I was like shit, how do I do this especially since I was doing the 60m thing, it was a bad call lol I got like this far. It was extra bad because I was trying to find out how people draw anime characters looking up. specifically "what the fuck do you do in the chin area" And a lot of the answers were "We don't draw this at this angle lol" or "just a blob of shadow i guess"
>trying to look up anime characters who are both "looking up" and the camera is at a lower position where you see underneath their chin >highest related tag: ahegao
I think I either got better at it or Kokoro's hair is just naturally easier to do than Aun's, whose got these really cute and fun loops but are hard to how to do shadows for
that's a really fun effect on the hair it's really cool
There were a bunch of stray cats hanging in the brush by the beach by the condo. Apparently my mother no longer uses the pool here because several years ago she was in the pool and a bunch of cats ended up sitting around it and she couldn't get out for a while until they moved.
Not sure how I feel about that. On the one hand smoking is harmful, on the other hand 18 year olds are legally adults and should be allowed to decide if they want to smoke or not.
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/trump-s-latest-regulatory-overhaul-raises-food-safety-fears-n839926 I think this'll do I remember a post about it before
I think the movie Hugo is on the tv in this pub that was an alright movie
yeah that's definitely Hugo my hearing is still not great at the moment and it makes following conversation a bit hard
>>785693 OH that I was confused because you said free for all when it's just pork. I mean its bad but right now its only pork which I barely eat.
Also that's tthe usda not the fda
oh right my bad still not a great decision
you read any Upton Sinclair?
>>785699 Yeah The book was actually written to highlight the problems faced by the immigrant working class, the conditions in the slaughterhouses and factories were only there to illustrate their plight. Fun fact
>>785686 doesn't matter to me but weird it was communicated through fucking Twitter a week before official correspondence to retailers of tobacco our government is a joke lel
>>785702 I'm not 100% sure abput it though. I just have a vvavvague rrerecollection of reading about Sinclair being unhappy that people's reaction to it was almost entirely about the slaughter house and meat packing plants. Fun fact The university I used to go to was originally started by the owner of one of the larger meat companies in Chicago.
>>785723 you Tempt me to take da coca to understand but i shall not and be just retard
Marsh your a shut shit
>>785734 yeah >***Note that Scaling with a specific stat will essentially stop once a stat reaches 40. There are only a few weapons with natural lightning damage or fire damage, and those that do usually don't scale.
Everyone in this house is either moping or literally in tears and they still want to go to a relative's Christmas party. I just don't get it.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
Our family dog got hit by a car and died up at the cottage yesterday. My parents were the only ones left there and just got home today. He's already buried with all his toys and things. I'm not even a dog person but I mean, you learn to live around family members and the thought of no longer doing that is really beating me down. But it's far, far worse for the rest of my family that really loved that dumb dog. And I get my parents already told our relatives we were coming to this party but I can't understand that needing to hold true considering the circumstances. Like the whole festive cheer seems a lot right now.
yeah that sounds like a lot i can't do holiday stress. it's just not logistically possible for // well im not sure how to finish that. sorry about the family dog
oh yeah i was going to say it's pretty understandable to not be able to commit to holiday arrangements even when everything goes well so it should certainly be understandable when things aren't well
devent work day made bread had a few good chats with randos eu4 got fucked up by a mod update so I didn't get to resume that which I actually looked forward to
also played dnd with you and for the last hour I was completely on autopilot out of it
also like 15 minutes into opening hourso ne collegue of me on another city/town sold 800€ worth of fireworks to a single dude
makes you wonder what kinda party he is attending, when around 1k is just the fireworks budget
also there was this fun moment, where a couple came to the store and the gf tried jokingly to fit into one of these child carts and they laughed about it then when she stopped and came out of it, she noticed me looking at them poked the bf and they both looked at me and we all three laughed weird fun moment of two people being silly and then realising someone was staring at them the whole time
My two closest friends both live in different states but they came home for Christmas which was nice. I always enjoy catching up with them.
Sometimes it makes me feel like I should be doing more with my life though we're all the same age one runs a team of software engineers at some IT place the other one was talking about buying property with his girlfriend
>so what are you doing, Marsh >oh.. you know. Playing video games
ha Although I was talking to one of them and he's doing like 12 hour work days at the moment once you factor in the commute.
and I'm just like >yeah. not doing much over the summer. Just collecting my Student allowance and playing Dark Souls all day and he just said >enjoy it while it lasts >you'll miss these times
The last time I spoke to an old friend from irl he told me he dropped out of university
>>785801 He's jealous of you and all your free time Sucks to be him If I could choose between running an IT team or playing dark souls I would pick the latter every time
whooops Just mashing buttons after beating a boss and I accidentally killed an NPC that old lady who gives you the banner near the start of the game. ..hope that doesn't come back to haunt me
she was gonna die anyway
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>785812 Mate she teleported me right in front of her without any warning after I was all JACKED UP from boss fighting it was her own fault really
She walked in front of your sword It's not your fault
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>785814 if you deliberately jump out in front of a moving car do you blame the driver?
>>785815 Honestly if someone steps in front of the barrel of a gun whose fault is it if they get shot
>>785818 Can I give you one of my friend's codes? I don't jave a switch. *have Do you want the best player's code, the second best's or the worst's? FYI I'm better than the worst, a little less than evenly matched with the second and the first is much better than me.
>>785818 are you gonna be around in like 5hrs might boot up the switch then you can show me how much you have trained cause I ain't played that shit in a hot minute
i had two teens argue with me that it doesn't matter the president signed a new law cause he was impeached and that Texas law superseded federal law l0l they called me a retard :'(
wow dude you should tell their parents they called you a retard
must be nice to be a teenager again and think anything you think or say actually means somethin dumpasses
>>785856 wow im not a snitch bro >>785857 everybody thinks they're real motherfucking smart at 18 one of them said they'd look up the Texas law on their phone and then shut the fuck up when I showed them the new federal regulation then tried to say local legislation > federal legislation watching all the teenage potheads get pissed off about this is kind of funny to me
was it something related to their transaction at the store
is it to do with that new law about cigarette age purchases and stuff
>>785859 they wanted to buy some cigars to probably roll blunts with
they announced it on Twitter though which no business took very seriously
thankfully it's going to be pretty warm all night, 60-ish it'll be raining though
so on the transcription forums someone started a thread "what kind of computer do you use?" is there any meaning to a question like that? like, it's not asking about the specs or anything literally every post including the OP is just listing if it's HP or Toshiba or Acer or what is there any significance to a computer being an HP computer on its own does that mean anything whatsoever
It can have some minute differences, especially with laptops since the manufacturers will usually try to in-source their components rather than buy them from a specialized manufacturer. And for transcriptionists, which while a lot -while all the job entails involves being familiar with a computer, are pretty often not really all that tech-savvy, right? So I could see them start to believe there's some special charm to using a specific brand of manufacturer.
But honestly either way for a pretty low-resource-demanding job like transcribing I can't imagine the differences between one brand of pre-built PCs/laptops and the other would be particularly notable.
i don't think ive ever had a pre-built PC my laptop now is, obviously, but tbh this is the first and only laptop ive ever had everything else has always been assembled piecewise so i remember always getting annoyed in high school+ when people would ask me what kind of computer i have i'd be like "what do you even mean by that"
but yeah this guy in the OP even specifically says he's tech savvy so he was curious what kind of PC people have im just a little flummoxed trying to figure out what information is being sought after by questions like that. brand loyalty makes sense like "yeah HP usually makes affordable stuff that gets the job done!" But outside of generalization like that, i don't think it really says much idk just weird, i feel like im missing something
>>785877 if it's HP it's loaded with garbage bloat
yeah that doesn't surprise me buying premade just seems so uneconomical anyway
Pretty much any of the pre-built PCs or laptops by the same manufacturers will have bloatware on them but yeah, HP is probably easily the worst offender.
>>785881 I think there's some value in it being easy. Like sure, when you actually do it, building the actual PC is pretty straightforward and everything tends to just slide together. But when you incorporate having to go and get all the parts and checking to make sure they'll actually work together in the first place or aren't from trash manufacturers, then things start to get a little bit overwhelming for a lot of people. So if there's a company out there that can say "We've already put this together for you and the parts are already cooperative" then that's a big plus for those people that are getting overwhelmed.
>>785881 i like to buy office oriented computers since they usually have good specs aside from gpu/fans and are actually reasonably priced would never buy prebuilt gaymen PC though I'm not too lazy to plug something in
i wouldn't do this with HP though it took me so long to reduce that oem install to normal HP prepackages so much bullshit
Well I just realized I can't post the images, but I was goibg to ask you to look at them in a hex editor. Could you go to the pixiv page and download one of the images and try posting it here?
I could've sworn I posted some atuff from there the other day.
maybe it's only certain images if you get a bad image from the twitter app it's because the app only saves as a jpg and when it gets a png it doesn't like that
>>785909 Tried that already Renaming it to png I mean
>>785924 look bitch just because i want to do the horizontal tango with this man doesn't mean its homo >>785923 he is an entity of long hair and moisture
It's true that I couldn't care less about watching most people travel vlog their trip to New York but he somehow makes it interesting Maybe there is something special about Charlie no homo
that's cause I gave that shit up like a bad habit tho so in the end it was good for my own fragile mental health and confidence, who the fuck won in the end? me.
you gave up like a fucking pussy even with my condolences and babying
I wish you could rock me in your arms like a baby I mean what maybe I'll try that shit again who know, not like I broke a TV over it and that lingers over my head liek a carrot that slaps me in the face and calls me a retarded impulse piece of shit that can't give up before thewy snap I mean naaaaaaaaah
>>785944 ok swamp >>785943 hahahaha looool get good fucking mongo learn some situational skills but really i believe in you mate you can make it happen
god you're so fucking blunt it turns me on so much I mean what let's make a bet, if I reinstall that 34gb piece of gold, beat true monk before I decide to slap myself in the face hundreds of times maybe just maybe you get a favor
NO IT WAS A MISTAKE SHUT UH UH I wanted to like, throw the controller to the wall, since it was a bad one anyway and I wanted to replace it, but my hand gripped onto the thing too much and instead it went to the corner of my TV, fuck you
>>785950 Yeah who could imagine playing video games for fun lmao only a fucking loser
>>785943 if you broke your own property over a video game then you are an actual fucking tard who needs anger management therapy
i made my family mad while drunk oops probably gonna have to walk to work today lol guess I'll set the alarm an hour ahead
>>785951 sure if you beat him in three tries I'll do whatever you want that's what it took me first time on after the table top campaign ton was running
I haven't lusted after a guy I could actually get it from since liuke August. oh well, the timeline flows and ebbs I mean I would try some more stuff out at this given time, it is the seasonal spirit to get around and such so... have fun~
last time it was a black dude goddamn his dick was like 9inches with a curve in goddamn. I was too drink to remember his name and number though fucking hell that guy was packing but his personality got me in the first place
The careful and caressing type... ? I'm not going to lie, I had about 6 people online this past few months and every single fucking one of them were that type. Buuuuuut I ended it due to reasons that flew intro the court of law and such
I haven't done anything in real life with mybody in my distorted fractured memory so it sort of gets to me when a person just clings on to me. but I know I should just kill that sort of thing quick before it leads them into delusion.
you don't need to then, just think about how you could make your future better. it's what I do and I know I fucked up in every single way this year of 2019, so it brings me comfort.
somehow I still am after I changed my name fucking 100's of times and tried to hide, tried to hope time made everything heal faster. maybe it did, maybe it didn't.
>>786003 look they e just aren't gonna be interested until souls style stops printing money
though armored core souls style would be so fucking cool >>786004 because i still like it more than a lot of games for ps3 there are a LOT of shitty fucking games it's Still better than like untold legends and sacred 3 and bound by flame and i had to look up these titles cause they were so fucking shit
they still made Deracine and that made even less money than the first release of MWC
>>786005 I dunno about Armored Souls unless they completely revamped their way of thinking when it comes to overworld design to accommodate the larger size You know I'd play Armored Stranding Like set it in a world where the terrain is even more fucked up so they invented mecha to scale cliffs
Shit I still gotta buy Death Stranding I wanna support that Man you think the ps3 had shit games Remember the Wii?
>>786006 I've gotten to the map boundaries in all the death stranding maps so far gotten my character halfway into out of bounds but all it's done is ejected my cargo at 200km/h they did a good job making the game boundaries haven't been able to get oob yet and i found all the classic wow oob content in a week or two
>Death Stranding >D(a)S >Dead Space >(Nintendo) DS Clearly if you wanna make aa good video game you should just make the initials DS
lol reach
death stranding puts dark souls to fucking shame narratively and dark souls is already demons souls/bloodborne on training wheels
Alright /moe/ what was the game of the decade
Xenoblade Chronicles for the fucking Nintendo Wii and if you disagree I'll fight you irl
second place is ffxv after all the dlc then honestly death stranding
it is really fucking good
honestly kinda shocked you put FfXV over Death Stranding
ffxv is a really really good story and game it has its faults but it moved me to tears can't say that for a lot of media
i am predisposed towards that franchise though death stranding is better objectively i think i do love the ff tropes though it's a case of originality versus nostalgic story hooks
I mean Does DS have a broard trip or just a regular solo road trio *broad trip
death stranding is everything you could expect from Kojima writing and then some
the online integration is neat but doesn't affect your experience beyond carving a few footpaths depending on whatever cluster of players you're connected to are currently traversing you get like 10 to 15 constructed objects per zone and 20 something minor items like ropes and ladders mostly this stuff is fucking useless sometimes you see one somewhat useful bridge or zipline but it never gives you more than one item per player so it's always scant you have to brave most of everything yourself the only thing that is really beneficial is the procedural footpath generation if enough people on a given cluster of the servers traverse the same path or if you do it yourself several times then it'll become easy to cross on other people's games it'll remove the rocks and other obstacles replace them with a pathway it doesn't do it for you but it tells you when someone else uses a route you created on the server
Like maybe having a bunch of mates on the road trip just spoke to you a little more personally
it's kind of like gravelord you just affect other people by existing and rarely directly do anything it's nice to know they experienced anything cause of you
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Fucking how hard is it to drink from a cup and hold up a shield at the same time
why can't DaS guy walk and drink at the same time
he can in ds2 and ds3 though just can't run
it's cause the Sunny D Tastes REALLY BAD hard to concentrate and keep it down
just shower yourself with it while running
you have to ingest it though
why didn't dark souls man just eat grass like demons souls man it was much faster though harder to obtain
just chug it like the last can of the 6pack I'm about to kill after two tallboys of 8% malt liquor and I'm still lucid enough to type this with no mistakes there ain't shit left for me in this kind of shit huh
next game should have a mechanic where you can heal too much and get alcohol poisoning, or heal too much and it builds up your alcohol resistance and you get healed less
>>786030 you're not a baka you're a DAMENINGENBAKA
>>786067 the big super attacks? there's a skip buttonf ro that it's the same button you use to skip everything else it was like r1 on my controller or something
just saw a cop pull up to the pump the wrong way and try to get the gas nozzle to reach around to the other side of his car
this is what we get for letting people pump their own gas smh
>>786082 the boredom would be hard to counter tho but toll booth would be my prefer, since you'd sit inside and could basically watch tv while doing your job etc
But then the protagonist drops down behind you and cuts your throat
If you're lucky he could just unzip iit instead.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
Hey does any body remember this one random name Thr name of the japanese woman who was in the news for 15 min for doing a video game(?) presentation I think she was at the game awards too or something
>>786120 i became belligerent and drunk and that usually never happens to me white claw must be cursed >>786121 it's flavored carbonated water with plain alcohol in it taste like water that a cherry was in at some point barely has any flavor and you can't taste the booze in it
no hangover though somehow
you probably still get a bit of hydration from the carbonated water side of it
I feel like crap. I woke up feeling like crap, I've felt like crap all day, and I woke up with 34 unread texts and a bunch were work related so i haven't read any texts today because it's annoying to even open the app. I had a crappy date tonight, too. She wouldn't listen to me when I said I can't sit in the middle of the room in the restaurant and we ended up totally surrounded by people so I ended up super hypervigilant and couldn't focus on the date.
I also noticed I started losing weight even though I've been eating more food for the past two months without any increase in exercise, which is a little worrying.
that sucks it's hard to have a good day when you start it off feeling bad
I turned off the notifications. I think I had like 60 unread texts an hour ago. I can't help it. I ended up working last night after we watched anime. I'm not giving my weekend up for work. If there's an emergency they can call me.
I'll read them tomorrow.
I'm supposed to learn how to run a food truck. It's kind of ridiculous, you know? I don't have time for that. I don't have time for anything.
>>786132 summary of mine are 1. oh shit we didn't teach you to buy [REDACTED] 2. my crew discord got boosted and now the server icon is mirin hitting herself with her sword 3. new vtuber that is a tall bilingual dragon girl exists
but was a good day only few times really noted time passing slowly god tomorrow might ge a pain, if the total sales end up beimg 5-6k range since it means a looooooooot of people and then i'll still have actual new years ahead of me including about hour of driving and another of public transit
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
GORILLA MIND >>786296 oof hope you get home in time for celebrations