Also you ducked out early last night! We totally coulda fit something in after Moon was done.
Ace of Diamond Black Clover BokuBen Episode 9-11 Chihayafuru Episode 10-11 Choyoyu Episode 6-11 Kabukicho Sherlock Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 20-24 PSYCHO-PASS Episode 6-8 Val x Love Episode 10-11
I admire that they keep up the Engrish for the American team. Most other series by now would just have them speaking Japanese with the implication they're speaking English to each other.
As opposed to Carhigh
groundball loser gtfo
This little guy is such a little shit.
no being down by one is like being down by one
I think the implication was he knew they were gonna tie it before long.
The kid's a little shit but he does have the baseball skills to back his attitude.
We're back to the second fiddle game. Normally Seido's team is the interesting one but this all-star game between Japan and America is much more interesting.
wow this guy is excite
Yeah Sawamura is always talking HYPE for his team.
this is 114 right i don't know shit about this series but i assume its shonen stuff with special powers etc >>782729 i don't think that would even be necessary with this kind of show one piece doesn't do it and that show's like 700 episodes long
hunter x hunter is the best shonen battle manga ever debate me >>782729 yes but it's still the best even though togashi's body is basically already mummified
Kuro Kusoba >>782728 Don't worry it gives like three minutes of recap at the start of every episode so people are never lost.
>>782728 Best shounen battle manga is Sengoku Youko Hunter x Hunter is impossible to stay rooted with because it takes like eight months per average, getting worse each chapter, for a new one to come out.
he's not doing too well he's got some kind of arthritis or degenerative tendonitis and it takes him a really long time to draw like he used to his wife likes to stop him from fucking his hands up more by drawing a lot but he still tries anyways maybe it's MS or some shit but he's certainly not okay and anyone who saw some of his worst HxH chapters pre-revision can probably see that haha
I do really like this arc's OP though. It's both a good song and better visuals than what we've seen the entire arc long hah hah
I see the fire peeps and the water peeps are working together now
Well they were always allies even if they were a little standoffish at times. I think they're like two differing noble families of the Clover Kingdom or something. Which means if you trace them back far enough they're probably all distant cousins.
>>782774 Nah he's exceedingly loyal to the elf cause. Maybe if this new surprise baddy is really THAT bad he'll put aside differences for the moment but after all that's done he'll probably go back to the notion that all humans need to be genocided like all the other elves.
Well this new guy looks Very Evil.
>>782776 well fair enough i'm just guessing based on absolutely fucking nothing
nice 10 right ? i'm sleepy this one better be exciting or i'll sleep
Yeah, should be. Yup, episode ten.
>>782780 It probably won't be much action-packed. The series is pretty much Sherlock and Watson in Shinjuku so it's written like detective fiction.
>>782785 Well there's some pretty interesting charcters in this.
i don't care about action i care about interesting things
great OP that's for sure
Yeah it's pretty classy. The series has a bunch of good references and parallels to the original Sherlock Holmes stories too and I really dig that kind of attention to detail.
the bearded lady too
Sherlock's got a great design too. I like that half-high ponytail, half-long hair he's got going.
fried egg drive
truly a monogatari fan
>Hotel Shitty Fuku
watson is a good boy
He's Sherlock's faithful hound, after all.
i would hound that ass
Honestly the most unrealistic notion about this is an abandoned hotel taking up this much real estate in the middle of Tokyo.
This gives me the feeling that Moriarty knowing where they were hiding Irene might be a bit of a red herring. If they're starting to lean this heavily on him being the evil guy. But at the same time, Moriarty IS Sherlock's traditional fated enemy. It would make sense for him to have a hand in this villainy.
Oh we're finally getting back to Watson's plight from the start of the series. Though as expected it's probably tied into this larger mystery.
Sherlock can sure be a tetchy guy though.
Oh Atami's a nice little resort town. Nothing expensive but I can see why a poorer family would have a nice time winning a raffle to visit it.
Hah hah Moriarty's being a smart shithead about this.
I guess that cinches for me that Moriarty isn't Jack, but he is involved with this.
Well that would be an exciting twist, if Watson was or was in cahoots with Jack.
And Megane seems to be kind of manipulative here. Kind of unlike his usual bumbling self.
Watson making a biiiig mistake here though. Typical Watson antics.
Or maybe it was just another not-actual-mistake where he plays right into Sherlock's plan.
>>782816 Okey dokes you're not missing too much. Well Chihayafuru's been pretty nice.
Night night Jan.
I'm gonna go to bed thanks 2 along cartoon enjoy you're night
Her eyes are still really funny to me. Like all the other girls in this series have pretty normal eyes and then she's about with these Laharl-poi eyes.
I guess when you're dealing with powers like the Norse religion it's pretty easy to instill high-danger threats in your villains.
Wow gay
I guess the little blonde one has some similar power system to the MC.
Well they've been hinted in the OP all season. This little one with the full helmet sure is weird. I guess she's too sickly to join the rest of them in battle.
Oh here we're back to our usual scheduled lewdity.
She's cuter in the Gothic Loli dress than her normal outfit.
This is some real proper dumb ecchi romcom plot device hah hah
Wow she's a really aggressive drunk.
Guess the magical plot device liquid wears off fast.
Gotta always be exhaustingly dense when you've got nine girls after your dick.
Imagine playing some intensive games of Karuta and then grabbing the first train you can get from Tokyo to Kyoto Him crashing like that is pretty sympathetic.