Azur Lane BokuBen Episode 8-10 Chihayafuru Choyoyu Episode 6-11 Houkago Saikoro Club Kabukicho Sherlock Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 20-23 No Guns Life PSYCHO-PASS Episode 6-8 Val x Love Episode 9-10
yeahm they're going to do a re-air, presumably with less quality
no guns life
okay lets start
Dr. Doom ended up with a pretty good deal aside from getting murdered and all. He's still mostly known as an all-around hero to the point he gets a big-ass statue of himself for a park.
The way the boy's mouth doesn't actually form the syllables he speaks still messes with me.
A lot of these robots or androids or cyborgs or whatever have very Noh mask style faces.
>>781401 Have things been, well, I guess okay's probably not quite a good work, but productive? Good word, even. Last I heard from you there was a lot of work you needed to do to keep a roof over your head and I've been a good bit worried about the situation.
The spear onee-san has some pretty sharp eyes. All the other sisters have normal eyes but hers are really glare-y. Kind of puts her on the same level as the MC hah hah
Having both girl-sized enemies and normal ship-sized enemies for the boats to fight is a good design choice. Kancolle was kind of always limited to the scope of girl-on-girl combat and this variation shakes up the fights a good bit.
I think it's good to take game design seriously. Picking apart something you're designing to understand all the components working together results in a very clean operation once you put it all back together.
Wow she's a powerful student. Coming straight out of sleep to answer that flawlessly.
She's coming up with some neat ways to add small complexities to her game. The one problem I could see with all these little bits is tinkering them to balance out the points and scoring.
I imagine making a complex but balanced game is hard.
Yeah, it's one of the advantages modern video games have over these physical games. You can always tinker with the details and change things in patches. These physical games have to be playtested to near-perfection before they can be manufactured and released.
I guess next episode Miki's gonna decide she wants to be a DIIZAIN'NA too.