Hi hello It feels like it's been a while to me. Guess I had a long weekend.
Boku no Hero Academia BokuBen Episode 8-11 Chihayafuru Choyoyu Episode 6-11 Dr. Stone Enen no Shouboutai GranBlue Fantasy Kabukicho Sherlock Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 20-24 PSYCHO-PASS Episode 6-8 Rifle is Beautiful Val x Love Episode 10-11 Vinland Saga Beastars
We're getting close to the end of the season. Dr. Stone's on its last episode, and most other things have like one or two episodes left.
>>782100 I'm familiar with something that happens because I know it comes after Askeladd mercy-kills Bjorn. But it'll probably be in the like first five or six minutes so the rest'll probably be exciting.
Thorfinn can really be such a little shit at times.
If we're talking solely physical strength sure. And maybe also battle sense. But he's mentally pretty much just a kid. Doesn't have a good sense of foresight or capacity to delay gratification necessary to make plans.
I think Thorkell would win against either of them in a fight. Thorfinn kinda got lucky, and he had Askeladd telling him how to win.
I was thinking Askeladd takes after his mother but seeing his father, I guess it's more the paternal side. Though his mother's hair is fairer and he inherited that.
He takes after him somewhat but has softer features. Askeladd has a very neat orderly appearance compared to a lot of the vikings.
Thorfinn probably isn't in the best mental state to be listening to this story hah hah All those blows to the head he just took are probably still ringing and making it difficult to focus properly.
Oh now he's really fucking with Thorfinn.
I wonder if the mangaka for this had Saber in mind when designing Canute. That blonde-haired effeminate design is kind of similar and the notion of Canute being the rightful heir to Britain echoes Arthur too.
Ah that went by pretty fast. Askeladd's story did take a good bit of time.
Sutoun This is apparently the final episode of the adaptation but they're leaving way too much untied. And Dr. Stone is consistently one of Shounen Jump's pretty popular series so it's not like it needs an advertising anime to boost awareness. Plus I think there's like 150-200 chapters of the manga so there's plenty of material to adapt.
Maybe it'll be like Hero Academia and we'll get bursts of adaptation.
Hah hah yeah. You need two devices if you're going to talk to each other!
Yeah it took Senku a moment there. Kind of weird that she can just reference a speaker like that.
I was wondering about that earlier in the series. Senku's dad and the other astronauts landed somewhere in -somewhere off the coast of South Africa or something I think. So it was weird that the gravestones of his dad and that generation ended up in Japan.
This is gonna get another season. I hope vinland does too.
Yeah I'm seeing that announcement now. I expected that would be the case, I guess. Plus it's good that the animation staff gets a bit of a break; don't want this series getting too QUALITY like Black Clover.
It's cute seeing Senku and the villagers re-treading the steps his dad and the other astronauts took.
this is a nice episode this show does sentimental pretty well
>Between a rock (Ishi) and a hard place Heh
>>782132 Yeah, it's kind of touching how sweet it can get. The science wank can be a bit silly at times but the emotions are always so heartfelt and feels really genuine. Which makes it hard to dislike the characters.
If I remember correctly we're getting to the point in this arc where I fell out of keeping up with the manga regularly. So I'll soon be going into this almost as blind as you are.
I know a few arc spoilers but other than that I don't know what's coming next.
Kirishima's past is kind of similar to Deku's. Though unlike Deku he couldn't just run in to be the HIIRO. It kind of makes Kirishima pretty sympathetic though.
fat gum is strong! as strong as he is fat! well, except when he's not fat he's still strong, you know what i mean
>>782170 witness the power of BULKING AND CUTTING >>782172 hard guy is pretty cool
>>782172 Yeah this arc does a good job of making him really endearing. That's something Boku no Hero Academia does really well; giving its secondary characters great moments in the spotlight to make you like them. Todoroki had a great one earlier in the series too.
Hah hah that's all it took to get her swooning. Though I guess they've got quite a few years of probably building romantic tension. And her heart never quite seemed all in on being an evil bitch.
Wow the crazy doctor has a lot of clockwork in him.
Hah hah hah Yeah come on Giovanni. Do you really expect a guy like Obi to NOT have a bulletproof vest.
Watching this series always gets my creativity running in high gear. The worldbuilding and narrative infrastructure is just so well done that it really excites me.
This fight is pretty wild this show has good fighting
I guess Sho is still beyond Shinra's level though.
Hah hah are they implying Sho produces enough heat to produce a mini-universe or something. Seems like it might be something like Fate's Reality Marbles.
People still haven't caught on that the MC underperforms when there's nothing on the line and always excels in competitions. See she's even aware of it herself but everyone just doubts her.
sometimes you still don't know whats going on even if you've watched all of it and the prequel see: boogiepop
I think with Boogiepop the original adaptation from years back was a sort of highly interpreted adaptation of the concept and wasn't really tied all too tightly to the original material. Where the adaptation from this year was faithful to the original light novels. Not that it makes things make any more sense, hah hah, but it's good to keep it in perspective. I think it probably makes sense if you read the original material or if we ever get another adaptation produced. I hope we do I had a lot of fun watching that series.