Boku no Hero Academia BokuBen Episode 8-10 Chihayafuru Choyoyu Episode 6-10 Dr. Stone Enen no Shouboutai GranBlue Fantasy Houkago Saikoro Club Kabukicho Sherlock Episode 8-9 Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 19-23 PSYCHO-PASS Episode 6-7 Rifle is Beautiful Val x Love Episode 8-10 Beastars
More politicking. Separating two vassals into demense that are separated by geographical distance is a smart trick for a lord to employ if you think they're gonna rebel.
I mean we all know how loyal Askeladd is to Canute. Any kind of dialogue like that is obviously just things going to plan.
And here's our titular reunion.
I wonder when crossbows were introduced to Britain. This time period feels a bit earlier than when I thought they were but I guess my history might be a bit off.
An arrow deep into the thigh will probably not heal right at his age unless treated very thoroughly. Which requires time Askeladd just can't afford right now.
He's so single-minded. Hah hah he's turned his arm into a sword-arm with the bandages. Kind of like a melee Megaman.
They did say Bjorn was probably close to death last episode. I honestly thought he'd died in the big battle previously.
Yeah same too kinda. I guess if you're approaching death like he is and there's no immediate battle available you can always count on your best friend to duel you to the death.
He is a true Viking after all. To not die in battle is to deny yourself access to Valhalla.
I think his cell phone will probably be very large and very primitive
Yeah I don't think it's really gonna be a cell phone. Maybe at best one of those big bulky ones from when they first started showing up. It looks more like they might be setting up for a small portable radio communicator or something. ... Which is essentially the cell phone's grandparent but still not quite one.
Tungsten ironically is pretty easy to isolate since literally everything else will melt before it so you just need to get a lot of HEAT. But working it can be a challenge.
They can make hotter forges now I think, thanks to their waterwheel
Yeah or at least one that can maintain the limit they've reached for longer than base manpower. They showed us that they'd set up a forge attached to one a couple episodes back.
This is kind of swee- Oh here we go happy times over now time for GENKI
Okay yeah I expected this kind of stuff. Since HEAT is annoying to apply the next best way to isolate and purify tungsten is using chemistry.
Hah hah applying magnified solar light to melt metal is pretty silly.
Gen's right though, plastic is a bit difficult if you don't have access to crude oil. From the look of it Senku's planning to use wood by-products as his starting point though.
Ah, they're already at coal, eh. Not long before they reach the industrial era proper.
Well that sentiment is actually pretty accurate. A lot of the stuff that's really benefitted humanity has come from the reearch and development of completely unrelated projects.
Last I saw this show was only two-cour, yeah, but I would imagine that means twenty-four or twenty-five episodes.
I guess maybe they're just doing this because as a show without much action they can't exactly play the OP in a big intense battle like other shounen shows might hah hah
They may have just needed extra time to make the whole episode fit.
I didn't expect them to actually build it this ep
Looks like they want to reserve the last one or two episodes of the season for the battle with Tsukasa.
There hasn't been any new news for the show since October it looks like, so I guess we're not getting an extension. Though there's plenty of manga material I believe. Maybe they'll announce a season two's been greenlit once this season's over.
>>779885 Yeah we're almost at the end of the season and they haven't been seen from since like ... episode ten? Eleven?
It's funny how the other two basically are written out
I hope they do more
okay enen okay lets start
The bite-sized exposition they give us about the world they live in does a really good job of making it not really feel like exposition.
I think there'll be a pretty cool fight this episode.
... Which I know sounds kind of ... predictable for a shounen show hah hah. But there was some chatter over the weekend when the episode came out that was talking about a fight some people were hyped to se. See, even.
This has been another fantastic episode in terms of artistic aesthetic. The desaturated colours aside from the irises and fireman stripes look amazing.
The thought of something popping out from under the skin like that makes me really uncomfortable. Doubly so since it came from his hand.
Composite creation using animal parts like this is pretty cool. You can take the minute things from different animals that are really strong and combine them to make a strong part.
Wow we're already at the last show of the night. Time sure flies.
Oh that's an element of shooting I hadn't thought about. People that are shoulder-height or so to the target would probably have a much easier time aiming straight.
>>779946 Well if you you're not tied up Sunday nights we usually watch it on that night. We take the weekend nights off so even though it airs for Saturday we don't get around to it until Sunday.
Megane had a real "Is this girl coming on to me" face there hah hah
The short one's being unusually candid there.
... I was wondering why there was suddenly ... Moonlight Sonata? playing there. Not that I really got an answer to why but at least there was a how.
Cats completely ignoring you is pretty cat-poi though.
I think it's pretty evident by now that the MC underperforms when there's nothing at stake but is pretty solid once there's a competition underway.
Hah hah I kinda get that. When you screw up so bad you don't know how to solve the problem so you just ... do nothing about it.
These kinds of things are comfy too. It would be nice to have done them in school.
I don't care for shooting but it would have been nice to have something a little more engaging than just watching anime with friends every now and then. Something that would have been better for fostering friendships. There aren't a lot of people I was friends with in high school I still talk to anymore.
Though that might be more me than any lack of pre-existing unifying activity.
>>779987 next time try tax evasion or hiding a murder nothing builds bonds like that