>>780078 >tfw all the actors are old enough for grandkids too this actually looks decent
and since gb2 established that ghosts are rare outside of huge events like gozar or vito tgem having gotten firgotten makes sense
>>780083 The actors are, the characters I feel might need a bit of wiggling with dates to realistically have grandkids that could legally drive. But eh, who really cares for that level of detail. I like the look of it too. It taking place in Farmville, Middle-of-Nowhere, USA is neat too.
>>780085 it is a good setting for mystery/horror def
reminds me of many campy b-movies like tremors etc
You look at the maclanky and think about how delicious it would be. You think about how delicious it would be if you ate it raw. You think about how delicious it would be if you ate it cooked. You think about how delicious it would be if you ate it boiled.
>>780103 yeah that's what I said but in layman's terms i wouldn't be surprised if that's how it works but it's kind of lame >>780101 i am not clicking on a link from you at work
i don't want retarded anime girl noises coming out of my phone at work
i went to lend this guy my lighter and he took off then stopped and was like you're not mad? i said no it's a dollar then he came and gave me the lighter back i don't understand these motherfuckers
He saw how chill you were and felt bad about it
probably went and bought his own like damn this bic shit is really a dollar
That is the way of the shinobi. Win at any cost with no honour Although honestly giving up after just five deaths is a bit early Just learn their patterns, stop playing for an hour, then go at it again
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>780115 >>780116 It can't be helped. Even if I could afford more of those tear things, I'd just die again anyway.
>>780119 you can save everyone for sure. tears are easier to get in late game so just focus on progressing and cure people after boss fights only.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
oh yeah. that's a good idea use them after the choke points
>>780117 >using a guide want me to link you the easy mode and noclip mods too, C A S U L ?
You're making my crappy joke even shittier with your FACTS
laying raw FACTS is all i do like this one from my WIP session 10 write up "While Noto and Inari note her inability to read clocks, they are quickly interuppted by Owari" except i need to proof read it clearly
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Tsu is gonna clean your clocks mister
i have no clocks, only swords i cant wait to go back to doraku and then beat up megane
Kirara ππ€‘
you will literally one shot him he is level 3
it'll be great training for him! ill use the bootleg washing pole, it's only a leveld4
>>780203 it's okay i also got 10 dollars and i didn't spend it on beer at least i'm not getting drunk on my own money i bought SNACKS and 4 one dollar lotto tickets and won NOTHING
it's too difficult to turn down people who want to buy me a drink if i say i don't want a drink they'll think i'm GAY
I got a two dollar tip for helping a lady cart something like 140 Christmas crackers out to her car. I wasn't even expecting a tip I just figured it was something I should do because she bought them at our store.
>>780254 7 er 8 im drunk its a good story but it makes me sad >>780253 yeah that makes sense sounds like something i would have done and then accidentally posted anime thread shit in the general thread because of
>>780257 you gave me an idea for an epic joke and apparently my evil clone already made that joke god dammit man >>780259 okay but remember the author said it's all a character story its not really real its just a JAV background and also she's ok and her child lives
>>780327 note i put them up in august as me and my mom are one of the few autistic enough to reach ungoro crater 2 days after wow classic launch and yea it was sick in retrospect
>>780332 look once upon a time when i was 3 years old my dad challenged me to doom 1 deathmach and he owned me and at that point i knew i must never be a casul noob ever again
fuckin doom 2 is as old as me lol
>>>/watch?v=AufydOsiD6M >>780333 I don't think I've ever met parents who ever showed an interest early on in gaming except maybe one friend who had add // ADD or something in the family
Did YOU Koi time today? some people refer to appreciate the Koi in private silently. those are valid feelings too. looking forward to the next koi time
>>780375 aye buddy you're the one who told me to die two dozen times experimenting before giving up and watching a video on how better people do it
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
so far it's been about 6 or 7. the main thing I've learn is just to dash everything you can't jump dodge the arrows because they will still clip you and you can get a clean hit on him if you dodge his death-blow instead of jumping backwards.
Kirara ππ€‘
genichiro is so fun I love him he's the one that will teach you to play
you can dodge the arrows just time it better the arrows are easy to dodge except for the jumping arrow attack which has super short wind-up
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
yeah you can dodge that arrows but not jump out of the way
Genichiro is probably the best fight to not cheese with a guide and actually take the time to learn how to play. The skills you learn fighting him are pretty much how you fight every other boss with like maybe three exceptions.
not to mention what do the passess meano? does buying the pass give you post fact all the extra packs or not?
when you need a spread sheet and a guide to buying your games, you know something is wrong
Reminds me of my confusion with TW:warhammer I was gonna buy the 2nd game, but then I realised I had no idea how much of the first game I need to buy to get Mortal empires running with all the factions and no info on it just the game? all the dlc factions?
when your game has a fuckton of dlcs, there should always be a simple "click here to buy all necessary content" "click here to see all cosmetic shit" etc
You know Waltzing Matilda is really just about an autist who wants to be with his waifu
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
and then he gets harassed by the police.
once sang it drunk it is a fun song tho
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
it's the unofficial national anthem
Kirara ππ€‘
trump is redefining Judaism from being a religion to being a nationality
this is honestly really scary i am legitimately scared
can he legally do that or just say doing it also isn't that outright unconstitutional so the supreme court can block it
Kirara ππ€‘
he can through an executive order and the federal courts have been loaded by trump so he can do whatever he wants essentially
scariest thing is, that he might think he is doing it to benefit jews in america
Kirara ππ€‘
no, he doesn't do not give him any benefit of the doubt this is obviously setting things up for mass deportations
I am not giving him benefit of the doubt, I am giving him benefit of 70 year old senile
>>780404 wow now that would be a sight deporting all the non rich jews to israel "back to their home" despite never living there and israel going "hold on a minute, we don't want these people"
but if I get this right, redefining judaism into nationality, while the act itself is unconstitutional, once they are a nationality, they are outside of the religious protection acts etc so it would be easier to squash on them, yes?
>tfw you realise you've just drank 2 litres of coffee past 4 hours and it is the witching hour oh well
I think this year the general lack of daylight has messed up my dayrythm completely >go to sleep when it is dark >wake up it is dark >take an afternoon nap it is dark >wake up from it is dark
I had forgotten a desk light on when I went to sleep one night and woke up and though it was morning, because of the light but it was just the desk light and it was dark
No wonder those sunlight imitation lamps are popular here
Did you actually read the article? This was pushed by Kushner to punish anti zionists and BDS supporters.
seems like more of a pro-israel law to me now that I read the article which is bullshit too
>The order to be signed by Mr. Trump would empower the Education Department to go further. Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the department can withhold funding from any college or educational program that discriminates βon the ground of race, color, or national origin.β Religion was not included among the protected categories, so Mr. Trumpβs order will have the effect of embracing an argument that Jews are a people or a race with a collective national origin in the Middle East, like Italian Americans or Polish Americans.
It sets a weird precedent though. Possibly dangerous, but I don't think he'd
yup as in changing a religious minority into an ethnicity not to mention it does curtail free speech, as in criticising a foreign nation, in this case being isarael
Kirara ππ€‘
>possibly dangerous it's obviously dangerous
>>780429 His daughter is Jewish dude He's not trying to do another fucking Holocaust you paranoid fuck
Kirara ππ€‘
Kirara ππ€‘
jesus fuckin christ how can you sit here and say "im sure it'll be okay" when absolutely nothing indicates that and last time this happened we got genocided come on have a sense of self preservation
while I am not going to say that your worries aren't without a cause, there is a huge difference between germany, a country 50 years old at that time, with no constitution and that had been a "democracy" for mere decade
It is very similiar to many other countries that descended into a dictatorship of one kind or another, due to just not having a working government body with separation of power US on the other hand has centuries of republic behind it, and yes all those protections can be repealed, it will take time
ofc if no one does oppose them and no one ever restablished them, it will happen eventually
but it isn't one law maker away like in germany
>>780432 I'm not sure it'll be okay but I'll *neccesarily okay But I'll actually start worrying if he takes away second amendment rights for Jews. Or first amendment rights
>>780432 Quick question. I didn't come here to troll you/get in a debate with you or anything. But, in your opinion, is Jeremy Corbyn anti-semetic? I'm just curious to hear your response to that question.
>>780455 Can' trust yourself to just pop in for five seconds to get the log-in?
>>780455 just give your log on info to someone and have them do it
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>780459 >so mum, here's how you spam the NP ults to clear the dailies >and here's the girl that I want you to funnel all the experience points into
my battery is draining so fucking fast help
Maybe turn on the battery saving function, your phone should have it. Also a battery replacement if you can find a shop that does them for your phone, is usually much cheaper than a new phone.
>>780460 >Mum wtf why do I have all these handsome men in my game you were meant to roll for the anime girls
yes things that repeatedly send, receive, and check for information are going to drain your battery quickly.
i usually have moe open in the background at all times my phone has a good sized battery
well batteries all have a limited lifespan and most manufacturers don't try to push battery life forwards that much, as it makes people replace their phones every few years as a new flagship comes out consumerism ho
also I think the current model of "fast charge" batteries aren't even fundamentally made to last wish that replacing batteries was just easier and didn't require a complete taking apart of the phone as in most cases it does
and adding to that, what I mean isn't any "evil scheme", but just that the type of batteries just isn't something with a long lifespan compared to other types
not that I blame them, a phone that charges in 15-30 mins to full battery is convenient
>five solid minutes If you play aggressively you can burn through his first health bar pretty fast you could also try grinding side bosses and content for more memories and prayer beads
>>780485 That's the point you want to wear down his posture bar Also watch for openings in his attacks. Like if he does that thing where he jumps away to shoot, you can squeeze an attack in. You can do the same on his
Okay. Okay. Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong. Because I was basically thinking of the attacks he blocked as wasted hits, and just waiting for the rare openings
He still killed me but this time I took out one and a half of his life bars
Yeah against anything that blocks a lot, you get more out of hitting them while blocking instead of trying to whittle down the health bar. If anything, whittling down the health bar INSTEAD serves breaking their posture, since anyone at lower health (including yourself) will recover posture at a slower rate.
The girl that got in that fight last night has more problems she got high today so we can't let her stay at the sober house So we got her a hotel room and after hours of working it out we drive her there, basically doing therapy with her the entire 30 minute drive me and my colleague, that is
so we get there and I'm sitting outside with her while she smokes and she starts having a traumatic reaction which becomes a PSYCHOTIC FUCKING EPISODE
Turns out she was fucking human trafficked She's just sitting there in a fetal position sobbing about how they're going to get her and they don't even care that they're in public and etc etc and she starts just absolutely freaking out god fucking dammit FUCK Y'ALL
we eventually got her settled down in the hotel and shit but jesus fucking christ fuck
>>780507 jesus isn't here want me to pass him a message?
>>780507 haha what the FUCK that was a sudden turn for the fucked up though i guess the whole day was kind of fucked up for her hope she's alright now what and why did she get high on/for?
>>780507 Is this the one that's been flirting with your or the one she was fighting. Either way, fuck.
>>780513 i think that might be a bad idea can you imagine me as a substance abuse counselor? >"so i was smoking crack every day and drinking and it was destroying my life
>sick bro sounds fun but hey that's bad for you
Kirara ππ€‘
>>780514 i mean you'd probably have to do some work on yourself before you could but that's how i used to be when i started someone would be like "i was drinking a gallon of vodka a day" and id be like "haha that's fuckin great" or someone would be like talking about lean and id be like "oh man ive got some stories about lean" but i'm healthier now and can help people which is good
>>780515 that's kind of hilarious though i guess if i wanted help knowing my counselor used to fuck around like i did might engender trust with him still probably a really bad thing logically and professionally to be fondly talking about it
how do you mean i need more work on myself though are you telling me i am not a paragon of mental health and responsible substance use
I still talk about it fondly, but I can use that therapeutically now by talking about how even after 3 years of sobriety, the addict mindset is still there and I need to be putting in constant effort to hold myself accountable. I talk about my own substance use and how I went to Vegas while detoxing, got sick, passed out at the grand canyon, and then got high on promethazine with codeine. It's a good story.
>>780519 do you tell them about the saddest fucking game of pool ever where a guy high on lean and a guy who had been drinking all fucking day competed to see how many cueballs they could knock off the table?
Kirara ππ€‘
all the time lmao just a bunch of fucked up folks walking around nevada high/drunk
goddamn that was a great trip i was high/drunk or both the entire time but i still remember most of it
i thought you were legit sick at the grand canyon though i was worried bro what either i didn't know or i forgot you were detoxing >>780519 i guess if i ever get my life in order i could have a hell of a lot of stories about being at rock bottom degen level it would be really impressive if i got a good respectable job after all that
haha yeah i was like halfway through my booze detox which is why i got so sick, my immune system was completely gone that one morning i woke up feeling super sick i was like "oh, this must be mold in the hotel room" instead of recognizing that i was detoxing from alcohol lmao
i was sick though i got a respiratory infection that's why i passed out the detoxing just helped me get so sick
saku wanted to be a substance use counselor i wonder how much that influenced me to become one
>>780400 Being reassigned to a foreign country you might not even care for is so fucked up even disregarding everything else
>>780524 It takes a degen to know a degen, and you can't help a degen unless you understand them!
wow now i wanna play pool with kirara and jan thanks a lot assholes
>>780525 yeah i know about his ideas he never really had a good plan but talked to me about it a bit and i tried to encourage him he helped me a lot with some problems i had at the time too so i thought he could've been really good at it
maybe I'LL be the next saku 2.0 this time with coke instead of dope
nah i'll probably just get a blue collar job in electrical
ooooh i found this image just for Marsh >>780534 okay bitch when are you available >>780535 i'm sorry to inform you i am a fairly average amicable loser in real life and i just say retarded shit online for fun
Pretty much any time after mid-April next year. Or like any time in the next thirty days but I doubt you can get a passport that quickly.
>>780537 you don't need a passport to get to canada as an american you just need a card that can be obtained relatively quickly from the DMV or some other government offices. Passports take a long time but the card can be obtained in like a couple days if you pick it up personally. Also it's a lot cheaper.
We're straight up jailing people for coming across the mexico border and shit but it only takes a daytrip and $30 to get into mexico legally from here l0l
>>780528 nah man you should just get clean and become a substance use counselor it'll be great money guaranteed employment and fucked up shit happening non-stop a new crisis every day i love it
can you become a substance use counselor without sitting through 200k of student debt?
Kirara ππ€‘
yeah super easily i have that debt because i'm getting my doctorate
>>780539 okay you make it sound really appealing but also can i still do it if i am an alcoholic with a black liver cause i don't really want to stop drinking forever and it helps me not do the hard shit
>>780538 Oh okay I didn't know that stuff worked for flights cross the border too. Either way we'd have to ditch Kirara and others if it was gonna happen this winter since he's still really busy with work.
Kirara ππ€‘
>>780542 yeah i mean sobriety doesn't always mean abstinence in the long run
i'm sober if id still do hallucinogenics potentially
sobriety from cocaine and marijuana certainly improved my mental state and capability for dealing with hardship but damned if i don't still want to go facedown in a pile of that sweet snow scarface style
don't really care about weed though i literally don't even think about it at all guess it really isn't psychologically addictive or something? or maybe other stuff overrides it >>780543 i mean i'm down to hang out whenever it doesn't matter to me i don't think i'd have the money for a flight up there suddenly though i would bet it's like $1000-1500 due to holiday seasons and short notice and shit >>780544 i never had any bad side effects or addictive feelings for psychedelic hallucinogenics so i'd probably do them too well not probably i'd definitely do a ton of shrooms or some blotters but i am not gonna go out and buy any of that shit because i don't want to be around the kind of people who sell that shit since they usually sell the other shit that is bad shit
legit though when i go to my internship i can get you treatment and then when i come back i can help you work on a degree and shit then when you have a bachelor's you can work under me and my guy and make decent money we can make it happen
>>780551 treated for what sounds okay though i'm down i don't have anything i'm looking forward to anyways i basically get paid to hang out with people i have known for years at work and go home and hang out online and that's it
>>780558 I dunno if I need help with trauma but I could probably do with some professional therapy instead of whatever I decide to take my frustration out on at the moment >>780560 What happened?
>>780576 did you know that when you cut yourself open it also itches after its healed >>780570 what a fucking retard should have kept her in a decent room and shit so he could have made way more social security check monies
>>780588 if you itch my arms i am gonna feel really uncomfortable and maybe aroused >>780589 yes i will report all your posts >>780592 might as well just thank rika cause i can't get in touch with the other ones
>>780590 The mangaka who did nobunagun did some thimg I piked *liked a lot and I was really surprised when I found out he did nobunagun. I don't remember what though.
>>780606 I dunno about erogenous but scratching my back is a very soothing experience for me. Like not enough to mark but just itch the skin. Though no one does stuff like that for me anymore hah hah
>>780607 fucking disney and their stupid streaming service so many shit to subscribe to i decided to no longer pay for any of it and just download it illegally fuck netflix and hulu and disney and so on
mandalorian is really good though tbh >>780608 i mean i like backs aesthetically but idk about them being hot shanoa's back is one exception toned backs look so great >>780613 i can straight up scratch my own back so i do there's not an area of my own body i can't scratch or massage it's useful to be flexible but also have to do this in private or else people will be fucking weirded out by it
moral of the story is suck other people off it's way more fun >>780654 it's like a shittier version of both at the same time source: i have done both at the same time
my understanding is that it's a lot more like sucking dick and a lot less like getting your dick sucked
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>780652 "The Negev is an Israeli 5.56 mm and 7.62 mm light machine gun, developed by Israel Military Industries. Design work on this new indigenous firearm began in 1985, it was inspired by the Belgian FN Minimi, and it was officially adopted by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in 1997.[1]"
Negev is a VARY GOOD lmg that feels good and comfy to use and also has lmg properties such as kicking total ass and blowing holes in shit shame it uses NATO instead of a manlier more badass cartridge though
>>780669 yeah i don't have a big problem with NATO my favorite rifle is the SCAR sharing the spot with the nostalgic K98k but it could do with more POWER it's logically sound and i think the NATO definitions make sense for modern warfare but yeah >>780673 do you really think i would pay for that kind of thing
>>780688 anime makes me tired I'll stick with the one a week with kirara.
i bet he hasnt even seen any of boku no hero and by i bet i mean i know he hasnt outside of what scenes ive showed him >>780689 did you get extra credit at the end
what the fuck
>>780691 Ah yes, Green Naruto. One of the guys who works at my local comic book store was recommending it to me a while ago.
thats more fucked up than the post i just made
>>780693 this is fundamentally incorrect, as Naruto once told Sasuke, and I quote, "I'll break every bone in your body to bring you back to the village." however Dekurabia breaks his own bones instead
>>780698 the boondocks? >>780697 these extra curricular activities sound LAME >>780700 no, as all i ever hear about it is how absolutely terrible it is
>>780699 No Uh Shit I forgot te name Oh I remember now Black Clover
>>780699 frankly i was more ashamed of the drug abuse than i am of the other activities lying to my family about why i'm going on a "walk" at 11pm got old
Lee tryna act like he aint got magic powers or some shit, but mother fucker straight kicks a meteor in half at some point so ive been told
frog girl is trash and has no personality, her character exists just to go [Blurt out comment with no filter] >>780703 wow maybe thats why my mom asks me if im doing drugs every time i tell her im gonna go walk to the store >>780706 i LOVE shounen trash but shounen trash about not-a-wizard fighting to become wizard king sounds retarded >>780707 Eight Gates are some HELLA some bullshit tho, nigga Even KAKASHI, prodigy of the ninja world could only open TWO >>780708 >>780709 the tragic backstory of being a forg >>780712 meanwhile im just trying to play pokemon go and buy junk food from a rundown store near my house smh
>>780699 Yeah don't waste your time with Black Clover it's about the most basic by-the-books shounen TRASH you can get.
>>780704 it's not no magic eyes or some bullshit though its just straight up guts my guy and also channeling your life energy or some shit i'd say ask might except nigga bit it unlocking that 7th chakra boi
>>780705 Man I don't read or watch it, I just like frogs and think she's cute.
how can you say you love her if you dont know her tragic backstory
>>780705 l0l for me i told them i was walking to the store then went and whored myself and bought drugs and got high and came home in the AM and pretended nothing weird happened
one time frog girl had this really cool moment where, big spoiler its not cool, she said "you guys are villains for wanting to save your friend from actual villains"
Well it was more like "Disregarding the rules set for you makes you not much better than the villains that break the rules of society". >>780718 I don't think you actually want your mind changed so I'm not going to waste my time.
frog girl is just the girls equivalent to mineta change my mind
fuck society my gun waifu is in critical condition
>>780717 do not grow up with this man and have a waifu near him he will hate them and you will not be able to convince him otherwise
I mean he's fine to have his own opinions. As long as I know from the get go that an actual conversation about them is impossible without just getting bad faith shitposting slung at me then it's all good.
I am exclusive shitposting on liveboards, catch me on game night
>>780705 tell ur mom she can be my mom-in-law and everything she's paranoid about will be true i only ask for a place to sleep and a friend to play video games with and maybe succ the d
the bird is just a bird and she decided to rest on her shoulder because she didn't move for long enough and since birds are fucking dumb she didn't change her behavoir after she started moving
the bird didn't change their behavior i mean sorry i use female pronouns for birds by default for some reason
Huh apparently sport shooting is the third most popular sport in the czech republic.
>>780740 If your dick is small enough to fit in a gun barrel then you got problems
>>780779 >tfw the only cosplay i can do now is ken kaneki otherwise niggas be nitpicking the scars
It's not really a scar yet he's still got staples last i saw see >>780783 >>780781 i can do nobody
the strips have come off and the sutures are the dissolve type itβs not a particularly interesting scar but it is lengthy
straight up had to google tokyo ghoul main character because i forgot the name of that fucking guy he is so bland
what i coincidence i had to google ken kaneiki kaneki*
he is an edgy emo kid with no friends that finally gets a date except he gets brutalized by a pseudo vampire called a ghoul he dedicates the rest of his life to trying to pretend ghouls aren't awful then gets abducted and tortured by a ghoul for months loses the last remnants of his shit, consumes his only remaining human friend's face in a zombie hunger episode, kills a bunch of people and develops extreme DID to the extent he becomes an anti-ghoul hunter denying his past in the sequel funny shit his life is just nothing but awful all the time
Yeah but he bangs the cool emotionless chick in the end so worth.
except he doesn't because DID and she dies anyways
Touka? I'm pretty sure she lives to the end of the manga. And before :re ends I think his two lives as Kaneki and the other one come to some kind of conclusion.
>>780791 ohhh no nvm i thought you meant someone else touka isn't emotionless at all though wat
she does look like a hot topic thot but she's extremely emotional
her brother is the edgy emotionless shat
Well yeah man. I'm obviously exaggerrating.
i mean banging touka is probably the best kaneki could hope for endgame cause he is so mad fucked in the head i'm surprised anyone still liked him i bet they had a great relationship before kaneki kills himself from all the doublethink >>780791 haise and kaneki just kind of reconcile their differences and become haise at some point in the manga
also its retarded their child has the odd eye they're both ghouls it doesnt make sense in canon wat
Maybe Kaneki's seed is still genetically human or whatever.
>>780803 yeah thats stupid enough for tokyo ghoul i guess
My brain's been having a hard time booting up in the mornings again. It's really, REALLY hard to actually wake up when you can't even get to the point of consciousness where you can tell yourself you need to actually get out of bed. Alarms are powerless against such mental viscosity.
I know how cold your body is, I burned my hands on it.
I am awake surprisingly
What's so surprising about it?
Kirara ππ€‘
re:zero s2 is airing in January apparently
Took them a good long while to get it out. Maybe I should go watch that OVA they put out earlier this year in case it's plot-related. That Slime isekai is getting a second season next year too, wonder if it's Winter or Spring 2020. And the bookworm isekai that's airing this season also got a season two confirmation for some time next year.
I think BokuBen might be getting a season three announcement too.
[x] purchase 2 book, one is christmas present for family [x] check email [x] delivered today [x] but I picked up mail before this [x] check around home [ ] find books aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
fuck I wish moon was around for this Christmas event
hope he is doing well
>>780857 This might be me being a bit too prying but I've seen Moon offline on Mahjong Soul much more recently than posting last here. So Moon's probably going to get to play the event.
>>780866 is that when your phone tells you Blue drew something
fucking lost by drawing all my highest cost cards 3 games in a row
>>780867 no it means that a violent active criminal has slain or gravely injured law enforcement or government personnel and they send out info to help speed apprehending the offender
>>780870 nope it's from harris county which is houston i wanted to see the info about it but the page they linked in the blue alert isn't loading lol guess everyone's trying to load it or something
>>780869 Is Speed Apprehending state-authorized vigilantism?
This take-home final I've got for one of my courses involves us using headers to specify which part of the final we're answering, as well as picking a specific number within some of the sections since we only have to answer one of most questions from each section. So I'm ending up with headers like "Section C (4)" and it's making me feel like I'm typing up a legal document.
woooow it was just a link to twitter >>>/@TX_Alerts/1204843415646736388 >>780872 vigilantism is still against the law but if you recognize the offender you could potentially tip the police off about it that's the idea behind this protocol
looks like this guy shot and killed a female cop a few hrs ago and is currently on the run
ahh wait no he ran her over to kill her
damn there are a lot of edgy mother fuckers in that twitter thread
I also ended up answering the first two questions with exactly the same number of words and I wasn't even planning that. I don't know how it happened.
>>780877 looks like he tried to do the juice wrld thing but doesn't have enough hair lol >>780873 should add a few paragraphs worth of preceding text explaining the definition of terms used in the rest of the document with plenty of quotation marks around them
>>780879 well sandwich did used to be a name though i doubt anyone names their kid sandwich anymore
the historic town of sandwich still exists
>>780880 It's a philosophy final there's already plenty of that.
oh apparently there is a sandwich in the USA too that's kind of funny >>780883 turn in a paper so inpenetrably loaded with legalese they recommend you to legal literature courses
Ew no thank you
Ahhhh it's gotten cold again. Apparently feels like -13C out there with the windchill.
>>780885 Come on buddy, someone has to write all those TOS and Privacy Policy agreements that nobody reads. Don't you like prose? That's like the ultimate evolution of prose. 25 pages to say "Don't steal our shit or else." >>780886 Damn that's cold, it's only like 55f/12c here
I like prose that tells a story, not prose that gets all tangly and explicit in its need to carefully define everything related to what its trying to protect. Some other chump can write all those TOSes
>>>/@velvetxero/1204543716100321286 >>780888 but who will be able to marry the legal writing with romance to create a legal document explaining in no uncertain terms the state of their illicit affair (henceforth the "fling")
I dunno man, some horny lawyer or something.
that's impossible, lawyers don't get horny since you have to disown your human emotions to become one
Maybe horny is an inhuman emotion then.
you know what, you may be on to something
ign gave Control game of the year wat
ign gave Control 8.8/10 ign gave Sekiro 9.5/10 so ign gives control GotY and sekiro runner up what is even going on in their heads
I heard some really good things about it but yeah, I guess it's kind separate from their ratings, eh.
Didn't they give the new Pokemon games like 9.3 or 9.5?
yep they gave SnS 9.3/10 there really doesn't exist a proper score system on that site i think they just draw random numbers and say ok good enough
Well the best argument I can give for what's going on is that the games in the reviews are scored individually by the solo person reviewing, where as the game of the year is probably a team-wide discussion or something along those lines. Which honestly means the game of the year award is probably more of an unbiased complement since individual reviews can often be handled by people that are predisposed to loving or loathing a certain game.
Like the woman that reviewed Sword/Shield is pretty much on the record saying the concerns of stuff like the PokeDex cut and removal of gameplay elements like the Global Trade System or Mega-Evolutions are completely irrelevant to her and that any new Pokemon game is great by her standards. Which I mean is a fine opinion to have but it pretty evidently factored into her review of the games and put way too much weight on the final scoring I'd argue.
tl;dr game reviews are bullshit and never really give a fair display of a game's qualities and faults.
>>780895 IGN isn't one person Just because one reviewer liked Control less than another reviewer liked Sekiro doesn't mean it represents the site as a whole
IGN gave Ace Combat 7 a 7/10 so they're dead to me
Kirara ππ€‘
I've worked 35 hours this week and it's Wednesday haha
I just had a boomer call up to tell us about two people on benefits who "definitely aren't entitled to them" Shut up woman no one likes a snitch
>>780902 I hope you informed her of the correct protocol for dealing with and storing snitches. >>780900 Wow but I thought corporations were supposed to be people >>780901 You've worked 35 hours in 2 days?
i am going to use this as leverage to get my boss to pay for a $1000 training for me in a month or two though
Kirara ππ€‘
12 of my hours this week have been focused on keeping this girl in our program lol i'm gonna be mad if she doesn't take advantage of all the opportunities i'm giving her
well my phone's battery may have died its final death on another note I located spiderbro it was a she and she has a quite large brood i have many spiderbros now
also she is large for a finnish spider now like 2-3cm long legs
tiem to see which one of my phones still work cause I don¨'t feel like going back tomorrow to get my turbo charger and I don't feel like buying one either
/moe/, can you think of any community service that can be done without going too far? Arts and crafts stuff or something? Maybe a garden where we donate the food? Trying to develop a community service program for work
Litter pick up I dunno if it's a great idea because of the potential volatility of some of your clients but I bet there's a lot of elderly folk that would like to have some people just to talk and spend time with.
>>780922 How far is too far? Could do volunteer work on a specific day of the week or something. Work at a homeless shelter? Or soup kitchen or something.
Maybe in line with the vegetable garden , have them put together help kits for veterans. There's probably some good local charities that would like ready-ship kits for veterans that have been fucked over by the VA.
>>780926 Make them bake cookies and hand them out for free!
Really though, the garden idea sounds best if it needs to be without human interaction and isolated. Tending to plants can be a calming thing too.
Kirara ππ€‘
yeah, gardening might be best
>>780928 hmm, a lot of the folks who would do this would be vets
>>780928 Yeah could do something like the Help Heal Veterans style craft-kits
>owen began quality checking your order at 6:06 it's been ten minutes owen just let the driver deliver my damn pizza
owen been staring at my pizza for 20 minutes now
He's got to make sure it's PERFECT man
it took him 23 minutes to make sure it was perfect! if he forgot my sauces again i'm gonna give him 1 star
>>780922 Starting a garden and selling the food is a good idea. There may be some work you can find to have people do too, assembling stuff or something like that.