People always shitpost about Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You but working in retail reveals the real evil is that there's like five or six covers in addition to hers and you WILL hear most of if not all of those renditions in an average five hour shift.
and none of them will be Dave Rodgers
Kirara 🍄🤡
my client's cancer is terminal he'll probably be dead in 6-8 months
That's pretty awful. Cancer is a miserable blight. I'm sorry to hear he's got such a short prognosis.
Kirara 🍄🤡
he's got bone cancer and skin cancer it's really fucked up he's so strong though he's doing everything he can to stay sober even though he's dying
Kirara 🍄🤡
gonna cry
I can respect the commitment to sobriety he's keeping with. Given a finite limit to your life you can envision like that I think a lot of people would just stop giving a shit. So it's nice of him, especially for the other clients I bet, that he keeps the commitment.
Kirara 🍄🤡
he's an amazing dude I'm going to try to get him into a meditation retreat i have coming up in January he was telling me the other day he always wanted to do one i lent him a book about zen too he's really interested in it i think it'll help him die as fucked up as that sounds
Christmas is really no joke in retail, yeesh At least the time goes by fast.
This thermo bottle I picked up is really great though. Poured coffee into it like three and a half hours ago and it's still singing my tongue.
>>782345 hope you really really like Christmas music
Kirara 🍄🤡
can't believe i had the gall to think i would have a relaxing day
maybe if the stars align maybe if our worlds collide
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>782336 you know i'm really super excited they decided to adapt Earthbound as a movie despite the whole gaming movie thing but I'm surprised at some of the casting decisions here
>>782361 getting a christmas break from work soon?
i had to work hard to get out of that landlord's grasps but im somewhere safer temporarily for now i need to try to talk to a patent lawyer pretty soon
>>782363 i was just going to publish some stuff but this year set me back a lot i'm a little confused what stuff can and can't be patented but i think it's worth trying i think if i don't lay claim to it, someone else will pretty soon
i suppose someone who knows about that stuff can give me some guidance
>>782365 ton & pan im in the market for stable living situation, would the two of you still be interested in getting a place potentially?
you don't have to feel pressured to do so or anything it's not like im on the street and waiting on someone to help but if it's on the table i'd be interested
my mom just had a double mastectomy a few days ago it's a little uncomfortable but i came down to illinois to take care for her for a little while so im "staying" at a 55+ apartment until she recovers, then i need to figure out where im going
it's fortunate that it's the holiday time so it doesn't seem too weird or out of place but by christmas-ish i need to set a plan in motion
when's the next bus? is there anywhere warm you can hang out in the meantime like a mcdonalds?
oh wait are going or coming from work?
Coming home. I'm waiting in the shelter part of the bus bay but it's less of warm and more of less cold. The next bus is ... now, I guess. It'll probably get me home faster than waiting for the better option.
I got scratched and bitten by my sister's cat. Despite telling me that he loves belly rubs, she didn't bother telling me he'll attack your arm if you rub his belly while he's still excited from playing.
>>782529 It is The worst I cannot fathom why Australia and India like it so much Whole continents obsessed with the worst sport there is Oh look the players are standing there doing nothing Oh look they threw the ball and it looks just like the last throw and now the batsman runs back and forth Shitty static piece of shit sport Imagine liking cricket.
>>782550 no but i rub it on anyway for extra oomph
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
#include </etc/shadow> lmao fuckin C
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
its time get everybody and the shrooms together okay 3 2 1 watch CATS
my most valued possessions are the relationships and friendships i have
i think i probably feel the same but i wish i could take better care of them
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
i am very good at lapsing and becoming strangers with my friends one of my stronger abilities tbh rip let's become as one
I saw one of my long-time friends on the dating apps and couldn't help but do anything other than turn it down. Maybe l should have at least done otherwise at best they see it as a bit of randomness and it's a funny joke next time we see each other.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
yea it doesn't really matter anyway, i think a common play is to match for the lulz then unmatch, but it's whatever esp if you are gonna see em again
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
i love workin out of this library only issue is you have to go thru a bag checkpoint to hit the men's room
if only i had some kind of pee reservoir
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
I like AI Dungeon 2 except how it often wusses out with vague stuff like "Who's there?" a voice calls out.
there's always random voices calling out and then I ask the AI for more details and it just gets more evasive
oh damn i say that but this time i actually got some detail >look at speaker >You turn around and see a dark haired woman wearing a purple robe. She has a scar over her left eye and a mole on her cheek. Her face is pale and she has a short beard. >"It was just a warning. Don't ever try anything stupid again."
>>782556 that's happening to me a bit i can't tell if it's my doing or their doings but i wish i knew how to prevent it
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
for me it would involve reaching out more and giving idk i maintain a small circle of friends i feel like i should start keeping a journal about acquaintances just so i stop having the awkward situation of forgetting the last time I was hanging out with them. second meetings are the worst for me
>cast shampoo on woman You quickly turn around and cast shampoo on the woman. She turns red and starts to scream. You run after her screaming and shouting for help.
That's some terrifying as fuck shampoo
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
terrifying champloo
Hmm I'm working Christmas Eve actually I I just looked at it proper for once. It's only a five hour shift so it'll probably be fine but man.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
time to go mobile
Look out he's going ghost!
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
the be and of a in to have to it I that for you he with on do say this they at but we his from that not don't by she or as what go their can who get if would her all my make about know will as up
i get these clients that just ask me to bill them for hours on things that are like monitoring over time
if i were in an office paid by the hour there'd probably be some meaning to that, but when it's stuff that i can literally just make microadjustments when notified it doesnt really make any sense. i might spend 6 hours relaxing and just on standby but im not billing for that but i can't exactly bill for 3 minutes here, 6 minutes there either
so im just billing for like X hours for the whole week , like five, assuming i spend like an hour working on that stuff per day but im worried that billing that way makes it look like im doing very little work with it. im just time efficient and saving them money that's all
>>782571 no good news im very temporarily staying somewhere for about a week i spent much of the last week on trains or buses
i dont know where im going to go and i can't get a place on my own. i had to shovel out all my extra money to accomodate moving out of that last place abruptly and getting a train ticket somewhere warmer ive ran out of people to ask if they'd like to get a place with me. i had no time to prepare and it's really unfair. nobody can this short of notice, and nobody wants to anyway i still have to work throughout it of course.
im trying not to whine about it on here but i guess i just did
>>782570 How's your current living situation? I know you've been going through some tough stuff.
>>782570 I don't mind you whining. I don't think anyone here does.
I do. It takes a lot of effort for me to open up about stuff and expose myself, and it's really nobody's obligation to emotionally console me it puts me in an uncomfortable and vulnerable position and it strains the relationships i have with people. even if nobody else is burdened by such things, i get pretty stung by it. especially when it gets dodged or awkwardly switched in topic/swept under the rug.
it's also just not the facet i want to be interacting with /moe/ through there's a lot of other things about me and the things im doing that i think are a lot more interesting but it becomes impossible for some reason to make that kind of bad stuff less ubiquitous
it's just problematic for me as well
I want you to know that I really appreciate that you open up to us. I value our relationship a lot and because of that I often think too hard about what to say to you that I never end up deciding. Err, deciding on what to say.
But what the fuck how can you say he's one of the seven spears of Ashina and only have two spear guy bosses They should be called the Twin Ashina Spears
Kirara 🍄🤡
most of them are already dead they're based on real people some of them betrayed isshin and were executed if i rremember right
>>782614 wait really I thought that absolutely everything was made up
Kirara 🍄🤡
the seven spears were a real group in japan most of them betrayed their master and ended up serving tokugawa
> The Seven Spears of Shizugatake (賤ヶ岳の七本槍 Shizugatake no shichi-hon-yari) were mounted bodyguards for Toyotomi Hideyoshi at the battle of Shizugatake in 1583. At the decisive moment in the battle, Hideyoshi ordered them to leave the position and charge at the opposing army of Katsuie Shibata. After Hideyoshi gained control of Japan, many of the members were promoted to Daimyō. Oh neat
>>782624 is not oneshot but nearly yeah and imp projectiels prolly have highest dmg compared to their hp pool even on hard they 4 shot you from full armour if you take it face first
also remember rule 1 of any singlep layer fps or pve NO CROSSHAIR
Kirara 🍄🤡
if you strike me down i shall become more powerful than you can imagine
Justl ike in any fps game my greatest enemy is my stupidity >you think they'd hide somethin heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee splat >I wonder how explosive these barrels aBOOOM >I wonder if I dive into that horde of possessed can I melee them all >did grenades do damage to self?
>>782635 it is fun how they didn't make enemies any stronger imps can still be one shot with a point blank shotgun I hate games where difficulty is donew ith bulletsponge enemies
>>782636 the best difficulty changes are done deliberately and manually like rearranging enemy placement or having better AI God tier difficulty changes have changes to the plot itself that make the game harder like having an ally betray you
Having custom difficulty settings as a postgame is really cool and I wish more games had it Like letting the player rack up everyones damage or set their own hp to zero
yeah but if you have plasma rifle ammo and haven't gotten the gauss cannon then you might as well use it. The aoe is useful in swarm situations as well
Objectively, I gotta say the basic shotgun with the fully upgraded grenades is prolly the best weapon in the game after that the assault rifle with micromissiles and then supershotgun
dmg, range, efficiency, how many enemies they are good against and so on and ammo usage
the rocketlauncehr is just bit of a meh which dissappointed me it doesn't have enough dmg per shot
gauss gun is way better when you need to deal with anything big chaingun is damn good, but it eats ammo and is only really usable in the turret mode which removes your mobility >>782655 it is good against anything flying and when you want to hit decvently from afar summoners are good targets for it, with the lock on feature
The assault rifle is my favorite.
>>782653 Rocketlauncher doesn't do nearly enough damage Chaingun is cool but suffers from the windup
i've been considering alternative career paths. i'm thinking about computer science/whatever computer bullshit. but i remember someone once telling me "nooo EVERYONE is doing comp sci so the market is gonna be saturated soon and you'll never get a job: " also i fear that i spend 2 years taking long classes with nerds and hanging out with them, i will slowly become a nerd myself
I hate this one you can't do death from above to hell knights without double jump well you can, but you need to have a box or something to do the jump from
yeah I don't remember it happening either makes switching weapons fucking annying >switch to ss >go back to rifle >have to swap to tactizoom and then missiles inorder to fight >3-5 seconds of just watching animations that can't be inetntional maybe it will fix itself when I continue
>>782854 Maybe it was added in their most recent update on steam to encourage you to buy it again on the bethesda online gaming platform
>>782855 it shows that I have something equipped when I have my inventory open btu when ever I go to SS and then switch to a weapon with 2 add ons it has forgotten which one I last had on
this didn't hapen before and if this was an "update" then it is a shitty one and just makes using super shotgun a huge pain in the ass before you get the "switch addons quickly" perk
>did you like switching between weapons quickly? >well FUCK YOU whenever you switch to supershotgun, we fuck you over >have fun
but if that is a new "feature", I will have to rebound my weapon keys and rethink most encounters since I can't switch to and from SS anymore, as that will fuck over any other weapon I have. SS has to be a finisher weapon in any encounter and never opener
>>782901 hmm the story was very nice and enjoyable in the third act of the game, i had access to more attacks so the combat became more interesting but it took far too long for the gameplay to get fun there weren't enough boss fights but the bosses there were there were fun
yeh, but it is quite silly it only has half damage also the game looks damn silly, when it is clear it originally was ment to have dismemberment strikes for humanoids but then they got removed >>782906 eh, maybe it is like force unleashed doesn't make sense, except within its own story
it is established as canon with the movies though so it should make sense why doesn't cal show up later in movies??? shouldn't he have heard of luke and been involved in the new jedi order??? and cere
>>782910 Yeah we've been getting squall warnings today too. It's cold and a little blustery but honestly only a centimetre or two of snowfall. Maybe the squalls hurried off south
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>782911 that's a pretty massive copout for a guy that killed an Inquisitor, beat another Inquisitor, killed or defeated a fallen jedi master, and survived a prolonged encounter with Vader. he's probably not dead
>>782909 Well they couldn't really retroactively add them into the original trilogy, and from what I've been hearing about RoS they can't even seem to make the trilogy itself all that coherent. Canon is hard when there's too many cooks in the kitchen.
>>782913 >that's a pretty massive copout Yeah, welcome to Disney's Star Wars.
tho biggest flaw from the LP i have been watching, is that the cast is just meh only the robot is truly likeable, and that is damn good companion design
>>782923 I'm looking forward to your opinion on the new one.
Kirara 🍄🤡
my opinion on the new one won't change my opinion on the last two ive been expecting the new one to be bad
>>782953 I remember when the TFA trailers dropped I was so excited for them Like wow look at these cool designs. A group of Lukes apprentices turned by the dark side that sounds really interesting And maybe you could have had scenes in tfa or tlj with Kylo being friends with them and treating them like his comrades in evil and then in TRS you could have an emotional scene where he has to turn them away
Then nothing fucking happens
I really enjoy Star Wars discourse it's fun to talk about wasted potential
>>782965 they should have just done the Sith Jar Jar story arc it would have been the perfect reveal They could have done fake leaks before the release showing the emperor Then Rey and Kylo walk up the steps, they see a big chair, it swivels around to face them "were yousa expecting de emperor? "
Kirara 🍄🤡
yousa do understanda what it isa yousa do. the empire isa necessary.
it's an endurance contest that gets engrained into your blood you very much play keep away with that boy, he has many attacks that are unsafe and some safe attacks have less safe follow ups and that gets worse with each deathblow it's good you have the suzaku umbrella because the buddha attack in phase 2 is fucking awful
Do you think it's worth grinding xp just to get a few extra spirit emblems? it would only go from 17 to 20 But that's like... an Extra umbrella use could come in clutch.
>>782998 Yeah but don't you want to see the chaos unfold.
>>783045 Come strike me down. Send more mods, take my head if you can
>>783046 The only reason I'm not reporting your post is thatbI *that I really don't want to bother moon and don't want to irritate rika Well actually I don't really care about bothering rika or sam Sam knows I abuse the report system
>>783056 I often report people for puns and in the comment field put "impersonating hazy".
>>783058 wow I'm shocked Wulf hasn't just banned you out of annoyance
>>783059 I think he's said I abuse the report system the most. I used to report posts I wanted him to see when he wasn't on aanand put messages in tge comment field.
Although when I reported that nasty shit LV posted earlier I forgot to put a note about it actually being horribly inappropriate. It was a couple of pictures of woman's labia with a bunch of piercings or holes or something laced shut.
LET THE RECORD SHOW I am mostly a good poster when I can help it
>>783062 I wouldn't know I can't really tell anons apart that wll *well
yeah you anons all look the same
Although I'm a bit better now that jan uses a name because I can rule him out Wait actually Maybe not Since I was often able to identify him. Anyways tilde is the one I can identify the most easily from writing style rather than context clues.
>>783189 we did it the nightmare is over bit of a slog on Nightmare tbh I'd probably have enjoyed replaying it on the next difficulty down
But boy is it satisfying to be stuck on the same arena for an hour and you finally get it and you're like a wild animal at the end you got those primap instincts still pumping rip and tear mother fucker kill kill kill
i had a dream this morning that i was going into surgery to get my appendix removed but the anesthesia didn't work so i was awake but unfortunately i woke up for real just as things were getting good and im still in this shitty life instead
my bt keyboard keeps stuffing up that or my bluetooth itself is stuffing up >>783251 I think so oh no wait it's a horse >>783253 yeah I guess it served it's purpose I kind of wanted him to go more in depth though
is she a zebra
Kirara 🍄🤡
are you
>>783250 it was ok. it wasn't especially exciting but it's not meant to be that guy usually goes around and films old abandoned malls and other urban decay. i think that kind of stuff is pretty interesting. i dont think it works as well for the park but it still tells the story i guess, and there's the surrealness of walking through it in the modern day.
there were some comments on the page from people who lived near/in that park in an earlier day where it was beautiful and people lived there and stuff, but the government didnt want people living there so forced everyone out. so now nobody takes care of it and it's all trashed out.
i think i like his dead mall series better though. >>783252 not that i recall
yea i wanna watch cats too prefwrably on a large dose of psychedelics
it'll be bad
weird how regardless of your height, everyone deadlifts the bar from the same height off the ground like there should be a thing so tall people don't have to bend as low or to make short people bend further
transcription job done time for DIGITAL THERAPEUUUUTICS i should make a self surgery app and start a medtech company
bro this next generation is about to be so healthy drugs arent cool anymore nobody drinks soda or eats junk food being fit is cool everybody cares about their appearance because of social media people are getting exercise from their coop tiktok dances and such
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
can't wait to get old and complain that 7/11 discontinued the Big Gulp
>>783273 yeah but their microenvirons are traaaashed they worried about gettin fucked but they been fuckin themselves all along
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
what's a microenviron the surface of their gamer chair? the bacterial carnival on their skin?
>>783276 sure both and everything in between more often these days the issue is there's no ecology where there should be but whatevs parents dont want their kids to eat dirt tho
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
yknow what my micro environ is a t shirt that's been worn for 3 days and a dying potted plant
Live in a pile of filth and develop superb immunity system
absolutely hibisculous unacceptable
btw superb is a superb word it is so delightful to say just try saying iit superb
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>783280 well let's see her uhh it's got um wood yea lots of like little wood bits that split off into more wood bits and uh there's a carpet of dead leaves
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>783284 you know what else is fun to say? MAGICAL MISTER MISTOFFELEES
serious question what's the weirdest H-thing that popular normie culture (like on twitter) is likely to know about, at least somewhat? im thinking probably like futa or something right
>>783299 that's been around for literal centuries though. that's kind of mainstream
it kind of lacks organic context. like if somebody on the internet makes a reference to anime tentacle porn, that's probably more likely to come from the normie culture since it's so ubiquitous does that make sense
>>783300 Well it's not futa, cause transexual porn has been around for a while in the west too Although technically futa are not transexual
>>783301 uhh let me put it this way if there were a news article with the word futa in the title, people on twitter would probably be somewhat familiar with that terminology and concept yeah or would there be something else that would transplant that better
>>783302 Hrrrrrmmmm Yeah but because there's a mainstream western equivalent I wouldn't consider it the weirdest.
Probably ahegao.
At the very least people would recognize if they saw it, even if they couldn't name it.
>>783303 is that really substantive content though? like you can have a futa doujin or a yuri doujin but ahegao doujin doesn't make so much sense >>783306 i didnt, but im just thinking about it now.
I had to sneeze and cough at the same time and I ended up clamping down on the side of my tongue because of the two muscle motions. Shit sucks.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
this year i learned: doing a sneeze when you just recently had surgery that breached your abdominal wall is painful my body learned very quickly how to suppress the sneeze before it could even do things i wish i still had that power
>>783350 well do you follow the audio studio jingle drama?
>>783351 No Here's your links Visual studio is a very famous IDE
I am not gonna read that all I am asking for is a tldr
>>783353 Some oversensitive Jew got really butthurt that there was a Santa hat icon in some part of the software and complained about ut on github. Microsoft removed the santa hat from its software. Then a bunch of people are filing similar error reports about other symbols, like one of them looks like a buddhist symbol, or this looks like a dead bug do you know how many bugs have been killed And finally "this gear is a capitalist symbol, do you know how many millions of people have been killed by capitalism".
I think the gear might have been removed though.
Oh I forgot to mention he linked the santa hat to genocide
dancer dances desperately moments before disaster strikes
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
i played TF2 a bit this morning and man that is some nostalgia but also i did not appreciate how incredibly jank this game is, till i played OW
>>783360 Yeah but Actual different weapons And mods Don't forget hats
Also Fuck Blizzard.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
yeah im not very happy with bliz i do enjoy the personalities of the TF2 nine so much more than the disney esque ow heroes altho it being all dudes is kinda jarring
this girl i kind of know asked me to take care of her cats while she's away so i went in her house for the first time and it was a nightmare so messy food, empty bowls in her bed every table, covered in trash also when i tried to leave, the front door wouldn't open??? it took me three minutes to open it i got stressed out a little because i was trapped iin this cursed house and turned more lights on, and then the door finally opened
I had this legitimately insane lady come into my store last night. She was convinced this secret society of "thugs" has invaded all the service industry low-level positions like at bank branches, grocery stores, bookstores, the manpower part of subway stations, etc. And that these thugs were using the infrastructure of the places they infiltrated to facilitate sex trafficking, drug selling/smuggling, murder, and various other crimes. Her evidence was that she'd found recently a lot of new people working these positions that had usurped the "old guard" as she called it and that she could tell they were obviously thugs on sight (I later learned she'd instantly assumed one of my Asian co-workers elsewhere in the store was a sex-trafficked girl or thug and had been berating her about it so the Thug/Old Guard thing was probably a bit of insanity-fueled racism more than anything). Oh yeah she was also convinced this invasion of thugs was some kind of God-sent punishment on Western society and seemed to legitimately believe that r -that it was God's Chosen that would survive this catastrophe.
During her lengthy ramblings (she was at my cash for like ten or fifteen minutes) she kind of slipped in that she'd recently been taken off her mental health diagnosis assistance after being diagnosed for sixteen years but honestly whoever made that decision is a real dumbfuck This lady was clearly in need of some manner of help.
>>783371 How do yo u know if you're a thug or not? Maybe we're already thugs but we've been indoctrinated and we don't even realize that we're sex trafficking?
No she was convinced I was one of the good ones. I don't think she ascribed me her Old Guard status but she did say she didn't think me one of the thugs.
Honestly what's probably happened is she's encountered a lot of new unskilled entry-level workers lately since it's holidays and ALL those service-industry places she believes infiltrated have just taken on a lot of new hires that don't necessarily know all the ropes or do things too close to the book. But through the craziness of her mind it's become some secret invasion that's gonna destroy the foundations of society as we know it.
my favorite australian scientist and inventor has created a fabulous new device to prevent men from having illicit thoughts i urge you all to check it out >>>/watch?v=FN8bSMTXJUY
>>783381 it's a funny video mate i assure you he is a funny man
I've got to work Christmas Eve which might be kind of eugh with people doing last minute gift rushes. But maybe
they'll have been sensible gift getters and it won't be that busy.
i'm working on christmas eve as well which should be fun i expect people will be very drunk if they're making a last minute stop at 7-11 before christmas >>783380 watch that video i linked he does a cool yiddish dance
Kirara 🍄🤡
i will watch later
>>783379 I remember watching this tv show about product testers (not real products) and one of the products they tested was a device that shocked you whenever you got an erection. They were tricked into putting on and wre nnot told what it was.
yeah I just lost all feeling of playing doom I can't switch to my favourite weapon whenever I am in close quarter range and back to another because it will force me to switch on atleast one weapon mod to some weapon inorder to enable them to all weapons
so basically