Ahiru no Sora Assassins Pride Babylon BokuBen Choyoyu Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy GranBlue Fantasy Honsuki no Gekokujou Kabukicho Sherlock Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 14-15 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Special 7 - Special Crime Investigation Unit Val x Love Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi de tte Itta yo ne!
--Fall 2019 Bem Joshikousei no Mudazukai Episode 11-12 UchiMusume Episode 11-12
It's probably going to be a little difficult for Moon to be around for anime for a while yet. I do wish we had more people to watch stuff with. Maybe it's about time I pester Ika again and see if he's interested in watching anime again.
It kind of feels to me that he's the most cynical of all the sempai team members. Or at least the most comfortable with the current status quo. His blonde twin at least seems to have been a little inspired by the MC's gusto.
The three punks'll probably fold once blondie gets fully captured by the spirit.
I don't really have great depth perception. Though I guess I'm okay with depth, but volume is really not something I can gauge well with my eyes.
is there anything on the docket tonight that might be suitable for a tagalong
Hm. GranBlue is pretty easy to follow along but it might be kind of uninteresting to someone without familiarity with the game. Val x Love is kind of ecchi but has some cute characters.
WataNoryu is definitely palatable, very cute and fun.
I personally found Choyoyu to be really dry generic isekai but maybe that's not a problem for a tagalong.
Val Love was an enjoyable show though, but yeah, it's maybe a bit much for someone who's not too into anime, hah hah.
Personally I really want to look into Kabukicho Sherlock, it looks kind of zany and weird and I believe Kirara really enjoyed the first episode of it. But from what I understand about it, it might also fall into a bit of a "Really weird" category that's poorly suited to a broad appeal category.
That tiny race is really bad at being intimidating. He tries to be a snide bully and just looks kind of dweeby.
It feels a little weird hearing Vira speak such polite words. She gets portrayed a lot as a bit of a crazy person so it's conflicting with my mental image of her.
Plus they really can't wear capes and look half reasonable. They've got shoulders too broad compared to their height, their capes either have to brush the ground or just look like silly mantles.
Oh she's slightly baring her yandere teeth for Katalina now.
that steki looks good
More of a roasuto biifu, right? Does look quite tasty though, yeah. I haven't had roast beef in a while.
It's nice they all get to dress up for this banquet. I'm pretty sure the story arc in-game just had their usual costume sprites.
this actually follows the game huh?
More or less. GranBlue has a pretty thorough story for a mobage so it's easy to adapt the plot parts into story scenes like this. They've tweaked some things here and there, including kind of cutting out an entire character's introduction arc ... for some reason, and just have her kind of stalking the main party. But most of the anime's faithful to the game's plot.
It'll be awhile yet before we see Vira's true face.
I think she'll go a bit crazy soon enough. It's been a while since I played the Albion arc of the game but I think she goes a bit yandere before they fight the Primal Beast.
Oh yeah I really liked Katalina's casual wear. The sleeveless turtleneck is stylish.
pretty music though
>>758332 One of the two main composers for GranBluei s Nobuo Uematsu, who's best known for all the classic Final Fantasy game OSTs. So they've got some pretty solid talent making the music for this series.
GranBlue kind of consistently has really solid aesthetic values. Gorgeous character sprites and character design, detailed monster design, some amazing music composition. Unfortunately the actual gameplay is just absolutely HORRIBLE. It's such a waste of aesthetic quality it makes me kind of mad hah hah
Time to see if my theory of scaling fanservice ends up being true.
he got teef
He looks kind of roughish but he's a sweet soul.
the girls seem to have some cute outfits i wish they'd wear them more often in the op
It'll probably be a bit of flavour of the week for a bit; with an episode giving each girl a chance in the limelight. Blondie seems like the main heroine so she was the focus last week.
I kind of feel this guy's anxiety though. It's really easy for my worries about being perceived around people to overwhelm me. Even something as petty as running a bit late can make it hard for me to leave the house.
im downloading episode one now i'll check it out after we're done tonight seems okay
It's a bit like an old-fashioned battle harem with a side of ecchi fanservice. I'm a bit worried as the antagonistic threats build the fanservice might scale up too and become a bit tasteless. But as long as it doesn't get too out of hand it'll probably be fun.
hensuki was a bit of a letdown this looks like it might pan out better
Wow, rude.
She really needs to not be so aggressive with a sensitive guy like him.
Yeah I don't really know. I guess you can throw them without concern at that point.
Looks like she's kind of Unlimited Blade Works-ing them though. Though more like Limited Blade Works, hah hah. If she can make more swords as she gets stronger though then maybe eventually she can Unlimited Blade Works them.
She bit off more than she can chew. Though it's kind of an absurd system in the first place.
you can't just give anyone a headpat it's a really private space!
Oh we've got our first midboss too. He kind of looks like a bit of a mess.
this is korean huh? lot of korean names at least in the creds
I'm pretty sure it's a Japanese series. It's probably just an outsourced studio.
japanese animation studio too hmmm
Well it's not uncommon for a lot of seasonal anime to have a "main" studio that gets its name in the foucs, and hten -then some times one or two outsourced studios to help with the workload. Those studios these days seem to pretty commonly be Korean or Thai, judging from the names I see. I think it's extremely rare that the main studio isn't Japanese though.
looks like we'll have a new friend tagging along on thursday presumably
Ah that's exciting to hear. We'll probably have an assortment of things to pick from by Thursday. Though that's also Azur Lane night and that'll be a bit weird for someone unfamiliar with the game, hah hah.
it should be fine we don't have to do anything out of the ordinary just one or two good shows should be fine
A lot of the girls in this show are pretty cute. That's about the best compliment I have for it.
>>758381 Yeah I understand. Azur Lane is just one of those more inflexible things we're watching right now.
I just like planning and scheduling, don't feel like it's making problems or anything. I'm just having fun.
lmao what is this haha what the hell
It's some good-natured CAPITALISM!
how was beastars
I really liked the first episode, but I did go in expecting it to be fun. The studio really uses the 3D CGI to a skillful effect though, having the characters be really expressive not just with their face like normal anime, but using the full array of body language as they're talking in the scenes.
It might feel a bit weird since all the characters are anthropomorphic animals but the series takes the world it exists in seriously and handles the very inhuman problem of herbivores and carnivores trying to co-exist in a society in a very human manner. I think it's an interesting series.
It's basically just him convincing independent merchants to work for him. I guess it's a better deal than what they've been getting from the mercantile trading companies that existed beforehand.
im pretty sure doing this is how you convince the guilds to break you on the wheel and/or behead you im pretty sure that's what happens
Yeah, in a more realistic society. These kids would probably weasel out of any threat along those lines though.
Oh now they're selling their "new" culinary invention, mayonnaise.
I kind of want a really developed trading company sim game like what they're doing here. The only one I think I've ever really seen along those lines is the The Guild series but those games have such awful UX that I can't figure out how to do anything in them.
it's hard to believe they don't have mayonnaise yet it's hardly a modern invention
Egg and oil. That would make you the most basic of mayonnaise that probably wouldn't be the most amazing flavour-wise but would provide you with the preservation of the egg that makes mayonnaise valuable.
egg an fat yeah bit of lemon to brighten it and salt
__ the story i know, and i guess it might not be true, is mayo was an important part of hannibal's tour through the carthage mountains to keep all the food from spoiling that would have been over 2000 years ago i mean, they knew about pickling at that time, so they just took all their spoilable food like eggs and stuff, mashed it up and poured vinegar in it to keep it preserved
__ this red girl is cute already i can't see the other two
>>758406 it // ehh oh well not anything meaningful to contribute afterall
It's probably splitting hairs a bit, eh. Either way fantasy worlds are weird some times.
this is a cute op >>758409 that last show just feels like "uhh we dont know how to write 'greatest X' so let's just give them a fantasy world that is easily exploitable"
>>758422 im okay right now ive gone completely off all my meds, so im slowly returning to my old normal self
probably for the better meds made me weird
Oh she's got better control than I thought she would. I expected her absurd power levels to just have her blast it apart. Though she's still too perfect despite that.
>>758428 She looks like she was in high school when she got TRUCK'd so if she's twelve-years-old right now she was probably a bit older. So maybe a little more developed.
The brown-haired cleric-y girl seems to be a little bit conniving. Reina at least is just interested in Mile because POWER. And the swordswoman just doesn't care she's too good-hearted.
this is pretty cool
Yeah it's a comfy fantasy world. Must be relaxing.
>>758423 as long as you feel comfortable with the change, then good! gonna stop interrupting the anime thread now
>>758438 you're good man, not interrupting anything thanks for dropping in the other thread slows down a bit during anime so you're always welcome to hang out here
so im guessing the first episode was just a setup to explain she's trying to hide being an otaku? or what's the deal
She died and got isekai'd into this world. The god that isekai'd her would grant her one wish she wanted, and because of her intelligence and studious nature in Japan, she ended up being kind of a weirdo loner without any friends. So her wish was "I want to just have average abilities so I can make friends". But the isekai god kind of Genie'd her wish and gave her the perfect average abilities of ALL the creatures in this world, including the absurdly powerful ones. So compared to normal humans she's got insane magic and strength.
>>758452 Yeah, sorry, that's a better way of putting it.