Nanatsu no Taizai Ahiru no Sora Assassins Pride Babylon Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy Hataage! Kemono Michi Honzuki no Gekokujou Houkago Saikoro Club Kabukicho Sherlock Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 14-15 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Ore wo Suki nano wa Omae dake ka yo Special 7 - Special Crime Investigation Unit
--Summer 2019 Joshikousei no Mudazukai Episode 11-12 UchiMusume Episode 11-12
what subs for nanatsu? i dont see horriblesubs rip
Chyuu. Nanatsu got picked up by Netflix really early on so it's subject to their usual "Release things in seasons" shtick. Kind of like Carole & Tuesday or Little Witch or Kakegurui.
I've always found it a little weird since Netflix has shown they're perfectly willing to do weekly release (They did so with Violet Evergarden), but they consistently don't with every other anime they pick up.
There's a really funny spoiler I'm aware of from way down the road. It comes at the end of the long battle against the Ten Commandments though, so I doubt we'll get to see it even if this new season runs two-cour too.
Oh wait I'm familiar with some other stuff that we might get to though. There's some interesting twists.
Nothing good comes from dealing with demons!
Kid's got spunk though. Though I dunno if farmerfolk can really do much against even just a couple demons.
this thing looks really funny
Yeah a lot of the demon mooks are kinda more silly-looking than actually menacing.
This is the episode where everybody gets to show off
It's a good way to bring the viewers back up to speed on who's who.
i appreciate it since im not gonna go back to watch everything that's happened
Oh yeah the restaurant got totally trashed at the end of the last series. >>759205 Yeah, it's definitely useful. I'm pretty good at keeping plot details in mind so it's not much for me but there's definitely smaller things that I can always use the re-prompt.
Yeah, looks like you were right tilde. He's managed to win blondie over.
People totally come to enjoy something if they keep eating at it. That's what happens when parents just constantly push their kids to eat their greens!
Yeah that probably hurt a good bit.
Oh the punks from last episode have come back to bite him.
Hah hah he's trying to act tough again. You'd think he'd learn his lesson by now.
well at least he wasn't alone in getting beat up that time too bad the afro guy wasn't there with em
Afro would have probably bailed on them at first sign of it being an unfair fight, with how he currently is.
What can one man do in the face of such absolute OPTIMISM.
These dweebs better not be making challenges they can't keep. If they think this kid isn't
What the fuck.
Poor girls.
For all the delinquents at this school this guy is surprisingly bishounen.
>>759239 On strictly known targets, or do bounties extend to unknown persons too? This is a realm I'm pretty unfamiliar with so I'm definitely ignorant here.
there's bounties on information related to cases too if you have meaningful information there's sometimes cash rewards
Wow so it's a traditional Holmes and Watson set-up. That's a little charming.
>>759240 Kabuki-cho is a very weird part of Tokyo. These kinds of folks would be pretty at home in it.
>>759242 Yeah, I'm familiar with information bounties. It's mostly just the act of assigning an unknown person as a target for a bounty that feels a bit weird to me.
Especially because of stuff like that. The glasses dude just erased all her text messages, presumably because it would give him an edge.
well that's a separate crime in itself
Hah hah hah He's being pretty Sherlock-y. This author has captured the asinine eccentricity of Holmes pretty well.
Pft That wasn't the alibi I was expecting there. I'm always fond of the use of an inferior detective to show where deduction goes wrong.
Oh he's going to regale us with the solution in Rakugo, eh. That's a neat trick.
>>759248 It's a bit removed from the addiction-driven quirks of Holmes' classic personality but I think the author's substituted in good replacements for it.
you've probably read most of the original works huh
Not recently, but yeah. My dad has this hardback of all the stories Doyle wrote that he got from his family as a kid.
it's pretty hard to find a satisfying serialization i tend to kind of let go of those expectations in adaptations a lot
bbc is probably the most egregious but it's still pretty entertaining i think i make a lot of fun of it though because it's so bad
Wow he just killed Sherlock.
>>759255 I think they picked good actors for the modern BBC rendition. I've got an overal soft spot for Martin Freeman though I guess, hah hah The visuals they used in the earlier episodes were really neat too, to demonstrate how Sherlock focused on aspects.
>>759257 same, martin freeman is a qtpie the show's pretty fun even though it sins both modern storytelling practices and also the original material so much
a lot of it's not even excusable, but because it's bbc and not hollywood, i dont think anyone really cares. it doesn't take itself as seriously
Also it's got a hot male lead that distracts people from the actual content going on.
It looks like this show leans on the side of detective fiction too, much like most of what Doyle wrote. I'm personally more fond of "solveable" mysteries but detective fiction can be fun too. If the author doesn't have to think too hard on how to make a mystery make sense they can focus instead on making the writing snappy and engaging. Which I think was one of Doyle's strengths.
Yeah, the theme of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde seems to apply to all of the characters.
That kind of adds extra weight to all the repetition we've been seeing so far too. It's easy to interpret it as comedy but it makes all the more sense when you realize it's just a pattern he set up for every one to use.
Hah hah wow he's gone full douchebag.
Yeah like I said earlier though, Sun-chan is the one guy Joro has actually consistently liked.
Sun-chan seems to be the worst out of everyone too.
He seems like a prettyboy that's let that get to his head a bit much. An egotistical teen. Not that it makes him particularly better. Just understable.
Pany's personality is quite strange. It's hard to tell what kind of girl she really is.
Seems like she's earnest about liking Joro. Doesn't seem really all that masochistic though. Maybe she likes someone like him that she can match sharp tongues with.
Their friend circle is kinda destroyed by all this too.
I wonder where things will go from here.
Well it looks like Himawari at least is back to wanting to be friends with Joro. And I bet he'll be back to helping Cosmos with the student council stuff by next episode. Him and Sun-chan seem to be on equal terms too. These two girls and their feelings for Sun-chan are probably what got messed with the most though. He pretty much toyed with them and used them. They'd have to be pretty vapid to maintain the same level of affection for him after something like that.
Yeah there's a couple weird things about it. Like it would be easy to say she likes Joro because, as a bit of an internal asshole himself, he's likely to accept the internal asshole in her. But in their first meeting she says she fell in love because of how earnest he was in his best friendship for Sun-chan. And he was just ogling her chest. So there's a pure nature to her in that. But she's also an intense stalker which is less pure and more devotion.
I can't actually tell that she has an internal asshole. She's played a lot of chess with everybody but she's also been very straightforward about saying nice things. And she's not really acted rotten at all with Joro.
i forgot to get uchi 11 i think im gonna check out for now anyway sorry
thanks for anime
It's okay, thanks for being along for the time being.
>>759290 Do you want to do something else instead? >>759293 Ah, okay.
you can watch uchi without me that's 100% okay
I was Chuubyou or Mairimashita! but it's fine, yeah.
I was thinking them, even.
It's kind of a little weird for your friend to make a necklace out of your broken horn. And then call it a treasure.
>>759290 I think she does have a bit of one. Those moments from early on where she was chewing him out with a sharp tongue and pushing buttons. I mean it's flirty and mischevious but I don't think that conflicts with being a bit of an asshole. I think everyone's got a bit of one they like to bully people with, even if affectionately.
It could also be that because of how devoted she is, she likes Joro because she knows that ultimately despite how he can be a weasel at times, he'll always be kind to those he cares about.
Apparently this series gets kind of Usagi Drop-y in the later arcs.
hmm Which was was Usagi Drop? The name is familiar but that's all.
An adult guy takes in his grandfather's illegitimate young daughter (so technically his biological step-aunt) and it's kind of a growing series for both of them. But in the later bits when she's a teenager and young adult she really develops the hots for her adopted dad. And the last one or two chapters concludes on him agreeing to be in a relationship with her.
The parallels between it and this series should be pretty clear, hah hah.